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Chapter 990 Destined to return without success


The reason why Cheng Yu wanted to confirm with Gao Yiming was of course because he was worried about Gao Yiming's poor condition, but he also had a small thought, that is, he felt that if Gao Yiming didn't want to climb the mountain, then he should not go in and save a ticket.

The ticket money will definitely be rewarded by the God Digging System.

Now that the reward was gone, the four of them bought tickets and entered the scenic spot.

Along the stone steps that they had taken down the mountain yesterday, Cheng Yu and the others began to walk up step by step.

You are not alone, there are always some tourists who do not want to take the cable car and choose to climb the mountain on their own. When they cross shoulders, they exchange glances with encouragement to each other.

Xue Changyun asked as he climbed: "By the way, Lao Cheng, last night I asked you if you felt that when you got here, it didn't look like the one in your picture. You haven't answered yet. Lao Gao, what do you think?

Woolen cloth?"

Gao Yiming frowned. He actually felt this way, but because he was too sure when he was in Wu Dong and even convinced Xiao Nie, he was embarrassed to say it.

But since Xue Changyun mentioned it, he nodded and said with some frustration: "Everything seems to be right, but I always feel that something is not right. I feel the same now." Cheng Yu just smiled,

Said: "Don't think so much. According to what the old gentleman said, it was at least the end of the Ming Dynasty. It has been more than four hundred years ago and nothing has changed. Besides, we don't really have to

Let’s look for some treasure.”

Xue Changyun said: "You dragged us here to climb the mountain so early in the morning. If you weren't looking for treasures, you were doing it to exercise." "Now that we are here, of course I want to compare again, but you have to say this.

To be honest, it was okay to go to Huangluo Yao Village over there yesterday. It was just some villagers' houses, and it was enough to just take a quick look at them. Cao Fang has already explained to us the content related to Yao Village.

It was very detailed. We asked the local villagers and couldn't find anything newer. It wasn't even as objective as what Cao Fang said. But there are still some differences here. The time was too tight yesterday and we didn't arrive until after three o'clock.

After another half-hour ride on the cable car, it was already early four o'clock when we reached the top of the mountain. I took a quick look at the top, which was not even a quick tour, and then I kept going down like a rappelling.

I was afraid that it would be dark when I reached the foot of the mountain. The two observation decks in the middle were also made as if they were on the road. When I came out to play, I was in such a hurry and didn't see anything. Don't you think it's a little regretful? So I

Thinking that we have plenty of time today, we climbed up slowly. I quite like this kind of resting while climbing. Every time I stop, I can look down the mountain and see different scenes. If you think

No need, just stop at the observation deck in the middle." Xue Changyun was angered by Cheng Yu's long speech, and said angrily: "I just made a complaint and attracted you so much, how about you writing the paper?

When did I say I didn’t want to climb anymore? Why are you so petty now?

?Old Sun, do you think so?"

Sun Jiancheng smiled honestly and refused to comment. In fact, even if he spoke, he probably felt that what Cheng Yu said was reasonable. Cheng Yu had already remembered the picture completely in his mind. He walked, stopped, and turned around from time to time.

Looking down, it looks like what he said. Every time he looks back, there are always different scenery and feelings. In fact, he also wants to

Let's take a look at this landscape from different heights and angles, and try to see if there is any different feeling. From a personal point of view, although yesterday was just a cable car going up the mountain, and then hurriedly going down the mountain, he also had a sense of paradox.

It feels like. But Xue Changyun and the others didn’t know that the story Cao Fang told was simply a chronicle.

The other version of the story told by Mr. Manzi really felt so much like the feeling of having found the destination that Cheng Yu couldn't help but ignore it.

Although this kind of treasure map, even if the treasure is really found, it may not belong to him in the end. It is very likely that relevant departments will need to cooperate with the excavation. But with the treasure ahead, how could Cheng Yu not try his best?

Yes, it has come. But this thought, as he got closer to the top of the mountain, dissipated little by little. The more he looked at it from different angles, the more he felt that, except for the two crossings at the bottom of the mountain,

The curve is still like that outside the two rivers

, the part that looks like terraced fields in the picture is not that similar anymore. At least, it doesn’t look like the Longji Rice Terraces.

The unreliable thing about this is that you can't be sure whether the lines on the map are terraces and rivers. When you reach the top of the mountain, you can watch it carefully this time. Cheng Yu slowly walked around the entire observation deck on the top of the mountain.

Walking around, it seems that you are admiring the spectacular terraces under your feet that took one or two thousand years to finally take on their current appearance, but in fact

, he was just still trying to compare the picture in his mind from different angles.

Because it was already past noon, Xue Changyun and Gao Yiming went to the restaurant on the top of the mountain to order first. Cheng Yu was able to observe the entire mountain topography in more detail.

To say they are similar, the more I look at them, the less they seem to look alike. But to say they are not similar, I still feel they are somewhat similar.

Cheng Yu's mood was very contradictory. The state of mind he had before coming here seemed to be destroyed all of a sudden. In fact, Cheng Yu stood on the top of the mountain and looked down, especially the two intersecting winding roads that were most suitable for him.

The direction of the curve. He imagined the scene of rape blossoms blooming on the hillside in spring, as if using his brain to cast a filter on the hillside. He also imagined the strong green seedlings in the hot summer.

It has grown to half a person's height, and some of the precocious ones have even begun to quietly look like new ears. I also think of the rice that matures in September and October.

The golden color all over the mountains and plains is just like the golden dragon's spine that the tour guide next to me told her group members. Finally, I thought about how enchanting and pure white it would be if there was heavy snowfall from the end of the year to the beginning of the next year.

Various filters have been added, but they don't seem to match the lines on the picture very well. There is always something wrong.

Maybe it really isn’t here. After all, they have all been developed into scenic spots. From the intersection of the two rivers to the Longji Terraces here, the similarities still feel similar, but these are all areas that have been almost completely developed. If that picture

The place on the map is really here, so in the process of government-assisted development and the farming life of the Yao people for hundreds of years, it is actually difficult to find any place that has not been searched. Moreover, according to Cao Fang

The story told was that after some of Queen Xiaomuji's tribe came here, they were unable to move on, and eventually some of their tribesmen found this place. What Cheng Yu thought was that the subsequent group of people took the treasure with them and took it away.

Buried somewhere here.

This is indeed a possibility.

But now that I think about it carefully, it is a bit far-fetched and wishful thinking. First of all, the ancestors of this Hongyao are even the tribe of Queen Xiaomu Ji, that is, another group of people from the same tribe as Mr. Ji Manzi. They came from Hezhou at that time

The destination of departure was actually Guilin Prefecture, not Longsheng County under the jurisdiction of Guilin Prefecture. Even though the ancestors of Mr. Ji Manzi first went to the Sino-Vietnamese border to find their own tribe and informed them of the news about other tribesmen before entering.

Those who live in seclusion among hundreds of thousands of mountains, those who go back to Guilin

The Yao soldiers who want to find their relatives in Guilin are absolutely unable to find Longji Town, which is more than a hundred miles away from Guilin. This reunion is more like a kind of psychological self-comfort. Secondly, even those who

People couldn't find their relatives when they arrived in Guilin, so they expanded the search area. They were really capable, or they were lucky enough to find this place. How could they be able to bring a large amount of treasures and then bring them back?

Buried here? Even if there is such a batch of treasures, they are buried here. After they drew the map, didn't they give it to the local tribesmen? Instead, they had to go to the Sino-Vietnamese border to hand the map to another group of tribesmen? Just

Just to have the map engraved on the back crown and the nothing card?

No matter which point you start from, this seems a bit too far-fetched.

Cheng Yu nodded. He was just confused by Cao Fang's story that echoed that of Mr. Ji Manzi.

A philosopher once said that human beings only believe what they want to believe. As long as they believe it, they can always find reasons to convince themselves.

Cheng Yu has obviously made such a mistake now.

Once he figured it out, he felt relaxed, and together with Sun Jiancheng, who had been silent and waiting for him, they entered the restaurant on the top of the mountain. After lunch, the four of them made some adjustments on the top of the mountain. Gao Yiming said that although he climbed up

It was a bit hard but not bad. Now he was going down the mountain. Thinking of yesterday's rush-like journey down the mountain, he felt that he might not be able to bear it.

Indicates that he plans to take the cable car down the mountain. And there is indeed a saying in China that it is easier to go up the mountain than to go down. The difficulty of going up the mountain lies in physical strength, but if you don’t care about time and stop and go, you can always reach the top of the mountain. On the contrary

When going down the mountain, firstly, my state of mind is different. Secondly, the impact I receive when going down is actually even greater. Thirdly, when going down the mountain, it is actually the time when a person's physical strength is at its weakest. In other words, one's physical strength is at its weakest after climbing to the top.

It's already the worst state

, and then go down the mountain, it is easy to feel overwhelmed.

Xue Changyun asked Cheng Yu his opinion, and Cheng Yu said that he still wanted to take a stroll and was not in a hurry anyway.

"There's no need to ask everyone's opinion. If you want to take the cable car, I have no objection. I won't force you to go with me. I just want to walk on my own."

Seeing Cheng Yu's insistence, Xue Changyun looked at Sun Jiancheng again, and Sun Jiancheng said that he was following his boss.

I'm not afraid. To be honest, I'm really tired now. I'm a bit overwhelmed by how hard I can go down the mountain.

Okay. Lao Gao and I will take the cable car."

As a result, the four people were divided into two groups. Sun Jiancheng handed the car keys to Xue Changyun and Gao Yiming and asked them to take the cable car down the mountain, while he accompanied Cheng Yu on foot down the mountain. During the process of going down the mountain, Cheng Yu still stopped and walked.

Although he had already figured it out clearly that this place was probably just similar to the picture and not the actual place in the picture, Cheng Yu still paid attention to every detail.

I made a new observation. After all, the angle of going down the mountain is different from the angle of going up the mountain.

Speaking of which, when Gao Yiming identified the Longji Rice Terraces and the two rivers, Cheng Yu was not too willing to believe it. On the contrary, he only became a little interested when he heard that there was the only Yao village among the thirteen villages in Longji.

As he got closer and closer to the foot of the mountain, Cheng Yu knew that there was no need to make any more attempts. There was no way this place could be a place to hide treasures. If it were, even if it hadn't been dug up accidentally by people of all ethnic groups over the past hundreds of years, it would have been there.

In these recent

It was discovered during the construction of scenic spots in 2016.

There is no information about rare treasures found here in any legends or news. It can only be said that this place is just a beautiful misunderstanding. My mentality has completely changed, and my pace has become much faster. Just like yesterday, I walked all the way down the mountain.

, made Sun Jiancheng wonder why Cheng Yu had such good physical strength.

This chapter has been completed!
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