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Chapter 820: Hot rice

Fatty Bai was sitting in front of a gambling table in the casino, betting absentmindedly on the dice. The big and small bets were very casual. Gambling luck was not on his side. He lost more and won less. Fortunately, it was just to pass the time and place bets.

They were all bets of 100, so after gambling for more than an hour, I lost less than 2,000 yuan.

I was still thinking about what Mr. Xu said to me before leaving, about not agreeing to whatever goods Master Qi asked him to transport. Could it be that Master Qi had some other shady business?

In a place like Vietnam, smuggling and other things are normal. Even if someone is caught helping someone smuggle, only the person involved is responsible. The worst result is nothing more than loss of goods. This has nothing to do with Fatty White. If you say

There seems to be only one thing that can harm others...

But after all these years of dealing with Master Qi, I have never heard that Master Qi has any business in this area.

It is true that Qi Ye is involved in gangs...or that it is the local black and white laws, but for things like poison, it seems that there have never been such rumors in the public.

While I was thinking about it casually, a man wearing a wrinkled shirt, jeans and slippers came over.

He looked like a local in this way, but under normal circumstances this casino would not allow locals to come in and gamble, so there was almost only one possibility for this person's identity, and that was Master Qi's subordinate.

"Mr. Bai." The person who came here was quite polite and spoke Chinese quite well.

Fatty Bai looked up in confusion. He had seen this person before. Several times when he went to pick up goods from Master Qi, this person was always responsible for the reception. He seemed to be named Li Shifeng.

"Ah Feng, do you have a problem with me?" Fatty Bai certainly knows the rules of this casino, so when Li Feng entered the casino, he must have come to see him.

Afeng nodded and whispered: "Master Qi invites you to dinner."

Fatty Bai was stunned and felt a little flattered. He had known Master Qi for some years, but apart from business dealings, he only said hello when he attended auctions here. In the past, Master Qi had never invited him to dinner.

, even if he wanted to invite Master Qi to dinner, they would definitely decline.

"Ah? Master Qi wants to have dinner with me?"

"Yes, Master Qi saw that you and Mr. Xu were having some unpleasant troubles today, so he wanted to be a mediator for the two of you."

"Lao Xu went too?"

"I came to inform you first that Mr. Qi is waiting for you in the restaurant on the third floor, and then I will go and invite Mr. Xu."

Fatty Bai frowned slightly, thinking that by this time the person named Xu had already left, but that wasn't necessarily the case, so he didn't say much.

Although I don’t plan to have anything to do with Mr. Xu again, after what happened today, I’m afraid even if we meet in the future, we will treat it as unfamiliar. What’s more, Mr. Xu said that his business has basically been transferred out, taking the money with him.

He wanted to go abroad with his wife to enjoy their happiness, and even though his wife had already been sent away, he was planning to leave directly from Hanoi.

"Okay, then I'll go up."

Fatty Bai looked at his hand and saw that he only had seven or eight hundred-yuan chips left. He simply threw them on the table and said to the croupier, "I've rewarded you." With his big belly, Fatty Bai put it on his hand.

The bracelet on his wrist was wiped between his palms, and he walked out of the casino with three shaking steps.

As he walked, Fatty Bai was thinking about it. It seemed that Master Qi really wanted to transport something to him, but how did that guy Old Xu know about it? Could it be that Master Qi used to transport things with the guy named Xu?

Did it for Master Qi? I cooperated with him not to offend anyone, but asked me not to help Master Qi. Isn’t this just asking me to do something that offends others?

But then I thought about it, what Mr. Xu said before leaving was quite sincere, and he probably didn’t deliberately set a trap for himself. It seems that Master Qi’s luck is indeed not good, and the reason for the lack of protection for the person named Xu is because he wanted to

I wanted to get rid of Master Qi but couldn't, so I sold my business and hid abroad with my wife.

But if this is the case, how can I reject Master Qi without making Master Qi unhappy?

It's better to have a chat with Master Qi first and find out more about what he wants to transport. At worst, I won't come to Mong Cai anymore. No matter how long his hands are, Master Qi won't be able to reach the country.

After thinking for a long time, no matter how slow he walked, he walked to the door of the restaurant on the third floor. He thought about the purpose of Master Qi looking for him countless times, but no matter what, the so-called Master Qi saw that he and Mr. Xu were not happy and planned to mediate.

, Fatty Bai didn’t believe it at all.

The guest in the restaurant came forward and asked Fatty Bai who was there. Fatty Bai said that Mr. Qi had called him here. The guest hurriedly led Fatty Bai towards the private room.

The corridor to the private room was a bit long, and all the way to the end of the corridor, there were two young men in black suits and vests standing outside the door. When they saw Fatty Bai, one of them asked: "Mr. Bai?" Apparently he had never seen him before.

But with the fat and white figure here, I wouldn’t admit that I was wrong.

Fatty Bai felt a slight shiver in his heart. He had seen Master Qi many times. It was rare to see such a scene. It seemed that he really had something to talk about.

If I had known better, I would have made excuses to avoid eating this meal.

But when you come, take care of yourself. Everyone is here now. If you don't go in and turn around and leave, you will completely offend Master Qi. Go in and sit around, maybe there will be a turning point in this matter.

"It's me, Master Qi called me here."

"Mr. Bai, please come inside." The man in the vest moved his body, and the other person helped Fatty Bai push the door of the private room open.

Fatty Bai walked slowly into the private room with a bracelet in his hand. As soon as he entered, he saw Master Qi sitting on the main seat, with only A Kun beside him, who was said to be his good brother through life and death.

"Oh, Master Qi, Brother Kun, I'm sorry to have kept you two waiting for so long." Fatty Bai immediately changed his smile after entering the door, and bent his waist slightly.

Although everyone calls this man Qi Ye, he is actually not very old, around fifty years old. The title Qi Ye has followed him for more than ten years.

When he was in his thirties, Master Qi didn't know what happened, and his hair suddenly turned half white, turning into the popular grandma gray. He was also new to Mong Cai at that time, and he brought some money and some people with him.

, it took three years to basically integrate all the forces in Mong Cai, and smooth the relationship with the local government and police, and he became the Seventh Master.

Qi Ye stood up slowly, and A Kun also stood up.

With a smile on his face, Master Qi said, "Mr. Bai, I haven't seen you for a few days. You are getting more and more blessed! Hahaha, come on, come on, sit here." What Master Qi was referring to was himself.

The seat on the other side is the guest of honor seat.

Fatty Bai didn't dare to sit down directly, so he asked in a low voice: "Who else is there? It's not appropriate for me to sit here."

"There's nothing inappropriate. It's just you and Mr. Xu today."

Fatty Bai hesitated for a moment and then said: "Old Xu may not be able to come. He said he wanted to leave after coming out of the auction. It has been two or three hours now. Maybe everyone has arrived in Hanoi."

Master Qi was stunned for a moment, then said: "Hanoi? Isn't Mr. Xu going back to China?"

"It seems that you don't know, Master Qi. Lao Xu's domestic properties have basically been dealt with, and his wife has been sent abroad by him a long time ago. He came here just to avenge me. Now the revenge

I also reported it, got angry, and left Hanoi directly. But it’s not surprising that Qi Ye didn’t know about it in Mong Cai. Even though he and I were both in the imperial capital, I didn’t know at all that he was doing all the business.

Let someone else handle it. If he hadn't told me just now, I would have been kept in the dark."

Fatty Bai finished these words in one breath, and then slowly sat down at the guest of honor seat.

Master Qi's expression changed slightly, but he quickly returned to his original state: "So that's it. Brother Xu is only in his thirties, and he actually retired early. This kind of mentality is rare."

"I don't know if he has a bad mentality. The main reason is that he has no worries. His parents passed away early and he has no brothers or sisters. Apart from getting married and marrying a daughter-in-law, he has no one in the world who he can care about. His wife is also like

They jumped out of the cracks in the rocks and don’t have any relatives. Unlike us, who have more than a dozen families and families, even if they have the heart to retreat bravely, they don’t have the courage. There are so many mouths, crying for food, and they all have to eat.”

Qi Ye laughed, but it was limited to the skin on his face. Fatty Bai could clearly see that the muscles under Qi Ye's skin had no laugh lines at all.

"Haha, Mr. Bai is right! How can we retire? In addition to parents, children, etc., there are also a lot of brothers waiting for dinner. I should ask Mr. Bai how old I am.

I call you Brother Bai, Mr. Bai, Mr. Bai, looks very lively."

Fatty Bai looked flattered and said quickly: "That's necessary. Master Qi calls me Brother Bai to give me face. If word spreads about this, how many people may envy me!"

"Okay, okay, then it's settled. We have been dealing with each other for many years, but we have never had a chance to have a meal together. I heard from someone today that you and Brother Xu had some unpleasant troubles at the auction. I thought about it.

These are my brothers and friends, my valued customers, and they happen to be on my territory. I just thought about setting up a meeting with you two, and we would talk about whatever we had to say. But I didn’t expect...

…Now I don’t know if Brother Xu is still in the hotel or in Mong Street. But it doesn’t matter. With or without him, we should both find opportunities to have a meal together, drink some wine, and talk about our family affairs other than business.”

Fatty Bai's heart sank slightly. It seems that something is really going on here. This one is Brother Xu. It was probably the man named Xu who helped Qi Ye transport the goods before. I don't know if Qi Ye himself saw that Old Xu didn't want to do it anymore.

, or Lao Xu rejected him directly, in short, he was eyeing him. Then there was this meal, and then the title Bai Lao Di came.

This rice is so hot!

He was thinking this in his heart, and of course he wouldn't show it on his face, but Fatty Bai made up his mind to just talk nonsense tonight regardless of what Master Qi said, especially when it came to the transportation line.

Just let him carry it as far as he wants without asking. You can't ask too much. If you ask, it will be nothing.

If you pretend to be a fool, you may be able to do business safely in the future, but if you ask too much, Mong Cai may not be able to come to you at all!

Just now, he still resented Mr. Xu for hurting others and not benefiting himself, but now, Fatty Bai felt a little grateful to Mr. Xu. If it hadn't been for his warning before leaving, I'm afraid he would have been really flattered.

No matter what Master Qi says at that time, Fatty Bai will probably agree to it. If the goods shipped by Master Qi are really related to drugs, then Fatty Bai's life will be completely ruined.

I didn’t expect you, Mr. Xu, to have the guts to actually help someone like Master Qi transport that kind of thing!

Someone knocked on the door outside, A Kun shouted to come in, and A Feng, who just went to invite Fatty Bai, came in.

"Master Qi, I couldn't find Mr. Xu. I asked the front desk and he said that he checked out in the morning. After the auction ended in the afternoon, he seemed to have found a car to go to Hanoi. Look at the time, he should have arrived early by now."

Master Qi nodded, waved his hand and said, "Okay, go out and let the waiter take the food."

This chapter has been completed!
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