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Chapter 47: Free of Charge, Encounter

'Beautiful girl without misery, secret room, tied up, imprisoned, trained...'

As soon as he saw the quiet Hassan tied up in the cage, many harmonious words automatically appeared in Master Ren's mind.

This scene is just like a criminal investigation action movie with a red border mark and a serious warning starting with the letters FBi.

Quiet Hassan was languid at this moment.

Her slender limbs were chained to the wall, and the white skull mask on her face had long been removed, revealing her beautiful and refined little face.

As the face of the Assassin Order, "Quiet" Hassan has a small but curvy figure and very delicate facial features.

It can be said that except for her darker skin, she is a pretty girl.

Of course, her condition at the moment was very poor. After days of torture and torture, the girl was very weak mentally and physically.

On the ground in front of her, there were still many torture tools corroded by venom, with pits and pits, and some of the torture tools still had purple-red venom left on them.

"Poisonous blood, poisonous body...?" Renn raised his eyebrows.

"Quiet" Hassan is the embodiment of the "poisonous woman" legend spread around the world. She took the initiative to accept the transformation of the Assassin Order, making her body full of poison.

As a result, he became one of the Hassan Sabahs of all generations.

Her body fluids, mucous membranes, and even her breath are highly toxic.

As long as ordinary people touch the body of Quiet Hassan, they will be corroded by the poison carried in her body, and then go directly to report below.

But this time, it was a blessing in disguise. Even if she was captured, the man would not dare to violate her body.

Even the iron torture instruments were corroded by the venom that was everywhere on her body. Who dared to touch her with his body? If he was not afraid of entering the palace and becoming a eunuch...

Of course, she can't avoid suffering some pain. Just because she can't be touched doesn't mean she can't be beaten.

Renn did not untie her bonds immediately, but half-crouched in front of Jing Ming, whose eyes were blank, and asked seriously:

"Silent Hassan, I am asking you a question on behalf of Hassan Baimei and Cursed Wrist.

Have you leaked secret information about the various villages of the Mountain People? Based on your answer, I will take different countermeasures according to the instructions of Hassan the Cursed Arm."

This question is very important.

If she leaks the secret, regardless of the consequences, she will be executed according to the internal rules of the Assassin Order.

Because of Wang Ha's existence, the rules of the Assassin Order are very strict.


She had been tortured mentally and physically for a long time, causing Jingjing Hassan's eyes to be a little dull, and her answers were almost instinctive.

"I... didn't... say anything."

"If you don't tell...you...just torture me, I won't say anything..."

Renn: "..."

The poor little girl was probably spoiled.

She seemed to regard Ren as the person who was torturing her, but since she had this attitude in this state, she probably didn't reveal anything.

The knights must have a headache, the assassin girl is obviously very hard-boned.

Moreover, it was very dangerous when she was tortured. If she accidentally got the poison, the torturer would have to receive a lunch box.


Sparks burst out, and the magic sword in Ren's hand struck the thick chains, and the blade cut them all off without any hesitation!

He reached out to catch Silent Hassan who fell from the wall. He and Scathach immediately threw several healing spells at her.


The healing effect of the two people's magic was very good. Soon, the eyes of the assassin girl were filled with energy. After she regained consciousness, she realized that she had been saved.

"No, don't touch me, it's very dangerous..."

When she found that someone was directly supporting her with his hands, the assassin girl's original cute expression changed and she became a little panicked.

"Don't worry, this poison is useless to me." Ren said calmly.

The skill "Protection of the Stars" can resist poison, which is the most advanced resistance ability, not to mention that he also has the scabbard Avalon in his body that can heal all injuries.

"Ah, Master Ren, this is so... wonderful." The quiet girl showed a look of surprise.

Happiness comes too suddenly.

He is not afraid of poison.

He is a friend of the people of the mountain. He is handsome and has extraordinary strength...

The assassin girl's face began to turn red gradually, and she secretly glanced at Ren's handsome profile, looking very shy.

Silent Hassan lives up to his name.

Due to the terrible toxicity she carries, anyone she comes into contact with will be poisoned. Jing Ming has almost no existence that can be called a friend.

Over time, she became quieter and taciturn, and gradually became a weirdo who could only perform tasks mechanically.

She cares most about whether the objects she touches are alive or dead.

If it's the former, she will be absolutely loyal. As long as it is for her master, she will literally do anything. Even if she is asked to massacre, she will obey without changing her expression and without saying a word.

"From now on, please use me as you wish..."

The pretty face of the assassin girl he was supporting turned red, and she said sweetly.

With a soft body and a soft voice, this posture seems to make him fall down with a push.

Renn: "..."

The first time I met a beautiful girl, I was a little overwhelmed.

Witnessing this scene, everyone had different reactions.


Touta Hato felt like he was fed a mouthful of dog food again and almost choked to death.

Is this the Lord of the Demon Realm, the King of the Kingdom of Shadows, here to save people, or is he here to take concubines?

BBA's snow-white face still looked cold, as if indifferent, but her eyebrows wrinkled slightly.

Ren was very proud and felt a little entangled in his heart.

Seeing the girl's attitude, he had no doubt that as long as he responded to her enthusiastically, he could go to bed with her tonight.

This is much simpler than conquering BBA.


Beautiful girls like Da Mao Wang and Jing Ming will always be second in someone's heart, not as good as Yu Jie or a married woman.

When Jing Ming could stand firm, Ren immediately let go and said with dignity:

"Girl, please respect yourself, I already have a wife!"

After saying that, he pointed at the Queen of the Kingdom of Shadows, who was wearing tight clothes and had a cold temperament but a very sexy figure.

This is his thing.

Jing Ming: "..."

The assassin girl couldn't hide the disappointment in her eyes. Although she didn't have to be a couple with the adult, he was obviously not interested in her... which still made her very frustrated.

'You have some insight...'

BBA turned her pretty face away with arrogance, but the proud smile that flashed at the corner of her mouth betrayed her.

Complacent, excited.

More or less.

For any arrogant woman, her vanity will be greatly satisfied when she discovers that her suitor is completely dismissive of other women because of her.

With her rich experience and wisdom of more than a thousand years, she knows that this kind of emotion is boring, but there is nothing she can do about it, she is also a woman after all...

"Everyone has been found, we can start."

Embarrassed to see the assassin girl's disappointed look, Ren said in time.


Scathach nodded, feeling a little happy in his heart, but the Queen of the Kingdom of Shadows was not too complacent yet.

She dropped several crystals engraved with runes, which were magic nodes, forming a six-pointed star-shaped array on the ground.

She is not just a warrior, her attainments in rune magic are almost unparalleled, and she is also at the top level as a magician.

BBA's left hand continued to carve runes, and strings of flashing runes were imprinted in the air. The magic nodes on the ground resonated with them, and the space gradually rippled.

'Get her down as soon as possible.'

Looking at Scathach who was meticulously setting up his formation, Master Renn glanced at the three command spells in his hand.

He must take down BBA and eat her up within a week at most, otherwise he will lose both his wife and his troops.

Time seems a bit short.

But for a relationship between a male master and a female hero, which is very "reliable" and often explained in simple terms, it is more than enough.

The witch in Greek mythology, the King of Britain, the French savior saint, the Assyrian empress... You may not believe it, but these female heroic spirits with great backgrounds were all taken care of by male masters within a week.

The magic that should be mended, the engagement that should be engaged, and the one that said "make me pregnant"...

Too strong, the male masters of this world.

Ren felt that if he couldn't push BBA, he could quit the group, which would completely lower the average level of male masters.

Half a minute passed.


Scathach retracted the palm that released the magic power, and took a few steps back with his long legs. On the ground, a space transfer array exuding azure light was formed.

Renn smiled slightly, glanced at the assassin girl next to him who had recovered from the loss, and said:

"You are not in good condition, so retreat first. Remember, there is someone outside to support you. They are the dragon-slaying heroes in Norse mythology."

"Yes, Lord Ren!" Quiet Hassan nodded obediently.

She stepped into the six-pointed star formation, and the rune stones on the ground immediately emitted a dazzling blue light!


A wave-like ripple appeared in the void, and the magic flow rushing from the rune stone lifted her up. Her whole body disappeared like a stone falling into the lake.


Renn's eyes narrowed and he watched all this calmly:

"This time it's your turn, Mr. Tatou Tatou."


The archer smiled, showing his white teeth. He rubbed his muscular arms and walked into the teleportation array.

The runes shone brightly, the magic whirlwind roared, and the space rippled again, threatening to engulf him.


A slight, string-like sound echoed in the void, and a strange wave of waves instantly enveloped the entire dungeon!

The space ripples on the formation were quickly smoothed out, the runes dimmed, and Omotou Tai's body stagnated and was squeezed out.

"Uh, it failed."

The archer scratched his head, but the expression on his face was relatively calm.

"Tu Qiong Dagger appeared? I thought he would show his fangs when I was the only one left, so I closed the net now. I have a lot of appetite."

A sneer appeared on Ren's face.

Of course, the earlier the net is closed, the more prey will be left, but the risk of fish dying and the net breaking will also be greater.

He originally thought that Morgan would leave him alone before launching a fatal siege.

But her appetite seems to be much bigger this time. She must have summoned enough helpers, so she feels that she has a chance to win?

Ren glanced at BBA, she frowned slightly and said in a cold voice:

"The blocking technique is very clever. If you want to break through, you need to build a more advanced teleportation array. It will take an hour."

The day lilies were cold for an hour.

Think about it and know that the other party will not give this preparation time.

The "space blockade" has been formed, and the atmosphere in the dungeon has gradually become depressing, as if something in the shadow has opened its bloody mouth, and the air seems as heavy as lead and mercury.

"here we go."

Ren's eyes became sharp and he gestured to her.

Scathach understood and activated the "Aura Blocking", and his whole body disappeared into the darkness like a deadly black rose.

"Your Excellency Tatou Tai, how about you come with me to break into this dragon's pond and tiger's den today?"

"It's my fault. I lost to Lancelot last time, so I was a little depressed." Watota grinned and tightened his grip on the long bow.


With eyes as sharp as knives, Ren didn't waste any time. He grabbed the bloody sword "Original Sin" and ran wildly.

The archers were highly focused and followed behind him.

The two figures turned into afterimages in the passage like lightning, and rushed towards the entrance of the dungeon.


Only halfway through, the water surged, and a lot of icy water poured out of several dirty passages in the dungeon.

The water level rose rapidly, and there were a lot of debris floating there, including some dead rats.

"Flooding the dungeon directly with water is really cruel."

The sewage rising in the dungeon made his trousers wet, and Hato Tōta was embarrassed.

Damn, this is so wicked.

Although Heroic Spirits will not drown, no matter where the water comes from, after it is mixed with various dirty things in the dungeon, it will be no different from the sewer.

Rotten, filthy, dirty... When soaked in this water, the taste should not be too sour.

"This vicious woman is so fucked up!"

Ren covered his nose and cursed, he knew who would use such evil and sinister methods without even thinking.

This chapter is not over yet, please click on the next page to continue reading the exciting content! The knights cannot think of such an idea.

Moreover, the dungeon was very large, and apart from the direction he and BBA entered, there were some ordinary soldiers patrolling the rest of the area.

But it was obvious that the witch didn't take their lives seriously.


Ren and Tato didn't want to soak in the smelly ditch, so they ran away.

The two of them were speeding along, and strangely, no cannon fodder blocked their way or any magic mechanism was triggered along the way.

Only the atmosphere in the dungeon became increasingly gloomy and depressing.

Soon they arrived at the entrance of the dungeon. The thick iron door had been closed, and the surrounding light was very dim.

"murderous look."

Ren's pupils shrank, glowing with silver. He stretched out his hand to stop the archer who wanted to open the door, and took a step forward.


The thick iron door suddenly shook, as if it had been hit hard, shaking off a lot of dust from the door frame.

Then there was another deafening bang, the wall connected to the door frame cracked instantly, and the iron door hit them like a steel cannonball!

Ren's eyes were cold, and murderous intent suddenly erupted from his body like a violent wave.


The demon sword in his hand trembled with bloodthirsty, and with a single slash of the scarlet sword light, he split the entire iron door into two!

The air waves roared, and the cut iron plates separated to both sides.

In the widening gap, Ren's silver eyes directly met a pair of lavender eyes that were as sharp as daggers.

It was a man wearing a purple knight's armor, tall and mighty, and extremely powerful. He held a large sword with a blue-purple luster like the moonlight lake in both hands.

Their eyes intertwined, and time seemed to stand still for an instant.

The next second, murderous intent broke through the sky!


The sword blades collide and sparks fly!

Ren and the purple-armored knight swung their swords at the same time. The magic sword lingering in the ominous blood and the blue sword glowing with lake light collided fiercely, causing a tsunami-like shock wave!

The two men's wrists suddenly exerted force at the same time, trying to repel each other.

The air waves roared, and both magic swords trembled, temporarily deadlocked.

"I think you're going to die."

Looking into each other's eyes, Lancelot's arms were shaking and his face was cold and emotionless.


Before Ren could reply, murderous intent struck again, and two afterimages jumped out from the door behind the Knight on the Lake like lightning!

Both of them were wearing silver armor, one was taller and the other was shorter, and they were holding cold swords.

They attacked Ren's flanks from left to right, and the sword blades in their hands made a terrifying whistling sound. There was no doubt that they could cut him into several pieces!

If you don't talk about martial ethics, you will start a group fight and kill.

However, Renne was not without his teammates. Archer Tōta reacted quickly and immediately drew his bow and shot more than a dozen arrows at the two of them!

The petite knight paused in his steps and released a burst of red thunder from the silver sword in his hand, smashing seven or eight arrows into pieces.

However, the other tall white-haired Saber did not pause at all.


The sharp arrows hit him, causing sparks to fly, but they were all bounced away by the silver armor he was wearing, leaving only a few white marks.

He quickly approached Ren's side, and with a flash of sword light, the big sword inlaid with azure jade in his hand struck directly at his head!


Ren roared angrily, and released a surge of magic power. The original sin sword suddenly burst into blood and overwhelmed the light of the lake, knocking Lancelot back.

Then he rolled backwards without thinking, and the big sword in the white-haired Saber's hand fell almost grazing his face, and the sword light instantly cut a deep gap in the ground!

"Siegfried?" The man's appearance made Ren startled.

The blow missed, and Siegfried, who said nothing, struck again with his sword.


Ren raised his sword to block, and the two magic swords collided, instantly intertwining and colliding with countless flashing sparks, and the shock wave swept across all directions!

Then he immediately tilted his head to the right. Lancelot had already appeared beside Siegfried, and a blue-purple sword grazed his neck like lightning.

Before he could take a breath, Siegfried raised his sword again and stabbed him in the heart.

Lancelot also turned the blue-purple magic sword, and the blade swept across his head.

No communication, no pause.

Because it was hand-to-hand combat, there was no chance to release the Noble Phantasm.

The two were attacking from a flank, as if they were going to kill him on the spot!

Faced with such a dangerous situation, Renn thrust out his sword with an indifferent look, and the blade of the sword clashed with Siegfried's fantasy sword, creating a burst of sparks.

However, Original Sin seemed to be stuck to the big sword. He raised the blades of both swords to his forehead with a slight swing.


The original sin and fantasy swords happened to collide with the indestructible lake light that was slashing towards Ren's head. The three powerful magic swords collided and created dazzling sparks!

Such skill made Lancelot and Siegfried flash a strange color in their eyes.

Taking this opportunity, Renn immediately retreated and escaped the attack of the two men.

Then he slashed Mordred in the back with his sword. Xiao Mo, who was confronting the archers, immediately rolled over and dodged the sword light.

Then everyone separated and looked at each other with different eyes.

This chapter has been completed!
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