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Chapter 157 The worst marshal bows to the evil forces

The next day, Zefa submitted his resignation to the headquarters and decided to resign as an instructor in the Navy Recruit Camp.

After all, he was a former general, and his letter of resignation was quickly delivered to the Holy Land of Mariejoia, the Warring States Marshal.

In the office, Fo Zhi Warring States took a deep breath, moved the official documents on the table aside, and opened Zefa's resignation letter with a complicated expression.

This day has come.

Another familiar old friend chose to say goodbye and could no longer contribute to the navy and the cause of justice.

He and Garp are probably about the same age. They are almost eight years old. No matter how old and strong they are, sometimes they still feel incompetent.

As Garp said, in the past, he could chase Roger all over the world for days and nights without sleep, without feeling tired and still feeling full of energy. Now, even climbing the stairs to the fifth floor makes him out of breath...

It’s not okay to refuse to accept old age.

The only thing that gave Marshal the Warring States Period some relief was that "White II" Weibull was on the street.

Once he died, Zefa would be able to take revenge, and he would not be stimulated to do some extremely irrational things.

This is a good thing. Although the Five Old Stars and some high-level government officials who hope to use Edward Weibull's powerful force to recruit him as King Shichibukai to balance the situation at sea will not be happy, Sengoku can't help but applaud in his heart.

A good death and a deserved death.

Attacking former generals, massacring naval cadets, destroying villages and towns and killing innocent people indiscriminately, it's no wonder that scum like this would be targeted by Bai Long.

It’s not that the Warring States Period was gloating over misfortune, but with Miss Bajin and Weibull’s arrogant behavior, they wouldn’t have survived this year without Zefa’s incident.

I don't know if Bailong was in a bad mood in recent months, but he was very cruel to pirates.

Knives were raised and dropped, heads were rolling, and countless pirate villains who acted arrogantly and domineering suffered disaster. They didn't even have a chance to go to Impel Down to serve a meal in jail.

People like Ghost Spider, Dauberman, and Akainu all praised her after seeing it...

The Warring States Marshal laughed in his heart at the wave of Bai Er and Miss Ba Jin who committed the crime against the wind and were killed by the God's daughter's gun. He opened Zefa's letter and read it carefully.

"Warring States Period, it's time to say goodbye... I have decided to resign from all my positions and retire to my old age without any need to stay... I don't like Marie Joa. No matter how prosperous and luxurious this place looks, it can't cover up the stench underneath.

I also don’t want to stay in the new naval headquarters, because I am really tired and tired of the ups and downs at sea. I am more disappointed than hopeful about the navy...

I plan to go to Donghailuoge Town and retire there.

Maybe I'm just an old fool. Recently, I've had a premonition about the future. It seems that the fiery "Great Pirate Age" is coming to an end. In just a few years, we can see the ending before we old men are buried.


These twenty years were twenty years of failure and loss for the navy.

At a time when the world is undergoing vigorous changes, the Navy is at a loss and has no sense of direction. As representatives of the world's righteous forces, we are more like supporting actors on the stage...

I choose to witness the end of everything in Roger Town, Roger’s hometown and the beginning of the great pirate era.”

The Warring States Marshal read the letter from his old friend.

I feel a little relieved, but also a little depressed and lost.

There is no doubt that Zefa is disappointed with the navy and has negated the navy's efforts over the past two decades to improve order at sea.

Especially when he said that the navy was a supporting role on the stage...it made Marshal Sengoku a little depressed.

What is a supporting role?

Their navy is so powerful, it is the most powerful and largest violent organization in the world.

No Yonko, Shichibukai, Revolutionary Army, underground dark organization, or even CP organization can be the opponent of the Navy.

The navy is the absolute strongest overlord of the sea. It has suppressed the sea for hundreds of years and has been imitated and never surpassed.

Being described as a supporting role made Sengoku very depressed. The navy has always been the most handsome boy, playing the heavyweight role of pig's feet in every era, but when it came to him, he was denied by a former general. As a marshal of the navy,

No matter how you look at it, he is too incompetent...ahem.

Moreover, Zefa also said that the era of great pirates is coming to an end. How is this possible?

The Demon King, the Empress, Kaido, Red Hair, Big Mom, the five emperors are all gathered together in the new world very quickly!

Depressed as it is, one should try to save him. During the Warring States Period, Zefa didn't hit him directly in the face and he was so upset.

Of course, this is also related to the fact that he has broken the jar.

When the war ended, because of the poor results, as a marshal, he became the scapegoat.

It was his fault that he failed to execute Fire Fist; it was his fault that Impel Castle Prison fell; it was his fault that Akainu nearly died; it was his fault with his improper command; the incident involving the Celestial Dragons was his fault for not reacting in time, and it was his fault that the Empress gathered her troops to proclaim herself emperor.

Incompetent; the King of Demons wants to be the emperor, but he is too useless...

Wulao Xing is the leader and cannot take the blame.

Therefore, everything is the fault of Admiral Sengoku.

Because of the sudden emergence of the Demon King and the current almost corrupt situation at sea, the reputation of Sengoku as a scapegoat has been completely ruined.

"The Worst and Worst Admiral in History - Buddha's Warring States Period"

When Warring States saw this headline in a tabloid, he was so angry that he almost vomited three liters of blood.

Therefore, when Zefa expressed his disappointment with the Navy in this resignation letter, he acted relatively calmly.

Without him, it would be numb.

Warring States Period: He is the worst naval marshal in history, how bad can he be?

After reading Zefa's resignation letter, he stuffed the paper and the envelope into the mouth of a white alpaca beside him, and let it chew it and swallow it.

The letter also mocked Marie Joa and the Celestial Dragons, so it was not convenient for outsiders to know.

The Warring States Period approved Zefa's request to resign as the chief instructor of the new camp at the Navy Headquarters, but did not allow him to withdraw from the navy.

In the following days, due to his repeated attempts to stay and his strong request, Zefa reluctantly agreed to serve as a nominal consultant.

At this point, the "black wrist" Zefa no longer holds any formal position in the naval organization and officially retired. He only holds the fictitious title of senior adviser to the naval logistics department and retains his military status.

After he retired, he took a small warship and left the Shampoo Islands for the East China Sea, preparing to spend the rest of his life in Rogge Town.

I'm afraid there will be no news about this old man on the sea in the future.

The news of Zefa's retirement quickly spread throughout the navy, and the news that Bailong killed Weibull caused quite a stir.

Naval Station, top floor.

Kizaru crossed his legs, sat on a chair, and was trimming his nails with a nail clipper. In front of him, a fat man wearing a red bellyband was reporting on his work.

"Old man, I heard that instructor Zefa went to the East China Sea."

"This is a good thing. The old man is very stubborn. He might do something dangerous if he is stimulated. It would be good to go to the East China Sea to retire. At least there is no one who can threaten him.

Not to mention a broken hand, even without a hand, Teacher Zefa can still sweep away those unfashionable little pirates."

Kizaru smiled obscenely and said in a sinister tone.

This man is indeed a bit strange. Judging from his expression, tone and actions, you can't accurately judge what he is thinking.


Zhan Taowan was a little speechless. He didn't know whether the old man was mocking or feeling relieved. He felt both, but felt neither.

He is not Zefa's student and doesn't pay much attention to his movements. Instead, he is a little curious or puzzled about Bailong's situation.

He asked: "Kate, is it okay to kill Weibull? I remember it was decided above that he should be the Shichibukai, and the relevant documents and procedures were almost ready, but Weibull... died


As far as he knew, letting Shiro II become the Shichibukai was the intention of the Five Old Stars.

If Bailong did this, wouldn't it be equivalent to slapping Wulaoxing in the face...

"I don't know about that."

The obscene smile on Kizaru's face remained unchanged, and he didn't know what he was thinking. He said in an exaggerated tone, "But she killed Weibull easily, tsk tsk. I also saw the pictures in the newspaper. It's really scary, devil."

The king will probably tremble when he sees it."

There was something else he didn't say, he hoped Kate could one day take off the swordsman Wren's dog head.

He swore that he would never go to his grave to dance.

Zhan Taowan: "..."

( ̄△ ̄;)

What a hatred. He felt that the old man had a deep grudge against the bloodthirsty swordsman. Whenever he had the chance, he would mock him.

Zhan Taowan picked up a newspaper on the table and looked at the picture of Behemoth Island. The forest to the west had sunken into a piece, and the vacant area accounted for about one-fifth of the island's area.

Yes, from the picture, you can even see that seawater has poured into the gap.

A veritable map cannon, this blow is said to be fired from the edge of the island. If it hits the inside from the edge...

Damn, I guess there won't be anything left.

Zhan Taowan swallowed his saliva and asked, "Old man, is this really something that a strong person can do?"

Whitebeard, who claims to have the power to destroy the world, cannot destroy the island with one strike. In other words, there has never been such a fierce man in history, at least he has never heard of it.

Kizaru: "..."

(一`′一), you ask me, who should I ask?

He does know more, but the specific information about the Goddess, the three ancient weapons and some mysterious and taboo figures in history is probably only known to the Five Old Stars and some Tianlong people.

To put it harshly, in the eyes of those people, these naval generals may be just watchdogs and high-level thugs.

"I don't know. I heard that the Five Old Stars are a little angry. Kate will be held accountable when she comes back. I hope things don't get too big." Kizaru muttered.

That's what it says above.

But he always felt that Wu Laoxing might not dare to hold her accountable, which really angered her, and he doubted how many people would dare to stop her.

Anyway, he didn't dare.

No one knew what happened in the forest of Behemoth Island. The Whitebeard Pirates and the residents of the town only knew that the battle ended in a few minutes, and no one saw the specific process.

'How did she do it in a few minutes?'

Kizaru was very curious about what exactly happened that day, and considering the time spent traveling back and forth, it was probably a one-hit kill.

When the news of Weibull's murder reached the Navy a few days ago, the top brass of the Navy collectively lost their voice.

Because everyone knew the strength of that pirate, they were shocked.

Zefa has so many students, and even the current three navy generals were taught by him. So, no one wanted to kill Bai II and avenge the teacher?

Of course there is, it just can't be done.

Deploying the generals may not necessarily solve Bai II, not to mention that he and his mother have been staying deep in the waters of the New World, making it inconvenient for the navy to encircle and suppress them.

"Old man, remember to be ready to leave at any time. When Bailong comes back, we will go to the new world." Zhan Taomaru reminded.

The Daughters Island army has assembled. Once they enter the new world, the Navy's G5 branch and G1 branch will be in danger. No one can guarantee that the empress will not clean up the navy base.

And because Aokiji and Akainu were busy competing for the command position, the only general who could be dispatched was Kizaru, who had already laid down early.

"What a headache."

When he thought about the possibility of facing the empress, Kizaru put his hand to his forehead, as if he had a headache, and muttered, "Mr. Garp and Zhu Yuan have already passed, but Mr. Sengoku is still worried."

Alas, why is it so difficult to be lazy?

"There is nothing we can do about it. After all, the entire Nine Snakes Pirates are dispatched this time, tens of thousands of people!"

Afraid that he would not pay attention, Zhan Taowan warned.

That was all in the past, but now, the G1 branch of the navy must not be missed. It is one of the candidate locations for the new navy headquarters. Once it is crushed by Nine Snakes, the consequences will be disastrous.

Lieutenant General Garp is in charge of the G5 branch in the New World, while Kizaru and Momotu are in charge of the more important G1 branch. If one side is attacked, the other side will provide timely support, so that nothing goes wrong.

"I know, I'll hand over the mission when Kate comes back." Kizaru curled his lips.

To deal with the empress, just deal with the empress.

As long as he is not the swordsman Ren, everything will be fine. Porusalino will never be weaker than anyone else in his life.


New World, Dressrosa.

On the high ground of the king, a banquet was held in the palace to entertain the distinguished guests.

Beside the wall, white incense candles were burning, and on the dining table covered with clean white cloth were placed various delicacies such as expensive red wine, vegetable salads, pastries, barbecue, and pizza.

Brother Ming was sitting in the main seat, shaking the goblet in his palm, with a trademark evil smile on his face, looking like a big boss.

He looked at the fair-skinned and beautiful female navy opposite and asked confidently:

"Your Highness Kate, are you satisfied with the skills of the palace chef?"

“It’s okay, the portion is sufficient.”

Arturia cut a medium-rare steak with a knife and said calmly.

At home, she is used to eating the cheap dishes made by her brother. As for other delicacies, although she is not picky about food, she basically only has a few comments about "it's okay, the portion is sufficient".

This table was said to be carefully prepared by some of the best chefs in the Kingdom of Dressrosa, but she felt that the taste was only about 70 points and could not be any more.

Brother Ming: "..."

(`Δ′)! Is it just okay?

To be fair, as a Tianlong person who was used to eating delicacies from the mountains and seas when he was young, he thought it was pretty good.

Well, she might have had better food when she was a child, after all, she was following that adult.

"Doflamingo, don't do these useless things, tell me honestly, what happened in Dressrosa that night? Why was the CP organization completely wiped out? Did you collude with the swordsman Ren?"

A series of questions came from another female navy's mouth.

She has medium-long pink hair and a beautiful appearance. She wears a rose-red suit and a white cloak. She has long legs and a domineering figure. She also holds a cigarette and looks like a royal sister.

"Major General Hina, no, maybe it will be Lieutenant General Hina soon."

Brother Ming smiled evilly, took a sip of red wine, and said calmly, "I didn't mean to hide it, I really don't know the questions you asked.

The people of the Lionheart Pirates have never given me face. Who knows what happened that night. The only thing I can tell you is that it has nothing to do with me or the Don Quixote family."

"Huh, really, who knows if you are quibbling?" Hina said rudely.

"Woman, be careful what you say!"

Her attitude was like questioning a prisoner, which made Diamanti, the top leader of the Don Quixote family, very dissatisfied and reprimanded, "According to the agreement with the government, your navy is not qualified to interfere with the affairs of the Shichibukai!"

"That's right, you are going too far. The young master entertains you and allows you to come to Dressrosa to search. It is already a favor to the navy!" Delinger, who thought he was very impressive, agreed.

Listening to the scoldings of the Don Quixote family cadres, Hina looked at Brother Ming who was smiling and saying nothing, sneered and said:

"Really? The government also plans to recruit Edward Weibull to be the king of the Shichibukai, but grass has grown on his grave now. I suggest you go to Behemoth Island to pay your respects when you have time."

Diamanti: "..."


Delinger: "..."


Brother Ming: "..."

(▼ plate▼#)

Her words silenced all the Don Quixote family.

The navy was not the only one shocked by Weibull's attack. The pirates in the New World were also more or less aware of Shiro II's strength.

Although the attack on "Black-Watch" Zefa was handled in a low-key manner by the Navy, it was really no secret to the Don Quixote family who had a senior spy ("Ghost Bamboo" Vergo) inside the Navy.

Bai II, whose strength was almost as strong as that of an admiral, was so cold that he could only make Don Quixote fearful.

What really chilled Ming Ge and his men was that the Five Old Stars had already spread rumors that they wanted Edward Weeble to be king of the Shichibukai, but Hakuryuu still went ahead and killed him.

Regardless of the government's feelings, slap Wulaoxing in the face, this is...

Brother Ming took a deep breath, without getting angry, still smiling, and said:

"Major General Hina, don't mind if your subordinates are disobedient."

A real man can bend and stretch, but he is timid...he endures it.

Tianyaksha, bow to the evil forces today.JPG.

This chapter has been completed!
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