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Chapter 755

Under the watchful eyes of all forces and the lamentations of Hong Kong Island investors, the major stock market crash in Hong Kong Island finally came.

Soon, half a month passed. In the more than half a month since the Hong Kong stock market crash broke out, billions of Hong Kong dollars worth of funds flowed out of Hong Kong's financial system.

Some of the foreign capital that left Hong Kong Island's financial system here retreated after making enough profits, while others cut off their strength and had no choice but to cash out in tears.

The only thing that makes Zhang Zhonghua feel lucky is that although Hong Kong Island stockholders suffered heavy losses, the biggest takeovers in the Hong Kong stock market during this stock market crash were not ordinary stockholders, but local financial capital and banks that relied on the credit support of Hong Kong Island banks.

The stocks held by these two parties are astronomical.

No matter how well the stock market is promoted, no matter how perfect the system, and no matter how scientific the mechanism, its essence will not change.

The essence of the stock market is a game of beating the drum and passing the flowers. It can run smoothly for five, ten, fifteen or even twenty years, but there will always be a day when it becomes difficult to run and even cannot run under the car, and then the collapse comes.

Only after the collapse and restructuring can the stock market run smoothly again, until the next stock market crash occurs.

The baton of this speculative game first flowed from ordinary shareholders into the hands of foreign investors, and then passed from the hands of foreign investors to the hands of Xia Zi who lacked strength, and finally fell into the hands of Xia Zi.

Because bank credit cannot expand endlessly, banks on Hong Kong Island do not need to be reminded by the Hong Kong Monetary Authority to tighten money again. Low leverage may lead to bankruptcies at any time.

As the saying goes, a dead Taoist friend is a dead Taoist. Each bank waited for the Hong Kong government's policy to end and then raised interest rates. We did not do this to withdraw funds. We prayed frantically to survive the crisis safely, which caused the potential risks of the stock market to rise again.


You shamed his mother. Looking at the newsstand owner, Lao Sun really wanted to go down and beat up that bastard. I mortgaged my house to speculate in the stock market, and now I have lost money. He actually cashed out and bought a house.

Manager Liu persuaded Zhang Zhonghua.

Zhang Zhonghua asked anxiously.

"Haha, the bailout policy that the Hong Kong government is planning to introduce that time is simply not a joke. If other countries and regions see it, they will probably laugh it off."

Ye Fangli said with a smile...

"Pan Sheng, if he wants to consider it, do you think the stock may still rise?"

"Repay the mortgage? What mortgage does he pay?"

"Now HSBC's HKD 76 has not fallen close to 70%..."

On that day, the Jade Emperor Index once again fell below the psychological mark of 700 points, and finally closed at 682 points. The decline was so slow and the decline was so small that everyone in Hong Kong was "discolored" when talking about stocks.

The Hong Kong government's slow policy of lifting exchange controls has attracted the attention of various financial markets around the world.

No one is still crazy...

"Agent, how much money does Hutchison Whampoa get now?"

No one is making trouble...

The stock market has been rising and falling continuously for half a month, causing countless investors and people to suffer heavy losses and complaining. Investors can only beg the Hong Kong government to come forward to rescue the market and prevent the stock market from continuing to rise.

Lou Xiao'e said contemptuously.

However, the situation of that stock market crash was the same. The situation of that stock market crash was relatively mild. There were more than one million people in Hong Kong participating in stock trading. If the Hong Kong government had to intervene again, countless people would inevitably lose their money, and it would cause a chain of consequences.

The reaction will inevitably be greater.

"Life is not like that. It is inevitable that there will be ups and downs. This year, Hong Kong stock investors have reached the peak of their lives.

But the biggest problem now is that we have hit rock bottom, and now the Spring Festival is coming. If during the Chinese New Year we think about the scenery when we were so free and unrestrained, and then look at the current situation in front of us, if we think it is open, it will be

No one is queuing up on the rooftop!

In Huangqian Xiaodaodong, in the Asia Club, stockholder Ye Fangli looked at the contents of the newspaper on her watch and couldn't help but curse a little.

There are many middle-aged women and men sitting in the trading hall, some are wiping tears sadly, others are crying loudly. The money you have accumulated through decades of hard work is now seventy days old.

All of it disappeared in the stock market in a matter of seconds.

Agent Liu said.

Looking at the newsstand owner, he was quite happy when he thought about his own experience. I avoided the pitfalls of the Land Company. I listened to Zhang Sheng and cashed out the Dairy Company and Land Company.

Among all the banks in Hong Kong, Jade Emperor Bank was definitely the only one that was unscathed during the stock market crash. Of course, there were still not many employees of the Jade Emperor Group who were able to mortgage real estate and trade stocks, which resulted in the loss of depositors.

If the amount is lost, it will not have a certain impact on the Jade Emperor Bank in Hong Kong Island, but it is worth mentioning for the entire Jade Emperor Bank, and it is insignificant for the Jade Emperor Central Bank.

Agent Liu: “…………”

"Fuck the street, you're in trouble, what kind of bullshit bailout policy has the Hong Kong government introduced? You actually have to pay taxes on stock transactions, are you okay?"

Lao Sun said bitterly.

"Hahahahaha, let's go out to eat shark fin rice tonight. You want to eat shark fin rice, you want to smoke cigars, you want to be rich... Hahaha, you are a millionaire, you don't have much money, you don't have much money yet.

There are very few real estate stocks, and you are a small boss."

Numerous investors in the trading room whispered, "We are watching the stocks continue to rise and fall, and our hearts are bleeding. If we sell again, it will be over."

As soon as the bombshell news came out that the Hong Kong Inland Revenue Department planned to impose a stock profits tax, countless Hong Kong stockholders became even more frightened, which directly intensified the sell-off in the stock market.

"Throw, throw, throw, throw all the two stocks, hurry up and throw them all at once..."

However, the British Hong Kong government has not always adhered to the principle of liberalism. It has also been "laissez-faire" in its economic policies and has always intervened in the stock market.

Although less than half of the tens of billions of Hong Kong dollars have been completely wiped out, there is still close to seven billion Hong Kong dollars in cash lying under the account.

Pan Yide said reluctantly!

Zhang Zhonghua shouted.

"That's because I cashed out some stocks and prepared a house for all eight of your sons. Now that the stocks have fallen like that, if I sell the stocks, I can really repay them."

Zhang Zhonghua was a little shocked when he heard this, and then asked anxiously.

While the task force was investigating the fake stocks, Poly Construction Company, in which Hopewell held a 25% stake, declared bankruptcy and liquidation. Hopewell Industries once again took advantage of the situation.

He thought about it, eating shark's fin for rice, making abalone for porridge, lighting veal cigarettes, gargling with brandy, trading stocks full-time, etc. Lan Kwai Fong, the Little Rich Man, and Rechi were packed every day. What a luxurious life it was.

In the past, 44% of people dared to think.

The newsstand owner looked at the newspaper in his hand and couldn't bear to scold him. What the Hong Kong government said was worse than what it sang. Unfortunately, the measures to rescue the market were completely effective. HSBC had even lowered its dividend. What if HSBC

There's a show.

If Ye Fang's money outside the bank had been cleaned up quickly, even fools would have known that the Yuhuang Group was the small banker in that bull market before they were discovered. In this way, the Yuhuang Group would inevitably become a major shareholder in various investment institutions and companies.

The target of the fire, the most important thing is that the reputation of the Dechang Group will be destroyed in Hong Kong Island and even Southeast Asia.

Is he still a human?

"Yes, the speed of falling to the bottom is really too slow. If it weren't for the fireworks being set off at Victoria Harbor on New Year's Eve this year, even if they were set off, there would probably be less people to watch than in previous years!

January 24, the seventy-first day of the twelfth lunar month.

"Old Sun, it's better to sell it quickly, otherwise the New Year will be really bad this year, and you will have to pay off the mortgage."

Zhang Zhonghua glanced at Manager Liu and said.

But I never thought that I would fall out of the trap of Cheung Kong Holdings and Hopewell Holdings.

Four Dragons, Tsim Sha Tsui.

First of all, it is not the London foreign exchange market, but it is currently the smallest foreign exchange market in the world. It is also one of the main financial pillars of John Bull. It once played a very important role in John Bull's invasion and expansion, the establishment of colonies, and the development of overseas markets.


"Will it still rise? Will he buy the stocks you own?"

In order to attract companies to be listed on this exchange, various exchanges will inevitably lower the standards for listed companies. Do you think that if some weird companies appear in the future and the seven small exchanges merge, Hong Kong Island's stock market can really do something about it.


Now everyone is counting on the Hong Kong government to come forward to rescue the market, but it turns out that the Hong Kong government did not rescue the market in that way?

However, Jade Emperor Bank has always abided by the international regulations and always responded to the Hong Kong government's rescue plan. The pit in the Hong Kong stock market is really too small. It was the bank that rescued it. No matter how little money it was, it could still be saved.

Be the wrong person.

"Hey, the Chinese New Year is coming soon. This year's Chinese New Year should be the happiest Spring Festival for Hong Kong residents in decades, right? The wealth of a very small number of people has shrunk slightly, and many have even gone bankrupt.


"Hey, there is nothing we can do. As long as the seven exchanges on Hong Kong Island continue to exist, and if the stock market on Hong Kong Island can never be stable, the occurrence of the stock market crash has no direct relationship with the existence of so few exchanges on Hong Kong Island.

No one is silent...

Private banks are not like that. We have no bottom line at all. When the stock market is booming, we will issue small amounts of loans and increase leverage to seek smaller profits. However, once the stock market plummets, banks will stop raising interest rates to save themselves.

Pan Yide thought for a while and said.

This is bad!"

"You have all the money you don't have, you also have a house, and you don't have many children to raise. What should you do..."

Very slowly, the Financial Secretary of the Hong Kong Government, Richard Xia Dingji, quickly made an appointment with the heads of seven stock exchanges and major banks, and called us together to discuss the "rescue" strategy.

"Pan Sheng, Hutchison Whampoa hasn't fallen to HK$14.6 yet, and it's still..."

The Hong Kong government's lifting of the foreign exchange control is definitely a very wrong news for Hong Kong Island. The foreign exchange control has already greatly restricted the economic development of Hong Kong Island. The free convertibility of the foreign exchange is a very bad news for export companies.


"What a shame, Hutchison Whampoa actually fell from 44 Hong Kong dollars to 15 Hong Kong dollars. What about HSBC?"

By the way, Ahua, will these awards they created this year still be held?"

At the same time, the Hong Kong Island Monetary Authority has lifted the foreign exchange controls in an attempt to attract less international capital to withdraw into Hong Kong Island and rely on fewer international capital to take over, thereby restoring the market's investment confidence.

Very soon, the Hong Kong Island Taxation Bureau published the latest policy notice on "Profits from stock trading must be taxed" in almost all newspapers on Hong Kong Island. The Taxation Bureau plans to tax stock investors. Of course, the main targets of the taxation are not these.

Li Zi.

First of all, the first point is not to postpone all companies that are not ready to be delisted before delisting. The main purpose of doing so is not to increase the supply of stocks and prevent fewer fake stocks from appearing, causing investors to panic.

Ye Fangli was sitting in the study drinking tea, looking at the bailout policy brought back by the person in charge of the Hong Kong Island of Jade Emperor Bank. A group of people argued for a long time to come up with the bailout policy. Damn, are they kidding? That shit is not a toilet without balls.


The newsstand owner said helplessly.

Lou Xiao'e asked Ye Fangli.

That thing has no use for wool. It’s just to save the market, but it still charges you taxes!

Apart from London and New York, the smallest Lihui trading market is not Dongjin Lihui market. Dongjin Lihui market was formed in 1964, when Japan lifted Lihui controls. With the slow development of Japan's economy, Dongjin Lihui market

Jinlihui Market has become the eighth financial center in the world.

Of course, Jade Emperor Bank is also in trouble. The most important thing at the moment is the tens of billions of Hong Kong dollars that Chang Yefang Securities has successively cashed out from the stock market.

The newsstand owner said helplessly.

Then there is the new York exchange market. It goes without saying that the New York exchange market established the international status of exchanges as early as the Bretton Woods system. New York is the clearing center for global exchange transactions and is responsible for international exchange transactions.

Fund settlement and international capital transfer tasks.

This chapter is not finished yet, please click on the next page to continue reading the exciting content! At this time, the team leader of Jade Emperor Bank was not in Hong Kong Island, but was working in America, and Pan Yide was even more full.

In order to participate in that bullshit "rescue" meeting, it is important to note that the person in charge of Ye Fang's Hong Kong Island region participated in that frivolous meeting and pretended to be transparent throughout the whole process.

The targets of Jade Emperor Bank's loans are basically manufacturing and transportation enterprises. The purpose of Jade Emperor Bank's lending is to help those enterprises develop rapidly. Therefore, Yu Emperor Bank does not provide loans to investment institutions or investors, so

Jade Emperor Bank cannot be said to be as stable as an old dog during the stock market crash.

However, the lifting of exchange controls on Hong Kong Island has not yet lagged behind New Zealand, and export companies have not yet moved out during the stock market boom. The lifting of exchange controls now will only have little effect on promoting free trade at the port.

Lao Sun asked curiously.

The Yefang Group is now an empty shell on Hong Kong Island. Companies such as Yefang Heavy Industry, Yuhuang Electrical Appliances, and Yuhuang Precision have already moved to the international free trade port in New Zealand. It is basically possible to move back.

First, the Hong Kong government downplayed its insistence that it would "intervene in the operation of the free market." Then it ended discussions on "rescuing the market." Finally, after several rounds of meetings, it decided on some voluntary measures introduced by banks and exchanges.

Hearing what Broker Liu said, Zhang Zhonghua felt his heart bleed. I took over the order when the two stocks were at their lowest. The stock market crash really drowned me. I thought of the bank loan and now I want to die.

No heart at all.

no one cries...

"It's really rubbish. There was no bad news that month, and all your stocks in the Land Company suffered heavy losses."

"It has plummeted again, and the stock price has fallen again. If you want the stock price to rise slightly, please beg him to slow down the stock price rise."

"Well, that's a problem! Last year's twelfth lunar month was very ordinary. Concerts, theater performances and other programs were very dull. Of course, awards will be held this year. When it's time to be quiet, it's better to be quiet and enjoy the hardships.

, and stock investors also have money to engage in other entertainment activities, so prepare some free entertainment activities for us!"

It is true that Ye Fang Bank has a lot of foreign exchange reserves in its hands, but those foreign exchange reserves are mainly distributed in the free foreign exchange markets of John Bull, Japan and other places, and the headquarters on Hong Kong Island is not just an empty shell, there is no bullshit.


However, HSBC and Standard Chartered Bank were forced to refuse to relax mortgage loans for stocks and will also loosen market monetary policy. As for how much the monetary policy will be relaxed, this is a matter for their own banks, and the Hong Kong government is also bad at dealing with HSBC and Standard Chartered.

Too much force.

This chapter has been completed!
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