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Chapter 767 Thousand-Hand Guanyin


A piercing siren sounded, and everyone immediately moved and flew into the air. Looking in the distance, the army of demons came to kill them all at once.

Zhao Hai, Hua Wushang, and Li Xunhua stood there, looking at the approaching army of the Demon Realm in the distance. The attacks of these Demon Realm armies were still as arrogant as before, and they came over in a swaggering manner.

Behind the three people, the army of Baihua Valley has also set up a formation, ready to meet the enemy at any time. However, next to the army of Baihua Valley, there is a smaller army with only a few hundred thousand people. These hundreds of thousands of people

They all stood there with calm faces. Although they were not strong, the lineup was neat and no one moved.

These people are the cultivators who came here with Zhao Hai. After three days of training, these monks are already looking good. Although they are much worse than Zhao Huili's army, at least they are compared to the army of Baihua Valley.

More like an army.

Hua Wushang and Li Xunhua were paying attention to the monks of the Freedom Alliance just now. They really didn't expect that it only took Zhao Hai three days to make those monks look like this. This was really beyond their expectations.


At this time, the army of the Heavenly Demon Realm began to clean up the magic circles arranged by the Baihua Valley Alliance as usual, and the two sides conducted an offensive and defensive exercise.

It was not until the weapons of the Baihua Valley Alliance were dispatched, the weapons of both sides withdrew from the battle, and the army of demons from the demon world rushed in, that the armies of both sides began to take action.

When Zhao Hai's army from the Heavenly Demon Realm rushed over, he waved his hand. The Free Alliance's army also rushed forward. They only had a few hundred thousand people, but these hundreds of thousands were divided into small teams by Zhao Hai.

, all squad leaders have a communicator in their hands. Zhao Hanguo can use this communicator to command those squads very conveniently.

Although Hua Wushang had been paying attention to the battle of the Baihua Valley Alliance army, he was also very attentive to the movements of the Free Alliance army. He wanted to see what the weakest army would look like after encountering the demon army.

Hua Wushang didn't pay much attention to the battle between the Baihua Valley Alliance and the Demon Army, because he knew very well that the opponent couldn't attack, so he had the time to pay attention to the Freedom Alliance.

Li Xunhua also paid attention to the situation of the Freedom Alliance army, but Zhao Hai had already followed the Freedom Alliance army and was not with them.

Soon the army of the Freedom Alliance came into contact with the army of the demon world. Of course, Hai would not let the army of the Freedom Alliance fight head-on with the army of demons. That would be no different from seeking death. The army of the Freedom Alliance cannot be the opponent of the army of demons now.

, so Zhao Hai made the Free Alliance army form a ball. Like a circular saw that didn't turn around, it flew past the demon army.

When the army of the Freedom Alliance flew past the army of demons, the outermost army also fought against the army of demons. These outermost monks had already shown their Dharma signs, and these Dharma signs came in all shapes and sizes.

.But they are all in the form of strength.

Hundreds of people from the Demon Realm were killed in one go, and there were also more than a dozen casualties among the Free Alliance troops. It seemed like a conflict of a small scale. Of course, it was not over yet. The Free Alliance troops stayed away.

After defeating the demon army, he made some adjustments, and then passed away from the demon army again and again, taking away the lives of hundreds of demons. Of course, he also paid a price of dozens.

A small-scale battle like this would have been impossible to attract the attention of the demon army and Hua Wushang, but now Hua Wushang noticed it. He looked at the Freedom Alliance army with an expression as if he had seen a ghost.

He was very clear about the combat effectiveness of those in the Freedom Alliance Army. Even if they showed their appearance now, Hua Wushang would not let Hua Wushang look down on them, because the appearance those people showed was usually the appearance of animals.

, and it is still the lowest level of wood phase, so of course it is impossible to attract Hua Wushang's attention.

But it was such an army that he was not optimistic about at all. After two encounters with the demon world, they created a casualty ratio of one to ten. They actually caused the demon army to lose nearly a thousand people, and he only paid

The cost was more than a hundred casualties.

The fighting situation of Zhao Hai and others here has also attracted the attention of the Demon Army. The commander of the Demon Army has become accustomed to the rogue defensive tactics of Hua Wushang and the others these days, and the appearance of the Free Alliance army is definitely

An accident, a change, naturally attracted the attention of the commander of the demon army.

Originally, when he saw that the Dharma signs released by the Free Alliance army were all low-level Dharma signs, and they were not very strong, he didn't take the opponent to heart yet. In his opinion, such combat effectiveness was simply impossible.

What threat does it pose to the demon army?

The reason why he paid attention to the army of the Freedom Alliance was simply to see how this army of more than 100,000 people was torn to pieces by his army. The battles for these days made him feel very boring.

Hua Wushang and the others' almost constant defense forced him to attack as he did now. Even if he didn't direct such a scene, the army of the demon world knew how to attack, so he wanted to take a look at the Free Alliance.

How was the army destroyed?

But the two short contacts surprised the commander of the demon army. He really didn't understand what happened and why nearly a thousand demons in his army died so mysteriously.

, but the other party only paid a small price.

The commander of the demon army paid more attention to the situation of the Free Alliance army. He wanted to know how this small army did it. At the same time, he also issued an order to the demon army. A force of 100,000 people.

The demon army broke away from most of them and rushed towards the Free Alliance army.

Zhao Hai couldn't help but smile when he looked at the demon army rushing towards him. To be honest, he really didn't expect that the opponent's commander would move so fast.

However, he was already prepared when he attacked the demon army. He knew that the demon army was different from the monks. The demon army had been training for a period of time, both in terms of combat effectiveness and mutual respect.

In terms of cooperation, it was much stronger than an army composed of monks. However, he thought that he would have to attack three or five times before the opponent would react, but he did not expect that the opponent would react so quickly.

When Zhao Hai saw that the demon army was getting closer and closer, he immediately waved his hand, and the Free Alliance army quickly retreated. Although they retreated very quickly, their formation was not chaotic.

Of course, the demon army would not be willing to let Zhao Hai and the others retreat like this. They continued to chase after them. The two sides were getting further and further away from the main battlefield. It was not until they were about ten miles away from the main battlefield that the alliance army retreated and began to form formations.

Against the enemy.

After ten miles of pursuit, the formation of the demon army was a bit scattered, and they had always been arrogant and did not take the monks seriously. Now when they saw Zhao Hai and the others retreating, the demon army did not stop to regroup.

Then they attacked, but on the contrary, they pounced directly on them, as if they could tear the Freedom Alliance army into pieces with just a thought.

One side was well prepared, but the other side was extremely arrogant. As soon as the two sides came into contact, the demon army immediately suffered a loss, and of course hundreds of people were killed.

However, the strength gap between the two sides is really too big. The worst one in the army of demons is also a demon with the strength of the golden elixir stage, and the combat effectiveness of the demons at the golden elixir phase is much stronger than that of the monks at the golden elixir phase.

, and most of the monks in the Free Alliance army are at the Dharma stage. When facing the opponent, they will naturally suffer a lot. Although Zhao Hai used the battle formation to offset part of the gap in strength, this gap

It was really too big, and the casualties of the Freedom Alliance army gradually increased.

Of course, there are definitely a lot of casualties in the demon army. The casualty ratio between the Free Alliance army and the demon army is still about one to two, but now this casualty ratio is changing and is developing like one to one.

Regardless of this, it is quite astonishing. Hua Wushang and the commander of the Heavenly Demon Army both know the level of this army under Zhao Hong. With such an army, it can actually compete with the Heavenly Demon Army.

This look was really beyond the expectations of both parties.

The battle is still going on, and the casualties of the demon army are still increasing. The casualty ratio between the two sides is still about 1 to 1.5, which means that for every two Free Alliance monks who die, three demons will die. This is definitely

Very amazing.

An hour later, 20,000 people in the Freedom Alliance's army died in battle, including nearly 5,000 members of the Black Tiger Gang. However, these people did not really die in battle, but were protected by the jade tokens given to them by Zhao Hai.

He stopped and teleported directly back to the Black Tiger Gang.

And in this hour, nearly half of the 100,000 demon army died in battle, that is, nearly 50,000 people died. Of course, those dead demon army were directly transported into the space by Zhao Han and turned into undead creatures.

The death of the 50,000 demon army finally angered the commander of the demon army. Since the battle with the monks, he has never suffered such a big loss. The casualties of the monks have always been greater than theirs. When did they compare to the monks?

Are there more casualties? This is a shame, a huge shame!

It is precisely because of this idea that the commander of the Demon Army, Ma Yi, sent another 200,000 troops to deal with Zhao Hai and the others. At the same time, their weapons also began to test the weapon array in Baihua Valley.

sexual offense.

Moreover, the powerful immortals in the army of demons also appeared in the army of demons. Although they did not take action, the threat was already very obvious. The powerful immortals in the Baihua Valley Alliance also appeared.

Suddenly the atmosphere on the battlefield became tense.

At this time, Hua Wushang did not dare to pay attention to the situation in Zhao Hai. He focused all his attention on the army of demons opposite him. Hua Wushang never thought that he had no hope.

The Freedom Alliance army actually caused such a big mess, killing 50,000 people from the Heavenly Demon Realm in one fell swoop, and causing the Heavenly Demon Realm to launch a massive attack, which caught him off guard.

Zhao Hai also discovered the movements of the Heavenly Demon army, and he immediately ordered a retreat. At the same time, he also took action. This time, Zhao Hai did not take action with the Heavenly Demon Seven-Killing Sword. Although the Heavenly Demon's Seven-Killing Sword was extremely lethal, it was more suitable for use on a single target.

In terms of combat, that is to say, if two people are fighting against each other, there will definitely be no problem using the Seven-Death Demon Sword. Even if there are more people, Zhao Hai can use the Star Taixu to transform into a body, and he can still exert the power of the Seven-Death Demon Sword.

He came out, but in a battle with hundreds of thousands of people like this, it would seem a little inappropriate if he still used the Seven Killing Sword of the Demon.

Zhao Heng once used the Thousand-Hand Guanyin Palm. Although the Thousand-Hand Guanyin Hall sounds like a set of Buddhist sects, and its lethality should not be strong, the real power of this set of exercises is still considerable. The most important thing is,

This set of exercises is a set of large-scale attack methods.

The Thousand-Hand Guanjian Palm is a set of special exercises that have been integrated with hundreds of Dharma forms in Zhao Hou. Based on Zhao Hai's understanding, Zhao Hai must release this set of exercises.

The Thousand-Hand Guanyin Dharma Appearance, and then the arms on those Dharma Appearances will release various Qi Jin at the same time. The appearance of those Qi Jin is the same as the Dharma Appearances on Zhao Throat. It can be said that Zhao Hai can release hundreds of Qi Jin at the same time.

, each kind of Qi Jin is very strong, and those Qi Jin are about the same size as the Dharma, so the Qi Jin will form a large-area attack method. If this method is used in a single battle, it will naturally be attacked by others.

It can be broken easily, because this kind of Qi Jin attack is a surface attack, and it can be easily broken by someone using a point-breaking surface attack.

But when used on the battlefield, this kind of energy attack is very suitable, especially when used to break up the rear. It is most suitable. Attacking a large area is enough to stop the opponent's army.

The army of the Freedom Alliance continued to retreat according to Zhao Hai's order, but the demon army that had been fighting with the army of the Freedom Alliance for a long time did not give up the attack just because they lost half of their people. On the contrary, when they saw the freedom

The alliance's army retreated, and its reinforcements were about to arrive. Each one of them rushed towards the Free Alliance's army as if they had been given a shot of blood.

Zhao Heng stood in the void and communicated his own Dharma at the same time. The Thousand-Hand Guanyin Dharma appeared next to Zhao Hai. The Thousand-Hand Avalokitesvara's Dharma opened his eyes and waved his countless arms forward at the same time.

All kinds of energy were immediately released from those arms.

As soon as this energy came out of the arms of the Dharma, it immediately became larger and larger, and soon turned into various beasts and ghosts, directly charging towards the army of demons.

Everyone in the demon army was stunned. The first hundred people retreated involuntarily, and the others also retreated. They immediately used various qi energy to meet Zhao Hai's qi energy.

The energy released by Zhao Hai is not weak, and among the army of demons, there are not many strong ones in the Tribulation Stage in the True Heaven. Most of the demons who catch up are at the Nascent Soul Stage or the Golden Core Stage. They want to

To stop Zhao Hai's energy, we must use all our strength, so that they will naturally retreat.

They stopped, but Zhao Hai did not stop. Zhao Hai hit ten Thousand-Handed Guanyin Palms in one breath, blocking all the 50,000 troops from the Demon Realm, and then slowly retreated. At this time,

The troops of the Freedom Alliance have returned to the rear of the Baihua Valley Alliance army and are absolutely safe. (To be continued...


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