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Chapter 3 Ace Pilot, Light in the Sky

Times make heroes.

In the 1990s, many geniuses suddenly appeared in various countries on the earth.

They have extremely high IQs and talents. Almost all of them are Einsteins and Teslas. They showed their prominence at a young age and have made a series of world-renowned achievements in the fields of physics, chemistry, information technology and military industry.

Their existence has greatly promoted technological changes and social development, and has far-reaching influence.

Five years ago, this group of young talented scientists began to assist each other's research through the Internet, and under the organization of Daniel McPhee and others, they established "Alchemy Star".

Gamu Takayama and Hiroya Fujimiya are both members of Alchemy Star.

Four years ago, in a crucial year, Hiroshi Fujimiya led the development of a cross-generational technological creation - the optical quantum computer "Crisis", and used this computer to predict an event called "The Destruction of the Root".

Forces will invade the earth and destroy mankind.

There are various indications that this prediction about the end of mankind is not alarmist.

Against this background, governments from various countries have joined together and established the G.U.A.R.D. (United Earth Defense Against Roots of Destruction) organization to deal with this unprecedented crisis of extinction.

Therefore, in this world, "Alchemy Star" has very huge energy, and no one dares to underestimate this scientific research organization composed of a group of young scientists.

"Okay, I understand, Ren, I will fully support your actions."

Daniel, the speaker of the Alchemy Star, nodded and added with a serious look, "Counting the time, the summoning body of the destruction of the root is coming soon."

It's not coming soon, it's coming tomorrow.

Ren complained in his heart.

He is either a human being or the Giant of Light himself. He can feel that the space phase outside the atmosphere directly above Tokyo has begun to distort slightly, and it is expected that a space-time tunnel will be formed tomorrow.

"Space Battle Beast" Gob will arrive in Japan in less than 24 hours, and by then the days of peace will be gone forever...

Renn turned off the communication phone, glanced at the various precision instruments and weapon design drawings in the laboratory, and muttered:

"Although there are a lot of black technologies in this world, including sci-fi things like anti-gravity devices, the weapon system of the air base XIG team is obviously not strong enough. The fighter jets only have some ordinary thermal missiles and laser cannons, and their firepower is not as good as the one next door.

The winning team.”

The "Texas Cannon" on the Feiyan 2 has a record of killing the monster Gakuma with one cannon.

Although it is a relatively popular dish among Kakuma, it is still very rare.

In comparison, the firepower of XIG Team's "Fighter" series of fighters pales in comparison. They do not have powerful light weapons.

"We need to get some reasonably powerful laser weapons, which can at least kill a dozen early-stage jellyfish monsters..."

Ren muttered.

ID card setting, he is a genius weapon designer.

This is not bragging, he really understands this.

As a military master, he is not only able to play with cold weapons such as swords, guns, swords and halberds, he can also copy and transform hot weapons.

Most of the modern high-tech weapons can be copied by Renn just by touching them with his own hands and then scanning and analyzing them with the "Ultra Eye" (Eye of Destroying Delusion).

On this basis, it is not difficult to analyze the weapon structure and then optimize and improve the design plan.

Therefore, he is worthy of his name as a weapons expert. Not to mention developing some black technology laser weapons, he can also design and modify fighter jets. It is nothing more than a technological version of the light boat "Vimana" or the floating city.

It is precisely because of this ability that [Identity Card] will help him arrange such an identity. Otherwise, wouldn't the secret be revealed in two or three days?

"Get a more advanced energy weapon, let's call it the Osiris Laser Cannon."

Lane started tinkering in the laboratory.

Because today was originally a holiday, several assistants were away, so he was the only one working on it.

Before I knew it, it was three o'clock in the afternoon.

Renn came to the parking lot outside Geo base and took the "White Dove" transport plane to the air base.

The White Dove is a transport passenger plane specially designed to connect ground and air bases. It can carry 24 people at a time and can fly at the speed of sound. This passenger plane is used for daily communication between ground and air bases.

Ren was sitting at the window seat of the passenger plane, looking at the sea of ​​clouds high in the sky with a lazy look on his face.

After about half an hour of smooth flight, the "White Dove" approached the air base.

The Ariel base is located in the stratosphere of the equatorial orbit. From a distance, it looks like a majestic steel space fortress suspended in the sea of ​​clouds, which is shocking.

It is not a space station or an ordinary satellite. What makes it levitate is the Repulsor Lift (anti-yangzi floating field) invented by Gaoshan Womeng, an anti-gravity device.

"The anti-gravity device is too advanced and magical."

Ren's face twitched and he complained.

Many people don't understand what an anti-gravity device means. Let's put it this way, the Repulsor Lift designed by Takayama Kagami also has a name - "Gravity Repulser".

Yes, this is a black technology device specially designed to disable gravity.

emmm... Newton's coffin board really can't hold it down this time. Lord Niu would be furious if he knew about this thing.

"Wow, it's so spectacular! Is this the air base? This is my first time here."

"I have been here several times, but every time I see this base, I am shocked from the bottom of my soul. This is simply a city in heaven!"

“I really want to work here.”

On the White Dove, some fellow scientists and engineers looked at the Ariel base, which looked like a giant steel beast, entrenched in the middle of the sea of ​​white clouds, and were filled with admiration.

G.U.A.R.D. has two important bases in Japan, one is Ariel Base (air base) and the other is Geo Base (ground base).

The Geo base is mainly responsible for technology research and development and logistics support.

This chapter is not over yet, please click on the next page to continue reading! Ariel Base is the real stage of this world. It is the highest technological crystallization of human civilization. The legendary XIG team is stationed on it. They have the top new fighter jets.

Equipment such as tanks, armored vehicles, and submarines are the sharpest swords in human hands.

"The base of the Tiga world is on the sea, the base of the Dyna world is in the mountains on land, and the base of the Gaia world is above the equator... Good guys, the sea, land and air are all here. No wonder they are the Three Great Masters of Heisei."

Ren muttered softly.

When the "White Dove" passenger plane landed on the upper deck of the air base, he carried his suitcase and followed a staff member to the control room.

He didn't look around like other technicians, like Grandma Liu entering the Grand View Garden. Instead, he looked intently and looked like a big boss.

He has also seen more magnificent space fortresses than this one. Except for the unique anti-gravity device used in this air base, the rest of it seems to him to be just so-so.


Arriving outside the main control room, Renn took out the access card and clicked on the smart security lock.

The green indicator light flashed, the verification was passed, and the alloy safety door separated on both sides.

"Welcome to the airbase, Dr. Lane."

The captain of the air base and the commander of XIG, Akio Ishimuro, immediately took a few steps forward and shook hands with Renn. A smile appeared on his resolute face, showing the dignity of a superior without losing his grace.

"Hello, Commander Shishi."

Ren shook hands with the commander politely and with a hint of respect in his tone.

When Ultraman Gaia chased him down, the XIG commander left a deep impression on him.

Akio Ishimuro, 45 years old, has a resolute personality, is calm, has perfect judgment, and can see the essence of things with extraordinary insight.

He actually realized very early on that Takayama Gamu was Ultraman Gaia, before the plot was even halfway through...

The most incredible thing is that when the "God of Death" Kipbu arrives, the air base is about to crash, Ultraman Gaia is captured and restrained by the super giant monopole creature Mochian, and the entire line is about to collapse.

At this time, Commander Shishi ordered all personnel to evacuate the air base, decided to sacrifice himself, and drove the air base towards Mochian at full speed. In the end, the air base hit the monster Mochian, and both were destroyed in the explosion.

The blow that destroyed both the jade and the stone was quite decisive and can only be described as a real man.

Therefore, among all the team captains in the past, Ishimuro Akio is at the forefront, with a full personality and charm. The only ones who can compare with him are Megumi Nakama and Shingo Gakamizu.

"Ren, thank you for your hard work."

At this time, Staff Officer Chiba came over and greeted Mr. Lei warmly, with a more cordial attitude.

"Hello, Staff Officer Chiba."

Renn shook hands with the staff officer wearing a light green military uniform again.

Chiba Tatsumi, a permanent staff officer who was transferred from G.U.A.R.D headquarters to XIG, is 51 years old. He is the core figure of G.U.A.R.D. and is responsible for the negotiation between XIG and GUARD. He is conservative but sometimes lacks opinions.

From the perspective of power, Commander Shishi has the final say on internal affairs of the air base, while Staff Officer Chiba is responsible for external communications and contacting superiors.

These two people are the highest level of this base.

In horizontal comparison, the power status of Commander Shishi was actually higher than that of Captain Hui Zhong next door. It was only during the Dyna period that Hui Zhong became a staff officer that he was equal to Commander Hui Shishi.

The reason for this phenomenon is that the XIG team's personnel composition is too large. Their establishment is three to four times larger than that of the Victory Team, and there are four or five captains.

There are only 7 people in the winning team. We went back and forth several times and everyone remembered it.

But the XIG team has 9 fighter pilots alone.

Remember, the members of the SIG team are far less versatile than the members of the Victory team. They have a clear division of labor and each performs his own duties. The nine pilots are dedicated to flying fighter jets. They can only drive fighter jets and tanks, armored vehicles and submarines.

It's several other groups of people...

This team is so large, which makes it seem more reasonable and professional. At the same time, it also means that everyone cannot remember the entire composition of the team.

After watching Ultraman Gaia, if anyone can fluently name all the members of the Shige team, Ren can live broadcast eating...

It's just so outrageous.

"Wow, this Dr. Lane is so handsome."

"Dunzi, please keep your voice down, others may hear you."

Two correspondent girls wearing blue uniforms and black stockings on their beautiful legs sat next to the console, whispering.

The short-haired girl on the left is Touko Sasaki, and the foreign girl on the right is named Georgie Leland. They are both girls in their early 20s, youthful and lively.

"You two, this is my plan and funding application form. Take a look at it."

After a brief greeting, Renne went straight to the topic, took out a stack of information from his suitcase, and handed it to Commander Shishi and Staff Officer Chiba.

The two middle-aged men looked at each other, picked up the information, and started browsing.

"The Osiris laser cannon can emit powerful light, which is more than 5 times more powerful than the laser Vulcan cannon."

Staff Officer Chiba held the design drawings of the new weapons with a bit of surprise and surprise on his face, "This is not bad, the budget is 500 million US dollars, right? It's worth a try..."

At present, the Defense Force and XIG really need this kind of powerful laser weapon, and he is already a little tempted. If the performance of the weapon is so good, he is sure to persuade the G.U.A.R.D headquarters to invest funds.

Commander Shishi held a thicker stack of information, and after browsing for a while, his hard-lined face showed a rare look of surprise. Sometimes his eyes lit up, and sometimes he frowned.

This made Staff Officer Chiba a little curious.

Shishi has always been calm and indifferent to emotions and anger. Now he can't control his expression. What is on this stack of documents that can make him lose his composure?

Commander Shishi closed the document, took a breath, looked at Ren with a hint of surprise, and said:

This chapter is not finished yet, please click on the next page to continue reading the exciting content! "As expected of the top elites of Alchemy Star, they have come up with such an amazing thing without saying a word, but your plan involves a lot, I need

Think about it carefully."

"No problem, you take the things first."

Ren replied with a smile.

The Little Golden Man may travel through time and space to take revenge on him at any time, and there is also that unknown whirlpool of light, they are like two swords of Damocles hanging above his head.

It would not be surprising if they and the destruction of the source caused physical collusion.

Therefore, it is always right to strengthen your allies as much as possible and be prepared for any emergencies.

Don't underestimate the human defense force. Sometimes Ultraman fails, and it is often humans who cause miracles.

"Captain Tsui, please take Dr. Lane to rest. He plans to personally test the brand new 'Thor' fighter jet tomorrow."

Staff Officer Chiba said in a friendly manner.

He began to appreciate this genius weapons designer more and more. Now that mankind is in deep crisis and is about to face the destruction of its roots and the invasion of the body, people who can develop new energy weapons naturally attract much attention.

Tsutsumi Seiichiro is the operations captain of XIG. He is in his thirties. At this time, he walked over and said with a smile:

"Dr. Lane, please let me come. Your room is ready."


Renn smiled slightly and followed the captain out of the control room of the air base.

The alloy door of the control room slowly closed.

The commander of the stone room watched the two people leave, withdrew his gaze, his face was solemn, as if he was thinking about something.

"Stone chamber..."

"Staff Chiba, you should also take a look at Dr. Lane's plan."

Staff Officer Chiba took the thick plan from his colleague with a puzzled look on his face, glanced at it for a few times, then his face changed slightly and he said in shock:

"This... is incredible. Can such a thing really be made?"

This is simply a more amazing creation than the space base, and it even has a broader future.

"A few years ago, when people from Alchemy Star proposed building an air base, many people said that such a cross-generational project was simply impossible to realize, and would only end up wasting people and money, and wasting the resources of various countries.

However, in just two years, we have successfully built this aerial fortress in the stratosphere above the equator that could only exist in science fiction novels before.

I am very willing to believe in the geniuses of Alchemy Star and happy to support Dr. Lane’s plan, but..."

Having said this, Commander Shishi paused for a moment.

However, Dr. Lane's plan is too expensive and is simply a bottomless pit that swallows up funds.

The "Osiris Laser Cannon" project is not bad. The scientific research funding of several hundred million dollars is not too exaggerated. Not to mention the G.U.A.R.D headquarters, their air base can afford it.

But Dr. Lane's second project was different. The budget figure was so big that he felt a little dizzy after looking at it...

Staff Officer Chiba nodded, deeply convinced.

He had been in contact with Renn several times, and every time he came over, he would reach out to him and ask for money.

For a while, he almost thought of him as the kind of bastard who specializes in cheating money.

But to be fair, Dr. Lane brought them two big gifts this time, which was very surprising.

"He still has a pilot's license?"

"Well, it is indeed rare to have both civil and military skills..."

The two senior officials of the air base sighed a little.

In recent years, too many geniuses have emerged on the earth. There is no most perverted, only more perverted. Perhaps this is also a sign before a huge crisis comes. Only in troubled times can outstanding people emerge...


The next day, the sun was shining brightly and the sky was clear. It was a good day to beat up the little monsters.


The fighter launch window of the air base suddenly opened, and a huge bright silver metal box fell, falling rapidly in the clear blue sky.

Suddenly, the huge silver metal box began to deform, and the two ends popped up and down to form wings, and the fuselage floated under the action of the anti-gravity device.

This is a fighter jet with a sci-fi look. It is all silver with a lightning-shaped logo. There are thermal missile muzzles on both sides of the slanted wings, and a double-barreled laser Vulcan cannon is mounted on the front of the fuselage.

"Thor, please pay attention, Thor, please pay attention! Now fly around Tokyo twice, fly as high as possible, don't let the citizens see the appearance of the fighter, and then go to the No. 04 Missile Range for testing..."

In the XIG command room, the clear and sweet voice of female operator Sasaki Tunzi sounded.

In the cockpit of the "Thor", Ren was wearing a helmet and holding the joystick, adjusting the equipment. After hearing Dunzi's instructions, he responded:

"The Thor has been received and is now heading from the Skytree to the KCB TV building..."

call out--!

With that said, Ren started the tail engine, and the fighter plane's tail began to spray high-temperature cyclones, and the silver iron bird flew forward quickly like a thunderous giant!

Thousands of miles of sunshine and long white clouds were retreating rapidly all around, and time seemed to be left behind. The roar of the engine, the slight trembling of the joystick, and the cold machinery seemed to come to life in an instant, cheering and cheering, making him excited.

Feeling a cavity of blood burning in his chest, Ren couldn't help but whistle:

“Wow, that’s great!”

He himself has long been able to fly into the sky and escape from the earth.

But flying a fighter plane in the sky still excites him. Maybe it's a man's romance, childhood dreams and the like that are affecting his emotions.

"Be serious, Renn, this is the first trial flight of the Thor fighter. It is important to test the performance and collect data, which is related to whether this fighter can be put into service as soon as possible." Sasaki Tunzi reminded.

"Don't worry, it's no problem. I'm an ace pilot, very powerful."

Ren held the joystick in his hand and answered confidently.

The fighter jets for this test flight were loaded with ammunition, which was far more than what was needed to test the power of two-round weapons at the missile range. This was his request.

As for the reason...

Of course, Gob will appear today. He will put his pride as an ace pilot on the line and challenge the space monsters as a human being.

"Ren, don't be proud. If you continue to be so frivolous, Dunzi will be angry."

Qiao Ji, another female operator in the XIG command room, said with a bit of ridicule in her voice.

Renn smiled and said: "I'm not bragging. If you don't believe me, you can ask Captain Kajio of the Lightning Team. We trained with the same flying brigade in the Defense Force for a period of time. He knows my skills."

"Really or not?" Dunzi said with a surprised look on his face.

Captain Kajio is her idol, the signature of Team XIG, and the top pilot.

Although Dr. Lane has a pilot's license, he is ultimately a scientific researcher. Can he be compared to Captain Kajio, the former ace pilot of the Defense Force?

Not long after, a piercing siren suddenly sounded in the command room of the air base.




Warning letters appeared on the big screen, and the blood-red color represented an emergency.

Sasaki Tunzi immediately came to his senses and said: "A space phase distortion in the outer atmosphere was detected! A huge object appeared from the wormhole!"

"What's the approximate landing place?"

Commander Shishi looked at the big screen with a solemn expression and asked.

Qiao Ji glanced at the coordinate information on the screen and replied: "POINT335, K1 area."

"The flying object is currently in a stationary state!"

"Received information from the defense team!"

Sasaki Tunzi stood up from his seat and turned around to look at the rear, Commander Ishiro, Staff Officer Chiba, and Captain Tsutsumi who had just entered the command room, and reported: "A vibration reaction has been detected in the object!"

After the words fell, Atsuko lowered his head slightly and murmured in a low voice: "It seems that this time I am serious..."

The day has finally come.

"Atsuko!" Qiao Ji immediately reminded her, and at the same time raised her index finger in front of her lips to signal her best friend not to talk nonsense.

Noticing her actions, Atsuko immediately nodded, turned around and sat down again, continuing to observe the pictures displayed on the screen.

Behind, the commander of the stone chamber did not pay attention to the small movements of the two female operators in front of the instrument. He stared at the huge ice blue crystal hovering in the sky on the screen with a serious face, his eyes flashing slightly.

Is it really coming?


"Wow, look, what is that?"

"Oh my god..."

"What's going on? Making a movie?"

In the city, men, women and children all raised their heads and stared at the huge ice-blue crystals slowly falling from the wormhole, with shocked and dazed expressions on their faces.

At this moment, piercing sirens suddenly sounded from every corner of the city, followed immediately by a broadcast evacuation announcement.

"Attention, citizens, please leave quickly! An emergency evacuation warning has been issued in this area! Citizens, please leave quickly! An evacuation warning has been issued in this area!"

Listening to the evacuation announcements coming over the radio, the crowd who had just been standing there watching the movement of ice blue crystals in the sky suddenly became riotous, screaming and scattering.

The unknown is always scary.

Most people are not stupid and know that this thing in the sky cannot be made by humans.

Some people are already thinking about "alien invasion of the earth" and "the end of the world" scenarios.

"Boom boom boom——!"

At this time, the huge blue crystal that was originally located 200 meters in the sky suddenly flashed with dazzling light and fell heavily to the ground. Invisible energy fluctuations followed the impact of the bright light, and instantly exploded the surrounding buildings.

It exploded, causing countless brick walls and glass fragments to fly!

The huge and heavy tonnage of the blue crystal itself caused waves of earth, stone and dust to rise into the sky after slamming into the ground. The turbulent impact force swept across the collapsed road and ground, and waves of air roared in all directions.

The nearby citizens were startled, screamed in panic, and fled in all directions.


Immediately afterwards, a huge space monster with a body covered in exoskeleton armor and arms like sickle blades burst out of the blue crystal body.

His big mouth full of huge fangs suddenly opened, causing a ferocious roar that echoed throughout the world.

Space Battle Beast Gob appears!

"Dong dong dong..."

It screamed as it raised its thick legs and took a step forward. The soles of its feet penetrated the concrete pavement and embedded into the ground, causing the ground to fall apart.

Moreover, the monster Gob that just emerged from the ice-blue crystal body immediately showed its essence as an alien biological weapon - ferocity.

Bang bang!!

The monster Gob was walking in the main street of the city. He suddenly waved his thick scythe with his arms and slashed at the surrounding buildings. The cold sword light flashed and destroyed a building like a tortoise, causing bursts of brilliant explosions and flames!

"Wait, Ren, what are you doing? Who allowed you to rush towards that alien creature? The trial voyage has been cancelled. Come back quickly!"

In the command room of the air base, Dunzi's face changed drastically and he warned loudly.

Next to her, Georgie Leland's expression was a little broken. She looked at Commander Shishi and Staff Officer Chiba and said:

"Commander, what's wrong, Renne piloted the Thor fighter plane and rushed towards the alien creature. It seemed that he wanted to fight it. He tried to persuade him but he didn't reply to the message at all!"

"What a nonsense!"

Staff Officer Chiba's face changed slightly, feeling that Ren was too reckless.

A valuable top scientific research talent like him should stay behind and shine, instead of rushing forward to fight against alien biological weapons.

Moreover, once Renn unfortunately dies, "Alchemy Star" will have no way to explain, and the development of new weapons will also be seriously affected.

Commander Shishi also had a headache, sighed and said:

"Where is Team Lightning? Let them get there quickly and make sure Dr. Lane is as safe as possible."

"We are almost approaching POINT 335, K1 area. We expect to arrive in four minutes."

"I hope everyone is okay..."


The monster Gob was still wreaking havoc in the city. He waved his scythe and sliced ​​a building horizontally and vertically. Countless sparks and smoke exploded, and the building collapsed, with rocks and steel bars flying everywhere.

Bang bang!!

Suddenly, several heat missiles flew from one side, hitting Gebu's cheeks and red lotuses burst out, causing heat waves to surge.

This chapter is not over yet, please click on the next page to continue reading the exciting content! Gob roared in pain, stopped moving, and looked to his right.

"Don't be too arrogant, little monster."

Ren grinned and controlled the silver iron bird-like Thor to rush towards Gob, aiming at the monster's body and firing lasers.


A row of red laser beams blasted at Gob's body. None of them missed. The firelight burst out. Some were blocked by the armor on the monster's body, and some hit the skin that was not covered with metal armor, leaving shallow scars.

Gob kept roaring in pain, looking fiercely at the small silver dot in the sky, raising his hands flat, and his forehead suddenly shone.

Boo hoo hoo!!

The next moment, a golden light projectile shot out and strafed the fighter plane.

However, as if Ren had foresight, he pulled the joystick sharply and turned off the left-wing engine. The Thor suddenly drew a thrilling arc as if it was drifting, dodging those golden light bullets in a very coquettish way.

It is impossible for ordinary fighter jets to operate like this, but the fighter jets in the Gaia world are different.

XIG's fighters are all equipped with anti-gravity devices, which means that they do not have to overcome gravity to perform work. The power of the engines is used for propulsion. Moreover, they can float in the air even if the engines are turned off.

Therefore, in theory, this kind of fighter can perform a lot of cool maneuvers, such as aerial drifting, fixed-point hovering and other acrobatics.

Renne just made full use of this and showed off Gob's face.

His maneuvers were very cool. When Gob was drifting around the corner, he didn't forget to take the opportunity to fire a few hot missiles, hitting Gob's forehead and mouth!

Bang bang bang!

Several thermal missiles exploded, red lotus flames bloomed, monster Gob let out several painful roars, and the inside of his lip was broken a little, bleeding out.

One of his fighter planes moved around in a coquettish manner and bombarded him indiscriminately, pinning Gob to the spot.


"What kind of fighter plane is this? I've never seen it before."

"The driver is even more powerful. Look at those operations, they are nothing like what normal people can do."

The fleeing citizens turned around and looked at this scene in amazement.

The pilots on several ordinary fighter jets of the National Defense Force looked at the operation of the Thor and were dumbfounded.

"How is this possible? Even with an anti-gravity device, it would be difficult for the human body to withstand such an inertial impact."

"More than that, who is the person inside? His reaction speed is too fast. How can he aim at the monster's head and launch the missile when the fighter plane is drifting? You can't see clearly at all."

"Kneel down to the boss."

Fighter bombing is not target shooting with pistols and snipers, it is completely different.

Fighters flying at the speed of sound are so fast that it is difficult to hit fixed targets even when diving, let alone attack monsters that can move.

Even though the monster is so big, fighter planes fly at several times the speed of sound. With human reaction speed, even with the assistance of electronic equipment, it is not easy to hit a moving monster every time.

As for hitting the monster's eyes, tongue, and mouth, under normal circumstances it's just a fantasy. It doesn't look too difficult, but it's as difficult as heaven to actually operate it.

If you can hit the monster with every laser and missile shot, you are already the top ace pilot.

It is precisely because they are professionals that they know how awesome and truly a master the pilot in that silver fighter plane is.


"The continuous drifting in the air is amazing."

In the air base, Dunzi and Qiao Ji were stunned, looking like they had never seen the world.

Commander Shishi and Staff Officer Chiba looked at each other with strange expressions.

"It turns out that fighter planes can still be driven like this."

"Yes, our people did not understand the essence of anti-gravity devices before. It seems that scientists like them understand the nature of these technologies better."

The two big guys sighed, saying that they had learned a lot today.

Over the city.

Renn piloted the fighter plane and dived again, preparing to bomb Gob. Suddenly, the space in front of his eyes flashed, and a special tunnel appeared.

In the tunnel, various light particles continued to shuttle, slowly guiding his consciousness into a mysterious realm.

Ren was surprised: "This is the field of particle acceleration?"

Suddenly, there was a bright light in front of my eyes.

The dark sky was filled with storms, lightning and thunder, and the silver light was as dazzling as the sun. A majestic silver giant showed a sacred posture, with lightbulb eyes looking down at him...

"Light in the sky?"

This chapter has been completed!
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