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Chapter 1014 A field in the mountains!

 However, Zhao Hai was a little disappointed that those rusty swords and broken shields did not provide him with any valuable information, and after analysis by the universal analysis machine, the materials for making swords and shields were not very good.

Things can be said to have no value.

Zhao Hai had to throw away all those things again. A broken sword like that, if he took out any one now, it would be stronger than that one. What's the use of keeping it? He is not the king of broken swords.

Zhao Hai had no idea how big this bone mountain was at first, but after an hour, Zhao Hai had this idea, because after an hour, the little ones he released

None of the needles flew to the end of the Bone Mountain, nor did they reach the end in any direction. This made Zhao Hai a little surprised.

Although those small needles slowed down Zhao Hai, this slowing down was relative. Compared to the speed of an average person's flight, the flying speed of the small needles was very fast.

Even at this speed, there is still no way to find the end of the bone mountain. It can be seen that the size of the bone mountain is really beyond Zhao Hai's imagination.

Laura and the others were also attracted. They did not expect that this bone mountain would be so big. Now Zhao Hai has already collected ten of those bone plants into the space. This is not a small number. In the underworld,

The ancient bones are not that easy to find here.

And that kind of large skeleton has been taken into the space by Zhao Hai for nearly a thousand hunks. In addition to humanoid ones, Zhao Hai also took in some large animal-shaped skeletons in the space. It should be noted that the texture of the skeleton is different from that of humanoid ones.

The big skeleton is the same.

When Zhao Hai first discovered this kind of animal-shaped skeleton with the same texture as the big skeleton, he was really surprised. He didn't expect that there was an orc-shaped skeleton with the same texture as the big skeleton. Of course, his kind

After the skeleton was received in the space, a prompt sound came from the space again, and the result of the prompt sound was still that he had no right to know what these skeletons were, which made Zhao Hai even more curious about the underworld.

He knew that there must be more secrets waiting for him to unravel in the underworld, but Zhao Hai didn't care. Anyway, he made up his mind to first collect all the bones that were extremely mysterious to him into the space.

, maybe it will be of great use in the future.

Five hours have passed, and the small needles released by Zhao Hai have flown to the edge of the bone mountain on both sides. There is no discovery, and there is nothing suspicious. As far as the bone plants and large skeletons in Zhao Hai's space are concerned,

A lot more.

Only the south side has not yet reached the end, but nothing special has been found there, and there are even no traces of ordinary little skeletons moving there.

Zhao Hai couldn't help but feel a little nervous now. He didn't know if the lich was still in the Bone Mountain. If the good lich was still there, it would save him trouble. If not, he would be disappointed.

Nearly an hour later, only Zhao Hai still persisted there. Laura and the others had gone to rest. Zhao Hai was also bored, drinking tea, reading a book, and scanning the screen from time to time.

At this moment, a slight change suddenly appeared on the screen. Zhao Hai was stunned, and immediately put down the book in his hand and paid full attention to the screen. The other small pictures on the screen had disappeared, and only one picture was still on it.

Zhao Hai took a closer look and saw that a field actually appeared on this painting!

That's right, it's just a field. This field is on Bone Mountain. It's about ten acres in size. There are fences around the field. There are some plants growing in the field, and some of these plants are the most important ones that Zhao Hai has never seen before.

Yes, the land under this field is not the land Zhao Hai knew at all. It is a land composed of broken bones.

On this ten-acre piece of land, there are small bones covered with thin bones. The largest bones are only the size of Zhao Hai's fingernails, and some of them have become bone meal!

The area of ​​​​this land is not very large, but for Zhao Hai, this land is really not small. The most important thing is that the place where this land appears really makes Zhao Hai a little surprised.

Here in the underworld, there is no such thing as Wada. The undead creatures in the underworld all rely on the blood-sucking black mist to drink the blood in the blood pool. There is no need for Chongtian at all. This is what Zhao Hai saw after arriving in the underworld.

The first field we arrived at was probably the only field in the entire underworld.

Zhao Hai felt excited for a while. He knew he had found the place. Zhao Hai stopped the little needle and looked at the field carefully. What surprised Zhao Hai was that in the well field, Zhao Hai actually saw

That kind of bone plant, and some plants that he has never seen before, of course, there are many that he has seen. These plants are planted in different areas, and they look very neat.

Zhao Hai took a careful look at the field and found that there was nothing else there except those plants. He now directed the small needle to the front, but when he moved the small needle that he had placed on the east and west sides,

They were all transferred here to conduct a carpet-like investigation around the field.

Soon, Zhao Hai discovered that there was a cave on the Bone Mountain in front of him. This cave was not very big. The entrance of the cave seemed to be only big enough for one person to enter and exit without force. However, the entrance of the cave was obviously organized.

In front, there is a piece of flat land. This flat land here is paved with stones and is very smooth.

Zhao Hai knew that he was almost there. Instead of calling Laura and the others, he stepped out of the space and called Addison out at the same time.

When Addison came out and took a look at the cave, he immediately understood what was going on. He turned to look at Zhao Haida and said, "Master, do you think this is here?"

Zhao Hai smiled slightly and said: "You'll know if it's here or not. Just give it a try. Call twice, but don't use your mental power to sweep it away, lest the other party think we have malicious intentions."

Addison responded, turned to face the hole and said solemnly: "Is there anyone? Is there anyone inside?"

The entrance to the cave was still the same, without any sound. Addison shouted again: "Is there anyone there? Addison is here to visit!"

As soon as he finished speaking, he heard a voice coming from the cave: "Addison? This name seems familiar? I think I heard it there." The voice got closer and closer, and then a lich appeared at the entrance of the cave.

This lich seems to be quite old. He has white hair and a thunder-white beard. He is wearing a robe, giving people a fairy-like feeling. His lower body is also covered with a black mist, floating in the air.


The lich couldn't help but be stunned for a moment when he saw Zhao Hai and Addison. His eyes just glanced at Zhao Hai, then turned to look at Addison, frowned and said: "You vampire, I seem to be

Have you seen him there? Well, I can't remember. Addison turned to look at Zhao Hai and said, "Master, this is the senior." After saying that, he turned to the lich and said, "Senior, you don't remember.

Really? I was lucky enough to meet senior outside the mountain before, and I helped him find a blood butterfly flower. Senior also gave me a magical reward as a reward."

When the lich heard what Addison said, he was stunned for a moment, then frowned and thought for a while, then nodded and said: "That's what happened. It seemed to be more than a thousand years ago. How were you at that time?"

He is a Marquis, right? Now he has become the Vampire King. It is not easy. He can become the Vampire King in such a short period of time."

Zhao Hai couldn't help but dumbfounded when he heard this. "A thousand years, for this old lich" is actually a short period of time. If other intelligent creatures heard this, they would probably be pissed to death.

Addison bowed to the lich and said: "Yes, senior still remembers me. This is my honor. I am the vampire marquis back then."

The old lich nodded, looked at Addison and said, "What are you doing here? By the way, who is this person? As a vampire king, you actually call him "young master." It seems that he is not simple."

After saying that, the old lich looked at Zhao Hai with piercing eyes. Zhao Hai took a step forward, bowed slightly to the old lich and said: "I heard Addison talking about senior some time ago. I would like to treat people like senior Jie.

I am very impressed. "So I came here to visit today. Addison and I have been looking for Qianduan for a long time."

The old lich looked at Zhao Hai and said: "Come to visit me? Why?"

Zhao Hai smiled slightly and said: "Senior, please join us. I have now established a magic array laboratory that specializes in studying magic arrays. I need wise people like senior to join us."

The old lich frowned and said: "Magic array? But I haven't studied magic arrays for a long time. What I am studying now is the fire of soul, and I am no longer interested in magic arrays.

As soon as Zhao Hai heard what the old lich said, he quickly said: "Senior, please wait a moment. I will show you something. After reading it, I will ask you to make your decision." After saying this, Zhao Hai turned his hand over and a message appeared in his hand.

Desk Notes

Zhao Hai's people are still rarely equipped with this laptop. It is only a standing item in Kelun's test room. Almost no one else has it in their hands. Let alone using it, just take a look.

They are rarely seen, like Addison, he has never seen a computer before.

The laptop that Zhao Hai took out was not opened. This laptop is a very good computer. The casing is made of pure metal and looks very bright.

Addison and the lich didn't understand why Zhao Hai suddenly took out such a weird box, and they both looked at Zhao Hai with puzzled faces.

Zhao Hai smiled slightly, opened the top cover of the laptop, and exposed the computer desktop inside. Old Lich and Addison were both stunned, they had never seen anything like this before.

Zhao Hai made a few strokes on the touch pad and opened a file. This file contained research notes on magic armor. It contained magic arrays, battle scenes of magic armor, and three-dimensional diagrams of magic armor, etc.

these things.

The old lich and Addison both opened their eyes in surprise. This was the first time they saw such a magical thing. After playing with it for hundreds of times, patterns and words appeared on the surface.

Zhao Hai did not actually see the battle scenes of the old lich's magic armors. Instead, a three-dimensional diagram of the magic armor appeared. Of course, this three-dimensional diagram was three-dimensional and was still rotating in the computer. There was also a picture next to it.

Karen's explanation.

Zhao Hai turned the computer to the old lich and said: "Senior, please take a look, it is this thing. We accidentally discovered a space crack. There are many such things there. The combat effectiveness of this kind of thing is very powerful, and it is full of magic.

Arrays, and we have never seen most of the magic arrays."

In fact, Zhao Hai didn't need to say anything, Kelun's voice on the computer had already explained some of the characteristics of the magic armor. When Kelun finished explaining, the old lich was still looking at the computer blankly.

Zhao Hai took the computer back, and the old lich came back to his senses. He looked at Zhao Hai and said: "Is there really such a thing? How is its combat effectiveness?"

Zhao Hai nodded and said: "Senior, please take a look at this and you will understand." After that, he showed a scene of the battle between the magic armor and the alien gods. Cai'er helped create this scene and it has been edited.

, which shows the battle process of the magic armor very well.

Not only the old lich, but also Addison was looking at the picture intently. The magic armor on the picture was one against a thousand, charging back and forth in the army of the alien gods. The armies of the alien gods could do nothing with him.


However, Addison and the old lich were a little dissatisfied, because in their opinion, the combat effectiveness of the alien gods was really not that good.

Zhao Hai glanced at the expressions of the two of them and said in a deep voice: "Do you think that the strength of those who fought against the magic armor is not that good? But what I want to tell you is that those people's fighting power is not weak either.

, and this kind of magic armor is driven by people, just like a car, and the people who drive the magic armor are ordinary people with little strength."

When the two of them heard what Zhao Hai said, they couldn't help but feel a little moved. Naturally, they knew very well that if ordinary people were really driving this kind of magic armor, then this kind of thing would be very amazing.

Zhao Hai continued: "If we can really crack the magic array on this kind of magic armor, even if we don't use this magic, there will be many benefits for us. Now we have cracked some magic arrays.

The uses vary, but if these magic arrays are used on weapons, they can make qualitative changes to the weapons."

Then Zhao Hai opened another text file. In this text file, there were not only texts but also patterns of various magic arrays. Some of them had been cracked, and the uses of that magic array were recorded in great detail.

, but most of them have not been cracked.

In fact, Zhao Hai was already plotting against Old Lich from the very beginning when he took out his computer. He knew that if people like Old Lich discovered something novel, they would definitely arouse their curiosity.

Let them immerse themselves in it, so he took out the computer. Sure enough, the old lich became curious about the computer.

In addition to the magic arrays stored in the computer, Zhao Hai does not believe that the old lich will not be tempted. As long as he takes action, Zhao Hai can trick him into the space. As long as he enters the space, hehe, then

Everything is easy to discuss.@.

This chapter has been completed!
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