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Chapter 860: Murder and Heartbreaking

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But because of the door that couldn't be opened, Cheng Yu confirmed that his guess was correct. The sniper was staying on the rooftop of this building.

The reason is very simple. This kind of door leading to the rooftop has only two possible states.

One is to keep it open all year round, so now Cheng Yu should easily open the iron door to the rooftop.

The other one is locked, but it must be locked from inside the building, and it can never be locked from the outside. It is impossible for someone to lock the rooftop door from the outside and then jump away.

So now, when Cheng Yu sees that the door has no signs of being locked from the inside of the building, but cannot open the door, there is only one possibility left - someone is on the rooftop.

, and this person does not want to be

No one disturbed him, so he locked the door from the outside. If it were the staff of the building itself, property management personnel, etc., of course they might go to the rooftop to handle some matters, or even just take a root on the rooftop.

Smoking and stuff like that. But these people have no reason to go there

After the rooftop, lock the rooftop door.

So, on the rooftop, there is only one possibility.

For anyone, this iron door can block almost all dangers coming from behind. Unless some special tools are used, it is impossible for anyone to break out. This sniper obviously thought well, and

It is very perfect. Even if someone finds him on this rooftop, there is no way to kill him or subdue him before he is ready. And if he uses special tools to break the door, he will definitely

You can know in advance.

But he never imagined that there is a kind of person in this world who can ignore the iron wall in front of him and move freely through it.

As a result, Cheng Yu summoned the wall penetration technique from his mind, which had two remaining chances to penetrate the wall, and used one of them.

Then, he appeared on the rooftop naturally.

Then, Cheng Yu saw at a glance a man squatting behind the guardrail of the rooftop half a man tall. In his hand, he was holding a deadly thing - a Barrett anti-material sniper rifle.

Because the sniper's eyes were not close to the eight-fold mirror on the barrel, the sunlight shone through and formed a reflection, which reflected a light spot on Cheng Yu's face.

The sniper absolutely could not imagine that someone had quietly passed through the iron door that he had locked with his own hands, and was standing behind him looking at him calmly.

More than six minutes have passed since Cheng Yu used martial arts, which means Cheng Yu still has three minutes to kill the unaware guy in front of him.

A smile appeared on Cheng Yu's face. This location is great. This is a place where you can kill people without worrying about being seen. Within a few kilometers, only birds can be higher than this location.

"Hey..." Cheng Yu shouted, looking at the back with a smile. The sniper was stunned, and he turned his head around in ignorance, with an expression of surprise on his face. He couldn't understand why he had locked it with his own hands.

Why didn't you stop the guy in front of you? How did he get up here?

Did you climb up from the outside of the building?

He soon realized that this was almost impossible. If a Spider-Man suddenly appeared on the outer wall of the building, there would already be people below pointing and poking at him.

"How did you get out?" The sniper said something in Vietnamese. Cheng Yu obviously couldn't understand it and could only shrug. Then he saw the sniper's hands leaving the Barrett. Cheng Yu knew that it was possible to make a person

There are only two possibilities for a sniper's hands to leave the sniper rifle. One is that the mission has been completed, and he needs to disassemble the parts of the sniper rifle and put it into the box. The other is that the distance is too short.

To use a sniper rifle, he needs to take out other firearms on his body.

Yes, snipers usually carry at least one type of firearm, and some even have more.

With a lunge, Cheng Yu stepped forward. With his speed at full speed, the sniper's eyes only felt blurry. In less than a second, Cheng Yu was almost face to face with him at a distance of twenty meters.

"If I were you, I wouldn't move." Cheng Yu said this in English, but he regretted it after he said it. The sniper in front of him obviously couldn't understand English, and he looked confused.

However, Cheng Yu's excessive speed really shocked the sniper. Although his hand had already touched the pistol on his waist, he forgot to pull it out and just froze on the spot.

Since communication was no longer possible, Cheng Yu no longer wasted time. He stretched out his hand, grabbed the man's neck, and picked him up.

After the sniper's feet left the ground, he was simply out of his mind. Although he himself was limited in height, only about 1.7 meters, he was extremely strong and weighed more than 90 kilograms. Coupled with the various equipment on his body, he must have weighed more than 100

Kilograms. And although Cheng Yu is nearly one meter tall

Eight, but the figure is just that of an ordinary person. The sniper can hardly imagine how such a body can have such huge power.

You know, an adult may be able to pick up an object weighing 100 kilograms with all his strength, or even lift it up, but it will never be so easy to lift it high with one hand.

Cheng Yu didn't show off his skills too much. He just raised the sniper high, grabbed the pistol at the sniper's waist with his other hand, and pulled it out.

Then, Cheng Yu easily brought up the system mall screen in his mind. He brought up a gun skill that he had redeemed before, and then chose to use it.

Feeling that he and the pistol in his hand suddenly became one, Cheng Yu knew that firearms skills had begun to take effect.

Not being able to waste any time, he directly pressed the muzzle of the pistol against the sniper's left chest and pulled the trigger.

The sniper can be regarded as a player who kills people like crazy, but he has never seen a guy who kills without blinking an eye. Killing seems to be so easy for him.

Of course, this thought did not last long. He was shot in the heart and soon lost all consciousness. His life was ended by a shot at this moment.

Usually, it was him who ended other people's lives with guns and bullets, but now, it was finally his turn.

Cheng Yu threw away the sniper's body, quickly grabbed the Barrett, and then looked in the direction of the city hall through the eight-fold mirror above.

If the only people left behind the door of the lobby on the first floor of the city hall are Li Wenshi's men, then Cheng Yu can only be said to be in danger. Li Wenshi has long since disappeared, apparently hiding in a corner of the city hall. And in the hall

At the door, there were only two men in guard uniforms, shivering and holding up guns in their hands. Behind them was Wu Fangcai.

, but you can’t see his face from Cheng Yu’s point of view. Cheng Yu can tell him through his body shape and clothing.

Even if there are two people left by Li Wenshi to protect him, then only these few of his ten-strong escort team in the city hall are left.

The situation is really not optimistic.

Fortunately, Cheng Yu has already started working. Of course, Cheng Yu will not waste any time. Now he is using firearms skills. He has to pay a point every three seconds as a price, even if he just killed the

A sniper has got a

One hundred and fifty points.

The muzzle of the gun sank slightly, and what was seen in the eight-fold mirror were the men and horses on Master Qi's side.

Cheng Yu fired without hesitation. To be honest, in this position, it was much easier to kill Qi Ye than to kill Li Wenshi, because Qi Ye's people were either outside the gate of the city hall or in the city hall.

Behind a bunker in the courtyard inside the gate, their

The back was completely exposed to Cheng Yu's eight-fold mirror.

Unlike Li Wenshi's men, if Cheng Yu wants to find them, he still needs to search through the gaps in various coverings.

Barrett added a silencer, and the sound of the bullet coming out of the barrel was just a sound like a smashing cannon, but outside the city hall, a man's head was already blooming with brilliant blood.

The blood flowers were also mixed with white and yellow things.

The people around him were shocked. The people around him were headshot for no reason. This was too scary. The key is that there was not even a single gunshot in the city hall. How did they do it?

Fortunately, he soon no longer had to be surprised and doubtful, because his head also exploded immediately.

While Master Qi's subordinate, Monk Zhanger, was confused, they had already lost twelve of their companions one after another.

At this moment, someone finally realized that the sniper lying in ambush in the distance suddenly changed sides. Of course, these people knew about the sniper's help. They had also enjoyed this kind of help before and often saw the city hall.

The guards there would strangely fall among the blood and flowers, and sometimes a big hole would appear in their chests.

Sometimes the entire arm was blown off.

But they couldn't figure out why the sniper suddenly pointed his gun at one of their own.

Moreover, this efficiency was too high. In just over half a minute, twelve people fell, and without exception, they were all shot in the head.

Finally, someone reacted and shouted: "No, the sniper was killed. It was the mayor's men who were shooting at us. Our sniper is not as accurate as this man!"


Killing is heart-breaking! If that sniper was still alive now, he would probably be pissed to death. It’s fine that his skills are not as good as others, but being said by his companions that his marksmanship is not as good as his opponent’s, this is simply enough to piss a dead man back to life.

Come here to complain


If Cheng Yu heard this, he would definitely smile knowingly and say - you know how to complain.

Of course, Cheng Yu didn't stop just because Master Qi's men here found clues. The reason why he stopped harvesting was entirely because he needed to change the magazine. When he got the gun, Cheng Yu had already discovered,

This gun was actually produced before the Gulf War. Because the Barrett M82 actually followed the civilian route until the Gulf War.

Before the outbreak of the war, the U.S. military noticed this crazy gun and purchased a hundred of it. When the British saw it, the American sniper rifle was crazy. We had to buy some, otherwise it would not be worthy of the Yankees.


However, the British also discovered that the originally equipped twelve-round magazine had a certain probability of hitting the ground when a soldier lay down to shoot, which would affect the shooting effect, so they requested to reduce it to ten rounds.

Therefore, the Barrett M82, with a twelve-round magazine, was a product before the Gulf War, and the one with a ten-round magazine was a product after the Gulf War.

The gun in Cheng Yu's hand was the version before the Gulf War. He fired almost twelve shots in a row, took away twelve people, and immediately started changing the magazine.

Every second is precious, because it is related to Cheng Yu's points, which is life!

After changing the magazine, Cheng Yu started a new round of harvesting...

Even with the location of the Fifteenth Master promised by the Seventh Master, by the time Cheng Yu replaced the second magazine, these people finally started to back down.

At the same time, a cell phone ringing sound came from the sniper's black bag containing the magazine. But Cheng Yu ignored it. He was racing against time and had no time to answer the phone.

This chapter has been completed!
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