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Chapter 910 The Dilemma of Lafayette


If he hadn't known what kind of place this place would be, Cheng Yu might have thought it was a wealthy, isolated mountain village.

Although it is impossible for a mountain village to be isolated from the world if it wants to be prosperous, it is absolutely impossible to become wealthy through a self-sufficient agricultural model.

Moreover, in the farmland all over the mountains and plains, even people with no common sense would know that these are not normal crops.

Although it is only June, far from the flowering period of poppies, some impatient plants have already bloomed with coquettish flowers.

Looking from a distance, the lush green fields are interspersed with a very small number of red flowers, and more flower bones that are only slightly budding and are still early to bloom.

Cheng Yu knew that this was full of sin. There was nothing more sinful than this in the world.

The vehicle obviously began to accelerate, and Lafayette's vehicle quickly surpassed almost all the vehicles and rushed towards the neatly built houses.

Behind the area that looks like a standard building, there is a small courtyard with extremely high walls. It looks like an iron wall that blocks civilization and conscience. There are tall towers at the four corners of the courtyard, which Cheng Yu can clearly see.

He saw that there were people standing on the tower wearing American soldier uniforms with guns on their backs. Without any introduction, Cheng Yu could guess that the courtyard was probably

A drug factory under Lafayette.

The most sinful things in the world are produced in that yard. The car has slowly passed by the buildings that look like standard buildings. Now there are those buildings on both sides of the car. Cheng Yu originally thought that people living in these buildings

They will be Lafayette's wives, parents, family, etc.

But he failed to see even an old man, woman or child on the roadside. Standing in front of those houses were guys who were also wearing US military uniforms, but they were all showing their chests and rolling up their arms and sleeves.

Some were drinking, some were playing cards. Seeing Lafayette's car, these people all

They shouted at the vehicles one after another, seeming to welcome Lafayette back.

He originally thought that the car would drive into the small courtyard of the drug factory, and Cheng Yu also wanted to see what was going on there. However, he did not expect that when the car arrived near the small courtyard, it turned to a small road on the right.

The path was winding, rising straight up, and heading towards the dense forest. Cheng Yu soon felt that the road under his feet was already climbing. As he sat in the car, he clearly felt a force pulling him backwards.

behind the scenes, which means that they have been on an uphill road, and at the moment

The woods in front of us are becoming more and more dense. Most of them are towering trees, blocking out the sky and the sun, which actually gives people a cool feeling in this hot summer.

The road is not wide, but it is smooth, and the speed of the car is not slow.

Cheng Yu looked back and saw that the cars of Lafayette's men had stopped at different places. Only their car was still moving forward. Gradually, Cheng Yu discovered that the village-like car just now

The place was already at his feet. He was sitting in the car. Occasionally when he turned the front of the car, he could clearly see the scene of the village and the poisonous scenery from the car window.

The situation in the factory.

Cheng Yu has never seen this kind of factory, so he doesn't know what it should look like there, but now he sees it. In the yard, there are two rows of houses, and there is a river-like area in the middle. But look carefully

From the looks of it, it is obviously not a small river. Otherwise, this section of the river cannot only appear in the courtyard. There is no river outside the courtyard walls at both ends.

There are no traces of rivers.

It's like a long and narrow swimming pool. Of course, in a factory like this, the purpose of this pool is not for swimming or for partying.

There is no need for an introduction. Even if Cheng Yu hasn't seen it yet, he can still guess that this large pool must be related to some process in poison making.

Cheng Yu didn't want to know about this, he just wanted to observe more of the situation in the yard. The sky outside was already slightly dark, and he didn't know whether it was because it was surrounded by mountains, or whether the night in the mountains was about to come a little later.

It was earlier, even though it was only after five o'clock, the lights were already lit in the two rows of houses.

The light was turned on, which allowed Cheng Yu to see particularly clearly.

He could see people coming in and out of the two rows of houses in the yard, some carrying things in, and some carrying things out. Pagan seemed to be watching the situation in the yard, and he said to Lafayette: "Lord Buddha

, did we fail to ship the goods this time? It’s not easy to go to Thailand, so should we let the brothers rest for a short period of time?

?There are already too many goods stored at home.”

Lafayette finally opened his eyes. He seemed to be feeling something and turned his face to look at the yard and asked: "How is the news about finding someone that I asked you to spread yesterday?" "I have already given the order, but it's just not until now.

There is still no news." Pagan answered honestly, "Lafayette, if Mr. Zhong is really as magical as you said, do you still need us to help him find someone?

Moreover, the person Mr. Zhong is looking for but can’t find is as powerful as Mr. Zhong? If he really finds it, we..." Pagan looked a little worried, and worried that Lafayette was simply deceived by "Mr. Zhong"

, and I am worried that what Lafayette saw and heard is true, so an enemy that can cause such a headache to a person who is close to the legendary immortal god, I am afraid

It's a similar situation. When the time comes, whoever finds that person will probably die. Lafayette rolled his eyes at Pagan and said, "What do you know? No matter how powerful Mr. Zhong is, there is only one person who wants to escape from a place as big as Vietnam."

How can it be so easy to find someone? No matter how strong he is, he can't just pinch him.

Do you think that like the gods in novels, you can just count the first five hundred years and the next five hundred years? To find someone, all you need is the tactics of a sea of ​​people and a little bit of luck." "But, we are now.

In Vietnam, you can only find people by offering rewards. The efficiency of the Vietnamese police is really too low." Pagan suddenly slapped his head and said: "Oh, by the way, in the morning, Li Li from the Vietnamese side

My husband called and said he wanted to ask what was going on with the mayor of Lafayette Mong Cai. He seemed very angry, saying that he had been asked to hide such a big thing as the mayor's death.

Not Qi Ye

After he died, Peter Li finally dared to report the situation on Mong Cai. They still don’t know when they will know the situation on Mong Cai.” Lafayette snorted coldly and said, “That man named Li is just using the topic as an excuse.

When you go back and give him a reply, tell him that I will give him one hundred thousand dollars and let him help cover it up. He just wants some money, so just give it to him.

” After a pause, Lafayette said: “But Mong Street is really a bit of a headache. It’s a mess now, so I can only temporarily let Peter Li take full care of it. The city hall is waiting for the new mayor to be re-appointed.

The police station can still cover up the scene, and things at the villa have been sorted out, but there has never been a suitable person to take over the casino. Even the Hong Kong guy called in the morning to ask questions.

On the other side of the street, Li Peter said that Mr. Zhong hoped that there would be no chaos, which made all my original plans come to nothing. Not to mention that the goods can't get out, it's hard to say whether I can control it as well as before in the future. There is no room for mistakes in Mong Street.

Otherwise, the Chinese line will

It’s broken... The top priority is to find the person Mr. Zhong is looking for. In this way, Mr. Zhong will fulfill his promise and help deliver the goods into China, and we will survive."

The driver suddenly said: "Lafayette, you also said that finding someone requires a little bit of luck. It doesn't mean you can find someone just by looking for them. Should we still contact the Thai side?"

"Next, do you want to tell me that people from Thailand have already arrived? They are waiting for me?" Lafayette's tone was already very dissatisfied.

The driver hurriedly said: "That's not true. Lafayette, please don't worry too much. But Wachai over at Kokang has been waiting in the town."

Lafayette snorted, seemingly satisfied with this answer.

After thinking about it, Lafayette asked: "Pagan, what do you think?" Pagan thought about it and said: "The price is a bit low, but we really haven't shipped goods for a long time. The road to Thailand was temporarily closed.

, and pointed at Mong Street, at least it can't be cut off. Dafei in Hong Kong seems to have lost its voice recently,

Macau still insists that we deliver the goods to Macau before trading..."

The driver interrupted and cursed: "If we can transport it into Macau, why do we need to trade with him? That Yaowen on the street, I think he simply doesn't want to do business with us."

Lafayette hummed softly, seeming to agree with the driver's words. Pagan quickly said: "Actually, you can't say that. Our transactions with Hong Kong, Thailand and China are all done after the goods are shipped in. With Macau, it's

They used to be responsible for transportation by themselves, and we just shipped the goods, which has become a habit. But in the current situation, which buyer dares to ship the goods by himself? Yaowen's change of transaction method cannot be said to be unreasonable. The key is that now he can

There are too many substitute varieties. Our products are really not as good as before.

It’s so popular. Now those chemists come up with prescriptions that are going to kill those of us who are planting.” Lafayette snorted again and said, “What Pa Gan said is true. So, it’s even more important.

Hurry up and find the person Mr. Zhong is looking for. Now we only have some hope for the China road. I'm afraid all other roads will have to be replaced.

Find a way outside."

The speed of the car slowed down obviously, and it seemed that it was almost there.

Before parking the car, Lafayette said as if he had made up his mind: "Ada, please contact Vachai. If he is sincere, let him come to the village to meet you."

The driver agreed, but he didn't show any joy.

Pagan said in a low voice: "That Wachai is sure that we can't sell the goods now, and he is just here to buy the goods at the lowest price. I guess if you agree to meet him, Lafayette, that guy will further lower the price."

Lafayette raised his eyes and looked at Ada, because he had always been in contact with Wachai. Lafayette wanted to know Pagan's guess and what Ada thought.

Ada pulled out the car key, jumped out of the car first, then ran to the back seat and helped Lafayette open the door. "When Wachai contacted me for the first time, I said that he was poison. Unless it is absolutely necessary,

I don’t recommend trading with him either. But now, apart from the China line, there is still some possibility. Thailand has not been able to find a suitable solution, but we already have too many goods on hand. If this continues,

We can only store the goods in the open air. When the day comes, God knows whether those guys nearby will come to the door and rob them.


The words didn't make sense, but Lafayette still nodded, as if he had finally made up his mind: "That's it, let's see if Vachai dares to come. If he dares to come, let's talk." Pagan and Ada looked at each other.

Taking a quick look, Cheng Yu discovered that although the two people seemed to have been opposing each other's opinions, they were probably acting.

This chapter has been completed!
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