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Chapter 112 The Princes Speech

Upon hearing the name of Ghoul Duke Marcus, Prince Milo's eyes flashed with disgust, and he said expressionlessly: "Let him come in."

Luke stopped smiling, sat on another sofa, and began to close his eyes and meditate.

Although they all belong to the demon camp, the ghouls are very unpopular.

This is not surprising. The four major races of demons generally look down upon the smaller races.

Besides, ghouls always covet other people's bodies, in a way of eating them alive. They don't necessarily take advantage of it when it's hot, and they don't mind if it's cold.

After all, they can eat almost anything except soil and stones. Not only can they eat humans, they will also swallow the corpses of demons, vampires, werewolves and even night demons. They are not afraid of meat and vegetables and have a very good appetite.

The old goat mocked them for eating everything except dog feces, which was not unreasonable. Humans also hate ghouls very much.

Especially those low-level or miscellaneous ghouls, who are no different from vultures and locusts, they can be called nature's cleaners.

They are obviously consumers, but they are doing the job of decomposers.

Ghouls don't dare to openly eat the remains left behind by demons and vampires from large races like demons after their death, but if they have the opportunity secretly, they won't let it go.

This is also the reason why Milo and Luke suddenly became very cold when they heard Marcus' name, even though Duke Marcus was about to be promoted to Grand Duke.

Just imagine, there is a person next to you who will eat the remains left behind after your death. Even if you are still alive and well, will you have a good impression of him?

After hearing this, Duke Brian bowed and stepped back, and walked out after a while.

Da da da.

Rhythmic footsteps sounded, and Marcus, wearing a tuxedo and short cyan hair, stepped into the hall.

He had slender eyebrows, a hooked nose, and thick gray lips. As soon as he entered the door, he bowed slightly, first saluted Milo, and then said hello to Luke.

The manners were elegant, personable, and the etiquette was in place, but both Milo and Luke just nodded perfunctorily.

"Your Majesty, the plan went wrong and Marcelo was killed."

Marcus moved his lips slightly and said in a deep voice. To be honest, this news was very bad for him. He bought the source blood for Ghost Hand at a high price.

Of course there was a reason for him to do this, but now the ghost hand has gone to hell, and all investments have become a bubble.

"Oh, if you are killed, just be killed. What a big deal."

Milo crossed his legs and didn't even look at him. He didn't care about Marcello's death at all.

This is not his plan. If the ghoul family's plan goes bankrupt, is it none of his business?

The anger flashed in Marcus's scarlet pupils. He lowered his head slightly and greeted the female relatives of Milo's family in his heart.

But his face was more respectful, and he kept his posture very low: "Your Majesty, the murder of Ghost Hand will greatly boost the morale of the humans on the plains, and we need certain countermeasures."


Milo responded calmly and yawned: "It's okay, just send someone to retaliate."

His attitude is very casual, with the words "None of my business" written all over his face.

His eyelids trembled, Marcus suppressed the anger in his heart and vowed that when he was promoted to Grand Duke, he would... he would secretly curse him a few more times behind his back.

No matter how Marcus asked for help, Milo would always say yes, you're right, it makes sense-it's none of my business.

Marcus was so angry that he almost had a cerebral hemorrhage. In fact, Milo didn't care about the ghoul family's plans at all. He just wanted them to serve as cannon fodder anyway.

"Your Majesty the Prince, I hope to hold a gluttony ceremony immediately and be promoted to Grand Duke.

Because now is the critical moment for the saint to rise again, I am willing to be a pioneer and a pawn, dedicate my blood, and go through fire and water, no matter what!

Please give me an accurate answer, Your Majesty!"

Marcus said impassionedly, with a resolute face and a sonorous voice.

This was almost a showdown. He couldn't wait any longer and didn't want to wait until a year later for promotion.

Milo's face was very calm, with the calm demeanor of a big shot.

He put down his right leg on his left leg, then put his left leg on his right leg, and said lazily: "Very good, I have seen your determination, but this matter needs long-term consideration and careful consideration to avoid

There are mistakes and...

For the great cause of the rejuvenation of the saints, we must not act on impulse. We need to comprehensively observe the current situation, eliminate all difficulties, take advantage of the geographical location, and gradually expand...

We need to give priority to strengthening cooperation among various races, establishing communication channels, working together for mutual benefit and win-win results, especially the ghouls, who must play a role model and lead in comprehensively promoting..."

Marcus: (?˙ー˙?), what the hell?

Chirping and nagging, Milo continued to speak without blushing or heartbeat: "To fight this local war successfully, we must first determine the following four points.

First, we need to work hard to prevent some saints from working hard and having a negative attitude towards work.

Second, we must fully carry forward the fine style of the saints who are not afraid of death, and inspire the noble sense of honor in the hearts of the holy blood nobles.

Third, we must implement war preparations to...

Fourth, overall planning and consideration are needed..."

Marcus:?(;′Д`?), what the hell are you talking about?

He just felt like his head was spinning, and he was confused and confused.

Prince Milo smiled slightly, stood up, walked to Marcus, and handed a document on the table to him.

Milo said with a serious expression: "This is a united front document carefully written by me, and I have just explained it to you.

You must pass it on to him, so that every saint in Pineapple Town can deeply understand the significance of this war."

"I...I, that..."

Marcus' mouth was slightly open, with a dull look on his face. He didn't understand what the other person said before.

Milo patted his shoulder and said sincerely: "In the face of the rise of the race, personal gains and losses are nothing. Don't just care about yourself... In short, young Marcus, be patient, you are already very good.

Let me tell you, you may not know that you have the status of a monarch and are destined to lead the trend of the times in the future!

Okay, go down and make sure you implement what I told you. In one month, I will randomly select saints in Pineapple Town for inspection."

Do I look like a monarch?

Marcus was so excited that he took the documents and walked out of the hall happily, even forgetting the purpose of his trip.

"This is the first time I realize that you are so capable of deceiving."

After Marcus, who had been fooled so hard that he couldn't find the north, left, Luke couldn't help laughing.

He had been holding it in very hard just now, and he knew very well that what Milo said was nonsense.

Milo slowly took out a piece of white cloth, wiped the palm that had patted Marcus' shoulder before, and then threw the white cloth into the trash can nearby.

"Dirty my hands and waste my handkerchief."

This chapter has been completed!
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