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Chapter 838 Who are you scolding?

After listening to Afeng's narration, Master Qi couldn't help but frown slightly.

The person sent by "Wang Wei" was a bit arrogant, which made Qi Ye have some doubts.

"How is his skill? Are you no match for him?" Master Qi asked Afeng. After all, Afeng was the best fighter among his men. A few years ago, Master Qi sent him to an underground boxing ring for a period of competition.

He didn't lose in every match. Even though it was only an underground boxing ring, he was still fighting for his life. This achievement is not something to be ashamed of.

Now, even if Feng Youchi has grown a few years older and his skills have somewhat deteriorated, among ordinary people, he should still be a knife that can chop melons and vegetables.

Afeng answered honestly: "My first catch failed. His eyesight, reaction and speed are very strong, and he should be no worse than me. The second catch, he hit my artery from bottom to top, causing the pain in my forearm."

Being numb for a while will certainly not affect my shots, but I know that this guy is a tough guy. His strength seems to be small, which is a weakness, and in terms of actual combat experience, he is definitely far inferior to me. A little guy in his early twenties, look at it.

That guy with thin skin and tender flesh must have been pampered and pampered. He couldn't have gone through the fire and sword like me. When I was in his office, I was a little unsure of his depth, and I was very angry at the time.

, I didn’t have time to think too much. On the way back, I kept thinking over and over again. I felt that if the discussion was not ruthless, my strengths would no longer exist and his shortcomings would be covered up.

But if life is at stake, he won’t be able to hold on for too long in my hands. Especially if I don’t have anything to worry about, if I fight him with my strength, he probably won’t be able to hold on for too long either.”

Master Qi nodded slowly and said thoughtfully: "In other words, if that kid were placed among ordinary people, or even faced with ordinary police or soldiers, he should have a chance of winning."

"Absolutely, like Ah Liu and Ah Qi, they should be no match for that kid together."

Master Qi knew it, and couldn't help but be more curious about Wang Wei's identity. He was only in his twenties. How could he have such a pampered but extraordinary person under his command? And from the original words retold by Afeng.

Look, "Wang Wei" didn't come to Vietnam this time, and it was most likely Zhong Hua who stopped him. In other words, this Zhong Hua was still loyal to "Wang Wei".

While thinking, Qi Ye reached out and touched the mobile phone on the table.

After receiving the call from Master Qi, Xue Zhenghao's thoughts turned out to be just as Cheng Yu expected.

"Master Qi, why did you remember to call me?" Xue Zhenghao said politely as always.

Master Qi coughed twice and said, "Brother Xue, there is someone I want to ask you about."

"Master Qi, please tell me."

"Brother Xue, do you know Wang Wei?"

Xue Zhenghao pretended to think, and then said: "The Seventh Master is saying... Oh, yes, he may still be in Mangjie now. What, has he offended the Seventh Master?"

"That's not true. It's just that he has a small deal with me. In his words, he revealed that he seems to know you. I am also being cautious and asking you for confirmation."

"Oh, that's it. I thought that the child had accidentally offended Master Qi. I was just thinking to see if Master Qi could give me some face and not argue with that child."

"Brother Xue's face must be sold, but he can't use it this time. He didn't offend me."

Xue Zhenghao told Master Qi according to Cheng Yu's story: "This child is actually quite pitiful. He was only about ten years old at that time, and his parents all passed away..."

After listening to the story told by Xue Zhenghao, it was not much different from what Qi Ye imagined. Naturally, Qi Ye would not ask more details. Anyway, Xue Zhenghao said that he met him by chance in Mong Street, and the other party recognized Xue Zhenghao, so they stayed together.

After receiving the contact information, Xue Zhenghao was in a hurry to return to China, so he did not talk in detail. This was enough for Qi Ye to figure out that Wang Wei had actually known that Xue Zhenghao was staying at Li Lai International Hotel for a long time. The so-called chance encounter was simply a planned encounter.

, the purpose is for the crown in Xue Zhenghao's hand. Of course, Wang Wei doesn't have any bad intentions, he just wants to take a photo so that he can give him a chance to meet.

Wang Weiming knew that Xue Zhenghao and Qi Ye knew each other, but he did not rely on this relationship, but used his own way to achieve his goal. This made Qi Ye look at him high. Moreover, this seemed to prove that the person in the photo was

He called Qi Ye and threatened him for posting the bonus, otherwise Wang Wei would not have to go to all the trouble to take a photo of the crown.

This time, Master Qi was basically relieved.

After thinking about it, Master Qi turned to Afeng, who was still a little angry and said: "Okay, maybe he is just a kid who doesn't know the heights of the sky. The most important thing for us now is to get the goods out. You have to be patient first and wait for me to find a replacement."

You can deal with him however you want."

This is truly a ruthless master.

"Brother, did the man above criticize you again? Let me tell you, let's kill him first. From now on, Mong Street will be our world?"

"Shut up!" Master Qi raised the crutch in his hand and almost hit A Feng's body, but in the end he was unable to remove it.

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"What do you know? It's easy to kill him, but without him, do you think we would really be so peaceful on the ground in Mong Street? Not to mention the big and small forces that are eyeing..." Qi Ye pointed with his crutch violently.

Afeng, "Shut up, I know you want to say that there are no other forces in Mong Cai. But that's just what you can't see. How many brothers do we have now? Can we really understand the huge Mong Cai?"

It's all clear? It's simply wishful thinking. These forces are not of concern, but what about the people who want to get a piece of the pie from us? Those are all powerful people. No matter how big their fists are, they can't be removed from office. Do you think they are

Do you really not know what kind of business we are engaged in? It is all because that person is covering up for us. He is the man who dominates Mong Street. We are just listening to him. We are the only ones who are old

Only by working honestly for him can Mong Cai maintain long-term peace and stability. Without him, Mong Cai will be in chaos."

Ah Feng curled his lips with some disdain, but did not dare to refute.

Master Qi sighed and stomped the cane on the ground twice: "Ah Feng, I know you are dissatisfied, or maybe you think that person is really so awesome. We sold out the goods twice in a row.

One of the things was obviously my own design, but he was indifferent. Do you think he couldn't see that we were up to something? Of course he knew, but he wouldn't be willing to fight us to the death. So this time

The goods must be foolproof, and if something goes wrong, he will definitely settle the score later. He is also afraid of us, because we are all desperadoes, and if it comes to a life-and-death situation, we will not be able to gain a foothold, but he will definitely not survive."

After saying this, Master Qi was obviously a little tired, maybe because he was getting older, maybe because he was mentally and physically exhausted in the past few days.

He waved his hand and said, "Okay, you go and take that person named Zhong to see the owner of the goods first. After they complete all the procedures and confirm the time, you can find him to mix the goods in."

Afeng said in a sullen voice: "I understand."


After lunch, Cheng Yu sat on the sofa in the office, stretched out his limbs comfortably, and fell asleep with his eyes closed.

The employees outside were quite busy. Although the materials given by Afeng were relatively complete, it was obvious that Fatty Bai had set some rules for them before, so they had to sort out the materials according to those rules. Who asked Cheng Yu to tell them,

Everything will be carried out according to the past model. They don't have to worry about changing orders every day if they change their bosses. The work rhythm they have just become accustomed to will be disrupted by the new boss.

But this is good, at least these employees will not feel that they have no work to do and worry about how long they can keep their jobs.

When the employees outside saw Ah Feng walking in with a black face, they all immediately fell into silence, and no one dared to come forward to greet him.

Upon seeing this, Afeng stretched out his hand to wave, and rushed towards the female employee who had handed him coffee in the morning.

Although the female employee was a little reluctant, she still walked over.

"Take me to see your boss." Afeng tried his best to speak in the most pleasant way, but the female employee felt that he was a bit intrusive.

In desperation, Afeng could only walk to Cheng Yu's office with his teeth itching in hatred. As he walked, he thought about why he wanted to humiliate himself. He had been here in the morning and clearly knew where Cheng Yu's office was.

Why do you have to find someone to lead the way?

Standing at the door, A Feng hesitated for a moment, but in the end he did not push the door directly in, but knocked gently.

Cheng Yu's voice came from inside the house: "Come in."

Ah Feng then opened the door.

Cheng Yu raised his head and took a look, and when he saw it was A Feng, he lowered his head again.

A Feng felt angry in his heart, but there was nothing he could do. Master Qi said that now he could only endure it. If he wanted to kill this fearless guy in front of him, he could only wait until Master Qi sent out this batch of goods smoothly, and then

Then look for a transportation route that can replace Wang Wei. Until then, Zhong Hua will be at his disposal.

In Qi Ye's view, Wang Wei would definitely not fall out with him for such a subordinate, so he made such a promise to Afeng.

But neither Master Qi nor Afeng would know that Wang Wei and Zhong Hua are basically the same person, and both names are fake names.

"Mr. Zhong." In desperation, A Feng could only give up his glory temporarily and give the other party an honorific title.

Cheng Yu then raised his head, looked at A Feng with a half-smile, and said, "Oh, it turns out to be A Feng. I thought he was one of my employees. You Vietnamese people have darker skin, and I was really surprised for a moment.

Don't be surprised if you can't tell the difference."

Ah Feng gritted his molars and said, "No wonder, no wonder, I sometimes have clumsy eyesight."

"What are you doing here?"

"Seventh Master asked me to take you to see the owner of the cargo. After the relationship is settled between you, I will find time to hide the seventh master's cargo with you."

Cheng Yu nodded, but did not show any sign of getting up. Instead, he said calmly: "Oh, Master Qi told you to bear with it for now, at least until this batch of goods is finished. You guys are obviously more interested now.

You are anxious and concerned about this batch of goods, right?"

A Feng had a look on his face, wondering how this boy knew everything, but he soon realized that this boy was deceiving him.

He faked a hearty smile and said, "How is that possible? Master Qi would never do such a thing."

"Who are you scolding?" Cheng Yu said angrily.

A Feng was stunned and didn't understand why Cheng Yu suddenly changed his face again, but he didn't dare to confront Cheng Yu and couldn't help but feel embarrassed.

"Let me ask you, who the hell are you scolding?!"

Ah Feng could only continue to endure it and said word by word: "I didn't curse."

"You're calling me a human being again, right?" Cheng Yu was really looking for trouble.

Afeng frowned and asked, "Did I curse someone with that sentence?"

"How can you call me a donkey? Isn't that considered a curse?"

"Ah?!" A Feng looked confused and thought, "Where is this going?"

This chapter has been completed!
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