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Chapter 954: Lone ministers do not form cliques


If you were another person, you might have thought that Zhao Zepeng had already secured the victory. The four kings were on the same side as Zhao Zepeng when they elected the acting chairman not long ago. Even Ning Kezhu had clearly won in the end.

Under the situation, none of these four people seemed to vote for Ning Kezhu. It was Zhao Zepeng who kicked them under the table a few times, implying that they did not need to go against the general trend at this time, and they finally raised their hands.

This makes people feel that they are deeply tied to Zhao Zepeng, or that they simply follow Zhao Zepeng's lead.

But Cheng Yu doesn't see it that way. First of all, if Cheng Guangnian really thinks that Zhao Zepeng is the most trustworthy person among shareholders, and the two of them have always shown disagreement on many decisions, that is to say, they want to create a feeling that Zhao Zepeng can be ready at any time.

Everyone wants to usurp the throne

, wanted to replace Cheng Guangnian, but Cheng Guangnian had no choice but to completely control it. He alone accounted for 50% of the shares, and his wife also accounted for 10% of the shares. Zhao Zepeng really had the impression that he was determined to kill the thief and was unable to recover.

Then, this Zhao Zepeng must be a solitary minister. He cannot give Cheng Guangnian any sense of clique. In the company, he can only be known for his strong ability and unkindness. In fact, lawyer Lin told Ning Kezhu that Zhao Zepeng was the most trusted by Cheng Guangnian.

After becoming a shareholder, Ning Kezhu, of course, conducted some investigations on Zhao Zepeng on the grounds that Zhao Zepeng seemed to be competing with her for the position of chairman. The results of the investigation were just as Cheng Yu thought. Zhao Zepeng, in the entire Cheng Group,

He has a completely loner image. In addition to dealing with customers, he has private discussions with other management in the company, especially shareholders.

He has no contacts at all. His circle of friends is very clear, and is basically dominated by leaders of the government and central enterprises. Secondly, when shareholders vote, first look at the camp, and secondly look at the interests. Even when the situation is delicate, the camp may not be reliable. After all, this is a person

The enterprise is a private enterprise, and what every shareholder cares about most is of course his own.

Profit. As a businessman, profit is the first priority.

Therefore, Cheng Yu judged that there was no so-called alliance between the Four King Kongs and Zhao Zepeng, but they only temporarily unified the front on the matter of seizing power. At that time, the reason why Zhao Zepeng wanted to jump out and follow

Perhaps the most important thing for Ning Kezhu to compete for the position of acting chairman is to make these four people understand that they are definitely not opponents. Even if they can win, Ning Kezhu will fight.

If they don't win against him, Zhao Zepeng, let the four of them retreat in the face of difficulties. But after Zhao Zepeng raised the flag, the four kings knew very well that their and Zhao Zepeng's votes must be together, otherwise it would be impossible to win against Ning Kezhu.

, will only let Ning Kezhu take advantage in vain - of course, this is because they don't know that Cheng Guangnian actually has a back-up plan. And Zhao Zepeng must know about Cheng Guangnian's back-up plan, and the matter of exchanging shares, with Cheng Guangnian

Being cautious, he couldn't just tell the law firm, what if the lawyer was bribed? Of course they didn't dare not announce the documents left by Cheng Guangnian, but it only took a few hours at night, or the person in charge, Lawyer Lin, "just happened to

"He's on a business trip. The documents are locked in his safe and no one else has."

If the key cannot be obtained, Ning Kezhu will completely lose the game on the board of directors. Waiting for Lawyer Lin to come back to announce the share swap, Ning Kezhu will be unable to make a comeback.

Therefore, Zhao Zepeng must be another person who also knows about this backhand. The possibility of him colluding with the law firm is too low. So what Zhao Zepeng wants is this effect. He knows that after the Four King Kongs jump out,

, it will be judged that the forces must be merged. Only in this way can the Cheng family be guaranteed to temporarily leave the position of commander. As for how to distribute the interests among them and how to operate it, we can wait until Zhao Zepeng takes over. And if Zhao Zepeng

If they don't keep their promise, they can completely switch sides to Ning Kezhu and wait for a while.

Later, the agenda of removal and re-voting of the board of directors was again carried out.

But they didn't know what Cheng Guangnian had left behind, which they couldn't shake even with their combined forces.

It seems that Zhao Zepeng is reluctant to lose, and the Four Diamonds have nothing to say. This is the best choice for Ning Kezhu to sit in the position of acting chairman for a long time. This time, Zhao Zepeng and Du Changfeng had problems in saving the capital chain.

The Cheng Group proposed a plan to go public for financing, which is understandable. Both other directors and shareholders can understand their plan.

Ning Kezhu disagreed with this approach and followed Cheng Guangnian's idea of ​​insisting on not going public and remaining privatized. Those executives, especially the company's veteran officials, would certainly be able to understand.

In this way, the two sides were originally close to evenly matched according to the shareholding ratio analyzed by Cheng Yu.

But Zhao Zepeng took a foolish step in handling this matter. He could even contact Cheng Yu directly, or contact the three old ministers, and tell Cheng Yu or Cheng Yu exactly what he originally told Du Changfeng.

In this case, the three old ministers, as long as they win over any one side, the situation will still be evenly matched. In fact, if he finds Cheng Yu and Cheng Yu is willing to help him, Zhao Zepeng can almost win directly. Not to mention

He said that Ning Kezhu would not go against his biological son. Although her husband was unwilling to go public, her only son felt that it was okay to go public. With Ning Kezhu's character, she would listen to her son. Even if Ning Kezhu didn't do this, Cheng Yutou

Back to the company, except Zhao Zepeng, he

Among all shareholders outside the country, the one with the most shares, the dignified prince of the Cheng Group, isn't it enough for him to win more votes?

The biggest mistake Zhao Zepeng did was to go to Du Changfeng. Indeed, Du Changfeng, as the leader of the Du Group, is also another legend in Wudong. He has a more rigorous mind, and

A clearer judgment. Zhao Zepeng didn’t even need to explain clearly, just

If he simply revealed some of the Cheng Group's current predicament, Du Changfeng would easily be on his side.

Zhao Zepeng took a shortcut.

Maybe he thinks that Du Changfeng can have the same effect as Cheng Yu. Although Du Changfeng belongs to another group company, his personal relationship with Cheng Guangnian is well known to the world, and the two families are now in-laws, so maybe Zhao Zepeng thinks

, Du Changfeng’s change of stance will have a great impact on

It affects those small shareholders and even the three old ministers. You know, those three old ministers also have a very good relationship with Du Changfeng.

But Du Changfeng is not Cheng Yu. Who is Cheng Yu? Cheng Guangnian’s only son. Regardless of the reason, Cheng Guangnian has not trained Cheng Yu for so many years, nor has he been assigned to any company under the Cheng Group, but

He is still the next generation who is legally qualified to inherit all of Cheng Guangnian's inheritance. It doesn't matter if he doesn't come to the Cheng Group, but as long as he stands here, even if he doesn't have the 8.5% of the shares, everyone,

Including him, Zhao Zepeng,

Everyone inside also respectfully calls him Prince.

For the Cheng Group, only Cheng Yu can have such an honor. After Cheng Guangnian's accident, if it was not Ning Kezhu who appeared in the Cheng Group, but Cheng Yu, a half-year-old kid who everyone thought had a hairless mouth, Zhao Zepeng wouldn't even have to

Standing up to protect him, Lawyer Lin doesn’t need to declare

Regarding the announcement of the share swap, except for a few senior executives and the possibility that the Four King Kongs would bounce their votes, everyone else would definitely cast all their votes on Cheng Yu. At that point in time, Cheng Yu had five points.

The shares of Cheng Guangnian are fifty, and Cheng Yu's father-in-law's Du Group has five points. This means that Cheng Guangnian and his son are the absolute controlling family with 55% of the shares.

And the Cheng Group also has the surname Cheng. To put it bluntly, the Cheng Group is the kingdom of the Cheng family. If something happens to me, my son will take over. Is there any problem? Who can object?

And what about Du Changfeng?

Yes, he is Cheng Guangnian's best friend. As we all know, he is almost the only close friend Cheng Guangnian can invite to his home or come uninvited.

Even if there is no marriage between Cheng Yu and Du Xiaoyu, and the two families are not married, they are still close friends.

When Cheng Guangnian's accident happened, the two groups already held shares in each other, and there was also an in-depth cooperation with Qianjin Company whose valuation was already ridiculously high. All of this, on the surface, seems that even though Du Changfeng is not as good as Cheng Yu,

There is not much difference. Moreover, Du Changfeng's biggest advantage is that he is experienced, shrewd and has good relationships with many companies and banks. Although Cheng's Group and Du's Group have very little overlap in customers, in terms of banks, they

But they have exactly the same resources. With Du Changfeng's help, it is almost equivalent to having the endorsement of the Du Group.

Then, at least there will be no problem with the loan from the bank. But the only problem is still that Du Changfeng is not Cheng Yu, his surname is not Cheng, and even Ning Kezhu will encounter such great resistance in the group.

And she is Cheng Guangnian's first wife. They have a son together, but this is still not the case.

If Du Changfeng joins the Cheng Group's board of directors and puts forward a proposal for the overall listing of the Cheng Group, he hopes to revive the confidence of all parties in the Cheng Group.

, to solve the current financial crisis, this matter

There may be something else to do. At least, shareholders will seriously consider this proposal.

But Du Changfeng came with Zhao Zepeng. Not to mention the suspicion of combining tickets in advance, the two of you sitting here will get 15%, which is even three points more than the 12% of the Cheng family mother and son.

, who are you showing this to? The most important thing is that the shareholders will be suspicious, especially the three old ministers. Last time, they misunderstood that Zhao Zepeng was seizing power. This time, I see you actually teamed up with "outsiders" to change the situation.

Cheng Guangnian's corporate creed, they are in trouble

They all dare to take action on the board of directors. The same goes for other shareholders. When a large enterprise encounters a crisis, as the second largest shareholder of the group, you do not seek help internally or digest it internally, but go to find a competitor to form

to you

support - even if the competitor is close friends with their boss, this will give people a sense of collaboration with the enemy and treason. You are basically a person who is still determined to seek government and usurp the throne.

The truth is that it is related to the vital interests of shareholders. Listing will dilute the shares of each shareholder, and once tradable shares appear on the market, it will give people the possibility of increasing their equity. What is Dushi Group? Then

He is a tiger with closed eyes next to the bed, and he is connected with the second largest shareholder of the group. If the Du Group announces the takeover of the Cheng Group,

Buying and selling goods in the circulating stock market, coupled with Zhao Zepeng's internal and external cooperation, this group will have to change its surname if it is not guaranteed. And whether it is to change its surname to Zhao or to Du, this will greatly damage the interests of other shareholders.

Under this consideration, it is difficult to say what the shareholders' inclination will be. Especially people like the Four King Kongs who always only consider their own interests.

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