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Chapter 32: Breakout, failed to steal the tower

The highest level of pretentiousness is to show off your titanium alloy dog ​​eyes to the masses.

No matter how much those singers and actors show off, they are just adding a few more lights on the stage.

But Gawain is different. He holds the sun above his head. This bright light is enough to make the lighting engineers in Hollywood lose their jobs.

"What a shining gesture."

"It's Gawain. Although he is a knight from a foreign country, his glory cannot be faked."

"We can be saved, we can be saved..."

Shocked by Gawain's own special effects, the refugees admired the majesty of the "Sun Knight" and started talking about it.

This appearance can be said to be completely full of force.

Ren narrowed his eyes, silver light flashed in his eyes, the boundaries of all things were broken, and the hidden truth was revealed.

The knight in front of him is like a human-shaped sun, exuding an unstoppable brilliance and unparalleled power.

Especially the Holy Sword of the Stars in his hand, which is filled with scorching flames like the fusion of stars. Just staring at it gives people a terrifying feeling that their flesh and blood will be melted by the high temperature!

Powerful and illustrious, enough to intimidate all young men.

'It's interesting. He's a good player worth fighting.'

Renn nodded slightly, expressing his high recognition of the strength of the Sun Knight.

Not to mention Galahad, Gawain, who carries the number of a saint and is in a "triple state", is undoubtedly the strongest Knight of the Round Table!

Although people often slap him in the face, it is said that Lancelot once dragged Gawain until sunset and beat him severely.

But he didn't triple Gawain either.

You can only fight back after Gawain's sun buff disappears.

Now with the "nightless" blessing from the Lion King, Triple Gawain is working overtime online 24 hours a day, so there is no possibility of dragging him to death.

Coupled with the magic regeneration effect of the blessing itself... this is undoubtedly a master with extraordinary strength, a top powerhouse!

The King of Knights did kill him with just a few swords, but at that time, Gawain was probably not even half of his strength. It was normal for him to be killed by his superiors.

Renn can't expect him to be as cool as last time.

"...Humanity has lost its future, and now this small world is about to be destroyed. The only paradise is the Holy City of Camelot - the pure white immortal kingdom!

As long as you pass through this gate and enter the Holy City, you can live a life without disaster..."

Standing before all the people, Gawain held the holy sword in his hand and spoke impassionedly.

The beautiful life he described brought excitement and hope to the faces of the hungry, cold and ragged refugees.

But they didn't see the trace of sadness and pity in Sun Knight's eyes.

Gao Wen suppressed the trace of intolerance in his heart and continued:

"...Thank you very much. I believe that you have gone through a long and arduous journey to come here.

This is the end.

My king will accept all people, regardless of nationality or belief, and the ideal life will be behind the city gate.

The premise is that you can get my king's forgiveness first."

The knight stretched his hand towards the city head, and no one could detect the slightest tremor in his voice.

"Look there, someone is coming..."

This group of people who were looking forward to it were a little excited and looked along the guidance.

A tall figure appeared on the top of the city.

She wears a crown on her head, a lion-shaped silver mask decorated with snow-colored down, covering her face, and her graceful body is covered with a set of exquisite pure white armor.

There is no vision like when Gawain appeared.

The Lion King just stood quietly at the top of the city, as if it had taken away the brilliance of the sun and made everything lose its color.

Holier than anyone else.

More majestic than any king.

This is the gesture of gods transcending the mortal world.

Feeling the aura of the gods that was heavier than the city and the mountains, and more vast than the stars and the sea, the people at the scene were immediately speechless.

"This is the Lion King, the fully developed Artoria."

Ren narrowed his eyes, what a big wave...cough.

The magical power she naturally overflows is very terrifying, completely surpassing ordinary heroic spirits and reaching another level...

With just one glance, Master Ren knew that this was a scale that he could not control with one hand, and he could not conquer it at once.

"The nature of human beings is fallen and corrupt..."

The goddess's cold voice echoes between heaven and earth, like a cold wind blowing across the glacier land, refreshing people.

"No, human beings are essentially repeaters."

Ren retorted in a low voice, but unfortunately the voice was too low and the goddess on the top of the city couldn't hear him.

The white cloak rustled in the cold wind, and her yellow-green eyes were as indifferent as the starry sky, looking down at everyone:

"The number of people who can reach the end is limited.

Therefore, I will conduct a selection here and select those who will not be stained, corrupted, or shaken by evil under any circumstances—souls that will never be stained!"

"Shengba officially begins!"

Gawain, who was in charge of presiding over the ceremony, announced loudly, and the Lion King on the top of the city raised the shining holy spear in his hand.

It is not a solid metal gun with a spiral pattern. At this time, the holy gun is always in an unfettered state of liberation. From the outside, it looks like a golden spiral light beam in an energy state.

'Sure enough, there are no restrictions.'

Ren sighed.

The only thing that limits the power of this holy spear now is the amount of magical power that the goddess can control at once.

She raised the energy spiral light gun high, and a burst of dazzling golden light shone in all directions. Most of the people present began to shine with golden light as if they were in sync, including Ren and Fujimaru Ritsuka.

Of course, most people just flashed and then faded away.

Only a few people suddenly had a bright but not dazzling beam of light, faintly resonating with the light of the holy spear.


The people were a little nervous, and began to look around, and found that there were only three beams of light among nearly a thousand people. This chance...

"Tch, I thought I would be chosen because I am so pure and kind. Why would I break the standard?"

Ren found that his body was also dull, and he was obviously judged by the goddess as "non-recyclable garbage", so he couldn't help but curse.

Not only him, Fujimaru Ritsuka, Mashu, and Leonardo da Vinci also all failed to make the cut.

This chapter is not over, please click on the next page to continue reading! This is strange.

Not to mention Guda and Dabichi, even Ma Xiu was not selected.

She has inherited the power of Galahad, the most holy and innocent knight who has no desires and is even loved by God himself!

This is not up to standard, so wouldn’t The Lion King indirectly slap God in the face...

Renn looked at the three people who were selected, a stooped old man, a middle-aged uncle, and a good-looking woman with a baby.

'Is this woman Hassan's childhood sweetheart or ex-wife?'

After paying attention to the woman with the baby, he withdrew his gaze.

The Lion King at the top of the city put down his holy spear and ordered Gawain in a calm tone:

"Only three people have passed the Holy Ba test. Gao Wenqing will bring them in safely."

"Understood, my king."

Gawain respectfully saluted the Lion King who turned to leave. Gawain, who turned his head again, sighed in his heart and his eyes gradually became cold.

"Knight Sovereign, take action! Start the holy punishment, the king does not need people with impure souls!"

Sorry, this is the king's order.

Following Gawain's murderous words, the solemn knights who had been waiting for a long time moved.

"Ms. mist mist..."

The swords in their hands were filled with cold light, and the knights in heavy armor marched in neat and solemn steps, and surrounded them in a strangulation formation from all directions with murderous intent!

"What is...what to do?"

"No, you can't do this!"

"Run, run quickly!!"

No matter how slow people were, they still came to their senses and panicked.

Fujimaru Ritsuka understood the Lion King's plan first under Da Vinci's reminder. When he saw the knights raising their holy swords and slashing at the refugees in front of them, he immediately changed his face and shouted: "Mashu, tear it apart."

Defense line!”

"Yes, Master!"

According to the plan drawn up by Leonardo da Vinci, the school girl agreed and started charging without hesitation.

Her purple combat boots left traces of shoe prints on the ground, and she galloped to the back of the encirclement net like a nimble rabbit.

Bang bang!

Matthew smashed his arms hard, and the shield hit the armor and sword, causing a turbulent wave of air. Several solemn knights flew out like cannonballs under the huge force!

Strength C exerts the effect of Strength A, one shield per child.

In front of us is the Holy City, the enemy's base camp. If we want to help everyone break out, of course, we must first tear down the defense at the rear.


At the same time, Da Vinci raised her silver gauntlet, and countless incandescent lightning danced wildly in her palm, spreading and shining into the void like the branches of a tree!

The thunder condensed into plasma javelins and shot at the solemn knights who were surrounded from both sides at the speed of flash.

"No, don't kill me! Don't..."

A female refugee accidentally fell to the ground and moved her legs back as hard as she could, looking at the knight who raised a butcher knife against her with a horrified expression.

The cold blade was almost touching the top of her head.


The lightning flashed, and the solemn knight's movements froze.

Strings of electric sparks appeared on the armor, and a strong sense of pain and paralysis struck. The solemn knight subconsciously glanced down and found that his chest had been penetrated by an incandescent plasma gun!


His tall body fell to the ground stiffly, stirring up a cloud of dust.

With his eyes locked on the dozens of enemies on both sides, Leonardo da Vinci flexibly manipulated the lightning guns and continuously launched attacks.

"The enemy is attacking, it's a Servant, be careful of that woman!"

Of course, after all, it was a golem approaching a servant, so not all the solemn knights failed to react.

Seeing the white-hot electric light rapidly magnifying in front of his eyes, a solemn knight immediately rolled over and dodged an incoming lightning gun.


But before he could breathe a sigh of relief, the next second, the javelin condensed by plasma turned back and penetrated his body!


The knight knelt on the ground, with a trace of confusion in his eyes.

Some solemn knights kept dodging and moving, and were finally blocked in all directions by more than a dozen plasma guns, turning them into hedgehogs!

In just half a minute, seven or eight solemn knights fell.

The electric gauntlet inherits the characteristics of "Endless Thunder" and is extremely flexible.

It is not as powerful as Cu Chulainn's "Death Flying", but it is almost invincible when used to torture vegetables, because it is weak and cannot block this ghostly lightning attack.

"I am indeed a rare genius. I have mastered the correct use of the Noble Phantasm so quickly."

Da Vinci had a bright smile on his face.

Her long, silky brown-red hair danced in the wind, and her enemies were wiped out with a wave of her hand. She was so charming as she controlled the thunder.

However, there are still refugees who are wailing and falling under the ruthless butcher's knife.

The scene was very chaotic. There were hundreds of solemn knights surrounding them from all directions. It was impossible to defeat them in one fell swoop.

They raised their weapons and charged into the crowd, ruthlessly and cold-blooded, like killing machines. Accompanied by screams, the sound of blades cutting and tearing flesh could be heard from time to time!


Every time the sword flashed, human corpses were separated, and bright red blood spread all over the ground.

"No, please let my child go."

Women wrapped in black robes protected their children and begged.

Although she was very lucky to be selected, her child was not accepted by the Holy City and would even be killed mercilessly. What was the meaning of this selection?

"Woman, your body no longer belongs to you. Relatives and friends are things that need to be abandoned. As an ideal soul, there is no human freedom."

The knight roughly pushed the woman aside and raised his sword with a cold face.

As she screamed in terror, the cold sharp blade in the knight's hand was about to strike at the innocent child who stood there blankly.

"Man, your head doesn't belong to you anymore. Life and head are both things that need to be discarded. As a qualified warrior, there is no human life."

But at this moment, a joking voice suddenly sounded, and the solemn knight felt a chill coming from behind him.

He stopped moving and turned around to glance, and met a pair of blue eyes that looked like the god of death. The biting murderous intent made him tremble.


The frightening cold light flashed away, and a sharp long sword grazed the back of his neck. In the bloody light, a head was thrown up high!

This chapter is not over yet, please click on the next page to continue reading the exciting content! "Get out of here quickly."

Ren is holding a magic sword that kills people without staining blood, and his black robe is swaying in the wind.

"Thank you... thank you, benefactor."

She was very glad that the child had escaped the disaster, and the woman showed gratitude.

She didn't dare to stay. She put the matter of being selected by the Holy Spear behind her and immediately picked up her confused child and ran away.


Gawain, who originally turned around to leave, raised his eyebrows. Hearing the movement behind him, something seemed wrong, and stopped.

"Is it a Servant?"

At a glance, he noticed Leonardo da Vinci in the crowd, who was releasing thunder in a rather high-profile manner.


Waves of air arose under his feet, and Gawain stepped on his combat boots. In a few steps, he sprinted over hundreds of meters and arrived not far in front of her.

"Ah, we're in trouble now."

Facing the knight's charge, Da Vinci's pupils shrank, he raised his hand and fired several rounds of blazing thunder gun.


The Holy Sun Sword in Gawain's hand was burning with flames, and he smashed several incoming incandescent plasma guns with a single stroke of the sword!

The tall body broke through the diffuse arc of electricity, and he slashed at her again like a god of war. Upon seeing this, Da Vinci immediately threw himself down in a panic, slashing down with a sharp sword light, grazing her body and tearing the earth apart!

Gawain was about to add another blow when he suddenly felt an extremely slight thunder behind him.

"little tricks."

He raised his eyebrows and struck out with a sword in his backhand without even thinking about it!


Several spikes that suddenly struck, condensed from blazing light thunder, were all hit by the Holy Sword of the Sun and scattered into arc sparks!

It was obvious that it was a dirty trick without martial ethics.

It's a pity that Gawain, who has experienced many battles and has a keen sense of perception, was not able to plot against him.

"Da Vinci-chan, are you okay?"

Fujimaru Ritsuka quickly ran over from the side and helped her up.

"I'm fine. As expected, it's still a bit difficult to deal with the holder of the second holy sword, Gawain under the sun."

Leonardo da Vinci wiped off the dust on his clothes, still smiling.

The image of Dr. Roman next to him was projected, and he scratched his head:

"There's no need to try. Gawain has three times the power under the sun. Although he obtained a new Noble Phantasm from Assassin, at least we should consider the comparison of strength."

"Well, are you the Master from Chaldea? What's your name?"

Gawain was stunned when he saw the command spell in Fujimaru Ritsuka's hand and the glowing screen image, and then frowned again.

When they met under such circumstances, he remembered——[When the foreign stars shine, the alliance of Bai Ya will be torn apart, the king's majesty will be cast into clouds, and the tower of the divine support will collapse] This unknown person started in the Holy Capital at an unknown time

prophecies spread.

"I am Fujimaru Ritsuka...Sun Knight Gawain, why did you do this?"

Looking at the refugees lying in a pool of blood, Guda glared at the knight.

"Fujimaru Ritsuka?... The world is about to be destroyed. This is the justice and path of the Lion King - to select kind and innocent souls and eliminate fallen and unqualified humans...

Of course, since you have chosen to take action, it is equivalent to using your actions to deny the meaning of Holy Ba, which is an unpardonable crime for my king!

Then, let me impose sanctions on you..."

Gawain opened his mouth to explain, his tone becoming increasingly cold.

In the end, he raised the Holy Sword of the Sun in his hand, and the magic power fluctuations in his body suddenly increased several times, with unparalleled power.

He raised his sword and charged forward without hesitation.

"Thunder Shield!"

Upon seeing this, Da Vinci aimed his palm at him, and when he pressed it, magic power surged out of his palm, and the Noble Phantasm - "Electric Gauntlet" created a lightning shield surging with plasma!


Just like cutting off the water with a sword, the holy sword in Gawain's hand bloomed with a scorching light like a corona, and the sword split open the shield made of thunder!

His tough body was bathed in the overflowing electric current, but it could not be damaged at all. He continued to charge unstoppably.

The holy sword in his hand was filled with sharp sword light, and it struck down Guda and Da Vinci on the head, as if it was going to chop the two of them into pieces with one sword strike!


At the critical moment, a petite figure rushed over like lightning.


Gawain's fierce slash was blocked by a shield. The sword blade struck the shield decorated with Camelot patterns, and countless sparks shot out!

The shocked air waves ruffled the knight's long hair, and this familiar shield made him slightly startled──Isn't this...

The huge force also caused the schoolgirl's boots to sink into the mud and she slid back a few steps.

A trace of nostalgia flashed in the eyes of knight Gawain, and then his expression quickly returned to indifference, "...Girl, this shield is a bit too heavy for you."


Matthew didn't know why, but the arm holding the shield kept shaking unnaturally and couldn't steady himself, and there was a look of struggle on his innocent little face.

She seemed a little fragile in front of the knight.

Fujimaru Ritsuka and Leonardo da Vinci looked at each other and noticed something was wrong with her.


Another powerful and powerful slash struck, and the air wave swept across all directions!

The sharp blade struck the shield and created countless sparks. Gawain's holy sword burst out with a frightening sword light, slashing at the struggling school girl with a shocked expression and staggering back with both her shield and her body.

"Oh no, Matthew is completely out of shape right now. Is it because of the shield?"

Da Vinci frowned, his gauntlet was filled with lightning, and he was about to release his thunder to help.

At this moment, the golden light shines brightly at the gate of the Holy City of Camelot!

Bang bang!

Two sneaky figures collided with a golden barrier with shield patterns imprinted on it. There was a muffled sound as waves of air surged, and their advancing movements suddenly stalled!

The ground under the city gate also lit up with patterns of magic circles, ripples appeared in the space, and the two men were kicked out.

Obviously, there were two jungle assassins who just wanted to steal the house without soldiers.

It's a pity that someone seems to have been guarded against me.


Gawain's expression suddenly changed. He left Chaldea and his group behind and immediately turned around to fight back.


His eyes were cold and filled with magic power, and the Holy Sword of the Sun released surging fire, slashing at these two daring thieves!

"Shit, this can still happen!"

The burglary failed, and one of the ghostly figures cursed.

But facing the furious attack of the Sun Knight, the other person was a little confused, but he showed amazing skills.

With the help of the impact, he stepped lightly with his feet and forcibly reversed his unstable posture, colliding with Gawain who was coming from behind like a tiger descending a mountain!

This chapter is not over yet, please click on the next page to continue reading! Clang──!

The Holy Sword of the Sun and the sharp blade of the Demonic Sword collided fiercely, making a huge roar like a mortar!

Countless sparks splashed on the sharp blade, and the ground beneath their feet was instantly cut into a deep ravine by the spilled sword energy!

The huge impact caused Gawain to stagger back. He forced himself to stabilize his lower body, and his boots plowed two traces in the soil.

But when the opponent was flying back, he stepped on it again, and flew up into the air like a dragonfly touching water, catching another companion who was flying upside down.

"Your Excellency is very skilled in martial arts, but...why do you do such casual things?"

Gawain couldn't help but admire the enemy's superb skill of unloading force and borrowing force, and his astonishing skill.

The other party took off his hood, his short black hair flying, revealing a face that seemed a bit young to Sun Knight.

The young man has a slender figure, well-proportioned muscles, and a pair of blue eyes as deep as the ocean. The sword in his hand is flowing with powerful magic light, which can vaguely compete with the holy sword.

"I haven't seen you for a while, Gao Wenqing."

The one holding the magic sword was Ren, and he smiled at the Sun Knight.


This familiar way of greeting made Gawain stunned. Before he could think about who this person was, he saw another person who was caught and put down by Ren.

The hood is lifted.

The man revealed a face as gentle as jade, and his long flowing silver hair fell down, giving people a feeling of both gentleness and strength.

"Long time no see, Gao Wenqing."

The silver-haired knight was slender and wearing armor. He spoke to the Sun Knight in a nostalgic and sad tone.

“Beidi…Qing Wei…”

Gawain was startled, with deep surprise in his eyes.

Why is Bedivere, who was not summoned by the Lion King, here?

What happened just now?


(PS: I was coding on my mobile phone last night, but fell asleep in the middle of writing...)

This chapter has been completed!
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