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Chapter 187 The third battle, pig teammate Ren

The dark night had just faded and the morning light was dim. On the distant sea, a series of gunfires woke up the people on the rubble island.

"Enemy attack! Enemy attack!"

"Nine Snakes are coming, organize a defense line immediately, organize a defense line!"

The outermost military camps on the island were in chaos, and the pirates were panicking, which fully exposed the nature of the mob.

But it doesn't matter that they are reserve troops, the Beast Pirates still have elites.

Immediately someone came over to organize the troops and reorganize the military formation.

"The newcomers of the 1st and 2nd Battalions, board the Mammoth immediately and go out with Lord Jack!"

Sasaki stood in front of the military camp and shouted to everyone.

As a person with a bounty of 472 million Baileys, a dragon fruit, an ancient species, and a triceratops form ability, his status among cadres is second only to the three major disasters, and he can give orders.

Soon, thousands of reserve pirates were mobilized and headed to the Mammoth in the dock area.

On the other side, Yamato and her younger brother Wu Ming boarded the car of "Fire Calamity" Jin.

It was the first time that Ren saw the leader of the three disasters.

Jhin, whose real name is Abel, is the poster boy of the Beast Pirates and one of the earliest members. He is called his right hand by Kaido, the first of the "three major disasters", nicknamed "Fire Disaster", the animal type Dragon Dragon

Fruit·Ancient species·Pteranodon form ability, the bounty is 1.39 billion beli.

He is also a mysterious remnant of the Lunaria tribe and can produce fire on his body. This is a racial talent and has nothing to do with the fruit ability.

Now, Ren's immortal golden body and infinite weapons are also expressed in a form similar to racial talents.

"Goten, good morning."

After Jin saw Yamato on the boat, he endured his disgust and greeted her lukewarmly.

Jhin is tall and muscular. His whole body, including his face, is covered in pitch-black clothing. He wears a mask and goggles on his face. He wears black double-breasted clothes with two skulls on his collar.

He also wore black gloves on his palms, not leaving an inch of skin exposed, and hung a long knife on his waist. There was fire around the back of his head, and the flames burned out of thin air and never went out.

"Good morning, Uncle Jhin."

Yamato greeted him perfunctorily with the same attitude, not even looking at him when he spoke.

The discord between the two is almost obvious, and the conflict is very sharp.

Yamato thinks that his father is a bad guy and wants to drive the Beast Pirates out of Wano, while Jhin is loyal and always thinks about Kaido and wants to help his boss become the Pirate King.

In Jhin's eyes, Yamato is an ignorant and unfilial daughter, and the more she looks at her, the more disgusted she becomes.

If she hadn't been the boss's daughter, he would have thrown her into the sea to feed the fish when she was a child.

"Who are you?"

Jin glanced at Lei beside her and asked in an indifferent tone.

He always felt that this bald young man seemed familiar, but he couldn't remember where he had seen him before...

"Ha, Brother Jin, I'm Wu Ming. I just joined the Beast Pirates not long ago. Please give me some advice."

At this moment, Renn looked like the kind of clever little guy who always follows the crowd, with a flattering smile on his face.

Don't ask, it's just about acting.

While he was eating and drinking, he didn't want to be too high-profile.

Jhin just felt that he looked familiar, so he asked casually. He was a person with a relatively cold personality. He couldn't remember who this guy was, so he immediately looked away and ignored him.

Forget it, I can't remember, I guess he's not an important person.

With a straight face, Yamato reached out and pinched Ren's ears, as if he was dissatisfied with his flattering attitude.

"What are you doing?" Renn slapped her hands off and said with a look of disgust.

"You just need to follow me, there's no need to fawn over him." Yamato looked like a eldest sister.

"But you are a marginal figure in the Beast Pirates and may be kicked out at any time. What future can I have with you?"


Yamato's mouth was blocked with one sentence, which made her feel uncomfortable.

She gave him a hard look, then turned away angrily and ignored him.

On the other side, Jhin also learned about Ren's origin from Sasaki. He was dug out of the belly of the sea beast and lost his memory. It seemed that he had some background.

"We will arrange for him to go to Jack's side later. As a forward, you should keep an eye on him to see if there is anything unusual." Jhin ordered Sasaki.

He survived after entering the belly of a sea beast. This little beast must be no ordinary creature.

At nine o'clock in the morning, the third local war began.

The battlefield for the PK between the two overlords, the Hundred Beasts and the Nine Snakes, is near a deserted island ten miles away from the Rubble Island.

This time the battle was not like the previous two, it was just a little fight.

Except for the boss, both sides were missing, and all the cadres came out to engage in PK by sea, land and air.


On the bow of the ship, Yan Banjin gave a cold shout and jumped up.

He transformed into a Pteranodon and fluttered its wings, bathing in flames behind his back and streaking through the air in blazing arcs. Like the top predator of the Cretaceous, he rushed straight to the sea in front of him with great momentum!

This kind of strong and domineering behavior, taking the lead in the charge, undoubtedly boosted the morale of our own side.

"Brother Jin, you are mighty! You will win!"

"Rush, follow Brother Jin!"

On the dozens of ships that the Beast Pirates attacked this time, the pirates waved their swords excitedly and shouted.


The ferocious ancient pterosaur took the lead and quickly flew over the Nine Snakes fleet, casting a small shadow.

'Fire Dragon Emperor!'

The Pteranodon's head popped up, and flames shot out. The hot flames were like red magma, turning into a long dragon-like pirate ship that bit Nine Snakes!


The flame tornado failed to hit the ship. Below, a brilliant lightning shot up like a spear. The thunder gun and the fire tornado collided in the void, and instantly exploded into a blazing mushroom cloud!

The boundless wind rolled like waves, the atmosphere roared, and the sound shook for miles.

"Jin, you are looking for death!"

On the Thor, the second sister's long green hair was flying, and lightning was shooting out of her palms. Her pretty face was as cold as ice, and she seemed to be angered by the opponent's arrogant attitude of charging into the military formation alone.

She pulled her hands together, and the incandescent lightning energy in her palms beat and converged into a ferocious halberd.


The second sister opened the electric field, and with a flash of lightning, she teleported to the head of the Pteranodon, and the Thunder God Halberd pulled down thousands of thunders and struck down hard!

The atmosphere nearby burst with just one blow, and golden snakes danced wildly to fill the void.

At the critical moment, Jhin instantly transformed back into human form and drew out the long knife from his waist.


He raised his sword to hold the downed Thunder God Halberd, and the flaming blade wrapped in armaments and flames collided fiercely with the Lei Feng, and countless sparks burst out!

The energy surged wildly, causing surging air waves, and Jhin retreated sharply in the air.

The second sister repulsed the enemy and pursued him with a vicious look on her face, waving the Thunder God Halberd.

Dang Dang Dang——!!

The two of them fought fiercely in the air, their movements as fast as afterimages. The thunder halberds and flaming blades in their hands clashed continuously. Every time the weapons collided, flashing red lotuses bloomed, and billowing heat waves and strong winds swept across all directions!

The second sister was bathed in lightning, as if she was possessed by the God of War. Each halberd was heavier than the other, and Jin was knocked backwards in the air, retreating a thousand meters.

There is no doubt that she had the upper hand and successfully suppressed the enemy's arrogance.

"Ice storm!"

The third sister flapped her wings of ice and snow and flew high into the sky. The cold air she released washed down like a waterfall!

Click, click, click... The sky was freezing, the sea water was frozen, and the ice spread around like a virus, quickly freezing the sea area about ten miles away from the Beast Fleet.

The glacier and a small desert island in the middle form a large landing site.

"Don't panic, Ah Ji... jump down and crush them with me!"

Jack reached out to wipe the frost off his face, sneezed, and shouted loudly.

I have to say that the natural Xuexue fruit is so convenient.

Especially during sea battles, Boya Marigorud can freeze an area of ​​sea at any time, which can not only prevent the enemy fleet from advancing, but also flexibly choose the battlefield, and even directly change the combat method, turning a naval battle into a land battle.

How the war is fought, where it is fought, and in what form it is fought, Nine Snakes takes the initiative.

This undoubtedly makes the beasts a little miserable.

Drought Jack's body was strong enough to face the impact of the cold wave, and he could still shout at this time.

But the more than a thousand reserve pirates aboard the Mammoth were shivering under the flying cold air and frost, and some even fell to the ground.

Ren easily shook off a layer of ice on his body, and like a dog-headed strategist, he looked at the girl next to him and suggested:

"Aren't you the ice-type phantom beast, the God of the Big Mouth? You're going to freeze the fleet on the opposite side. It's too frustrating to just be beaten and not be able to fight back."

"No way."

Yamato shook his head and said, "My Mushi Hyouya doesn't cover such a wide range."

It would be no problem to let her attack the enemy with freezing air and freeze a certain ship, but it would be too difficult to freeze an area of ​​sea or the enemy's entire fleet.

In fact, the power and killing effect of Yamato's freezing energy are stronger than Sanmei's natural snow fruit, and comparable to Aokiji's frozen fruit, but these are not her wide-range skills.

This is a difference in nature. The spreading ability of blizzard is much stronger than that of freezing air, although the latter is more lethal.

"That's your fault. The fruit's power hasn't been awakened yet." Ren complained.

After the Straw Hat Boy's fruit ability is awakened, "Sun God" Nika can change the terrain on a large scale and turn the ground into rubber.

Yamato can't do it, in the final analysis it's still not strong enough.

"Are you great?"

Yamato reached out and patted the back of his head, humming softly.

I haven't seen Wu Ming show much strength these days, but his tone is not small, saying that she is not good at it, and that her father is so careless that he can barely impress...

"Come on! All the newcomers in the 1st and 2nd Battalions, come to me!"

Jack roared angrily, he was not as laid-back as Yama and Ren, and had time to flirt.

Seeing that nearly half of the vanguard army he led was wiped out by the blizzard before it even made contact with the enemy, he became furious, drew out a pair of Schottl knives and jumped off the boat.

Boom, boom, boom!

He roared like a mad beast, breaking a layer of ice with each step and leaving footprints, and charged menacingly towards the Nine Snakes' men and horses on the other side of the glacier.

Seeing this, Yamato and Ren also jumped off the boat, followed by six to seven hundred newcomers who were shivering with cold.

Behind this group of rookies is the 5,000-strong "Meihui Group" samurai force led by "Epidemic" Quinn.

Behind them are the core members of the Beast Pirates, composed of numberers, givers, laughers, etc., about 5,000 people.

The order of charge represents status.

The first level is for newcomers and reserve members.

The second level is the "Meimei Group" samurai. After Kaido killed the Black Carbon Orochi, he took advantage of the opportunity to recruit a samurai unit affiliated with the Orochi, and these people are obviously adopted by his stepmother.

The third level is the core of the Beast Pirates.

The army led by Jack is at the forefront. It is euphemistically called the "Fearless Vanguard Army", but it is actually a group of cannon fodder and human shields. Almost all of its members are newcomers recruited by the beasts. They will suffer the most vicious consequences.

Fight and receive the most intense artillery fire.

Drought's strength is there, and with his rough skin and thick flesh, he will not die even if he takes the lead in the charge, but it is hard to say for the others.

What's ironic is that Yamato is also placed in this vanguard force. Although she won't be reduced to cannon fodder due to her strength, it also shows her embarrassing status and situation.

Thanks to her, Mr. Lei also became a member of the "Fearless Pioneer Army" (a rookie team that commits suicide).

"Fire!" Across the way, the third sister shouted from the Snow Lady.

Of course, Nine Snakes will not just sit back and watch the beasts rush over. They can create glaciers and choose the location, and have already laid out their defense lines.

Bang bang bang!

Artillery bombardment and bullet strafing formed a numbing rain of barrages. The scene was chaotic. Exploding red lotuses bloomed on the glacier. Countless ice cubes mixed with steel fragments shot and splashed. Many people in the fearless vanguard army immediately

He let out a scream, and blood spurted out from his body!

Steel pieces penetrated the human body, flames devoured flesh and blood, and ice buried body parts... The cruelty of war was vividly demonstrated at this moment.

It can be expected that many newcomers are filled with regrets, hating themselves for being so blinded by lard that they dared to get involved in the battle between the two emperors.


A red lotus swelled and shook up countless broken ice. A rookie pirate in the vanguard army was injured in the leg by a cannonball and fell to the ground in a panic.

Facing several oncoming artillery shells and many bullets, he was covered in blood and cursed in despair:

"Kaido, I'm going to fuck you!"

This is different from being a logistics soldier as promised. Obviously, he was tricked by the people of the beasts.

Unfortunately, there is no regret medicine in the world.

Master Ren is also at the forefront. Compared to the disheveled teammates around him, he is very calm and has time to look around.

"Wu Ming, be careful!"

From the side, Yamato suddenly reminded him with a sweet drink.

Boom, a steel cannonball flew straight towards him.

Ren's eyes narrowed, showing a disdainful sneer, and then he immediately...hid behind a buddy next to him.


The shell exploded, with flames and countless shrapnel flying. The man's body suddenly bled like a column, and he screamed and fell to the ice.

But behind him, Mr. Lei was unscathed, and his hair was not even messed up (if he had one).

Ren glanced at his friend who had already rushed to the street in front of him, tilted his head and smiled at Yamato, and said:

"Don't worry, I'm fine."


( ̄△ ̄;)

Of course you're fine. It's okay to use your teammates to block cannonballs.

Renn picked up the knife in the hands of his teammate who jumped into the street and started to show off his skills. Every time a shell hit him, he could cleverly hide behind others.

On the way to the charge, teammates around him rushed to the street one after another, and his clothes were not even dirty.

"Hey, brat, can you just hide?" Sasaki, the mainstay of the Beast Pirates, mocked.

Jin asked him to observe Wuming, but Wuming didn't take action.

He didn't find much except that he was a bit of a thief and quite agile.

"Then why don't you come? Little green-haired monster, why are you hiding behind me?" Ren curled his lips and said disdainfully.

If he really takes action, he will scare the people on both sides to death.

Sasaki is tall, with a slightly fat belly, and sharp teeth in his mouth. The most eye-catching thing is his long green hair.

You can tell from the color of his hair that he is a ruthless person.

Do ordinary people dare to wear hair of a different color?

Being called a little green-haired monster, Sasaki was a little annoyed and said: "Then watch out, little guy!"

He was a bit arrogant and looked down on the weak. When he was ridiculed, he couldn't bear it anymore and decided to show off his tricks and ridicule him back.

"Ascending Ceratops!"

Sasaki roared angrily and turned into an ancient Triceratops.

He first made the bone plate on the edge of his head rotate at high speed, flew high into the air from his body, and fired sword energy slashes from the air in all directions at the same time.

Boom boom!

The dragon's horns rotated at high speed, and the sword energy spread out. The chopping waves chopped up the forts on the Nine Snakes' defense line, and many people were vomited blood and flew backwards!

The sword energy swept across like a hurricane, quickly clearing the area in front.

At this time, the Triceratops in the air glanced down, as if silently showing off to Ren - I must be awesome.

However, rushing to the front and flying in the air, Sasaki may not know how conspicuous he is on the battlefield at this moment.

Drought Jack, who led the charge, was not so high-profile.

The price of the high profile came quickly.

"God's Judgment!" The second sister knocked back the flames with a halberd and raised her hand to summon thunder.


The thunder condensed into an incandescent beam and fell from the sky, accurately hitting the Triceratops in the air, and countless electric arcs danced wildly and drowned its huge body!

It immediately screamed and fell to the ice, creating a large crater. The broken ice cubes surged and splashed along with a huge air wave.

Ren En looked at this scene, spread his hands, and said: "I was struck by lightning when I pretended to be cool. The ancients were sincere and I couldn't be bullied."



She felt that Wu Ming was such a trap. All the friendly forces around him seemed to be in bad luck, but he himself was still alive and kicking.

"I'm here to help you."

When Plague Quinn saw that Jin was being beaten back and forth, and the woman even took out her hand to injure Sasaki with God's Judgment, he couldn't hold it in any longer.

He transformed into a human-animal form and rushed forward, joining forces with Jhin to fight Boya Boya Sandasonia.

"Black fire!"

Quinn fired several laser beams from his right hand, mouth and claws of the mechanical prosthesis, and blasted at the woman!

"Two Emperors in the Blade!"

Jhin took the opportunity to retreat, and at the same time, he immediately flapped his wings and fired flaming bullets from the flames behind him. The fire rain was like a machine gun aimed at Poya Sundasonia and fired wildly.


Facing the joint attack of the two major disasters of the beasts, the second sister smiled disdainfully, and a pair of white lotus-rooted arms were wrapped and covered by lightning, "Thunder Dragon, Thunder Phoenix!"

She pressed her hands forward, and thunder light spurted out. The lightning phoenix in her left hand and the thunder dragon in her right hand were released, flying towards the laser and flames together!

Bang bang!!

The attacks of the three people clashed fiercely in the void, making several loud thunderclaps. Thunder, lasers and flames mixed together to form an expanding ball of light, and then the energy turbulence was released like a storm, shaking up the scalding wind!

The ice cracked over a large area, kicking up countless ice shards and even hot steam.


The second sister's body was filled with lightning, she shouted angrily and released a powerful aura.

Her long green hair flew in the wind, and she braved the aftermath of the cathartic energy and rushed over to fight Jhin and Quinn.

Clang clang clang!

The three of them were all filled with murderous intent and fought together. The Thor Halberd, Flame Blade, and mechanical arm kept colliding. Each time, countless sparks of air burst out, mixed with violent explosions!

The second sister fought one against two, still adopting an offensive stance, and her fighting style was fierce and violent, as if the devil had descended and was invincible.

After being beaten, Quinn and Jhin both changed their expressions slightly.

The ferocious-looking Thunder God Halberd, the violent lightning, the overbearing and fierce momentum... Even Ren raised his eyebrows when he saw it.

Okay, this girl is really fierce. It feels like she will lose more than she wins even if the two disasters work together.

"Are you so strong?"

Sasaki climbed up from the ice pit and took a shot of "God's Judgment". His hair turned black, his body was slightly burned, and he looked quite embarrassed.

He looked surprised when he saw Boya Sundasonia still doing well in one against two.

Not only him, but Yamato, Drought Jack, and those behind Foz Fu, Black Maria, Runti and Peggy Man, the strongest pillars of the Beasts Pirates, were a little shocked.

After the empress injured Kizaru and destroyed the G5 branch of the navy, the bounties of the three Gorgon sisters increased.

This chapter is not over yet, please click on the next page to continue reading the exciting content! The second sister escaped unscathed after a fierce battle with Kizaru, and the bounty value has soared to 1,712,000 beli.

But the strength she showed at this moment felt like it was more than 1.7 billion.

The general is also a general, he is a top powerhouse, and he is really not comparable to the four emperors.

Although Jin is the leader of the three disasters, he is not strictly speaking the emperor's deputy.

The royal mate is the deputy captain, not a cadre.

Those who truly meet the criteria include Boa Sandsonia, the vice-captain of the Nine Snakes Pirates, Ben Beckman, the vice-captain of the Red-haired Pirates, and Fire Dragon Nana, the vice-captain of the Lionheart Pirates.

The three of them are truly top-notch experts who can stand shoulder to shoulder with generals and emperors.

Especially Fire Dragon, as the deputy of the Demon King, he has participated in the war at the top and has a reputation for being evil. He is recognized as a top powerhouse and can defeat the three generals.

"Tsk, tsk, I feel like the beasts are not very good at it, and their morale is a bit low."

Ren jumped back, dodged a cannonball, and spoke sarcastically, as if he was just watching the fun and not taking it too seriously.

As a result, Jack and Sasaki got vicious looks in their eyes.


The defeat of the two eldest brothers made Jack very angry. He immediately transformed into a mammoth and rushed towards Nine Snakes' defense line with menacing steps.


But the next second, he hit the snow wall, shaking up countless ice flowers.


The third sister sneered, flew into the air, and raised her hand to call.

The snowflakes in the air and the snow on the ground squirmed, turning into countless swimming giant snow pythons, biting Jack.


Jack turned back into his human body, pulled out two Shortle knives, and danced with the hardened purple blades. The sword light intertwined and chopped up the snow python that rushed towards him!

Yamato frowned and tightened his grip on Takeru, the mace, as if he wanted to join the battle.

"Golden Bomb!"

Next to her, a golden fist covered in armed colors pierced through the air like a cannonball and hit Yamato. It exploded before it even got close to her. Heat radiation and broken gold flakes covered her whole body like a barrage!

The gold explosion produced a huge shock wave, countless fragments and flames flew, and the nearby ice was cracked and a layer of it was thrown away.

"Are you done?" A man wearing sunglasses, pink clothes and pants came over.

He has a coquettish smile, is covered in gold ornaments, gold necklaces, gold earrings, etc. He holds a gold scepter and wears a gold-encrusted hat, making him full of local tyranny.

"Who are you? You unexpectedly attacked me."

The smoke caused by the explosion in the ice pit gradually dispersed. Yamato's body shook slightly as he stood there, and the ice armor on his body cracked.

She came out and looked at him with an evil look in her eyes.

"I knew it wouldn't be that easy. I, Gilder Tezzolo, please give me some advice."

The Golden Emperor had an evil smile on his face, held his golden scepter horizontally, and bowed slightly in salute. At first glance, he looked quite gentlemanly.

But considering that he just attacked without saying hello, one can imagine his character.

"Hmph, you dressed-up beast, come at me if you have any dirty tricks!"

Ren cursed in a loud voice, which stunned Sasaki, Black Maria, Yamato and others who were about to spit out the fragrance.

They were about to scold this old man who had no martial ethics, but he scolded them first.

"Oh, this little brother is so manly when he gets angry and becomes a beauty."

Black Maria walked over with graceful steps, raised her sexy red lips, and cast a wink at Ren.

This is a slender, sexy and charming beauty.

She has silky eyes, a charming manner, a long golden bun, green eyes as beautiful as gems, fair skin, a pair of long red horns on her head, and pearl earrings on her ears.

Use a knife to make hairpins.

She was wearing a Wano-style off-the-shoulder kimono, white flip-flops and sandals, looking dignified and charming.

"I dare to ask my sister about her reputation, how young she is, and whether she will get married."

Seeing the beauty, Ren's eyes lit up, staring at her long legs that could be used as ladders, and said with a playful smile.

Black Maria: "..."

This trio of reckless men caught her off guard.

Yamato stretched out his hand and patted his head, saying disgustedly: "My eyes are like someone's legs."

“What’s wrong with men being lustful?”

Ren was not ashamed, but rather proud. He jumped up and hit her on the back of the head, saying, "Only such a coquettish girl is the standard match for a real man. A man like you without a handle will definitely not be able to understand her."


Yamato smiled disdainfully: "Haha, are you enough?"

Black Maria is 8.2 meters tall, while Wu Ming is less than 1.8 meters tall. The gap is like a chasm...

"It's hard to say. Between men and women, height is not the distance and size is not the problem. Just use your imagination." Ren said plausibly.

Black Maria: "..."

Have been offended.

Golden Emperor: "..."

Was he being ignored?

Sasaki: "..."

What are you two doing?

They were fighting, and they were still flirting and flirting, not caring about the occasion.

"Hey, you dare to ignore me."

Gilder Tezzolo was a little unhappy, and his fist was armored with gold and wrapped with domineering energy, and he punched the enemy.

Boom boom!

The gold explosion caused the effect of a gold melting cannon. The shock wave, thermal radiation and broken gold pieces generated by the explosion swept towards Ren and Yamato crazily!


Yamato was not in a hurry, she waved her mace, and a thunderous Bagua wrapped in a domineering color shook the gold-melted artillery into powder!

Ren didn't panic, he stepped forward, rushed... and hid behind Black Maria.

Black Maria: "..."


Maybe he didn't expect Ren to be so shameless... Ahem, maybe it happened in a hurry, and the young lady had no time to dodge. A ferocious golden molten cannon instantly overwhelmed her, and the cathartic explosion of gold pieces and flames shook up countless broken ice...

This chapter has been completed!
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