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Chapter 797: Two Stupid Thieves

Cheng Yu exchanged a martial art in the system mall without saying a word. He was not in a hurry to use it immediately. After all, the martial arts lasted only a limited time. He quietly stood behind the wooden door.

The door bolt was moved little by little, and finally it was opened. Cheng Yu only felt that Cheng Fu and his two accomplices were really stupid. This is the only room in the entire Yao Village with lights at night. If you

It's okay to break in directly, but you actually come here to imitate others and pull the door bolt. Isn't this the time to prepare for the people in the house? Do you still hope that the people in the house will not notice the movement of the door bolt?

The wooden door was pushed open a crack, and Cheng Yu, who was standing by the door, saw a pair of sneaky eyes looking in.

A deep voice rang out: "You should go in quickly. You must be sick. There is no one in the room. You can't see anything!"

The owner of those eyes retorted dissatisfied: "What if there is still someone in the house?"

"The old man and the old woman have already gone to the ancestral hall. Who else is in this room? Moreover, even if there is someone in the room, we have been pushing the door bolt for a long time. Do you think that the person in the room is dead? A little bit.

Can't even notice it? Hurry up, get in quickly!"

Before he finished speaking, the wooden door was pushed open, and the person in front was pushed in by the person behind.

Cheng Yu took a quick glance and found that there were only two of them, and "Qin Chuan" was not among them.

Cheng Yu frowned slightly and thought to himself, where is Mr. Cheng?

After the two of them came in, they were shocked to see a person actually standing behind the door.

Cheng Yu stopped talking nonsense to them and directly chose to use martial arts. It was almost a face-to-face matter, and Cheng Yu had easily subdued these two guys.

They were so vulnerable that Cheng Yu simply doubted that even without using martial arts, he could defeat these two people with his current muscle memory. Of course, it would not be as easy as now, and the designation would have to go back and forth.

A few times.

After throwing away these two guys, Cheng Yu immediately rushed out of the house and looked around, but found no sign of Cheng Fu.

Unless Cheng Fu also used some kind of hiding ability at this time, with Cheng Yu's physical fitness, eyesight and hearing after using martial arts, there is no possibility for ordinary people to hide it.

There's a high probability that it's just these two people.

He didn't know how long it would take for Ji Manzi and the old lady to come back, but it was too late anyway. Cheng Yu didn't have the heart to worry about the ten points at this time. He directly redeemed another hypnosis spell in the system mall and chose to use it.

Afterwards, he kicked a guy who he had just knocked unconscious to wake up.

Then, hypnosis came into play, and Cheng Yu asked in a deep voice: "What's your name?"


"What's his name? What's the relationship between you two?"

"His name is Zheng Bin, he is my cousin."

"Where is there another person among you? The one named Qin Chuan."

"We knocked him unconscious and tied him up in a room above."

Knocked out? Cheng Yu was stunned for a moment. Then he understood that this was probably a gangster attack. It's just that these two guys were too impatient and hadn't found anything yet. They were already cheated. You were waiting for something.

Once you get it, sell it to your accomplices!

"What is your relationship with Qin Chuan?"

"He was the one who hosted us when our brothers ran away to Wudong before. He came to us two days ago and said that he had a business deal that he wanted to do with us. He said that there was a treasure in this village and that after selling it, there would be less

He said it was worth one or two million, so we came with him."

"Where did you and your cousin meet Qin Chuan?"

"I was in Fangchenggang, and Zheng Bin was in his hometown in Hunan. The main reason was that Qin Chuan said that this deal might be a bit dangerous and wanted to bring some guys with him. He knew that we had guys. But we were out of bullets, so I came to Fangchenggang first.

, I went to buy bullets from someone I had hung out with before. Qin Chuan went to pick up Zheng Bin, who took the guy with him, and then went to Fangcheng Port to pick me up. Then the three of us came here together. "

Cheng Yu finally understood. Cheng Fu got off the high-speed train in Wuhan and rented a car. He did not meet anyone in Wuhan. Then he picked up Zheng Bin who had a gun on the way. Zheng Bin and this guy named Ding Qi were probably either

They couldn't drive, or they didn't even have enough money to rent a car. Anyway, they couldn't bring guns to Fangcheng Port directly. So Ding Qi came alone, found someone to get the bullets, and waited for Cheng Fu to pick up Zheng Bin and then go to Fangcheng Port.

Hit the head.

It seems that these two people are really useless. They probably don't even know what they are going to do on this trip to Fangchenggang. Cheng Fu may not know whether the base is worth it. He just feels that the back crown disappears.

For a long time, the secrets in it were not discovered. Maybe the base could play a big role, so I lied to these two people that the base was worth one or two million. But they accidentally said that there was nothing wrong with it, and then put these two people together.

People were deceived.

The reason why he deceived these two people was probably for the guns in their hands. After all, if it was Cheng Fu's previous identity, it would not be that difficult to obtain firearms. But now, as Qin Chuan, he only

We can start from Qin Chuan's past memories. But we didn't expect that these two brothers were too impatient and dark-hearted. They didn't even know what the thing looked like and they actually attacked Fu Cheng.

Master Cheng must have missed the mark.

A pistol with almost smooth rifling was found from Ding Qi. When he removed the magazine, he saw that there were only eight bullets in it. These two grandsons were really poor. They didn’t even have enough money to buy bullets, but they had only one bullet.

The folders are not even full.

Cheng Yu conveniently stuffed the gun into his lower back and said, "Put him on your back and take me to the house where you tied up Qin Chuan."

Under the influence of hypnosis, Ding Qi obviously had no willpower at all, so he naturally carried out Cheng Yu's order without any obstacles, carried Zheng Bin behind him, and then led Cheng Yu out.


While Cheng Yu was interrogating Ding Qi, the rain surprisingly stopped, which saved Cheng Yu unnecessary trouble.

Ding Qi carried Zheng Bin on his back and led Cheng Yu up the bluestone steps step by step. He didn't go far before he turned to the left and soon stood at the door of a dilapidated low house.

Cheng Yu suddenly remembered something and asked, "The person who brought you to this village is a local. Who is that person related to?"

"It's that kid from Qin Chuan. How could we know where the treasure is? If we knew, nothing would happen to Qin Chuan."

Cheng Yu nodded and asked, "Where is that person?"

"Then the grandson was responsible for leading the way and took us to the village. It was too late and we stayed one night. He got the money and left this morning. He no longer lives here, and he is the only one left in the family.

It's his ancestral house, and it's leaking everywhere."

Cheng Yu can understand. It is estimated that Cheng Fu gave the man a sum of money to lead the way, and if it weren't for this incident, that man might not return to this Yao village again until his death. Therefore, even if he knew that Cheng Fu

The purpose of waiting for others was the base, and he had no intention of protecting the treasure. But when he saw the strange appearance of these three people and the guns in their hands, they were completely desperadoes, so he completely gave up the idea of ​​​​taking a piece of the pie and took it.

As soon as he had enough money to lead the way, he left.

He followed Ding Qi into the house, but he didn't see Cheng Fu, that is, Qin Chuan, as he expected.

Ding Qi also muttered: "He was tied to the legs of this bed, why is he gone?"

Cheng Yu turned on the flash of his mobile phone and took a look. The broken bed was an old thing from who knows how long ago. No one had lived in this house for many years, and the wood had long been corroded. Of course Cheng Fu was tied up in it.

It was on the bed legs, but with a little struggle, the bed legs and the bed frame were detached. Cheng Fu only had to stand up straight to pull the rope out of the top of the bed legs.

Oops, no, Master Cheng ran away. He wouldn't go to Ji Manzi's place, right? If that happened, the old man and the old lady would be in some danger.

If Cheng Fu was here, Cheng Yu had no intention of going back to Ji Manzi's side. He would just kill Cheng Fu and let the two men carry his body. He didn't use hypnosis and just held them with guns.

The two of them had to be obedient and take Cheng Fu, that is, Qin Chuan's body, to the mountain to find a place to bury it. After that, it didn't matter what they did with it. They helped bury the body, so they probably wouldn't die.

He could tell others Qin Chuan's whereabouts, and Cheng Yu could even force them to kill Cheng Fu, so there was no need to worry about them telling the truth.

Even if one day they are caught by the police and implicated in this matter, Cheng Yu can now use the art of disguise, and it will be a completely different face. No matter how good their memory is, they will not be able to draw a portrait of Cheng Yu himself.

Come, the police will naturally not suspect Cheng Yu.

But now that Cheng Fu has actually escaped, how to deal with these two people has really become a problem.

Without further delay, Cheng Yu didn't dare to think too much. After all, Ji Manzi and his wife might be in danger over there, and Cheng Yu didn't want to see anything happen to those two respectable old men.

"Put your cousin on your back. Hurry up and follow me back to the house just now."

After saying that, Cheng Yu ran out directly. Under the control of hypnosis, Ding Qi would definitely carry out Cheng Yu's orders without compromise.

Cheng Yu ran all the way and quickly returned to Ji Manzi's house. As soon as he rushed in, he saw Ji Manzi and the old lady who happened to be coming back from the back door. Cheng Yu breathed a long sigh of relief.

Although he didn't know where Cheng Fu had gone, at least Ji Manzi and his wife were fine, so Cheng Yu felt relieved.

The two old men were taking off their raincoats at the back door with their backs turned to Cheng Yu. They did not see him. Cheng Yu hurriedly turned around and left the yard to meet Ding Qi, who was heading this way carrying Zheng Bin on his back.

This time, Cheng Yu didn't hold back anymore, and cut Ding Qi's neck artery with a palm knife. Ding Qi fell to the ground softly.

Cheng Yu said to Ding Qi who fell into a coma: "When you wake up again in a while, you will forget everything that just happened."

Cheng Yu is still very confident about the effect of hypnosis. Although Ding Qi is in a coma at the moment, he will still be controlled by hypnosis. His memory will basically go back to when he was knocked over as soon as he opened the door.

that moment.

Dragging the two of them one by one, Cheng Yu returned to Ji Manzi's house.

"Xiao Zhong, where have you been?" Ji Manzi was looking around the house. When he and the old lady came back, they didn't see Cheng Yu. The door was still open. He couldn't help but feel strange. He almost thought Cheng Yu had stolen the base.

Ran away.

Seeing the panting Cheng Yu at this moment, he felt relieved but also felt weird. When he saw Cheng Yu dragging two unconscious people in his hands, his expression couldn't help but look even weirder.

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