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"Oh, you're just a sneaky guy who doesn't dare to show your true colors to others and comes out of nowhere and wants to be the leader of the entire dark camp?"

As expected, Goddess Rose stood up and started talking unceremoniously.

The position of commander-in-chief of the dark camp involves a lot of things and involves many interests. She is almost determined to win it, how can she give it to others so easily.

The fall of the Demon King was a big blow to the dark camp, but it was not bad news for her.

The "Three Evil Gods" seem to be in harmony with each other, but they only reached cooperation based on their own interests.

Previously, the Demon Queen's prestige in the dark camp of Saigon Continent was too high, and she also had trump cards and extraordinary methods. It was difficult for her and the orc chief god Gruumsh to seize power directly as they were new to the country.

But now, the opportunity has come.

She can accept the Demon Emperor's legacy in a fair and just manner. The only competitor, the Orc God, has not yet sent his true form and the incarnation of God over at this time, so it is a great opportunity.

As long as she takes advantage of this period of time to convince everyone to take the position and create an established fact, when the orc master comes, she will have no choice but to hold her nose and admit her status, or at worst, give him some benefits.

But she never expected that some kind of Dark Lord would appear on the way.

The mysterious man who calls himself Melkor wears a golden mask, and is surrounded by a surging tide of dark force. The dark power fills the void, connects to the sky, is endless, and makes people sink.

His power was so strong that it radiated throughout the hall and suppressed the auras of all demons present, including the goddess Rose.

Obviously, this incarnation of the goddess Lolth is no match for Melkor.

The Dark Lord, the Well of Eternity, and Lord of Death Melkor was not annoyed by the Spider Goddess’s question. His white-gloved finger pointed at the round table and said calmly:

"I came here upon invitation, not uninvited. Queen of the Dark Elves who rules the Demonic Abyss Hell, there is no need for you to be so angry."

As if in response to his words, on the round table, the Demon Emperor's suicide note was twisting and turning, emitting a dazzling bloody light.

What was originally a jumble of unreadable characters quickly turned into a clear line of text - "Melkor will serve as the leader of the dark world."

When the Dark Lords saw this, they looked at each other with much less doubt in their eyes.

No matter what, this mysterious man is indeed the new leader designated by the Demon Emperor. At least from a procedural point of view, there is no problem.


Wearing rusty and worn-out armor, with his face shrouded in black mist, the Demon King suddenly spoke:

"His Majesty the Demon Emperor is dead. Compared to the airborne leader, everyone is undoubtedly more familiar with Goddess Rose, and as an ally recognized by the Demon Emperor, she is also qualified to become a leader.

I personally support the goddess Lolth to become our leader. His Highness Melkor is invited to come, but he can also stay and assist the goddess."

As soon as these words came out, the scene fell into silence.

Many dark monarchs looked at the Demon King in surprise.

Blood God Meredith and Lilith were both a little surprised.

You old monster, your Majesty the Demon Emperor's body is still cold, yet you hugged the thigh of the Spider Goddess and didn't even obey his last orders.

Many dark monarchs subconsciously showed contempt.

The nightmare banshee Lilith didn't mind watching the fun, holding her cheeks in her bare hands, half-smiling but not smiling, and said:

"Old demon, you really impressed me this time."

What a 25-year-old boy, his jump speed is really fast.

The Demon King noticed the strange looks in everyone's eyes and secretly complained.

This time he went to enter the ancient mysterious realm, but he was very unlucky. He encountered the Sword Master of the Sky, was chased all the way, and almost died.

It was the goddess Rose who came to save him.

It was not easy to repay the kindness of the goddess, and he did not dare not to repay it.

Therefore, he had to stand up this time and risk disobeying the Demon Emperor's orders and offending the mysterious man to support the Spider Goddess.

The goddess Lolth raised her eyebrows, raised the corners of her mouth, and looked at Melkor with a smile.

Melkor was wearing a terrifying golden ghost mask, and his expression could not be seen clearly. He looked around with his deep purple eyes and said:

"Is there anyone else who objects to me becoming leader?"

No one responded.

The Demon King's prestige is so high that few people will disobey his orders.

Moreover, although everyone has had more or less contact with the goddess Rose during this period, they do not like her very much. This goddess is moody, extremely cruel, and not very friendly to them.

To put it bluntly, why should we support her?

Don’t fuck me again…

"Can I object?"

Goddess Rose looked at the mysterious man who landed in the air coldly, a little aggressively, "Melkor? Huh, I have only heard of the three gods of death, Melkor, the Lord of Bones. You are obviously not him.

Tell me, what is your background? You wanted to be the boss as soon as you came here. Have you asked me?"

This is a simple and crude statement, and it can be said to be a fool's errand.

"I see."

Melkor chuckled and stretched out his right hand, "I think this would be better."


He reached out his big hand and slapped it. The dark tide of force instantly shook the space and hit the Spider Goddess who was caught off guard. The divine power shield that automatically rose on Rose's body suddenly shattered and she vomited blood.

She groaned and flew backwards, hitting the wall of the temple, leaving a human-shaped mark.

Then, Melkor flipped his palm, and the tide of dark force boiled, eroding the heaven and earth, turning into an ancient well of the abyss and shrouding the furious goddess Rose inside. The dark tide solidified layer by layer, forming a tight blockade, suppressing her.

The shocking change happened too quickly.

By the time everyone reacted, the battle was over.

Melkor's display of strength deeply shocked everyone.

The ghost emperor's eyes flashed with green ghost fire, showing a look of fear, regretting that he was in the wrong team.

Nightmare Banshee Lilith and Blood God Meredith also looked solemn and subconsciously put their hands in front of them in a defensive posture.

He suppressed the incarnation of Goddess Rose with a flip of his hand. This performance was comparable to that of Guang Chuang who suppressed the incarnation of Goddess Moon with a raised hand after attaining enlightenment.

Strong, domineering, unstoppable.

There is no doubt that the strength of this Dark Lord is still higher than that of the Demon Emperor.

"You are not suppressed by the laws of the crystal wall system, and you still come in your true form!"

This chapter is not over yet, please click on the next page to continue reading! Goddess Rose wiped the blood from the corner of her mouth and was imprisoned in the ancient well of the abyss, shocked and angry.

She tried to struggle, but as soon as the divine power poured out, dark blue light lit up in the center of the ancient well, mysterious star spells, and complicated magic circles formed a terrifying blockade.

Melkor withdrew his palm, and the ancient well of the abyss shrank, standing in the palm of his hand like a black birdcage.

And the goddess Rose is like a trapped canary, trapped inside and unable to come out.

"Okay, does anyone else have any opinions?"

Melkor placed the black abyss well on the table in front of him, glanced at everyone, and said in an easy-going tone, "Today we will resolve the conflicts and differences, and tomorrow we will work together to fight against the human camp and create a great cause together. How about that?"

When he spoke, he was gentle and graceful, not like a devil at all.

Everyone: "..."


The contrast between words and actions is a bit too big and inconsistent, making people don't know what to say.

"Your Majesty is so powerful and His Majesty the Demon Emperor has appointed you, so naturally I have no objection."

Blood God Meredith expressed his stance promptly.

It was not that he had no idea about the position of leader of the camp, but his ambition was no match for the cold reality.

Although he has gained a lot in the ancient mysterious realm this time and his strength has increased dramatically, he is still far away from the realm of powerful gods.

Nightmare Banshee Lilith immediately nodded and said, "I have no objection."

In this matter, she would just watch with cold eyes.

Everyone looked at the Demon Emperor.

The Demon Emperor looked into Melkor's deep purple-black eyes, his scalp was numb, and he nodded hurriedly and said:

"I have no opinion."

In this way, the mysterious man sat on the throne that originally belonged to the Demon Emperor.

Melkor was a resolute man and immediately said:

"If that's the case, then you should hurry up and get these things done.

First, hold a funeral for Asmodeus with the highest standards.

Meredith, you are responsible for sitting on the front lines and finding ways to boost morale and stabilize the position.

Lilith, as the only remaining giant of the Demon Clan, as the next Demon Emperor, you must try your best to gather the elite warriors of the Demon Clan and persuade the strong ones who left.

As for the werewolf clan, I have a godhead and some divinity here to give to your clan. Choose a new wolf master as soon as possible and merge it with the godhead."

A series of orders were issued.

The morale of the dark camp, which was on the verge of collapse, suddenly improved a lot. Some dark monarchs who were confused seemed to have seen new hope and became calmer.

What a force fears most is that it has no leader, no goals and no beliefs.

Melkor was obviously a leader with iron-blooded skills and resolute actions. He was also strong enough and stabilized the morale of the army.

As for establishing prestige, you can do it slowly.

"Then your enthronement ceremony..."

"Let it be held in a month. You can invite envoys from the opposite human camp to witness it. In addition, send people to deliver letters to Pearl City in the North and the Galaxy Kingdom. The promise of a decisive battle in the southern region of the mainland is still valid."

Melkor obviously understood the situation here and dealt with the mess left by the Demon Emperor in an orderly manner.

Three hours later.

He left the political hall and entered the Dark City.

When he arrived at the Demon King's study, the blood stains on the wall on the table had not yet been cleaned up. He frowned slightly and waved his hand.

The dark tide washed over and washed away the blood.

He sat down and put the black cage on the table.

"You bastard, let me out!"

The body of the goddess Rose was soaked in the dark well water, and the divine body was actually melting and a little transparent.

She smashed the wall of the ancient well of the abyss with her fist, raised her head and stared at Melkor's huge golden ghost mask, her eyes glowed with blood, and she said angrily:

"You wait, how dare you do such a thing, I will definitely make you pay the price in blood when I come here!"

Melkor's eyes were calm and he said in an indifferent tone: "You are no match for me."

"Hmph, Gruumsh won't tolerate you rising to power."

"Why did I come now? Because I had already seen Gruumsh before I came."


When Goddess Rose heard this, she fell silent and looked at him with fear.

"Lord God Queen, are you calmer now?"

With a wave of his hand, Melkor lifted the ancient well of the abyss, and the dark tide filled with death and despair dispersed.

Goddess Rose escaped from the trap and stood in the study, her face slightly gloomy and silent.

Only now did she realize that this uninvited guest did not come to take over the dark camp out of nowhere, but was well prepared.

"Queen of the Dark Elves, the interests here are not as simple as you think. Although you are powerful, you are not the top person. You and I will cooperate well. Your share of benefits is indispensable, but don't be too greedy. More

You can’t swallow it.”

Melkor sat behind the desk, opened a stack of documents, and said in a cold tone.

"who are you?"

Goddess Rose stared at him fiercely.

She has also come into contact with Melkor, the second-generation god of death in Faerûn and the Lord of Bones, but it is definitely not this kind of divine aura.

"This is not important."

Melkor crossed his fingers and said calmly, "The important thing is that I am just someone's spokesperson, and you are not a chess player."


Spider Goddess Rose sneered inexplicably, turned around and left.

The water here is deeper than she thought.


Nebula Secret Realm.

The ups and downs of the outside world have not affected this newly opened secret world.

A hundred-foot-wide platform for worshiping generals stood on the wasteland. Ren and the Demon Lord sat on it to talk and communicate. Surrounded by golden crows in the sky, the sun bathing in the sea, simulated six paths of reincarnation, and projections of hundreds of thousands of demon gods, etc.

The Demon Lord has disheveled white hair and an indifferent expression, and is telling the essence of his "Sacrifice to Become a Demon".

"...I discovered that many people just happen to look like humans. In this world, there are mostly half-human, half-ghost, neither human nor ghost.

I hold myself to the standards of a saint and a hero, and set up great righteousness as a banner for the people of the world, but only a few people respond.

Many people don't care about the destruction of the world or natural disasters, and they won't think so far ahead to seek eternal inheritance? Haha, ten thousand years is too long. I only seize the day. After I die, who cares about the floods!

Even though I tried my best to convince those powerful martial saints, I couldn't.

They only care about their own power, status, and immediate interests, and do not give much thought to long-term matters.

In this way, I found that I had no companions, and the ideals of saints and the name of heroes could not impress those strong men who dominated one side.

Since saving the world in the heroic and saintly way is not possible, I can only do the opposite and practice the evil deeds.

The demon lord rises and falls, washes the world with blood, harvests the powerful, smashes everything in the past, rebuilds order in the ruins of blood, awakens the courage of all living beings, and gathers everyone to conquer the sky...

This is my original intention in creating this magic skill. When necessary, for the sake of the overall situation, anyone can sacrifice, including my relatives and myself."

When Ren heard this, he was silent.

It’s hard to describe in one word.

Kill friends, relatives, yourself, and then enemies, no wonder the devil is so crazy.

Sacrifice yourself to become a demon, that is the terrifying demonic nature of achieving your goal at the expense of everything. For this purpose, you can wash the world with blood, slaughter all races, sacrifice your relatives and friends, and even sacrifice yourself...

"Become a fairy by following the path, be a devil by going against the grain, a hero is short of breath, why not sacrifice yourself and become a devil, smash everything, turn everything upside down, and wake up in a pool of blood!"

Ren admired.

What a magical skill, An Xie Zoke will definitely like it.

This chapter has been completed!
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