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Chapter 920 Empty the safe


Regarding the matter of opening the safe, Cheng Yu did have an idea, but it was not confirmed and he was not sure.

This method is very simple to say, that is, Cheng Yu uses the wall penetration technique, but does not completely penetrate the wall - that is, a certain side of the safe, and then takes out all the things inside.

According to the rules of the wall technique, every time Cheng Yu uses the wall penetration technique, he can carry three things besides his own belongings. These things can even be living people. Then the dead objects in the safe are even more important.

No problem anymore.

Although the safe is too small for Cheng Yu to get into, it is not a problem for Cheng Yu to put his two hands in. In this way, Cheng Yu can pick up a bag, or simply pull on a corner of his clothes

, mainly in the pockets. Use the wall penetration technique to barely enter the safe and empty the contents. It’s really not possible.

If it is easy to enter, Cheng Yu can also take off one leg of his trousers, then put the trousers leg into the safe with his hands, and then roll the contents of the safe into the trousers. The God-picking system is quite good, and it is useful for using it.

When performing the wall-penetrating technique, the restrictions on those fragmentary items are still relatively loose. Except for the rules when carrying a living body through the wall, the regulations are more rigid. The so-called host's carry-on items

Pin, Shenlu System has basically not done anything with Cheng Yu on this matter.

This is also the fundamental reason why Cheng Yu believes that this method is worth trying.

Of course, I have never tried it, and I will never know whether this is feasible. After all, Cheng Yu is not really going through the wall, but halfway through and then back out. From the perspective of mechanical execution, this behavior may trigger two results,

One is that the system determines that as long as Cheng Yu passes through the wall, it is counted once. Then if he takes something and retracts his hand, it will be counted as a second time.

A total of two wall penetration opportunities will be consumed. The other way is that the system will consider Cheng Yu's wall penetration unsuccessful, and the result of the failure will of course be the consumption of the number of wall penetrations. Therefore, according to theory, Cheng Yu believes that

, the worst result he can do is to waste two opportunities to pass through the wall and take out the contents of the safe. The system cannot get his hand stuck in the safe.

Let him come out? Cheng Yu thought carefully about this method. He felt that even if the system cared about him and then prevented him from performing such behavior, he could still find a way to be pretentious with the system, and the reason was absolutely aboveboard.

Let the system agree with his behavior without saying anything.

Cheng Yu carefully inspected the safe and found that it was only a few dozen centimeters in length, width and height. In other words, if the safe was considered as a whole, it was within the range that Cheng Yu could pass through the wall. Upgrade

The high-level wall-penetrating technique actually corrects the bugs in the ultimate wall-penetrating technique. Each high-level wall-penetrating technique can penetrate four walls. To put it bluntly, it can be used four times in one exchange, while the intermediate level is

Three times, this is a bit embarrassing, because an odd number of wall penetrations will result in a situation where you cannot come back. In addition, the advanced wall penetration technique also stipulates that the host can carry all objects in contact with his body every time he passes through the wall.

In the past, this included but was not limited to the packaging, clothing, etc. of the item. To put it bluntly, Cheng Yu was using clothing

When performing the wall technique, even if you take someone over, the person will not be naked after passing through the wall. The intermediate wall penetration technique is quite a bit like the ultimate skill of the flower picker. Under this premise,

Cheng Yuman can carry his pocket through the safe arbitrarily, even if the size of the safe cannot really accommodate Cheng Yu. Cheng Yu can treat it as a whole wall and penetrate it directly, but in this case, the system may be too pretentious.

Yu penetrated the entire safe, so the items in the safe will also be penetrated by Cheng Yu, so he cannot take the items out of the safe. But Cheng Yu only needs to indicate that he has consumed two opportunities to penetrate the wall in the process.

He walked towards the safe, entered with part of his body, took away all the things in the safe, and then came out from the opposite side of the safe. The system can be accessed from

It does not stipulate that Process Yu cannot use two wall penetration opportunities seamlessly and continuously, nor does it say that objects in this space cannot be accessed between the two wall penetration opportunities.

All in all, Cheng Yu believes that from the perspective of underlying logic, there is no reason for the Shenhu system to judge itself as a failure. After thinking clearly, Cheng Yu said to Sou Wen: "I can take out everything in the safe, but it is not something you can understand.

method. Moreover, what I cast is a magic method, which cannot be transmitted to two ears, so I am taking the safe

You must avoid the things in there." Kantao curled his lips after hearing this. Although he is a coward in the entire security force, this is something that Soe Win dared to ask him to send him home and threatened him not to say anything.

Go out, he has been really tight-lipped for so many years

This is obvious. But Kantao is also the kind of person who thinks a lot, so his first reaction to Cheng Yu's words is that Cheng Yu wants to separate them and take everything in the safe. But although Soe Wen is more

Arrogant, but there are not so many twists and turns in his mind. Regarding Cheng Yu's words, many people may suspect that Cheng Yu has ulterior motives. But Soe Wen is sure of it. Cheng Yu obviously cannot do it for

The small amount of cash and gold bars in the safe came from it, and if Cheng Yu wanted it, all those things would belong to Cheng Yu. Sou Wen didn't care. Sou Wen's only goal was the satellite phone, and he thought Cheng Yu's only goal was that. But Guang

It is useless to have a satellite phone. After answering the call, the other party will first determine the physical address of the incoming call, that is, whether the MAC address belongs to Galeries Lafayette's satellite phone. After the verification is passed, you still need to dial

Only when the person on the phone reports a sixteen-digit password can he successfully access the money in the account. Cheng Yu has no chance of knowing this sixteen-digit password. In this world, apart from Lafayette, there is only Soe Win.

Knowing this password, not even Pagan and Ada knew it. Among the three of them, it was not that Lafayette trusted Soe Win the most, but because Lafayette felt that Soe Win was careless and slow-minded, unlike Pagan.

and Ada, although Lafayette also believes in their loyalty, but for a person who thinks too fast,

It's not always that reassuring.

Therefore, Soe Win seemed indifferent to what most people would worry about. He nodded and said: "I know who you are, you are the Mr. Zhong that Lafayette said. Lafayette said,

Mr. Zhong is a member of the hidden sect in China. He has magical methods. Your methods don’t want us to see that I can understand

Explanation. Okay, Kantao and I will go outside the house and ask Mr. Zhong to take out everything in the safe."

After saying that, Soe Win raised the gun in his hand without hesitation, pointed it at Kantao, and shouted: "Now, get out of here. Don't think about playing tricks. As long as you dare to shout and move, I will

I will definitely kill you with one shot." Kantao really couldn't understand how Soe Win dared to trust this "Mr. Zhong" so credulously. You know, this "Mr. Zhong" came to rob you, and now you actually put your

If he stays alone in the house, he won't be afraid that he will take out the things

Just ran away? Can the little gun in your hand be comparable to the M16 in his hand?

But as the only unarmed one among the three and indeed the weakest in combat effectiveness, Kantao had no other choice but to follow Soe Win out of the door obediently and stand by the steps outside. "Boss, you

Can you trust the person inside so much? How can he take out the contents of the safe without the password? Then he will play a trick with you and use the things he prepared to pretend to be the contents of the safe.

What should I do?"

"Except for me, no one knows that there is a satellite phone in the safe. He can't prepare it in advance. Even if he prepares, he can't know the model of the satellite phone."

Kantao was stunned for a moment and thought that this was true.

"But what if he can really take out the contents of the safe and escape through the window?"

"He doesn't have a password, so it's useless if he takes something."


Well, Kantao finally understood. Soe Win seemed to trust the other party, but in fact, he had his own calculations in his heart.

At this moment, Cheng Yu's voice came from the room: "Come in." The two went in and saw that the safe was still tightly connected and lying in the middle of the room like a solid brick, but on the table next to it,

There is a small pile of small gold bars weighing about one or two pounds, and two piles of banknotes, one of which is Euro.

Yuan, and the other pile is US dollars, which is thick enough to be ten centimeters high.

When I got closer, I saw that the euros were in denominations of 500. There were two stacks of them, both about ten centimeters high. They were all brand-new bills, which meant that they were almost 100,000 euros.

Of course the U.S. dollar has a face value of one hundred, but there are four piles, which are also ten centimeters high. This is what forty thousand U.S. dollars looks like.

The exchange rate between the U.S. dollar and the euro is very close, and compared with the soft sister currency, it is currently in the early seventies, so the total value of this is about one million soft sister coins.

If you look at the gold bars roughly, they should be twenty small yellow croakers weighing one or two, which is a full kilogram. Although the price of gold is high nowadays, it is less than half a million soft girl coins.

The total amount is less than 1.5 million soft girl coins, which can only be used for emergencies. At least for a person like Lafayette, it is nothing.

Soe Win's eyes didn't even linger on the gold and cash. Instead, Kantao stared at the gold and cash and swallowed his saliva. In fact, Soe Win's life in these years may not be any better than Kantao, at least.

Both of them are still proletarians, but it is obvious that Soe Win is far superior to Kantao in terms of structure. What he wants is the unknown wealth that can be accessed on the other end of the satellite phone.

Rich, Kantao was already heartbroken when he saw this mere million. When he saw that in addition to the cash and gold on the table, there was indeed a satellite phone, and it was exactly the model that Lafayette had shown him before.

, Soe Win knew that this "Mr. Zhong" really took out the contents of the safe.

, it’s just amazing, the safe doesn’t even look like it has been opened, and I don’t know how this “Mr. Zhong” did it.

"Look, is it this satellite phone?" Of course Cheng Yu knew that this might arouse suspicion, so he asked Soe Win to confirm. "That's it, it can't be wrong. I don't believe you can get it in advance."

I know the model of the satellite phone in the safe." Although Soe Win said this, he still picked up the satellite phone, opened the back cover and checked the serial number.

, thoroughly confirmed that this was the phone number of Galeries Lafayette.

Cheng Yu saw it, but he didn't say anything. He said, "Let's talk about how to divide the gold and cash first."

"I'll give it all to you." Soe Win obviously didn't care about the petty profit. He shook the satellite phone in his hand, saying that this is enough for me.

Cheng Yu nodded and said, "Since you said so, I will make the decision. It's not easy for Kantao either. How about giving the money and gold to Kantao? This way he can do some business after he goes back, and he will have it from now on."

Landing." When Kantao heard this, he was stunned.

This chapter has been completed!
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