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Chapter 20 Experiment

 Chapter 20 Test()

Looking at the two acres of land being planted little by little, Zhao Hai couldn't help but sigh in his heart. Now he finally understood what it meant to sow hope. What he was sowing now was hope.

If corn really had the effect he thought it would, then he wouldn't have to worry about the development of his territory now, but the result would only be seen in more than ten hours.

The two acres of land were planted quickly, but Zhao Hai did not leave the space, but looked at the radishes carefully. He still didn't know how long it would take for the radishes to mature.

When he thought of this, Zhao Hai had an idea and patted his head and said: "Yes, I can ask about the space. I remember that when I played the farm game, there was also this reminder function. How long is the space?

Time for carrots to mature?"

The space prompt sound came: "There are still three minutes left for the radish to officially mature." There was no unnecessary waste.

Zhao Hai nodded and murmured: "Three minutes, three minutes is good. You can harvest the radishes in three minutes. By the way, you have to plant after harvesting. You have to buy a bag of radish seeds."

As soon as he thought of it, Zhao Hai immediately spent 150 gold coins to buy a bag of radish seeds. Now he only had 350 gold coins left in his hand.

However, Zhao Hai didn't care. Now that he has adjusted his development route, he should not develop too fast in the black soil wasteland. First, he does not have the conditions, and second, if he develops too fast, he will be beaten by others.

Notice that they will be dead by then, so the focus of his development now should be in the space.

As long as the level of space rises, then all his development will not be a problem. Space is his foundation. He is not prepared to take too many shots. As he said at the beginning, if he takes too many shots at once

The radish he bought will be worthless, and he will be the one who suffers at that time.

It's a pity that he doesn't have a mobile phone now, and he can't tell Green his thoughts. He just hopes that Green won't take back a big order this time.

Zhao Hai had always wanted to not rely on space here before, because the existence of space was really too illusory for him. He didn't know when the space would disappear, but if the space disappeared and he didn't have any career outside, then

These people are finished.

But now it seems that he has to rely on space. As the space increases, he can get more things, so that his territory can develop better.

However, he still cannot relax about the transformation of the land outside the space. If he cannot transform the land outside the space well, if the space really disappears one day, then he will have nothing.

Now he has to carefully calculate every step he takes to make it the most beneficial to himself, not only to develop the space, but also to improve the living environment outside.

Upgrading space requires money, and Zhao Hai knows very well that now that his space has just been upgraded, more money will be needed for each upgrade in the future. When Zhao Hai was playing farm games in the past, he

There are two accounts. One is his own old account, which contains more than 400 netizens. When playing the farm game, he can steal as much food as he wants, but in the end he steals so much money that he cannot use it at all.

Slowly I lost interest.

And his second account is a newly opened account. No netizen has added him, only himself. He opened this account mainly to play the farm game. The most important thing is to see how he can play the farm game by himself.

Game, what will be the consequences?

He knew the consequences, which were very serious. It was okay at first, but when the farm was upgraded to more than 20 levels, he opened a ranch, and it was over. His game gold coins were not enough at all, and the farm land was upgraded to the maximum level.

, there is no money to upgrade the pasture, and the upgraded pasture will not have the money to upgrade the farm, but this made Zhao Hai learn to calculate even more. He carefully calculated the income of the farm and pasture, and then calculated which kind of animals to raise.

The most cost-effective way is to play the online version of the stand-alone game bit by bit.

The situation of his alt account is similar to his current situation. He has to upgrade it bit by bit. He has gained some experience, but don't forget that he still has to take the things in the space and transform them.

The territory above him will make his funds even tighter, so he must carefully calculate every step.

After thinking wildly for a while, the space prompt sounded: "The radish is ripe, please collect it as soon as possible." Zhao Hai came back to his senses. He did not shout to collect it immediately, but looked at the radish, thoughtfully.

Last time he put away the radish, but the leaves of the radish disappeared. He estimated that the space had disposed of the radish leaves as waste. Of course he can't waste it like this now. He still has to keep these things to feed the blue-eyed rabbit.


Now that the radishes are mature, if he still lets the space harvest them in the original way, he will still not get the leaves of the radishes. If he harvests them himself... After looking at the radishes in the ten acres of land, Zhao Hai quickly gave up.

own thoughts.

Now Zhao Hai only hopes that the space can really be as magical as he imagined, and that they can fulfill his requirements, otherwise the blue collection will really become a problem.

In the space, after the plants mature, if the space automatically collects them, they will only collect some edible or usable things, such as corn stalks and radish leaves. The space will be cleaned up as garbage.

Of course there is no problem when playing games, but now Zhao Hai wants to use these things to change his life, so these things are very important to him.

When he thought of this, Zhao Hai frowned. He was really afraid. If the space could not collect the carrots according to his consciousness, then he would be in big trouble.

He took a few deep breaths, calmed down his mood, and said in a deep voice: "Collect the radish, and collect the radish leaves and radish separately."

After saying this, Zhao Hai's heart jumped involuntarily. He was really afraid that he would fail. If he lost, then he would have to find another way. And now the only way he could think of was to let

Those slaves entering the space to collect carrots will not only cause trouble, but also increase the chance of exposure to the space.

Following his words, the space had already reacted, and the radishes flew into the basket one by one. After all the radishes were collected, Zhao Hai took a deep breath and walked to the warehouse.

I touched the warehouse with my hand.

Soon the items in the warehouse were displayed in front of Zhao Hai. The first ones were radish and radish leaves, followed by the materials Zhao Hai had received from the warehouse before.

Zhao Hai put away his hand, clenched his fist and cheered. He really didn't expect that space could give him such a big surprise. This success not only helped him collect his things, but also represented his further understanding of space.

, it turns out that the space really listens to him completely, and he can command the space to do everything.

Ever since the space appeared, Zhao Hai had an unreal feeling. It was like he was playing a very real game. He had been controlling the entire space according to the operating procedures in the game.

But this time's success made Zhao Hai understand that this space has really mutated. He is not just an operator in this space. The settings he used to play games may not necessarily hold true in this space.

, it can be said that my control over this space is deeper than in the game. I may be the god of this space, the supreme existence.

After a while, Zhao Hai calmed down his emotions. He looked at the situation in the space again. Now there was nothing to keep him busy in the space. He just left the space.

As soon as he left the space, Zhao Hai couldn't help but laugh. With the existence of space, in the future, the black soil wasteland can become the largest granary in the entire continent. Just like his hometown, Beidahuang will definitely become Beida.

But in the future, he must use less space ability to help himself in reality, and let himself adapt to the feeling of not having space help as soon as possible, because he has always had a sense of insecurity in his heart.

Zhao Hai has always been afraid that one day space will disappear. Although he has now focused his development on space, it is just so that space can provide him with more help and his territory can develop faster, so he

He had to do that. Zhao Hai is a very practical person. He does not believe in things that cannot be seen or touched. He only believes that the things in his hands are his own. A hundred birds in the forest are not as good as one.

In hand.

For Zhao Hai, space is like the Internet on earth, too illusory. Although Zhao Hai is an otaku, he never meets netizens because he does not believe in those illusory things.

It is precisely because of this mentality that Zhao Hai desperately wants to change things in his reality, so that he can feel a little at ease.

He didn't believe in luck, so he never bought lottery tickets when he was on earth. Every penny he earned was earned through his own hard work. He didn't believe that anyone would give him money for no reason. He just

I believe that people can get everything they want only through their own efforts.

After coming out of the space, Zhao Hai did not go outside. There are too few things he can do now. He also needs to think carefully about his future development and the development here in the black soil wasteland.

Zhao Hai found that he had not thought carefully about transforming the land today. He was too anxious and acted too recklessly. No one can guarantee that people will not come here in the future. If one day they suddenly come here, they will

Finding a large area of ​​land with things growing in front of their castle would definitely arouse suspicion.

When he thought of this, Zhao Hai couldn't help but murmured: "It seems that I have to learn more about the black soil wasteland tomorrow." After saying this, he fell asleep.

This chapter has been completed!
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