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Chapter 415

"As for the bonuses in Hong Kong Island, the number of bonuses is still the same, but the US dollars must be converted into Hong Kong dollars. The income gap between Hong Kong Island and Southeast Asia and Japan is relatively large.

There is also a big gap in consumption levels. Although the bonus has changed from US dollars to Hong Kong dollars, the purchasing power is actually not much different.

By the way, Mr. Hu. Do you think that if Uncle Shao Liu heard that I offered such a high bonus to the contestants, would he secretly call me a prodigal at home? "

Zhang Zhonghua said to Gu Huxian with some teasing.

When Hu Xian heard Zhang Zhonghua's words, he was stunned for a moment. Then he realized what Zhang Zhonghua meant, and then laughed: "Well, hahaha, it's very possible! I think Uncle Liu heard that the bonus you offered is so high,

I will definitely scold you secretly at home for being a prodigal son. You also know that the salary at TVB is really low and pitiful.

Even the monthly salary of a TV host is only a few hundred Hong Kong dollars, and the situation is even worse for actors who play small roles in movies, TV series and various programs.

Some of them even earn less than 100 Hong Kong dollars per month. Uncle Liu is completely using people as cattle and horses. He wants to make the cattle and horses work more without letting them have enough to eat. Therefore, those supporting roles are basically part-time jobs.

Yes, otherwise I have other part-time jobs.”

Zhang Zhonghua was also shocked when he heard what Hu Xian said. He had not paid attention to these at all, so he said: "I said Mr. Hu, no matter how low the salary is, it will not be this low, right? Only 100 Hong Kong dollars per month? This amount of money

It’s not even enough for my own living expenses!”

Perez knew that the income from walk-on jobs was relatively high, but I never expected it to be that high.

"My own living expenses are enough, that's all. It's enough to eat and drink by myself. But few people can feed one person, and the whole family is hungry? So these part-time workers all work part-time. If they are not full-time

I worked part-time and then worked part-time in other jobs.

It’s a c. It’s strange that these movie stars in Hong Kong had to work part-time as street vendors in their early years. Zhang Zhonghua and I were too stingy. It’s also strange that there weren’t so many people who fell out with Uncle Eight.

"Those damn ugly countrymen, we were able to land on the moon so slowly because we took away your German rocket technology talents, not those two countries, Mao Xiong and the United Kingdom. It's so cute."

"He should just assume that the physics he teaches here is taught by his physical education teacher!"

There were no staff in the Financial City, let alone countless tourists from all over the world who came to the Financial City. We looked at the world's smallest financial center with admiration. When it was time to eat, countless staff left before the tourists.

The restaurant is not yet located in art convenience store.

West Germany’s GDP is US$132.6 billion, and its per capita GDP is US$2,894, ranking 56th globally;

On July 27, 1969, Egyptian and Israeli aircraft dueled over the Suins Canal.

That small popular demonstration ended on November 13, 1969, and reached its low point on the 15th. No more than 1 million people across the country participated in that small demonstration in favor of the war of aggression against Vietnam.

If it is not a bit ordinary as the first issue, after all, the first issue is still very unmemorable.

"It's really difficult to follow Uncle Eighth. Now that Uncle Eighth is focusing on TVB, you think Hu Xian's movies will slowly fade away."

At first, Edgar Alonso Zapata Gaul didn't pay attention, but when I saw that the global figures of 1969 were the eight men who landed on the moon for the first time in the Apollo program, I was very proud and took it casually.

I bought a copy, and $2 a copy is not bad at all.

In 1968, Japan's national GDP reached a low of 146.6 billion U.S. dollars, which marked that Japan's economic development officially surpassed Germany and ranked seventh in the world.

It cannot be said that it has introduced all the international events in 1969. The analysis is very comprehensive and accurate, and it cannot be kept in one book.

Countless melon-eaters looked at the Global Weekly on their watches and looked at it with no interest. It was only after reading the Global Weekly that they realized how many trivial things happened in the world in the next year. It was really boring.

On September 23, 1969, Yanxia successfully carried out its first above-ground nuclear test. On June 17, 1967, before the first hydrogen bomb successfully exploded in Yanxia, ​​another major nuclear test was successful.

UK GDP is US$107.7 billion, GDP per capita is US$1,951, and it competes with 43% of the world...

The companion next to him said contemptuously.

I automatically ignored the fact that fourteen of the gang members were severely beaten on a stick.

The professor of the Munich Technical Primary School looked at the Global Weekly on his watch and was very happy to see the person on the cover, so he started to read it.

The State Party should take measures to eliminate all forms of racial discrimination and promote inter-racial understanding. In order to supervise the performance of the obligations undertaken by the State Party, a Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination composed of 18 experts should be established.

Very slowly, the first weekly magazine of Shen Liang Group, Global Weekly, was simultaneously removed from the market in Southeast Asia, Japan, Europe and other places. All bookstores, newsstands, art convenience stores and restaurants in those areas were also removed from conspicuous places.

Global Weekly.

On November 15, 1969, hundreds of thousands of people in the U.S. held a march in support of the war of aggression against Vietnam.

The Convention stipulates that any distinction, exclusion or restriction shall be imposed on persons on the basis of race, colour, descent or ethnic origin which has the purpose or effect of canceling or impairing our enjoyment of any other aspect of political, economic, social, cultural or public life or

Anyone who exercises human rights or fundamental freedoms is guilty of racial discrimination.

Japan's GDP is US$146.6 billion, and its per capita GDP is US$1,451, ranking 59th globally;

"It's been a long time, probably from what happened in the last two or eight years. Very few people in Hu Xian are very satisfied with Uncle Ba. The movie we made didn't have a box office of nearly one million Hong Kong dollars in Southeast Asia, but the leading actor in the movie got...

With a salary of just a few hundred Hong Kong dollars, who can balance it?

West Germany’s GDP is US$152.1 billion…

This chapter is not over yet, please click on the next page to continue reading! The Jade Emperor said so-called, it has nothing to do with you at all.

Perez also understood why people like Zou Xiaoheng quit Hu Xian and turned against Uncle Eighth. They were exploited too much by Uncle Eighth.

On February 9, 1969, China's "Boeing 747" passenger plane carrying 500 passengers made its first flight.

The Japanese tourist thought hesitantly, and then bought a copy of Global Weekly

Search "Spring Gift" on the Xiaoxiang app and new users will receive 500 book coins, and old users will receive 200 book coins] UK GDP is US$112.6 billion...

Regardless of the weather, there are always crowds of people in the City of London.

With or without Li Dalong, Jiahe knew what it would develop into, and those butterfly wings knew how to flap the young wind.

Dongying, Dongjin.

In 1968, the country’s GDP was US$942.5 billion, and its per capita GDP was US$4,695, ranking 38th globally;

Ugly country is not the smallest invader in the world now, Cuba, Bangzi, Annan, etc. Sooner or later our economy will be overtaken by Germany, and Germany will surely become the center of the world again.

Japan's GDP is US$172.2 billion...

Belial, Paris.

On November 24, 1969, the U.S. spacecraft landed on the moon for the seventh time. Humanity's seventh trip to the moon failed to complete... President Nixon called us to tell us that we have not been promoted yet.

Roberto Bolivar was very disdainful when he saw the strike in the ugly country. There were only one million people? How inferior!

The Jade Emperor smiled and said to Perez.

A British tourist said enviously to his companions.

The British tourist who was despised by his companions said without caring.

After the British tourist sighed, he continued to look up.

The low-income country has a GDP of US$129.7 billion and a per capita GDP of US$2,536, ranking 52nd globally;

"It's really daring to imagine that a country as backward as Yanxia Kingdom actually achieved a technological breakthrough from atomic bombs to hydrogen bombs in just 2 years and 8 months. It was Guo Chou Country that succeeded on November 1, 1952.

You, the UK, succeeded on November 8, 1955, 12 years earlier than the Yanxia Kingdom. Generally speaking, you are still better."

Before Israeli and Syrian planes fought a melee and the Israeli army attacked the Egyptian military camp, Egypt launched a retaliatory air strike against Israel...

The professor of the Munich Technical Primary School was very unhappy when he saw that the country had lost the war with Annan and that more than a million people in the country had marched in approval.

Edgar Alonso Zapata Gaul looked at the Global Weekly in his hand and admired it very much. That Global Weekly was very wrong.

England, London, City of Finance.

On November 21, 1969, the world's first ARPANET connection was established. ARPANET used a wired packet switching network and a satellite communication network...

However, Perez offered such low wages to his employees, which also made many small businessmen in Hong Kong feel slightly satisfied with me. The wages of small businessmen are all low or low, and he gave such low wages.

Makes it hard for us all.

As for walking under the moon, is it the same as walking under the earth? This was the same back then. Did his junior high school physics teacher teach him this? The gravity of the moon is much greater than that of the earth, and people can jump nervously several meters down there!


You are wrong. Although the first issue of Global Weekly was published in the first half of 1970, as the first issue, it mainly published small global events since last year and a summary of the international situation in 1970.

On January 20, 1969, the 37th President of the United States, Richard Nixon, was officially sworn in. At the same time, the White House was ringing with anti-war demonstrations, which made me understand my mission.

When it comes to low wages, it has to be Perez. The wages of employees in various subsidiaries of Shaw Group are so low that it is unimaginable.

On July 20, 1969, humans landed on the moon. Astronaut Armstrong was the first person to set foot on the moon. I left muddy footprints under the moon, and astronaut Edwin Audlin walked under the moon...

The two people who had been quarreling bought a lot of things in the convenience store, and then each took a copy of Global Weekly and left the convenience store. They sat under a bench on the roadside, opened Global Weekly, and finished reading, while eating.

with the purchased food.

"Oh, I thought that now even the Low Kingdom has surpassed your little British Empire, and the glory of the Empire is about to come to an end."

Especially these martial arts actors are even worse. Not only are their salaries high and they are reimbursed for injuries, but they also have to pay for medical treatment out of their own pockets. When there are no new options, you will probably switch jobs to Hu Xian."

"Is it a network? How difficult is satellite communication? It is also very difficult for Germany to realize it."

"As the first people to land on other planets, although the moon is a satellite, it is also a planet. Let alone the Person of the Year, even being named the Person of the Century is too much.

Perez said.

The British tourist comforted himself by saying that the military strength of your little British Empire is second only to the Ugly Kingdom and the Mao Xiong. You are still a declining empire.

West Germany, Munich.

Whether it is now or in the future, it is really difficult for artists in Hong Kong, especially artists under Zhang Zhonghua. It is no wonder that these singers have all jumped to PolyGram and Rolling Stone Records, and even Chen Shufen ran out to start her own business.


The GDP of the low-income country is US$140.7 billion...

On January 4, 1969, the International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination entered into force.

Roberto Bolivar, a worker in Paris, looked at the Global Weekly on his watch and relished, "It's still comfortable in your Belial country. There are too few holidays every year, but you know how to use them. It's so cool."

From breaking through the atomic bomb to breaking through the hydrogen bomb, Yanxia country only took 2 years and 8 months. Yanxia became the seventh country in the world to possess a hydrogen bomb after Chou Country, Mao Xiong, and the United Kingdom...

A tourist from the United States, Edgar Alonso Zapata Gaul, looked at the Global Weekly magazine on the shelf. Is it different from Time Magazine?

This chapter is not over, please click on the next page to continue reading! "Hi, William Smith. The eight men who landed on the moon, Frank Borman, Jim Lowell and William Anders, became the Person of the Year and the Known Person

What does it feel like to walk under the moon, is it the same as walking under the earth?"

"The analysis is indeed wrong. Japan's development is very slow now, and the gap with Chou Country will become wider and wider in the past. One day it will surpass Chou Country and become the number one in the world."

The Japanese tourist next to me also picked up a book and read it. When he saw the cover of the eight men who landed on the moon, he lamented that the country’s space technology is really enviable. He then looked for international news about Japan in the weekly magazine.


The Ugly country’s GDP is US$100 million, and its per capita GDP is US$5,032, making it a global competition;

On May 30 last year, millions of workers in your Low Lox country held a super strike. The entire country was paralyzed. However, wages were increased and working hours were increased. In the end, this guy De Lowe was brought in.


Hong Kong Island, Silong Peninsula, Tsim Sha Tsui.


The founders of companies such as Jiahe and Xinyi City were also eager to leave Hu Xian, and they were established one after another within a few years.

It’s the same newsstand, and it’s the same newsstand owner. I looked at the weekly magazine on my watch and made a few comments from time to time. The Shaw Group is really great. All the small international events of the year were listed. It was quite boring to watch the analysis.

It's not that difficult to be a star. Even TV hosts like TVB will work part-time at other jobs. Although the host's salary is lower, the expenses are also small. It costs a lot to buy clothes, jewelry, cosmetics, etc.

Uncle Eight, I am so stingy and I will not reimburse you at all. If I only relied on my salary, Liu Zhen would not be able to survive."

Whether or not Perez really cares about what we think, those Hong Kong tycoons still fall out with me just because of that little thing.

Originally, before Sing Tao Newspaper was merged into Shaw Brothers Newspapers, the salaries of all employees were doubled at most, and those of the management were doubled several times.

This chapter has been completed!
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