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Chapter 186 Departure

"Okay, maybe you are right." Garcia shrugged, reluctantly agreeing with Sigg's words.

Sigg laughed loudly, beat his chest, and shouted: "Get in the car, brothers, it's our turn to perform!"


There was a sound of horse hooves, a cloud of dust was raised, and in the bright morning sunshine, the people from the Thorns Security Company set off.

Led by Sigg, with Garcia and Wenxi also participating, there were a total of thirty-three people in the convoy heading towards Wilton City.

Except for Garcia and the others, most of these people are ordinary elites and first-level extraordinary beings, with few second-level ones.

However, guns and ammunition are fully prepared, and these people are specially selected cowboys with actual combat experience.

"The sunset is red, the sunset is red, the smile is yellow, the flowers are withering, the withered vines are falling, the withered vines are falling, the west wind is picking up and people are gone..."

Sigg drove the carriage and hummed folk songs from his hometown, obviously in a good mood.

Garcia in the carriage rolled his eyes and teased: "I didn't expect that you are still a cultural person, why are you so elegant all of a sudden?"

"Brother, don't get me wrong, this is our last song." Sig grinned.

It happened to be late autumn, and the weather had been cloudless these days. He thought the night would be charming and suitable for sending people off, so he couldn't wait.

Wen Xi scratched his head and added: "The boss and Matt have an old grudge. Matt once wanted us to sell drugs for him in Orange Town, but the boss refused."

"Did he find someone else to cooperate with?" Garcia asked.

He did not dwell on the grudge between Sigurd and Matt, but thought of other things.

Wen Xi nodded and said, "Yes, the fat man nicknamed Black Fox is in cahoots with Matt, as well as the Skeleton Gang."

"In other words, the enemy may have many allies, and it is not ruled out that new enemies will appear." Garcia analyzed calmly.

Matt is no sheep. After nearly two decades of drug trafficking, this drug lord has developed a network of relationships, which is more troublesome than his own strength.

Sigur snorted coldly: "I know this. If he hadn't been outnumbered, I would have killed him with a stick."

He couldn't forget the time when Matt came to him for cooperation with his nostrils turned up in the air, as if he was giving him alms.

He refused unceremoniously and offended him. Marcello and Black Fox all worked together with Matt to sell drugs together.

"So, once you take action, you must fight quickly and don't give him a chance to ask for help, otherwise it will be very troublesome." Garcia thought and said coldly.

Among Ren's men, few are good at strategy. Shige is better, Wen Xi is a typical reckless man, Susanna is a bit indecisive, and Garcia is relatively smart.

"No wonder, the boss asked for action as soon as possible." Sigg touched his chin and said thoughtfully.

At present, not many people know that Ren is planning to take action against Matt. Apart from Garcia and the others, they only know Bill, Leo and Bessie.

However, it is not a secret that the Thorn Security Company's convoy was dispatched this morning. We cannot rule out the possibility that Matt may be vigilant. Of course, it is unlikely.

At four o'clock in the afternoon, the Thorn Security Company's fleet arrived in Wilton City successfully. Bill had already rented a large warehouse in the suburbs and was waiting for them.

The warehouse is slightly dilapidated, with some maples and poplars planted around it, and overgrown weeds in the corner next to the open space.

Leo, Bessie, and Jackson also officially met with Sigg and Garcia. Including Renne, there were a total of 81 people from both sides.


Leo, who was wearing sunglasses, picked up a Force firearm, loaded the armor-piercing bullet, pointed it at a tree in the distance, and adjusted the optical sight.

The movements were completed in one go, but Leo was a little dissatisfied: "It was two beats too slow. It seems that it took a long time to relax."

Jackson stroked the barrel of the gun and grunted: "It's okay, it feels familiar, like stroking a banknote."

As for Bessie, she was holding a white cloth and wiping a moon blade that glowed coldly and was as thin as cicada wings.

"Boss, it's so big, what a ball!" Wen Xi looked like a pig brother, staring intently at Bessie's plump 34D.

Wearing a tight black leather jacket, she outlined her thrilling curves. Judging from her face, Bessie was a bit worse than Susanna and Jenny, but her figure was more domineering.

Sigg swallowed, feeling a little uncontrollable, and muttered to himself: "I can't hold it with one hand, but I can spread my legs. It's over, I'm going to fall."

As if feeling the fiery gazes of the two people, Bessie first glanced at Wen Xi, who had big lips and afro hair, and skipped it. This was not her cup of tea.

Then her eyes were fixed on the tall Sigur, sizing up his wild appearance. Bessie raised the corners of her mouth and smiled charmingly at him: "Handsome man, after the mission tomorrow night, come to my house for a drink?"

Bessie is even more unscrupulous than Shirley when it comes to hooking up openly. She actually has sex addiction, which is also a disease.

"No problem! I guarantee your satisfaction." Sigg grinned.

He instantly forgot Bill's warning. How could a man suffer in this kind of thing? As for the issue of being cheated on, he had no intention of getting married.

Lane and Old Bill stood aside, discussing the battle plan. If you want to make a profit in the mercenary business, you must naturally find ways to reduce losses.

He is not a nanny, and he will not act with the troops in the future. What he needs is for the troops to create a virtuous cycle and bring benefits.

"Matt has about 60 people, equipped with more than 20 Force firearms. He mainly has two sites in the town of Conroe, a casino and a restaurant..." Bill told the information one by one.

On the surface, Matt is just an ordinary casino owner and hotel owner, but secretly, he is engaged in the drug business.

Moreover, he has a special private purchasing channel, which is also the foundation for his foothold.

Garcia stood aside, frowning and asked: "Do we need to evacuate ordinary people in advance?"

Restaurants and casinos are open at night, so there are naturally many tourists. Moreover, the casino is located next to the commercial street in the town. Once the two sides exchange fire, it can easily affect innocent people.

"Of course, we are not going to eliminate Matt, we are just trying to connect with each other, why bother involving ordinary people." Ren said calmly.

In fact, he really wanted to launch a direct blitzkrieg, sudden, sudden, sudden, but in human society, he still had to pay attention to the impact.

Although this will definitely alert others, if you kill innocent people indiscriminately, you will have no choice but to be like the Red Witch and hang out in the demon camp in the future.

Garcia was relieved when he heard this. He was really afraid that Ren would have no scruples and kill ordinary people in the casino as well.

Time passed quickly, and after a simple adjustment and adaptation, at noon the next day, the people from Thorn Security Company dressed as a caravan, divided into four groups, and entered the small town of Conroe one after another.

The small town of Conroe is located to the east of Wilton City, and is much more prosperous than Orange Town. The drug lord Matt is the local leader here, and his words are more effective than the mayor.

But today, a dragon crossing the river is here to communicate with him.

This chapter has been completed!
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