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Chapter 864: Thighs are not thick enough

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The commotion outside died down after a while. During this period, Cheng Yu and Qi Ye both tacitly agreed not to talk, and Li Wenshi seemed to have completely accepted his upcoming fate and kept curling up on the ground without saying a word.

The door of the city hall was always open, but someone still knocked on the open door.

"Master Qi, it's me." A voice that sounded a little fleshy, with some smile lines hidden in it, floated in cautiously after the knock on the door.

Master Qi nodded slightly at Cheng Yu and whispered, "Police."

Although it was just two words, Cheng Yu knew that the only person qualified to come in and speak at this moment was the police chief.

Cheng Yu also nodded slightly to Master Qi, who coughed slightly and said, "Director Li, I've been waiting for you for a long time."

Then, Cheng Yu and Qi Ye saw a short, fat man with a meaty appearance rolling in... Although the word "roll" was a bit ironic, they really couldn't find a better word to express the feeling at this moment.

Got the impression.

"Close the door." Qi Ye said solemnly.

The short and fat Director Li immediately turned around and closed the heavy door of the city hall. At this moment, Qi Ye also raised the muzzle of the gun in his hand and pointed it at Li Wenshi who was curled up on the ground, "Now that Director Li is here, you will be of no use.

"With two shots, Li Wenshi twitched slightly and went down to talk to his secretary Wu Fangcai.

The reunion went.

Cheng Yu felt a little heartache. Of course it wasn't for Li Wenshi. Cheng Yu had only known him for an hour and had no relationship at all. He also knew that although this person was not full of evil, he actually aspired to become one.

Just because of this

, Cheng Yu would not have any sympathy for his death.

The reason for heartache is that Cheng Yu could have... or had a chance to win these 150 points, and even Wu Fangcai.

It's a pity, but it's helpless. These two people deserved their death, but I can't get these points.

The original smile on the face of the short, fat Director Li disappeared with the twitching of the corners of his eyes, but then came back again. However, the words he was about to say were swallowed back after all.

What Qi Ye said on the phone just now made it impossible for Director Li, the short and fat man, to rush in with his men, while Wenshi Li was still alive.

But now, Director Li has arrived, Master Qi has a new hostage, and Master Li is of course useless. As long as Director Li is here, the police from outside will never be able to rush in.

"Director Li, sit down." Qi Ye threw the pistol aside to show his magnanimity.

The short and fat Director Li glanced at Cheng Yu, and finally pulled up a chair, keeping a few meters away from Master Qi and Cheng Yu, and sat down slowly.

"Director Li is very reserved today. Why are you sitting so far away? Come here, sit closer, and I will introduce you to Mr. Zhong."

Director Li, the short and fat man, had no choice but to stand up, drag his chair and sit a little closer.

It's just that the distance was too short, and the distance was too little. He simply moved forward less than half a meter.

However, Master Qi didn't seem to care. He also pulled up a chair and strode towards Director Li. He usually couldn't live without a cane, but at this moment, he seemed to have no problem with his legs.

Or perhaps, Master Qi's usual trembling behavior has always been just a superficial pretense.

Now, it's time for the showdown.

It was also the time when we had to show our cards.

After all, the Seventh Master had twelve dead brothers ten years ago, but now he is alone.

The chair was placed heavily in front of Director Li. Master Qi slowly sat down and looked at Cheng Yu, meaning you don't want to sit closer?

Cheng Yu raised his eyebrows, half-smiling but not smiling. Master Qi was slumped and lowered his head slightly.

Director Li, the short and fat man, saw all this and was horrified. "Today's Three Kingdoms Killing, is this young Mr. Zhong the protagonist?"

Mr. Zhong, of course Director Li has heard of this name.

Before today, Director Li only knew that a Chinese named Wang Wei had negotiated a deal with Master Qi, and then Wang Wei sent this young man named Zhong.

The young man was very arrogant, and Ah Feng was frustrated by him. He seemed to have taken action, but he did not get any advantage.

Then Qi Ye urged Director Li and several of his brothers several times to pay more attention to him than when Wang Wei discussed business with him. It seemed that he must complete Wang Wei's commission and dig deep to find out.

That person.

Then, Mr. Zhong and Qi Ye fell out, and Afeng and his four thugs were all admitted to the hospital. The doctor said that it would be impossible to get out of bed within half a year. Director Li only regretted that he got the news too late.

Although he was a little suspicious of Master Qi’s sudden change of attitude and instead of looking for the man in the photo, he wanted to find Mr. Zhong, but he didn’t think much about it, and Master Qi even borrowed Mr. Zhong.

Barrett was born at his feet.

However, Barrett, who was originally borrowed to deal with this young man, now fell into the hands of Mr. Zhong.

Could it be that borrowing guns, killing people, and making a scene in the city hall was just a show played by Mr. Zhong and Master Qi?

But what happened to Mr. Zhong who shot off the heads of Master Qi’s men one by one? Director Li had just supervised his men to clean up the battlefield. He knew very well how those people died, except for this Barrett

, no weapon can have such power. When I came in, I saw this gun that belonged to the police station.

Leiter, he became more and more certain of this.

After thinking about it, Director Li really couldn't figure out what was going on.

If it was not a show, why did Mr. Zhong kill Qi Ye's people? Qi Ye let him do whatever he wanted without intervening? If it was not a show, didn't Qi Ye turn Mong Street upside down and kill Mr. Zhong? And this guy

Didn't Mr. Zhong also prevent A Feng and his four men from getting out of bed? How come they can sit here and live in peace now?

But it was Le Man-shi, the man who should have won a great victory, who died?

Humpty Dumpty was confused.

"Let me introduce you, Director Li, this is Mr. Zhong Huazhong." Master Qi spoke again.

Director Li hurriedly smiled and said: "Hello Mr. Zhong, my surname is Li, Peter Li is the chief of the local police station, and I have been dealing with Mr. Qi for many years."

Cheng Yu smiled slightly and nodded to Director Li, then looked at Barrett at his feet and said, "Is this gun borrowed from your police station?"

Li Peter didn't know why. He looked at Cheng Yu and then at Master Qi.

"Don't worry, Chief Li. What I mean is, since it is your police station's gun, please take it back. If this kind of thing is left outside, it will be very harmful!"

Li Peter did not dare to act rashly, so he had to look at Qi Ye again.

Master Qi glared at him and said to his heart, "Can't you see? I'm not the one who has the final say here today."

Li Peter seemed to have finally realized this. He nodded quickly and smiled, saying, "Mr. Zhong is right. I will have someone take this thing back in a moment, lock it up, and never take it out again."

Cheng Yu didn't bother to talk nonsense with him and kicked Barrett's box over.

"Seventh Master, tell me your future plans." Cheng Yu looked at Qiye and asked in a deep voice.

Master Qi frowned and said in his heart that you are responsible for all this. Now you are asking me about my future plans?

But I don’t dare to say this. The guy opposite is taking off his arms and legs every minute to play. Even the thirty seventh masters squatting here are no match for him.

After thinking about it, Master Qi turned to Li Peter and asked, "Has Director Li contacted Lafayette just now?"

I originally thought it was an affirmative answer, but I didn't expect that after hearing this, Li Peter shook his head desperately. His head was like a rattle, and his stubby neck was shaking all over.

"You didn't tell me?" Master Qi couldn't believe it. Isn't this Li Peter also a dog of Lafayette? How could he not report such a big thing to Lafayette? Li Peter looked sad and muttered: "I don't dare.

Mayor Li... Oh no, Li Wenshi told me on the phone before that Master Qi was about to run out of energy and asked me to send someone to the city hall to help. I felt that Li Wenshi was unreliable, so I ignored him.

If Master Qi hadn't asked me to send everyone out to find the person in that photo, I would never have let Master Qi go in here alone. After Master Qi called me just now,

, I rushed to deal with the scene as soon as possible. I am absolutely loyal to Master Qi, but it was really hard to explain to Master Qi, so I didn’t dare to call him."

Master Qi thought deeply after hearing this. Peter Li's words make sense. This guy has always been smooth. If such a big thing happened, he must be thinking about how to clean himself. It's possible that he doesn't dare to call Lafayette in a short time. See Qi.

The master didn't say anything for a long time. Li Peter felt unsure, and then added: "Li Wenshi was so sure before. He even asked me to lead people to fight directly with you, Qi Ye, as if he was absolutely sure that this time he would be able to win."

Mr. Qi, you seem to be beyond redemption..."

Master Qi suddenly raised his head, his eyes full of anger, which scared Peter Li so much that he didn't dare to speak any more. But soon, Master Qi's aura disappeared, and he knew in his heart that in fact, what the short fat man said was right. If not,

"Zhong Hua" saved his life, and the person sitting here now should be Li Wenshi. And

, he must be in high spirits and elated, probably already celebrating that Mong Cai has become his territory!

He looked at Cheng Yu with some anxiety. Until now, he still didn't know what kind of medicine Cheng Yu was selling in the gourd. He obviously wanted to kill him, but why did he let him go instead?

"If it weren't for Mr. Zhong's help, Li Wenshi might have been right. To be honest, Mr. Zhong, I don't understand either..." Master Qi couldn't help but planned to ask. Cheng Yu ignored him.

Instead, he stared straight at Li Peter and asked: "Director Li, did you really not tell Lafayette about the situation here?" Cheng Yu also just learned the name Lafayette and thought to himself, what's the matter?

Which of the Manchu Qing Dynasty’s old and young people still call themselves Lafayette?

Li Peter quickly shook his head vigorously, and his whole body began to sway again.

He waved his hands vigorously and said, "No, no, really not. Mr. Zhong, I really don't dare. I don't even know how to explain such a big matter to Lafayette."

Cheng Yu didn't even need to use mind-reading skills to judge that Li Peter was telling the truth. If Li Wenshi killed Qi Ye in today's matter, it would be nothing. Li Peter only needed to report normally. What he wanted

What I was worried about was how to explain to Li Wenshi that he did not come to rescue in time.


But the confident Li Wenshi died here, and sitting here is Master Qi...

If Master Qi is victorious and easy to handle, then there is no need to hesitate, just rely on him directly. Master Qi, who has a lot of wings, even if he is Lafayette, he has to give some face, especially in Mong Street.

The land is divided into two acres.

But Master Qi has lived his life as a loner, which puts Li Peter in a dilemma. Master Qi's thighs don't look thick enough. So he really doesn't dare to tell Lafayette what happened here today.

This chapter has been completed!
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