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Chapter 86 Negotiations

At 9 o'clock in the morning, Rennes' side had successfully infiltrated into the Steheis area. Allen and Jean had also completed the exchange. The people in the Military Police Regiment were too big-hearted and did not even check the carriage.

Because Irwin was traveling with him, Neil Decker, commander of the military police division, personally escorted his comrades at the same time.

The script has been written, the actors are in place, and the movie "Battle of Steheis" is about to be staged. It is expected that the box office will be an astronomical figure, but unfortunately it is a negative figure.

Ren, Armin, Allen and Mikasa finally came together and decided to let Armin deceive... to invite the heroine of this scene, Arnie Leonard.

Amin is the best candidate, Mikasa is eliminated first because she has no friendship with Ani, and Allen's current hair is too short, his condition is not good, and his acting skills are poor.

Ren could have done it, but he had taunted the female giant in the Forest of Giant Trees not long ago. God knows if Ani would hold a grudge, and he felt a little guilty. What if someone turned their back on him and ignored him at all?

A Ming's palms were sweating, and he hesitated and hesitated: "I...I don't know..."

After patting him on the shoulder, Ren Chunchun was good at seducing and warned: "Relax, just treat it like a normal meeting. You are so cute, you will definitely be able to convince her. If that doesn't work, just use a beauty trick to seduce her."

Face flushed, Amin opened his mouth, not knowing how to answer for a moment. Mikasa glared at Ren, and Allen forced a smile: "Amin, you have always been very eloquent, be more confident in yourself."

Feeling the power from his gay friends, the lead actor A Ming calmed down and ran into the alley.

Amin is indeed very cute, and even before his hair grows long, Allen is reluctant to beat him.

Soon after, the new recruits of the Military Police Regiment stood on both sides of the street, and Neil Decker drove a carriage to escort Allen and Alvin to the Royal City.

When the new recruits of the Gendarmerie Regiment saw Captain Nair, they all saluted. After seeing the carriage drive through the street, the recruits ran up one after another and followed the carriage to escort him.

Ani also ran behind the carriage, and then she heard Amin's voice: "Ani."

Ani paused and ran into the alley next to him, where he saw Amin sneaking around in a raincoat.

Amin persuaded Ani to help him and Allen escape, saying that he had found evidence to overthrow the king's government, and asked Ani to help them because of their past friendship.

After another good guy card was issued, Ani seemed to have fallen into a trap.

Ani put down her gun, turned her back to Amin, and put the steel ring for transformation on her right index finger! The moment she saw Amin, she realized that she might have been exposed.

Ani didn't say much because she couldn't avoid disaster. She walked with Amin and then met Ren, Allen and Mikasa who were wearing raincoats.

She took Ren and the four of them through several checkpoints. I have to say that the identity of the military police regiment was really easy to use, and no one came up to ask.

The group of people exchanged a few words and gradually walked to the corner of the town. For some reason, there were fewer and fewer people around.

Ren looked carefully at Ani, whom he hadn't seen for more than a month, and found that she was actually very guarded, keeping a distance between them intentionally or unintentionally.

When he noticed the ring on the index finger of her right hand, he realized that it was impossible to lead her into the ruins of the abandoned dungeon.

In September 1849, while Lane was busy in the kitchen, he found a silver steel ring on the stove.

Reaching out and picking it up, he looked at it carefully and brushed away the cold gleaming blades on the ring. Ren was very curious.

At this time, Ani came in and was startled when he saw him. He was a little nervous and snatched the ring from his hand.

"Is this yours? Why would a girl wear such a dangerous ring? What bastard gave it to me?"

Ani said expressionlessly: "My father gave me these for self-defense."

Slightly embarrassed, Renn took out the dagger he carried with him, threw it and caught it again: "You can't defend yourself with that thing, you have to use this!"

A little surprised, Arnie looked at the dagger in Ren's hand: "You always carry this with you?"

"Yes, a knight will never die with his bare hands!" Ren said seriously.

Arnie smiled softly: "Sorry, I don't see how you look like a knight."

She is right, the Border Knights can be called the Border Warriors, or even the Killers.

"Yeah, I don't see how you look like a weak girl anymore."

Arnie stopped talking, and Ren successfully chatted to death. He didn't think much about it at the time, and the matter was quickly forgotten by him.

"Stop, Ani, haven't we seen each other for a while?" Renn suddenly stopped and looked at Ani who was walking in front.

Armin, Allen, and Mikasa were stunned, what are you doing? They haven't reached the entrance of the dungeon yet.

Ani turned around and looked at Ren with a rare gentle expression: "It's been about more than a month, right? Why, do you miss me?"

Shaking his head slightly, Ren said: "Sorry, no. How are you doing?"

Ani smiled: "You are really unpleasant, so that's okay."

Allen looked at Renn anxiously and signaled him not to say anything more about the execution plan! Amin didn't know why he stopped.

Raising his hand to signal them to be quiet, Ren said calmly: "Arnie, can we talk? It's like setting up a banquet, sitting down and talking!"

Ani suppressed his smile and returned to his iceberg face: "I'm afraid I can't, I have no way out."

Marais had no intention of talking about it, and she was just a tool. She couldn't make the decision on this kind of thing, and she couldn't even say more as it would leak information.

It can only be said that the top management of Malai was also too big-hearted and threw four children who knew almost nothing about what was inside the wall on the island and ignored them.

The Daiba family did not disclose the truth about the no-fight agreement at this time, so Anilena and the others were timid and did not dare to act rashly. But the eldest brother died, and Reiner came up with a lot of bad ideas.

A Ming's expression changed and his face turned a little pale.

"Ha, let's talk about it later. Let's go first." Allen interrupted the conversation between the two. He still felt that he could continue fighting.

Ren glanced at Eren Amin and Mikasa: "No need, our acting is too poor. Did you see the ring on her right index finger?

I didn't quite understand before why a girl wears a ring with iron hooks, but now I probably know that it is used for transformation.

She doesn’t believe us, and now she can transform with just a finger, so the mission has failed!”

Eren, Amin, Mikasa all cast their eyes on Ani's hand, staring at the ring.

The atmosphere was depressing, and Arnie, who was exposed, did not look panicked, but a little surprised: "Ren, I always thought you were a careless and reckless man, but I didn't expect you to have such a careful side."

Ren shrugged and said in a frivolous tone: "You are wrong, I always look at beautiful women very seriously. By the way, compared to other ugly giants, the female giant is pretty good-looking."

"Arnie, tell me this isn't true!" Allen glared at Arnie angrily.

"When did you find out?" Amin was a little confused. He realized that Ani had seen through his deception from the beginning.

Ani ignored the incompetent and furious Allen, and looked at Amin with a faint look: "Amin, when did you look at me like that? Besides, there seems to be no one here except us."

The streets were empty except for the breeze that blew from time to time.

A Ming was stunned, lowered his head slightly, and said in a heavy voice: "Ani, why do you do this? You are obviously not a cruel person, why can you kill so many people?!"

Allen was even more unwilling to believe this, and roared: "Say it! Tell us you are not her!"

After a moment of silence, Ani suddenly burst into laughter: "Hahaha! I'm glad to be a good person in your eyes. You won this round!

I never thought I would be forced to this point. How did you find me?"

At this moment, Allen was stunned and had to admit that Arnie was an enemy.

After taking off the raincoat that concealed the three-dimensional mobile device and throwing it on the ground, Ren stared at Arnie: "This is not important anymore. Can we negotiate?"

After a slight hesitation, Ani said expressionlessly: "I'm sorry, I have a reason to do it!"

Amin's expression was stagnant, Eren was furious, and Mikasa's eyes were cold.

"Haha! Ha!" Ren showed a nervous smile, his expression was very strange: "You should all remember that last summer, I once said that I would negotiate with the Armored Titan and the Super Giant!

It’s strange, why could I shamelessly say such things at that time? Was it because I was too mature and rational, calm and objective and took the overall situation into consideration?”

Renn suppressed his smile and looked a little morbid: "No, I am just a cold-blooded and selfish bastard! I clearly know that Allen's mother died at the hands of a giant, Amin's grandfather, and Neil's father died four years ago.

The battle to recapture Wall Leah!

Why can I talk about peace talks so grandly? Because those who died were not my relatives and friends!

I am a bystander. To me, the 250,000 victims are strangers, just a number, so I can boast like a saint! Am I very shameless?!"

Armin, Allen, and Mikasa were shocked, staring at Ren with a ferocious expression, while Ani remained silent.

"I don't think so now, Thomas, Mina Marconier and the others are all dead!

Ani, don't tell me you don't know the Armored Titan and the Super Titan, can I ask? What did you think when I held Mina's body?" The voice was a little hoarse, and Renn looked indifferent.

With his eyes red, Ani choked and said, "I feel...sorry."

"Now I realize, whose life is not life? Do you have anything else to say to her? Hurry up, you won't have to say anything in the future." Ren said coldly.

A Ming looked at Ani and said loudly: "Ani, let's talk. There must be a solution..."

Ani collapsed a little and cried: "How to talk? Even if I believe you, I can't trust other people!

Can you make the decision now? At this point, if I surrender, I will lose the power to resist. Can you guarantee my safety?

When they torture me and dissect me knife by knife, will you come to save me?!"

A Ming stared blankly at Ani, who was in tears. The negotiation broke down. There was no basis for trust between the two parties, but there was a lot of hatred!

This chapter has been completed!
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