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Chapter 901: Can you fly a plane?


When the mechanic pulled the head out from under the console, he asked: "How is it? Are all the data on the dashboard normal?"

However, when he saw that the person operating on the console was actually Cheng Yu, he couldn't help but break out in a cold sweat. Although Cheng Yu and Lafayette had talked just now, if the mechanic hadn't been so attentive, he would have been able to hear.

Cheng Yu made it very clear that he was here to fly the plane. However, the mechanic had no time to take care of these things. At that time, all his attention was focused on repairing the circuit problem. He knew very well that no matter what the person controlling the plane did,

The effort, or whether the two pilots have enough ability to control the plane, are not that important. If you cannot control it, it is a death sentence. But even if you can control it, if the circuit problem is not repaired in time, it will eventually

Death is inevitable. Therefore, he should not consider whether the two pilots can

It's not a matter of giving yourself enough time, but you need to focus all your attention on repairing it. Only if it is repaired, can the plane fly smoothly again, and only all the people on the plane can finally be rescued.

Therefore, at that time, he only vaguely heard someone talking in the cockpit, but he didn't pay attention to what was said specifically, and he didn't even make the slightest effort to identify who said it.

It was just after Cheng Yu said, "Just do your best to repair it, you don't have to worry about the rest." He was completely immersed in it and turned his back on what was going on outside the window. Thanks to him, at this moment

He couldn't believe it when he saw that it was Cheng Yu who was operating the plane. This was a layman who didn't even know whether the door of the plane could be opened during flight. To put it bluntly, he

He is a passenger, and he is just a passenger. He probably doesn’t know a dime about airplanes, whether it’s the structure or the driving.

But now, he is actually driving the plane?

Cheng Yu also answered him at this moment: "Well, the instruments are all normal. When we rise to an altitude of more than 1,500 meters, it will be completely safe."

"Can you fly a plane?" the mechanic asked in disbelief.

Cheng Yu turned his face and glanced at him, ignoring the surprised and incomprehensible expression on his face. After all, he knew very well that considering the context, no one could believe that he could fly a plane. "I just know how to fly a plane."

, but I have never actually driven it. Can you understand what I mean?" Cheng Yu had already thought of this reason, and this was not the reason he prepared just today, but when he first started driving.

When he saw the driving skill as a redeemable item in the system mall, he had already thought about it. He had to find an excuse. He couldn't just silence everyone he had seen every time he used the driving skill, right?

The mechanic thought for a while and seemed to "understand" it.


Cheng Yu grinned: "Not bad, right?"

The mechanic marveled and stepped forward to watch Cheng Yu's continuous operation. He soon said with admiration: "Your operation is perfect. You are doing a full simulation. You spent a lot of time, right?"

Cheng Yu laughed and said: "It's okay, okay. Talent is the main reason." The mechanic nodded. He absolutely believed this. After all, whether it was the person in front of him or anyone else, if he was not a real pilot, he would be playing

It's normal to play on the simulator, but if you really spend a lot of time on it, no one would do it. But there is something called talent in this world. Some people are born with extremely keen skills in the operation of these dials and instruments.

Once given the opportunity to come into contact with him, his learning ability and operational ability will be greatly improved.

It will be several times or even ten times that of others.

However, the mechanic still had some waves of fear. He was glad that he had concentrated enough just now, and he was completely carrying out emergency repair work in a self-destructive situation. Otherwise, if he really knew that the person driving the plane was Cheng

Yu, he may not be able to be so efficient

However, seeing that Cheng Yu had already raised the plane back to more than one thousand meters, he felt that maybe even if he was distracted just now, the result would not be so bad. The skill of the man in front of him in operating the plane was simply too high.


, maybe even in such a critical moment just now, if he were slower and the repair time would be longer, this person could still turn the tide and prevent the plane from crashing.

No wonder he dared to let Lafayette and I wear parachutes. He felt that the plane would not crash at all. Was he confident enough to use his driving skills to make the plane at least barely land?

This is very possible. A strong pilot, especially in the field of civil aviation and transport aircraft, whose technical perfection often does not refer to the ability to deal with faults or extreme situations during takeoff and flight. After all, that kind of faults and extreme situations

They are all rare. But forced landing is the most powerful ability of a pilot, bar none. This is different from the requirements of a fighter pilot. That kind of person is prepared for war, and all his skills should be in the air.

, how to shoot down enemy aircraft and avoid enemy shells at the same time. Taking off and landing only

Just barely passing the exam is enough.

As for pilots of civil aviation or transport aircraft, once a major malfunction occurs during flight, how to ensure that the aircraft can land safely, or at least ensure that no one is killed in the event of a crash, is the top priority.

Transport planes are better. After all, there won’t be too many people on board. There should be enough parachutes, and everyone on board should have mastered basic skydiving skills. But what about civil aviation? First of all, you can’t require the number of passengers on a civil aviation plane.

There are at least more than a hundred sets of parachute bags, and even more than a thousand sets are required. Not to mention whether civil aviation aircraft have so much space to place these parachute bags, even if there is, how many ordinary passengers have

Do you know how to skydive? You can’t say that you should take a skydiving course on your own before buying a plane ticket, right? What’s more, the cruising altitude of civil aviation aircraft is at least 8,000 meters.

This is already an air pressure altitude that humans simply cannot bear. If the aircraft malfunctions and falls rapidly, even if it reaches a suitable skydiving height, you will probably die if you jump out of such an aircraft.

Therefore, the most important skill that civil aviation pilots need to ensure is the skill of emergency landing. Generally speaking, in real life, we can see people praising a certain captain or pilot, often because he appeared on a certain plane.

The emergency landing was successful when there was a major malfunction, saving hundreds of lives on the entire machine.

The lives of passengers. It is absolutely impossible for everyone to praise a captain because he dodged urgently while in the air and avoided a cannonball or an eagle... The man in front of him probably has such strong self-confidence.

Right? If he insisted that he could make the plane land successfully, even I would never believe it at the time. So he asked me and Lafayette to put on parachute bags, but in fact it was just

He wanted to tell me that he could give me the opportunity to skydive because he was sure that the plane would not cause a fatal accident. - The mechanic thought silently. Although in terms of results, there was nothing wrong with his idea, but in reality

Yes, Cheng Yu is just relying on his incredible ability to teleport. If the plane is really hopeless, he will definitely be the safest person on the plane.

Yes. Skydiving is risky, but his teleportation technique is absolutely not dangerous. If the plane is irreparable, he only needs to teleport back to the hospital on Mong Street. If the mechanic had just been able to

When Cheng Yu finishes speaking, Cheng Yu will ask him to tell him what happened to Lafayette later.

The latitude and longitude coordinates of the base camp.

However, at that time, the mechanic discovered that the power system was only hit by electric current and caused a malfunction rather than being damaged by the micro bomb. He felt that the plane could still be saved, so he interrupted Cheng Yu's words directly.

At this moment, Lafayette finally made sure that the plane was flying smoothly. He almost rolled up to Cheng Yu and said with a sad face: "Mr. Zhong, what else can you not do?"

Cheng Yu looked at Lafayette, who was definitely frightened just now, and said, "I guess if you were twenty years younger, you wouldn't be so afraid of death."

Lafayette was stunned for a moment. Looking back on the past, he felt that Cheng Yu was right.

"Since I said I will take you back, I will definitely do it." Cheng Yu added, patting Lafayette on the shoulder, indicating that he could return to the cabin. In the cabin, the two pilots also

The shock had just subsided. Although it was unbelievable, they had lived and died together with Cheng Yu and others just now. At this moment, there was only hatred left in their hearts towards Colonel Ruan and Adjutant Fan.

, but instead developed empathy with Lafayette.

It's a pity that no matter which side they lean on psychologically now, it won't change their outcome much.

The plane was pulled up to an altitude of about 1,500 meters. Cheng Yu asked Lafayette for the coordinates of the airport where the plane landed. After setting up the cruise, he also ended the use of piloting skills.

The driving skill redeemed by ten points will continue to deduct one point every minute. Any less than one minute will be counted as one minute. Cheng Yu used the driving skill for a total of 23 minutes and 37 seconds, and an additional 24 points will be deducted.

A total of thirty-four points were collected, and the life of the mission target was saved. This seemed like a big loss. Cheng Yu was still a little distressed, but after thinking about it, this mechanic was still a good person. After all,

He needs to be saved. And Lafayette saved him in order to know the location of his lair, in order to completely attack him.

industry, just killing Lafayette will not fundamentally solve the problem.

Thinking of this, Cheng Yu didn't feel so distressed about the more than 30 points. But he knew that this was actually just a trick to comfort himself. Without Lafayette in the Golden Triangle, his property would be inherited by others. And even if it was destroyed,

His industry, given time, will still generate new forces

, resumed the cultivation, development, manufacturing and sales of opium poppies and a series of other things. But Cheng Yu is not omnipotent. In this matter, he can only contribute his limited strength.

It is true that it only treats the symptoms rather than the root cause, but Cheng Yu's personal power is still too small after all. He can only treat the symptoms, and he hopes to extend the time for treating the symptoms as long as possible.

After returning to the cabin with the mechanic, Cheng Yu closed the cockpit door.

The mechanic asked Cheng Yu: "Where will the plane land?"

"You have to ask Lafayette about this. He just gave me the coordinates of the landing strip and I just did the cruise."

Lafayette didn't dare to make excuses at this moment, and immediately replied: "It's Bokeo Airport, just beside the Golden Triangle."

The mechanic nodded, thought for a while and said, "If possible, can I leave freely when I arrive at Bajiao Airport?" This question must be answered by Cheng Yu. As long as he agrees, even if Lafayette wants to kill the mechanic,

He would never dare to take action. But the mechanic was also afraid of long nights and many dreams. He didn't know when and how Cheng Yu planned to leave. What if Lafayette wanted to kill Cheng Yu after he left?

This chapter has been completed!
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