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Chapter 350

David Templeton frowned slightly when he heard Zhang Zhonghua's request. He really didn't want to take on the last business. The work cycle was too long and the profit was relatively low. There was not much profit at all. It was a tasteless thing.

But the duck has already been delivered to his mouth, how can David Templeton let it fly away?

Although Zhang Zhonghua only needs 200 people now, he believes that as Zhang Zhonghua's company gets bigger in the future, he may need to recruit more programmers.

Zhang Zhonghua is his potential super customer in the future. He cannot push Zhang Zhonghua to another company just because of something, so let alone two hundred programmers, even if there are only twenty programmers, David Temple

Dun decided to take the job.

"This is absolutely no problem, but the recruitment cycle may be a little longer. After all, we also need a lot of time to screen technical personnel."

David Templeton said to Zhang Zhonghua.

"Of course it is possible. I think we can use a packaged cooperation method to charge. Every time your company successfully recruits a programmer who meets our requirements, I can pay you $3,000, but the technical director I need needs to be arranged by you first."


I'm just spending money to buy time, hoping to recruit people as soon as possible and build the company as soon as possible, what do you think?"

Currently, the salary of a computer talent in Chou Country is around US$800 to US$900. Zhang Zhonghua offered a recruitment agency fee of three months’ salary, which is already considered a very high agency fee, and he was recruiting people under his own banner.

It's also much simpler.

"sure no problem."

When David Templeton heard this, he immediately smiled and agreed.

The cost of hiring 200 programmers is as high as 600,000 US dollars. This amount of money is not small and can be compared with the income of recruiting CEOs of two multinational companies. The most important thing is that it is not difficult, but it takes a little longer.

This order is worth it!

After Zhang Zhonghua paid David Templeton a deposit, he left Heidrick & Struggles with his people. It would take a week at the earliest for programmers to come for interviews, but senior talents like technical directors would come up much faster.

Zhang Zhonghua couldn't help but laugh when he thought of the two talents he mentioned, Dennis Ritchie and Ken Thompson. These two are the real inventors of the ix system, and they won the Turing Award together.

It's just that the two great gods are still less than thirty years old, and they both work in Bell Laboratories of Chou Country, which is where countless elites gather. Their own temple is too small.

Zhang Zhonghua took his security guard and found a hotel to stay in Palo Alto. Although it was not far from Fisherman's Wharf in San Francisco, there was no need to go back and forth.

The next day.

Zhang Zhonghua arrived at Stanford University early in the morning. If he didn't take a stroll around the Stanford campus when he arrived in Palo Alto, wouldn't he be like the Great Wall and not a hero, with a trip of only 20,000 yuan?

The biggest feature of Stanford University is the natural forest-style design, coupled with the free-curved roads. What impresses people is the several kilometers of coconut tree avenues that have no natural meaning and show an artificial scale.

It was the famous designer Frederick Olmstead who designed the Stanford campus, and his most acclaimed works are Central Park in Manhattan, New York, and Golden Gate Park in San Francisco.

Zhang Zhonghua rode a bicycle along the coconut tree avenue and entered the campus. The air was fresh and the scenery was beautiful. The buildings at Stanford University are all yellow bricks and red tiles, and they are all in the style of Spanish mission halls in the seventeenth century.

When you enter the university, the first thing you see is a red-roofed building surrounded by khaki stone walls, with connected arcades and rows of brown shackles. It is full of a strong cultural and academic atmosphere in the interplay of classics and modernity.

The central square is the main part of Stanford. Around it are the Business School, School of Geosciences, School of Education, School of Engineering, School of Law, and School of Medicine. Outside, there are the Stanford Science Park, the Botanical Garden, the golf course and several scientific experimental sites.


Stanford University does not have the buildings of Harvard and Cambridge University with different eras and styles, and there is less ivy climbing on the walls of New York University, but its unique charm and spacious campus are not comparable to other universities.

"Boss, this Stanford University is too big. It must be tens of thousands of acres! Donating so much land to build the school is really rich. Old Stanford is really willing to do it for his son."

Zhang Long said in surprise. Before coming, Zhang Long learned about the origin of Stanford University, which is the story that "all children in California will be our children in the future."

"The school has 8,180 acres, which is probably close to 50,000 acres of land. It used to be a farm used to train elite racehorses."

Zhang Zhonghua said with emotion.

Old Stanford has to be said to be a great philanthropist. One school changed the world, and it can be regarded as a success that will last forever.

In the history of Stanford University for more than 100 years, a total of 84 Stanford alumni, professors and researchers have won the Nobel Prize, 29 have won the Turing Award, and 8 have won the Fields Medal.

Statistics and operations research, electrical engineering, computer science, medicine, business, social sciences and other disciplines are in leading positions in the world.

Stanford University laid a solid foundation for the formation and rise of Silicon Valley and trained leaders of many high-tech companies, including HP, Google, Yahoo, Nike, Logitech, Snapchat, Electronic Arts, Sun Micro, Nvidia, Cisco

And the founder of companies such as LinkedIn.

"Boss, the motto of Stanford University is 'the wind of freedom blows'. Why does it feel weird?"

Zhang Long looked at it for a long time but didn't understand what it meant.

“‘The wind of freedom blows strong’, the meaning of the school motto is to encourage and ensure that teachers and students of the school can engage in teaching and related subject research freely and without hindrance.

The founding of Stanford University coincided with the country's industrial revolution and higher education reform, which made its school-running philosophy imprinted with the times and displayed a pragmatic and entrepreneurial spirit.

When Stanford University was founded, it established a clear purpose of running a school, that is, "to make everything learned directly useful to students' lives and help them succeed."

Therefore, its purpose is to take the progress of human civilization as its ultimate benefit, actively play the role of the university and promote social welfare; teach students to abide by the law and enjoy the happiness of freedom; educate students to respect and love the democratic system of government.

High Principles—for these high Principles arise from the inalienable rights of man to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness'."

This is a real university, where learning is applied to promote the progress of human civilization, rather than cramming education to mass-produce college students.

"There is also the Hoover Memorial Tower. There are too many clocks on it."

"Hoover was the 31st president of the United States. He graduated from Stanford University and was a mining engineer.

In 1898, Hoover, as a National Engineer, was sent to work in the Kailuan Coal Mine in Tangshan, where he served as the main engineer in a private enterprise.

In China, Hoover stole the Kaiping Coal Mine, which gave Hoover his first pot of gold and laid the foundation for his future political career.

Serving as President of the United States from 1929 to 1933, Hoover was a very dynamic business president and the first commercial president of the United States."

Zhang Zhonghua said.

Afterwards, Zhang Zhonghua and the others rode around the campus. There were many men in science and engineering, but the girls in the school did not dare to compliment them on their looks. After all, girls with outstanding looks are the focus of boys' attention. Dealing with dog licking requires a lot of energy every day.

How can I have time to study hard?

The school has an unusual number of libraries, laboratories, and graduate students, and offers an unusual number of majors, including economics, mathematics, biological sciences, chemistry, computer science, civil engineering, electrical engineering, mechanical engineering, aerospace, etc.

Countless others.

The academic system of Stanford University is different from other universities. In the school regulations, the year is divided into four quarters, and students must choose different courses in each period.

Therefore, Stanford students take more courses than students at two-semester colleges and have more pressure than students at other universities.

Stanford students must complete required courses in nine areas, including culture and thought, natural sciences, technology and practical sciences, literature and art, philosophy, social sciences, and religious thought.

In the ranking of American law schools, Yale University has always been the first in the United States, followed by Harvard University, Stanford University, the University of Columbia, and the University of Chicago.

Zhang Zhonghua and others spent a day at Stanford University, but they still did not transfer to the entire school. The school is too big, which is not good and tiring!

After leaving Stanford University, Zhang Zhonghua took his bodyguard to San Francisco's Chinatown for a meal, and then returned to the Stanford University Industrial Park.

The next day, Heidrick & Struggles had already arranged for people to go to YH Software Company for interviews. This efficiency was worthy of that of a giant company in the headhunting industry.

Zhang Zhonghua also started his own job as an interviewer.

"Hello, Mr. Zhang Zhonghua. I am Henry Morey. I graduated from the School of Computer Science at Stanford University with a master's degree. After graduation, I worked at Fairchild Semiconductor."

Henry Morey looked at Zhang Zhonghua with admiration and introduced his work experience and research results. He knew the man in front of him. Zhang Zhonghua was called a god in the computer programming world. He sincerely admired the yh database.

Zhang Zhonghua got Henry Morey's information early in the morning, and he was very satisfied with this software architect who was just in his thirties.

Although Fairchild is in the sunset, a skinny camel is bigger than a horse. He is still a graduate student at Stanford when he is the chief architect, which shows his ability.

Zhang Zhonghua chatted with Henry Morey about technical issues, and then asked some database questions. As a result, Zhang Zhonghua was even more satisfied. As expected, there is no doubt about the ability of people in this era who can achieve certain positions in computer companies.

"Hello, Mr. Henry Morey, welcome to yh software company, our company, I don't know if you have any other requirements."

Zhang Zhonghua mainly introduced the company's business and made a CTO offer to Henry Morey. Fairchild was the largest technology company in the western part of the country, and there was probably no other more suitable person.

"No, I just want to see the ix system as soon as possible."

The monthly salary of US$20,000 here is US$5,000 higher than that of Fairchild, and the boss's level is far ahead of his own. He can learn a lot from his boss, so what else is there to be dissatisfied about? He is very satisfied now.

"I'm afraid that's not possible now. You are considered the second employee of the company. We will be recruiting together in the future."

Zhang Zhonghua said with a bitter smile.

New computer languages ​​have a huge appeal to every motivated computer programmer.

Zhang Zhonghua took Henry Morey to get familiar with the company's layout and computer equipment. Henry Morey was also shocked by Zhang Zhonghua. The equipment here is indeed advanced enough, and the boss is indeed a boss who has sold software for 1.5 billion US dollars.

If a worker wants to do his job well, he must first sharpen his tools. This small investment is nothing to Zhang Zhonghua, it is trivial.

"Boss, there are too many snacks and drinks in this office."

Henry Morey was dumbfounded as he saw several shelves of snacks prepared on each floor of the company. There were even more snacks and drinks in the break room. This was not an office. My home was not as comfortable as this.

"Employees can eat some snacks and drink some drinks during their breaks. This is called a balance between work and rest.

Moreover, it will take several months for the company’s headquarters to be built in Santa Clara. By then, it will be more complete and have a fitness room and kitchen. This place is already a grievance for everyone.”

Zhang Zhonghua is carrying forward the office environment tradition of Internet companies in the previous life of Chou Country. It doesn't cost much anyway, and all the companies under the Yuhuang Group are like this.

My company doesn't talk about anything else, but you must be the best boss in the world, so that you can attract countless employees to work as cattle and horses, and they are reluctant to leave for the sake of good food and good food.

At noon, Zhang Zhonghua took Henry Morey and several administrative staff to the largest Western restaurant in the park, and ordered a lot of seafood for a feast.

Being close to the Pacific Ocean, there is no shortage of seafood, and the price is not expensive. Of course, some rare seafood is still very expensive.

Everyone was very satisfied with this meal. Although Chinese people often eat hamburgers and fries for three meals, who would eat hamburgers and fries when there are serious meals?

After returning to the company after dinner, Zhang Zhonghua and Henry Morey came to the conference room. Ten programmers came for interviews in the afternoon.

Now there is no need to fill in forms, written tests, etc. Even if you want to fill in forms, there is no office software to use. It is much more convenient to go directly to the technical interview.

Soon the new interviewer arrived.

"Oh, my God. Boss, why are you here?"

Dimitri Zverev, who came to yh company for an interview, was surprised to see the chief architect of his former company as soon as he walked into the company.

Then I realized that this was Henry Morey. He had switched jobs before me, and it was still the same company. Although it was a bit embarrassing, working under the boss and Zhang Zhonghua was not bad.

This chapter has been completed!
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