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Chapter 32 Temptation

Unknowingly, time has arrived in December, the hidden month of winter.

Ren got up early in the morning, went into the bathroom to wash up, and then changed clothes in front of the full-length mirror in the living room.

Although it is a bit narcissistic to say this, after being strengthened by the double tempering of the feathered serpent red fruit and the red dragon blood last night, not only has his strength improved, but he has also become more handsome.

"The jade trees are facing the wind, and they are graceful..."

Since he was going to visit a girl today, Renn also tidied up his appearance a little.

He was wearing a pure white shirt with a few buttons unbuttoned on his chest, revealing his smooth and toned chest and bronze skin. With his sharp facial features, sky blue pupils, and short black hair, he naturally looked free and easy.

Unruly temperament.

'I think I can definitely use the beauty trick.'

With a thought in his heart, Ren tossed his flowing black hair narcissistically, very satisfied with his appearance.

Don't think that only women love beauty. Who among men would mind if they were more handsome?

Since the person he was about to visit was not an old-fashioned gentleman, Renn changed into a set of casual clothes and went out.

Anyway, I guess they don’t pay much attention to aristocratic style.

The public carriage soon arrived at the Roman Civic Square.

The weather-beaten sculpture of San Carlo, the Blue Sword, stands quietly in the center of the square. The flower beds around the sculpture are filled with pots of winter flowers and foliage plants, which compete with each other and form a beautiful garden landscape.

There are still many people busy, tearing off various papers affixed to the towering Twin Towers on the west side of the square, or cleaning around the ancient Sun King Temple.

The atmosphere of the festival is getting stronger and stronger.

After Ren got off the public carriage, he stopped in front of a food stall.

The fragrant black pepper grilled sausage, paired with soft and sweet bread, fresh vegetables, and some tomato sauce completely attracted his attention.

Leaving behind a silver thaler, Lane bought a few hot dogs and juice.

While eating happily, I walked to some tents on the east side of the square.

In front of the tent, a large lizard was lying on the ground. Its brown scales like snake skin were shining in the sun, and the ferocious claws on its limbs were intimidating.


Seeing someone approaching, the big lizard's green pupils opened slightly, and it roared softly with its huge mouth full of sharp teeth.

"One with huge clear blue eyes?" Renn just smiled softly and looked at the 6-meter-long strange beast curiously.

It is a type of lizard-like alien beast with giant clear blue eyes. Its individuals are generally elite level (roughly equivalent to a second-level extraordinary being), but the one in front of it is a lord-level alien beast that cannot be defeated by ordinary third-level expert level extraordinary beings.

Flowers, birds, fish and insects, there are many mutated beasts and plants in this world, but strictly speaking they are not divided into hierarchies.

After all, they are just animals and plants, so of course they cannot cultivate the path of human beings as professionals.

Human beings divide some animals, insects and a few aggressive plants into five levels according to their combat effectiveness: ordinary alien beasts, elite alien beasts, lord-level alien beasts, king-level alien beasts and beast kings.

The higher the level of alien beasts, the higher their intelligence is.

The intelligence of lord-level alien beasts is close to that of human children, and the intelligence of king-level alien beasts is almost the same as that of adult humans. Wild alien beasts usually do not enter human cities.

After all, there are often many masters in the city, and the whole body of the exotic beasts is full of treasures. Among other things, eating a meal of meat is also very delicious.

"I've eaten sand sculptures before, but I don't know if the green-eyed lizard meat is crunchy or not."

Looking at the huge clear blue eyes who were demonstrating to him, Ren had a smile on his lips and a hint of murderous intent in his eyes.

The cold and biting killing intent made its body tremble.

As if he was being targeted by a natural enemy, his giant blue eyes and limbs kept stepping, his tail covered with barbs filled with cold light swaying, and he let out uneasy growls from his mouth.

Danger...very dangerous.

Under its keen sense of beasts, the seemingly harmless man in front of it was as terrifying as the abyss.


A strong man with a black scarf on his head stopped Ren.

His upper body was bare, with a leopard skin tied around his waist. There were some weird lines on his muscles that were twisted like tadpoles, and there was a purple mandala pattern on his chest.

Another clown in a tuxedo wearing a mask ran over.


The clown grabbed a hare in his hand and threw it into the mouth of the green-eyed Juxi. He muttered unintelligible words and reached out to stroke its head, and Juxi gradually calmed down.

"Foreigner, what are you doing here?"

The strong man glared at Ren, while the clown remained silent, just looking him up and down.

Ren smiled and shrugged, and asked casually: "Where is your leader, Miss Candice? I have something to do with her."

"Foreigners, don't push yourself too far, I..."

The strong man was stunned for a moment, and then became furious. This guy had blackmailed them once not long ago. He thought Ren was here to cause trouble again, so his attitude was certainly not good.

The masked clown reached out and grabbed his shoulder, holding the strong man in place with his thin palms like eagle talons.

After stopping his companion who was about to kill him, the clown said in a non-standard natural language with a strong accent: "Wait a moment, I want to report something."

"Let him in!"

A cold and melodious female voice suddenly came from the tent. The clown and the strong man looked at each other and moved away.

Ren gently opened the tent curtain, and before he entered the tent, a rich herbal fragrance hit his nostrils.

When he entered the tent, he looked away slightly.

There is a black wooden barrel placed on one side of the tent, with white steam swirling like clouds, and the beauty is taking a bath.

To be precise, it's a medicinal bath, but the picture is still very fragrant.

Candice's long black hair is wet, and the soft hair falls from her smooth shoulders. Her delicate collarbone is very sexy. Her flexible waist is straightened up, and her hands raise purple water splashes, revealing a large amount of spring beauty.

"Are all foreign men so hypocritical?"

"No, no, don't get me wrong. I'm usually willing to appreciate your body from an artistic perspective, but I've been too energetic recently. It wouldn't be good if I couldn't help it and my bestiality got the better of you."

Renn, who took the initiative to look away, smiled and shook his head.

The red dragon's blood and the feathered serpent fruit already have some aphrodisiac effects, at least they are much stronger than the leeks and wild oats that are so popular in the sky.

His body had just undergone a strengthening baptism, and he was about to get ready for action. Kesha was not at home and had nowhere to vent. It was better to watch less of such fragrant bathing scenes to avoid being unable to sleep again at night.

After all, you can only watch it, but you can't really enjoy it.

"It seems that you have used the feathered serpent red fruit."

Candice raised her curved eyebrows and stood up directly in the black wooden barrel.

This time, most of her devilish and domineering figure was exposed, and water droplets slid down her fair and delicate skin, bringing with it an ultimate temptation that made people's mouth go dry.

"Hey, sister, are you planning to seduce me?" Renn glanced carefully before turning around.

Don’t look at anything inappropriate, don’t look at anything inappropriate, keep your heart as clear as ice, and won’t be shocked when the sky falls... He is a civilized man after all, Sir Ackerman of the Kingdom, he must pay attention to some gentlemanly manners.

As for those few glances just now, they were all in vain.

"Seduce?" Looking at Ren who turned her head, Candice had a smile on her face, "Is this how foreign women seduce men? It's really interesting."


A burst of purple water drops fell.

She jumped out of the black wooden barrel, tapped her jade feet lightly on the ground, picked up the towel on the table next to her and wiped her proud body without any hesitation.

As long as Ren turns his head, he can feast his eyes on it.

"Tsk, tsk, are all the Wismarks so open-minded?"

Ren also heard the movement behind him and knew that she was probably standing there naked. Just thinking about that tempting scene made his body feel hot.

But he can still restrain himself. Although he is very lustful, he can't walk after seeing a beautiful woman.

Candice is not his girlfriend, at least until he understands her purpose, he doesn't want to have much contact with her.

"You have defeated me, I don't mind showing it to you."

Candice put on a fiery red tight-fitting cheongsam, with her black and shiny hair hanging casually behind her, and walked to Ren's side with a pair of long white legs.

She never thought about seducing this man, she just didn't care much.

"According to our customs, when a woman reaches the age of childbearing, every man can compete for her, as long as he defeats all competitors.

If you are from our tribe, you can already get me."

No one of this generation in the tribe is Candice's rival, so she can still remain unmarried.

"So simple and crude? Then why are her parents and brothers opposed to this marriage?" Renn pursed his lips and asked.

Candice looked at him as if he were an idiot: "Can't we just knock down her parents and brothers as well?"

"Awesome, my brother." Ren's cheek twitched.

The theory of force alone is very popular in this world, whether it is demons or humans, especially among alien tribes, it is unabashed.

Of course there are rules.

But the rules of the tribe cannot restrain the truly strong, and Candice is also one of the few masters in the tribe.

"Master Ackerman, why did you come to me?" Candice stretched out her hand to lightly touch her black hair, looking directly at him with her bright autumn eyes.

"Of course we're talking about business, come with me." Renn waved to her. The light in the tent was a bit dim, and the smell of medicine was strong. Although it wasn't unpleasant, it wasn't a good place to chat.

He led the way. Candice hesitated for a moment, gave instructions to the clown wearing a mask, and followed.

Purple Rain Cafe is located near Roman Civic Square.

The road is very close, the two of them can walk there in just a few minutes.

The coffee inside is very famous, and there are private rooms with excellent sound insulation... It is the first choice for business discussions or couples' trysts.

A few days ago, Lao Goat personally inspected the sound insulation effect here.

According to the great Master Nicholas, this place is well-deserved and can be used at will, even if it breaks the throat...

The two of them walked into this huge three-story white building.

This chapter has been completed!
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