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Chapter 49: Tree Man

Father Mapo and Father Kiritsugu met on a narrow road, but there was no communication at all and they immediately killed each other.

Perhaps in the eyes of the two of them, verbal communication is not important at all, as long as they do it with real swords and guns.

The battle process was tense and exciting, with both sides going back and forth and stabbing each other. It was very lively.

But when Father Kiritsugu used the rune carved by Ren, the situation completely became one-sided.

Emiya Kiritsugu's palms emitted a bright blue-white light. He squeezed through the bushes and raised his palms like searchlights, searching for traces of the enemy everywhere.

Renn carved a total of five small runes for him.

Two are used for defense and are disposable; two are used for attack, each of which can launch three energy balls; and the other is some kind of summoning spell.

Since the runes that make up the spell themselves contain powerful magic power, the user only needs to use a small amount of their own magic power to activate them, which is very convenient and practical.


There was another loud explosion, and a large area of ​​dense shrubs was blown to pieces, with branches and leaves flying and scattered in all directions.

The blazing energy ball expanded rapidly, forming a blue vortex that engulfed everything nearby. Large charred pits appeared on the ground, and the trees in the forest ignited sporadic fires.

Kotomine Kirei rolled quickly and barely escaped the attack. He didn't care about the dust covering his body, staggered, and hid behind a tree in embarrassment.

I almost got a box lunch.

Mapo exhaled a breath and stretched out his right hand to wipe off the dust and sweat on his face. He was in a very bad condition at the moment.

The agent's black clothes were in tatters, and his left hand and right leg had been severely burned. The burning pain caused some numbness to the limbs, and the flexibility of the body was greatly reduced.

He glanced at the four Command Seals on the back of his hand. Hassan killed Caster's Master and he got one Command Seal as a reward. He had enough Command Seals.

After hesitating for a moment, Father Mapo chose to summon Assassin.

Originally, he planned to have a PK between masters in the Imperial City with Emiya Kiritsugu. As long as the other party did not summon Saber, he did not want to use a servant to interfere in the battle.

But now──your sister...there's no way she can fight well.

The highly destructive energy ball was almost instantaneous and flew faster than bullets. If he hadn't raised his hand to aim, he wouldn't have been able to avoid it.

Even so, after dodging four shots, he was seriously injured.

As for rushing forward to engage in close combat, not to mention the risk of being blown into pieces by the energy ball, Father Mapo didn't know if the opponent still had that weird light shield that could withstand a full blow from his Bajiquan.

If Emiya Kiritsugu could still use that ability, he would be dead, and if he continued to fight, he would have no chance of winning.

Mapo was a little doubtful about life after being bombed.

At this time, he didn't know Emiya Kiritsugu well enough. If the opponent was really that strong, he would not be his opponent at all, and a one-on-one challenge would be humiliating himself.

"In the name of the Command Seal, Assassin, come back here!"

Mapo recited quickly in a low voice, and the light of the command spell on the back of his hand flashed away. This time he summoned all the remaining Hassan, dozens of them.

Kotomine Kirei was very decisive, either not to do it or to do it absolutely, so that he could at least escape and force out a Command Seal from the opponent.

On the other side, Emiya Kiritsugu immediately noticed that the atmosphere around him was different.

Although he couldn't see his body or hear his voice, the strong killing intent caused the surface temperature of his skin to drop several degrees.


Strange black shadows appeared in the woods under the moonlight, and pale faces appeared one after another like flowers blooming in the darkness.

It was a skull mask, the color was as cold and hard as dry bones, and the assassins' bodies were also wrapped in pitch-black robes.

Members of the black-clad gymnastics team in strange costumes appeared one after another and protected Kotomine Kirei.

They held daggers or scimitars in their hands and stared at the opposite side with cold eyes.

After noticing the abnormality, Emiya Kiritsugu did not use the command spell to summon Saber. Instead, he pressed his palm on the trunk of a nearby big tree and quickly chanted:

"The stars are the essence, and the grass and trees are the core, giving you vitality and spirituality!"


The trees trembled, and blue light flowed on Father Kiritsugu's sleeves, and an invisible ripple spread rapidly.

Without saying a word, he immediately pulled away and backed away.

Father Mapo frowned. He didn't understand what the other party had just done and why he didn't summon Saber, but he still ordered Hassan to hunt down Emiya Kiritsugu.

The whooshing sound of the wind resounded in the woods, and the Hasans, all like lightning, rushed towards Father Kiritsugu.

Click click click~

There was a continuous sound of cracking bark, and with a bang, the trunk of the big tree suddenly exploded, and a strange and huge black shadow blocked many Hassan's faces.

"What is this? A tree man? A familiar?"

A female-looking Hassan stopped and stared at the barely human-shaped monster in front of him, wondering.

The tree man raised his deformed arm covered with green leaves, and the countless branches on it began to grow wildly, forming thick vines like tentacles.

The surface of the rattan exudes a faint light, and there is a strong magic power flowing on it, which can hurt the body of the servant.

"It's just a stupid familiar. I'll kill him." Hassan, a tall man, sneered.

It’s just a summoning technique used by human magicians. What powerful thing can it summon? It’s rubbish!

He rushed forward, and several thick vines, carrying the sound of breaking wind, immediately smashed down in front of him. Hassan waved his sharp scimitar and cut off the vines!

"Hey, I look at things that are worthless."

Hassan smiled contemptuously, but then, a scalp-numbing sound of breaking wind sounded.

Dozens of thigh-thick rattan canes covered the sky and blocked out the sun, stirred up the airflow, and then roared and smashed down on their heads!


Hassan was horrified. He swung his knife repeatedly and cut off several vines. After all, he was unable to avoid it and was knocked away by more than a dozen vines!


There was a noise, and Hassan was slapped to the ground by the tree man like a fly, making a shallow pit.

He coughed a few times, shook the dirt off his body, endured the severe pain in his body and climbed up, wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth and shouted:

"What are you doing standing still? Come on together!"

He didn't need to remind him, Hassan's gangsters had already rushed forward, and everyone was tacitly aware of the group fight.

Dozens of silver blades danced in the night sky, cutting through the vines with streaks of cold light, and sawdust and branches flying in unison.

After all, he is also a servant. With the cooperation of many Hassan, the fighting power shown is quite impressive. Hundreds of vines were quickly cut off!

But before they could be happy, the ground suddenly started shaking.

Boom boom boom!

Densely packed tree roots jumped up from the ground, kicking up countless wet soil. The tree man roared, and the roots on his legs danced, hitting all the Hassan.

Even the surrounding shrubs and grass began to die, while the broken branches on the tree man's arms were growing rapidly.

The huge vines stretched out again, and the vines waved wildly, setting off surging air waves, intercepting the Hassan who were trying to hunt down Father Kiritsugu.

"Emiya Kiritsugu, is he so powerful?"

Father Mapo on the side frowned, feeling something was wrong.

This chapter has been completed!
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