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Chapter 114 Battlefield

When the scorching wind dissipated, there was no one on the Fuyuki Bridge.

Such a huge fluctuation in magic power, coupled with the fact that Rider was driving the Divine Wheel all the way without concealing his whereabouts, naturally alerted some people who were patrolling and monitoring the area.

On the river bank next to the bridge, a man in a black windbreaker was watching all this. He was a staff member of the Holy Church.

Without hesitation, he immediately conveyed the news to his companions that Rider and Caster had fought each other, and this information was quickly passed on to the church's supervisors.

In a small church very close to Yuanzang Mountain, there was a sound of footsteps in the dark basement.

Kotomine Kirei, who recently became the temporary supervisor, has just learned that crucial information.

Father Mapo held the golden cross in his right hand and walked out. With every step he took, he felt more and more excited in his heart, and he couldn't help but blurt out the holy words of blessing.

"He revives my soul and guides me in the paths for his name's sake. Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for you are with me!"

That man is at Ryudong Temple.

A flash of light flashed in Father Mapo's eyes. He must ask clearly, what reason does a man who is a magician killer have to pursue the Holy Grail?!

Emiya Kiritsugu is just a mercenary, a bounty hunter, and a hyena who works for money. He has always been walking in the shady underground world.

What desires could such a person have to compete for the Holy Grail?

As for saying that he was doing it for money, Kotomine Kirei himself found it ridiculous.

If the Magician Killer is doing it for money, there is no need to participate in the Holy Grail War. The cost is not proportional to the risk.

Maybe it's the same as him, or some other interesting reason...

Kotomine Kirei thought this, and his heart suddenly became excited, and he actually felt a strong sense of expectation.

He lost miserably last time, but this time, in order to continue to challenge that man, he specially borrowed some "treasures" from the King of Heroes to arm himself!

It will definitely give you a surprise!

When Father Mapo thought about being able to fight the magician killer again, with fists touching flesh and swords drawing blood, his heart was overflowing with joy, and the blood boiling in his body became even hotter.

He stepped up the steps step by step, chanting the holy words:

"Your rod and your staff comfort me. You prepare a table for me in the presence of my enemies. You comb my head with oil, and my cup overflows. I will have kindness and love all the days of my life.

Follow me..."

He quickly came outside the church and stared at the mountain not far away.

This is not the Fuyuki Cathedral located on the spiritual line, but a small church that is geographically closest to Ryudou Temple.

Soon, a golden rain of light appeared.

Wearing a piece of exquisite gold armor, the King of Heroes stood in the cold wind with his arms folded, staring at him with a pair of blood-red eyes.

"Kirei, you look very happy."

"The Holy Grail is about to come, Gilgamesh, don't you look forward to it?"

"Humph, I also want to see if the treasure that a group of cultivators are fighting for has any collection value."

"The time is right, let's set off!" A rare smile appeared on Father Mapo's stiff face.

They galloped towards the mountain not far away within their field of vision, but after arriving at the foot of the mountain, Father Mapo chose to separate from the King of Heroes.


The huge moon wheel hangs in the deep night sky, the sky is full of stars, and the front gate of Liudong Temple is deserted.

In the cold air, Saber's expression was serious, and she had already put on the silver-white knight armor with cold light flowing around it.

She held the hilt of the sword with one hand, the invisible holy sword stuck on the ground, and her beautiful emerald eyes stared at the steps in front of her without any slack.

Equally meticulous is Emiya Kiritsugu.

The magician killer leaned against the mountain gate, holding a distant crystal ball in his hand, his dark pupils filled with indifference.

"King of Knights, in order to change a doomed ending and exchange for a gentler way of death, is it worth paying the price of erasing one's own existence?"

Kiritsugu's calm words sounded, maybe because she didn't expect that he would take the initiative to talk to her, Saber was stunned for a moment.

Turning back and glancing at the paralyzed Master, Artoria's lips moved slightly:

"This is my choice. Miracles come at a price. Kiritsugu, why do you want to do this?

Since you love your wife and daughter so much, why didn’t you just take them and leave?”

"Nothing, miracles have to pay a price. The seat called happiness is limited, some people sit on it, and others lose their seats.

Sometimes for the sake of the happiness of the many, a few have to be eliminated.”

He vowed to save as many people as possible, that's all.

The lives saved are regardless of high or low, and any reason or background will not affect the scales that weigh sacrifice and redemption.

So he has been living with this mentality, thinking that thinking about the meaning of his own actions is a foolish thing.

Just do it.

The two of them stopped talking, and silence returned to the mountain gate.

The exchange was very brief, only three paragraphs in total, but Saber and Emiya Kiritsugu felt something at the same time.

Artoria understood the reason why she didn't like Kiritsugu. Apart from his despicable methods, the other reason was that he was the same type of person as her!

Except for his methods, Kiritsugu might not be any different from her.

In order to consider the overall situation and win the war, she squeezed many small villages for supplies for military equipment and forced the villagers to leave their homes.

This is a choice, a choice to sacrifice a small number of people in exchange for the survival of the majority and even Britain.

The same is true for Emiya Kiritsugu.

He chose to sacrifice some people in exchange for the opportunity to realize his ideal. These people even included his father, adoptive mother, wife, and perhaps himself.

To a certain extent, the way the two think about problems is very similar, and it is not an exaggeration to say that they are the same type of people.

But being in the same category doesn't mean they will like each other.

This chapter is not over yet, please click on the next page to continue reading! Saber and Emiya Kiritsugu have a very bad relationship. If it weren't for Ren's influence, they almost fell out.

Ultimately, Saber doesn't like herself, and the same goes for Emiya Kiritsugu.

They have put in a lot of effort, but so far they are all losers. They no longer believe in their abilities and begin to hate their own incompetence.

What's even more deadly is that the two of them currently have one thing in common - they place their last hope on the Holy Grail.

In this way, the other party's presence becomes particularly annoying.

Two people struggling frantically while grasping at the last straw.

Looking at the other person is like looking into a mirror. You can see yourself struggling in pain from inside, and you can see that you are already covered in bruises and embarrassment.

The atmosphere is slightly dull.

Emiya Kiritsugu will not sympathize with Saber, and Saber will also not sympathize with Kiritsugu. They will only find the other party particularly annoying.

A ray of golden light flashed on the crystal ball, a cold sword gradually enlarged, and the picture above quickly disappeared.

Obviously, the familiar placed under the mountain was killed.

"Sure enough, the other party seized this opportunity. The King of Heroes is coming. Saber, it's up to you."

Emiya Kiritsugu put down the crystal ball and walked towards the back door of Ryudou Temple.

Saber's eyes turned cold, her expression slightly serious, and she asked: "Kiritsugu, where is Archer's master?"

"If you don't appear with him, just leave it to me." Emiya Kiritsugu's back gradually faded away, and his voice floated from behind.

The Magician Killer walked towards the back mountain. He knew without guessing that Kotomine Kirei would attack Ryudouji Temple from behind after the fight between Archer and Saber.

"Kiritsugu, be careful. I think he will be prepared if he takes the initiative to separate from his servants and chooses to fight you."

Saber seemed to have thought of something and reminded her with a serious expression.

She knew that Kotomine Kirei was Kiritsugu's defeated enemy, but because of this, she was worried that Kiritsugu would underestimate the enemy.

If the opponent dares to challenge again, he must have a trump card.

"I know, someone reminded me."

Saber was stunned by Kiritsugu's words without any emotion. She only thought of this now.

And Wuming even expected this?

It was expected that Kotomine Kirei would separate from the King of Heroes and challenge Kiritsugu again. This was too scary or too cautious.

Only then did King Daimao realize that even though he was very powerful, Wu Ming had never been careless.

She subconsciously glanced at the ring in her hand.

What would be the trump card he gave me?

After greeting Kariya Matou who was guarding the Little Holy Grail in Ryudou Temple and asking him to proceed as planned, Father Kiritsugu quickly came to the back mountain and hid his traces.

Thinking of Wu Ming's words, the magician killer subconsciously touched his chest and revealed a sneer.

'Kiritsugu, if Kotomine Kirei tries to fight you again, be careful, he might be prepared.'

He admitted that because he defeated Kotomine Kirei once outside the Einzbern Castle last time, he despised him a little, and Wu Ming's reminder made him wary.

So, he shamelessly asked Wuming to prepare some gifts.

Unknown enemies are scary. If you don't understand the enemy, you can't analyze the opponent's capabilities and behavior patterns, and it's difficult to formulate a combat plan.

But after knowing what the other party is, Kiritsugu will not have any fear at all.

The left and right are just desperate, who is afraid of whom?


The sky seemed to be cut in half, the hot sun burned the earth, and the bright stars shone with brilliance.

The field of vision is extremely vast, and the ground also presents two completely different scenes, as if two jigsaw puzzles with different colors and patterns have been pieced together.

Rolling scorching yellow sand and red wilderness divide the land.

Yellow sand occupies about three-quarters of the area, and wilderness occupies a quarter, but the red rock and soil are still gradually spreading, eroding the dry desert.

In the desert, mirage-like shadows emerged.

The shadows of people and horses multiplied and formed into formations. The figures gradually took on colors and three-dimensionality, and a group of cavalry quickly transformed into entities.

They are strong and powerful, wearing gorgeous armor and holding spears or swords. They are all extraordinary warriors.

For Weber, this was the second time he saw the king's army with its thousands of troops and majestic troops.

He already knew the true meaning behind this precious phantom, and the awe in his heart was stronger than when he first saw it, deeply shaking his mind.

This is the pride of being with the king, this is the joy of fighting side by side with the king, which makes people's blood boil.

Now, he seems to have become one of them.

But what really surprised Weber was the scene on the other side.

Over there is a wilderness that is stained red with blood, with countless ownerless swords, guns, swords, halberds, axes and sticks... like pieces of tombstones, stuck in the rocky mounds or flat ground.

On the earth, blood and fire are burning, spreading to the end of the horizon. In the sky, stars are shining all over the sky, like a bright Milky Way flowing and galloping.

The stars are like a dream, vast and magnificent.

But on the red wilderness, there were countless corpses that seemed both real and illusory.

Knights in silver armor, cavalry in green capes, huge humanoids, furry werewolves, vampires with bat wings...

Wuming stood in the wilderness, his snow-white hair dancing in the wind.

Countless corpses were piled up around him, stars were shining, blood and fire were swirling, and many weapons were stuck in the wilderness, guarding him like tombstones.

"Rider, is that also an inherent barrier?" Weber opened his mouth slightly and his eyes were shocked.

What kind of experience does a person go through to be able to display such a tragic and spectacular mental landscape? It's like hell and heaven intertwined together.

"That's right, an inherent barrier that is not inferior to the king's military power, but the speed of expansion is slower than mine."

The emperor looked very strange and answered while stroking his chin.

This chapter is not over yet, please click on the next page to continue reading! He raised his head and glanced at the sky that was divided into night and day. The area was about the same, but on the ground, the area of ​​yellow sand was nearly three times that of the wilderness.

However, the red wilderness is still expanding, and sooner or later it will occupy half of the area like the sky.

On the other side, Renn was not surprised by this result. His infinite sword system had exceeded its original limit, and was not inferior to the king's army in scale.

It also opens in seconds, but the length of the chanted spell will determine the speed and extent of the inherent barrier's expansion.

He was only halfway through singing when the king's army took shape.

The Emperor's inherent barrier unfolded faster than his, because his barrier was not formed by his own magic power.

The army of servants he summoned would also carry a certain amount of magic power. He and his army built this small world together, and of course they were faster than Renn alone.

However, you have to fight it to know how powerful it is.

Weber stared at the wilderness that was still gradually expanding, and suddenly became excited. Regardless of being surprised, he quickly shouted:

"Rider, do it quickly. After a while, Wuming's barrier will be bigger and the advantage will disappear."

The emperor couldn't help but laugh. His torch-like gaze swept across the countless weapons planted in the wilderness, thoughtfully.

However, he decided to test it first, so he drew his sword and shouted:

"I believe you have all seen how powerful the enemy is, brothers! Let's show our dominance to the enemy on the opposite side!"

"Oh oh oh oh oh oh!!"

Rows of sergeants responded to Iskandar's roar and let out loud shouts.

Gazing at the strange mental scenery on the other side, they could also feel that the opposite side was definitely a formidable enemy.

The piles of corpses, the weapons of different shapes, the wilderness burning with blood and fire, the bright and vast starlight... all show the terror of the enemy.

But they will not back down and have no fear.

The glorious and powerful elite knights, the bond between them and the conquering king even transcends the barrier between the world and the underworld.

This group of warriors who have been elevated to eternity will not care where the battlefield is or who the enemy is.

As long as the conquering king reveals his tyranny again and calls them, the loyal ministers will rush to the monarch's side across time and space, no matter the ends of the world!

The next moment, thousands of troops in the king's army raised rolling yellow sand, shaking the earth, and charged towards Ren En!

This chapter has been completed!
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