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Chapter 165 Thoughts on traveling

 Chapter 165 Thoughts on traveling

Zhao Hai also found that the land in the space was not enough. Now that oil fruits, bamboo rice, corn, and radishes were all grown in the space, there was no free time to grow other things in the space. Zhao Hai thought

Look, if the improved black soil here in the Black Soil Wasteland is of good quality, he can use the land in the Black Soil Wasteland to grow oil fruits and other things, and the space can be freed up for other things.

Now when Zhao Hai improves the land, he does not use the land in the space. He can also see that even if he uses the land in the space to improve the land, the black land will not be that good. He only uses the space water to improve the black land.

The land will not be that bad. The most important thing is that Zhao Hai is afraid that using space soil to improve the land outside will make the land in the space thinner, and then he will be finished.

Zhao Hai has seen space water before. It looks like a spring. As much as you use it, more water will come out. It doesn't look like it will dry up.

In fact, Zhao Hai also knew that space stipulated that the land could be improved with space soil, so there would be no possibility of the space soil being used thinly. However, out of his own conscience, Zhao Hai finally decided to use space water to improve the land.

Zhao Hai has also been very busy during this period, improving the land outside, and also busy with things in the space, so every day is very fulfilling.

The most important thing is that Zhao Hai is waiting now. He is waiting for Buffy to come out. As long as Buffy comes out injured, they will not be polite.

In fact, Zhao Hai wanted to deal with Buffy so much. In addition to revenge, he also had another idea, which was to know the situation in the Carrion Swamp. Zhao Zui and the others went to explore the Carrion Swamp. It would take too much time.

There are too many monsters and undead creatures in the swamp, and these things all have territories. Zhao Zui and the other undead creatures who can only walk on the ground have to pass by other monsters or undead creatures if they want to go into the corpse swamp.

The territory of undead creatures will definitely be attacked by those monsters or undead creatures, so the advancement is very slow.

But Buffy is different. He is a ninth-level strongman who can fly in the sky. In this way, he can avoid the attacks of most of the monsters and undead creatures, and can go deeper into the corpse swamp. If he

If he was really injured and ran out, Zhao Hai would kill him and turn him into an undead creature. Then he would be able to know the situation in the Carrion Swamp, which would be more conducive for him to deal with the monster craze in the Carrion Swamp.

Zhao Hai is no longer too worried about the Versail family. Now that Ivan is in power, Ivan doesn't seem to have any ill feelings towards them. He probably won't send anyone to deal with them. The only thing that worries Zhao Hai is the Carrion Swamp.

Yes, that has always been the biggest worry in Zhao Hai's heart.

Zhao Hai doesn't want to stay here in the Black Wasteland all his life, but if the things in the Carrion Swamp are not solved, he will not be able to rest at ease for a moment. Only by solving the things there, can he travel to the mainland with peace of mind. See

Look at this different world.

Although Zhao Hai has been a homebody all his life, he has always had a dream, that is, one day he can travel around the world. However, he really had no money at the time, and it would cost money to travel around the world, which Zhao Hai did not have, so

He can only stay at home.

But here in the Ark Continent, things are different. He has space and a large territory. As long as he manages all these well, he can travel around the world. Anyway, in space, he can almost

It means you can come back to the territory every day without fear of anything.

But now is not the time. He still wants to settle the matter in the Carrion Swamp first, and then go out to travel. Green has no objection to his idea. No matter which big family on the mainland, their children

, when you reach a certain age, you will go outside to practice. Zhao Hai should actually go, but now is really not the time.

When the children of nobles go out to experience, they can not only increase their knowledge and reading skills, but also make a few good friends, and they can also understand the dangers of the human heart. There is a saying in the mainland that has always been very good, no child has ever left home.

, will never grow up.

Now Green also wants to solve the problem in the Carrion Swamp quickly, but he also knows that the problem in the Carrion Swamp is not so easy to solve. If it were easy to solve, the Carrion Swamp would not be called the top five.

One of the forbidden areas.

What Zhao Hai doesn't know is that no one on the mainland is actually coming to the Black Earth Wasteland to investigate. Don't forget that the Versailles family sent ninth-level experts to the Black Earth Wasteland to hunt them down.

Success, but Buffy said that Zhao Hai and the others were not in the black soil wasteland at all, not even on the Iron Mountain.

People still believed what the ninth-level expert said, and they also believed that the Buda family had secretly escaped from Tieshan.

Although the king ordered the Buda family not to leave the fiefdom, everyone knew that the Buda family would die if they stayed in the black wasteland, so it was understandable if they escaped.

In addition, there was a Warcraft craze in the Black Earth Wasteland some time ago, but Green and the others were safe, which further proves that Green and the others do not live in the Black Earth Wasteland.

However, people also believe that Zhao Hai and the others have never left the Principality of Versailles, because the Versailles family sent people to look for them in the Black Soil Wasteland. They actually knew that there was a mixture of dragons and snakes in the Black Mountain Fortress, so most people thought that

Zhao Hai and the others will be hiding near the Black Earth Fortress, so they are not in the mood to look for them in the Black Earth Wasteland. After all, there will be beast tides in the Black Earth Wasteland from time to time. If they encounter one, they will be crying and unable to find a way out.


In fact, what really reassured those nobles was Buffy's attack. It was not difficult for a ninth-level strongman to take action and destroy the cultivation of an eighth-level strongman. Buffy also admitted this personally.

That means that the Buda family now has at most one eighth-level magician in charge, which poses no threat to them.

The big nobles would not take a second look at an ant that was not a threat to them at all. This time, the Buda family was completely forgotten.

The only one who has not forgotten the Buda family is Ivan. Ivan sent people to Montenegro to search for clues about the Buda family, but they failed. They found nothing and finally gave up.


They had never thought of sending people to the Black Earth Wasteland to have a look, but they were blocked by the undead creatures released by Zhao Hai. Even the eighth-level strong men could not stop the attack of a large number of undead creatures equivalent to seventh-level warriors. The mainland

There is no family in the world that is rich enough to send out ninth-level experts to find people at will.

This really did Zhao Hai a favor. Zhao Hai was already planning to go to the Carrion Swamp to have a look after dealing with Buffy. If something happened to Iron Mountain Castle at this time, there would be big trouble.


On October 15th, Laura came to Rock Mountain again. Zhao Hai, who was busy at Iron Mountain Castle, immediately rushed to Qingshi Villa.

When Laura was welcomed to the mountain by the undead creatures, Zhao Hai was already waiting for Laura in the living room. Green, Merlin and Meg were also there. They didn't know what Laura was doing again. Now the cooperation between the two parties

It's still pleasant. Now Laura can bring Zhao Hai an income of nearly 10,000 gold coins every month, which is of great help to Zhao Hai.

Green welcomed Laura into the living room, Zhao Hai said with a smile: "Miss Laura, I'm really sorry. I was dealing with some things just now, so I missed the welcome."

Laura smiled and said: "Sir, you are too polite. Every time you are so polite, Laura always feels very uncomfortable. It is Laura who is presumptuous."

Zhao Hai smiled and said: "Miss Laura is being polite this time. Miss Laura, please take a seat."

Laura hasn't been to Luanshishan for a while. Recently, she has just been busy with opening a branch. She has many things to deal with.

After Laura sat down, Meg gave them Keya, and then stood next to Zhao Hai, looking at Laura and Nier. Laura couldn't help but glance at Meg, and found that the look in Meg's eyes looked at her.

, there is really a hint of hostility.

Laura couldn't help but smile bitterly and pretended to drink Keya to cover up the past. Zhao Hai didn't pay attention to this. He took a sip of Keya and said to Laura: "I wonder what Miss Laura is here for this time?"

Laura entered the Keya cup, smiled at Zhao Hai and said: "Sir, I have a good thing here this time. I have found a few of the seeds of the magic plants that the husband asked me to find for you, and I specially sent them to you today.

Already." After saying that, he clapped his hands and Ser walked in from the outside, holding a few small bags and placing them on the coffee table in front of Zhao Hai.

Zhao Hai did not expect that Laura came here for this matter. This is definitely good news for him. You must know that his space has not been upgraded for a long time. As long as it reaches level 11, he can open the land again.

, but he still hasn't reached level 11, which makes him anxious to death.

Zhao Hai glanced at the several bags on the table and immediately opened them eagerly. There were five bags on the table, all of which were small. The small cloth bags only contained about a pound of seeds.

Zhao Hai opened the five cloth bags and looked at the seeds carefully. There was nothing special about these seeds. At least Zhao Hai couldn't see anything special about these five bags.

Laura looked at Zhao Hai, smiled slightly, and explained: "Sir, these five bags are the seeds of five magic vegetables, namely potato cubes, bell peppers, red carrots, green fruits, and green charcoal."

Zhao Hai nodded, put down the five bags, turned to Laura and said with a smile: "I made Miss Laura laugh. I hope Miss Laura can continue to search. As long as I find magic vegetables or plants, I will collect them.

Warcraft can also be used."

Laura smiled and said: "Sir, you're welcome. I'm sorry to say that Laura has been too busy recently, so I haven't been able to help him find these magic plants. I hope you can forgive me, but please rest assured. Laura will

I will definitely work hard to help you find these magical plants."

This chapter has been completed!
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