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Chapter 136 Depth

【Swan Academy】

All the gentlemen present, including the frustrated students who failed the test, also raised their heads at this moment and looked at the young man floating in the sky.

Yi Chen's floating height has reached the roof. If there were no restrictions from the roof, he would even fly out of the school.

The depth of consciousness he has reached has exceeded the normal value, and it perfectly matches the thinking space drawn by the principal, constructing a real spiritual scene that is indistinguishable from reality.

All senses will be 100% restored inside the thinking space, and the test will be more intuitive, real and effective.

Under the crying mask, the principal's eyes also changed. She rarely saw young students with such interesting brains and such deep thinking.

【Rainy Night Gallery】

"It's very clear, very real...it's not even much different from reality.

It's completely different from the hazy, uncontrollable, and foggy feeling of passively withdrawing from consciousness and going to the old world. This is completely like what happened.

In other words,

Is the thinking space constructed by consciousness, supported by the principal and based on my weaknesses, actually so dark?"

The sound of finger rain,

Shadows outside the window,

There are also abstract paintings with strange and disturbing styles, such as "The Women of Messadra", which corresponds to a woman with her head tilted 90°. She is out of tune with the pedestrians around her, standing in the middle of a crowded street, with

Eyes full of blood stared out of the frame.

Yi Chen habitually wanted to open the suitcase and take out the hand ax and gun, but found that there was nothing in his hands.

Even if you try to use plants, there will be no response.

The whole consciousness that came to the thinking space was restricted by the principal to an ordinary body.

However, Yi Chen pinched his arm hard, and what he felt was not pain, but itching... which meant that what Teacher Zed taught him was not affected. This change in the essence of the body is related to the essence of the soul and cannot be shielded.

"Although I don't know whether the time flow rate here is consistent with reality, it's better to seize the time."

Since this is a gallery,

No matter how gloomy or weird it is, Yi Chen immediately puts himself into the role of an "audience" who comes to participate in the art exhibition and carefully observes each painting.

Before starting to appreciate it, Yi Chen took a rough look around.

A square gallery composed of four corridors without any entrances or exits.

Although the length, window position, carpet color and other details of each gallery are all the same, Yi Chen still uses the names of paintings at the beginning and end of the gallery to distinguish them and number them with numbers.

Among them, the number of paintings in galleries 1 to 3 is equal.

Only one painting is missing in the middle of Gallery No. 4, leaving a white wall. However, after inspection, it is just an ordinary wall and nothing special can be seen for the time being.

The only [difference] in Yi Chen's eyes is likely to be the key to breaking the situation.

Next is to appreciate the paintings one by one.

Unlike his usual accurate memory of scene details, Yi Chen did not deliberately keep the painting patterns in his mind.

This kind of art form cannot be completely memorized and reproduced by memory alone.

Instead, try to combine the name of the painting as much as possible to understand, appreciate, and appreciate the essence of the painting.

When I stopped at the fourth painting - "Orange Abandoned Baby", there was another thunder flash outside the window, accompanied by the sound of breaking glass.

A sudden abnormality forced Yi Chen to turn his head and look.

The square window located in the middle of the gallery had an extra exaggerated crack due to the thunder just now.

"Interference factors?"

Yi Chen didn't show any change in his expression and was ready to continue immersed in appreciating the paintings.

However, when his eyes returned to the painting "Orange Abandoned Baby", the baby that should have been under the orange tree disappeared, leaving only the scattered swaddling clothes.

The changes in the painting made Yi Chen instantly alert,


A burst of crying came from deep in the corner of the corridor, and all nearby candles were extinguished.


A yellow baby with skin replaced by orange peel crawled out of the darkness,

The completely torn mouth reveals insect-like fangs, and there are strong grasshopper-like appendages on its abdomen.

The moment it appeared, it bounced directly towards Yi Chen, its fangs locked on the carotid artery.

"This is……"

Yi Chen relied on his combat experience and immediately made a quick escape.

While completely avoiding it,

The body is like a bow,

Hands turned into hammers,

It fell vertically! It hit the orange abandoned baby in mid-air perfectly, and the huge force smashed it to the ground.

Don't give the monster any breathing space, just step on it.

Pa~ Ignoring the slime on the soles of my shoes, I continued to appreciate the next painting.

And occupy part of the brain capacity to think quickly about what just happened,

"I didn't expect that the [mental test] initiated by the principal is also dangerous. If you die in it, the test may fail directly.

As for the materialization of the painting, two reasons can be deduced based on the situation just now.

1.Thunder and lightning flashed outside the window

2. My subjective appreciation of the paintings

Meeting these two conditions at the same time should cause the painting to materialize... Next time there is a thunderstorm, try not to look away, and you may be able to avoid this situation.

Moreover, I have to speed up.

The gallery is not stable. Once these cracked windows are broken, all the ghosts crawling outside will flood in, and the test will probably fail."

While thinking, Yi Chen's brain overflowed with white steam again. As his concentration increased, he gradually accelerated his appreciation of the paintings.

The interval between each lightning strike is almost the same,

When Yi Chen tasted the ninth painting - "Shadows in the Labyrinth", lightning flashed and accompanied by a clearer sound of glass cracking, a larger crack appeared on the window.

But this time Yi Chen did not turn his head and stared at the painting in front of him.

The monster with humanoid body and sunflower head in the maze still exists in the painting and has not come out to cause trouble.

"Nice! As long as you keep your eyesight and your subjective consciousness unwavering, the things in the painting cannot escape... It is indeed a pure thinking space, and the subjective consciousness plays a larger role. It's really interesting."

After reaching the conclusion, Yi Chen no longer had any distractions, abandoned all distractions, and completely immersed himself in appraising the paintings.

With the end of the tasting in galleries 1, 2 and 3,

Finally came to the slightly different Gallery No. 4,

In the middle of the corridor, there is a blank painting on the wall opposite the window.

Bang! Thunder and lightning flashed.

The violent thunder shattered a small piece of the cracked window, and rainwater poured into it eagerly, pouring into the gallery in the form of water.

Yi Chen remained unaffected, ignoring the layer of water flowing over the soles of his shoes, and conducted the final tasting as quickly as possible.

When looking away from the last painting.

Fragments of paintings that have been understood and digested are quickly flashed back in the mind, effectively intertwined, and spliced ​​together to form a brand new thing.

Yi Chen moved to the middle of Gallery No. 4,

Staring at the empty white wall carefully,

Try to imprint what comes out of your mind and wait for an opportunity.


Yi Chen blinked while the lightning flashed.

The originally empty wall in front of me actually had an extra painting... This painting was the work that came together in Yi Chen's brain, the result of a collection of all the paintings.

It's called "Gate".

Drawn between the frames is a brand new iron door, which is the 'exit' to the outside world.

At this time,

Ping! The window behind him was completely shattered.

When the broken glass pieces flew by Yi Chen, there were also shady arms grabbing them together.

Unfortunately, as he moved forward, these arms were all empty.

Unaffected by anything, Yi Chen continued to stare at the painting and moved forward very calmly.

When the distance between the two is less than ten centimeters,

Perhaps I was looking at the iron gate between the picture frames too carefully, and I felt like I had seen the iron gate somewhere before.

Perhaps concentrating on appreciating paintings made him fall into a deeper area of ​​consciousness, even exceeding the value set by the principal.

Some weird brain signals suddenly emerged,

These signals directly affect the current thinking space, like dark threads crawling towards the "Gate".

The iron door of the painting room has become more and more realistic, even showing rust scars and a metal door plate full of scratches.


Yi Chen couldn't control it and instinctively raised his hand to touch.

When he touched the cold iron door of the painting room...the creaking sound of the door shaft rubbing echoed in his mind.

The gallery in front of me, the rain and strange shadows no longer exist,

But he did not return to Swan Academy... but fell into a deeper consciousness space, an independent space derived from his own consciousness.

More real and free from external interference.

Yi Chen's eyes widened. He had never been so panicked or scared before.

"How could this happen...why are you here!?"

The increasingly excited emotions caused black threads to spread between the eyes of the child, even turning his eyes completely black.

This chapter has been completed!
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