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Chapter 218 Setting up stalls in the square

 Zhao Hai was sitting in a restaurant in a city outside the Ghost Sect, drinking wine, but his ears were not idle, and he kept listening to what the people in the restaurant were saying.

This restaurant is the largest restaurant in the city. In the whole restaurant, there are many monks eating. These monks are casual monks, and the main guests in this restaurant are also these casual monks.

To be honest, Zhao Hai really envies these casual cultivators, because here in the underground world, casual cultivators are basically not short of money. When they go outside the city, as long as they find a place without people, they can classify it as

As long as he pays a tax to the city that manages the land, all the income from the land will be his. He can catch some red goblins to cultivate it, and he doesn't have to manage it at all. He just needs to lie down every day.

Just count the money at home.

This kind of life is really enviable, unlike in the True Spirit World, where monks have almost no income if they don’t go out to do tasks, and those without income can only wait to be starved.

Death, this is very similar to the people of the major sects in the underground world.

In the underground world, some disciples of large sects still envy those casual cultivators because they can live a good life without worrying about food and clothing without being too tired. Unlike them, they have to go around every day just to survive.

Go run around.

But those disciples of the sect don't know that the casual cultivators envy them even more, because they can practice higher-level exercises and have countless training materials, compared to people like them who can only eat and drink enough.

It is said that the monks of the sect are walking the path that a monk should take. Moving forward all the way and working hard, this is what a monk should do.

The reason why these casual cultivators gathered in this city is because the city's annual trading meeting is about to begin. At this trading meeting, all items will be sold at a lower price than originally stolen.

At this trading meeting, most of the items sold were related to practice. It can be said that such a big trading day every year is a festival for casual practitioners. Many casual practitioners have saved their money for a day and are waiting for today.

Come and buy some cheap things to facilitate his training in the next year.

This trading conference lasts for ten days in total. During these ten days, not only some casual cultivators will come to this city to trade, but even some monks from sects will come here to buy some bargains.


Although the trading conference has begun, the casual cultivators are not in a hurry to grab things, because they know very well that there will not be any good things on the first day of the trading conference. They are going to buy things today.

People are all people with low strength. They don't need very good things, so they rush to buy them today. People with some strength will wait for two days before making a move.

And these monks came to this restaurant to eat, and this restaurant naturally became the most well-informed landlord in the city. Zhao Hai came here mainly to inquire about the information.

Now Zhao Hai already knows that his target this time is Liu Ze. This person is the youngest genius in the Ghost Sect. He is also loved by thousands of people in the Ghost Sect. In the Ghost Sect, he gets almost everything.

This shows how much the Ghost Sect attaches great importance to him.

To be honest, Zhao Hai really dislikes people like Liu Ze. Such people are like flowers raised in a greenhouse and are unlikely to become useful.

However, Zhao Hai also believed that the Ghost Sect, as a sect with considerable strength, would not make such a low-level mistake. They would definitely send Liu Ze out for a trial in the future.

While Zhao Hai was thinking about this, a sudden voice came and said: "Brother, you said that this time Senior Brother Liu came out for the trial, was it really agreed by the sect? I can see it, the sect

Senior Brother Liu is so precious to Li, how could he be allowed to come to a place like the trading market where good and bad people are mixed? I have heard that someone from other sects is already eyeing Senior Brother Liu, just to get rid of this genius.


Another monk hissed softly and said: "If you say a few words less, if others hear it, it will only put Senior Brother Liu in more danger. Okay, let's leave early after dinner to protect Senior Brother Liu's safety."

is the most important."

The monk who spoke before couldn't help but sigh and said: "Why don't we have such good talents? If we can have such good talents, I can be like Senior Brother Liu and be protected every day."

Another monk said solemnly: "Just say less. Don't we have that kind of strength? Why do we think so much? Let's eat. After eating, we will go to change shifts. In fact, we are just decorations."

, you said that if a master comes, what use will we have? I have heard that the sect specially sent an elder to protect Senior Brother Liu, and we are just the henchmen.

The monk who spoke before nodded and stopped talking. After a while, the two of them finished eating, paid, and left the restaurant. However, Zhao Hai keenly discovered that there were several monks following the two people.

Left together.

After these two groups of people left, two more monks turned around and left. They all went in the same direction. From the beginning to the end, Zhao Hai didn't even look at them. He kept drinking and eating there.

A look of leisure and contentment.

Of course Zhao Hai was not in a hurry, so the monks who went out had all the silver dust stained on their bodies by Zhao Hai. With the strength of those people, they could not detect the silver dust.

Zhao Hai has now touched the threshold of the dust-proofing realm. He also knows what the dust-proofing realm is. Although the dust-proofing stage can achieve the effect of dust-proofing, even if a grain of dust falls on his body, he will

You know, but it is impossible for monks in the dust-proofing stage to maintain this state all the time. Only when they feel the movement of their bodies with their heart can they feel the changes in the dust.

It is precisely because of this that Zhao Hai can safely and boldly use Liuyin Chen to track them. He really wants to see who these three groups of people are.

The answer soon appeared. Among the three groups of people, the first group of people was indeed from the Ghost Sect. But just like those two people said, they were just shrimps in the Ghost Sect, and no one would pay attention.


The second group of people should be people sent by various sects to assassinate Liu Ze. These people had the same purpose, but they did not join forces. Instead, they fought together. One look at their appearance, Zhao Hai understood,

They were dead. There was no way they could succeed because they were scattered.

But the third group of people is a bit confusing. Those people are not sent by the major sects to assassinate Liu Ze. On the contrary, they are probably people from the Ghost Sect. They just want to see who they are.

Someone wanted to kill Liu Ze, and those who chased him out had obviously been seen by the third group of people, and they were exposed.

Zhao Hai didn't care about what would happen next. After he got the things, he went to the trading place to have a look. The trading place was on the main street and square in the city, where many monks lined up a small stall. Above

There are some charms, elixirs and other materials on display.

Sure enough, as the people in the building said before, there was nothing good here on the first day of trading. Zhao Hai wandered around the square for a while, then turned back to the hotel where he stayed to rest.

Zhao Hai did not hide his strength. He is now a monk in the soul-joining stage. Naturally, it is impossible to bargain with a monk in the novice stage or the clone stage. That would be too embarrassing, so Zhao Hai did not exchange Yi.

What did you buy there?

After returning to the hotel, Zhao Hai entered his room, but of course he did not really rest, but kept observing the movements of three groups of people through the space.

Naturally, the two low-level monks from the Ghost Sect in the first batch had nothing to say. They were just bait. They were also bait that didn't know anything. After they returned to the place where Liu Ze lived, they helped Liu Ze watch the door.

, never left for a moment.

The Ghost Sect originally had a subordinate gang in this city, but Liu Ze did not live with that subordinate gang, but stayed in the best hotel in the city. This did not look like he was out for a trial.

Instead, it seemed like he was traveling.

However, Zhao Hai also knew that Liu Ze was right not to live in a subordinate gang. In that case, the goal would be greater, and the people in the subordinate gang were not necessarily very loyal. It would be safer to live in a hotel.


The Ghost Sect directly booked a hotel on the first floor. Everyone else can go out to eat or eat something in the hotel, except Liu Ze. The food Liu Ze eats is all brought out from the Ghost Sect. There is a special

He never eats anything from outside, and doesn't even take a sip of water from outside. This way, he can eliminate the possibility of poisoning Liu Ze to the greatest extent.

Thanks to the two low-level monks of the Ghost Sect, Zhao Hai now knows the place where Liu Ze lives. Those two people were originally gatekeepers for Liu Ze, so they are naturally very close to Liu Ze, and Liu Yinchen can

The reconnaissance range is 10,000 meters, so Zhao Hai can clearly see where Liu Ze lives. Zhao Hai even saw Liu Ze.

But when he saw Liu Ze, Zhao Hai was a little disappointed, because Liu Ze's appearance was really a bit disappointing. Liu Ze had a sharp mouth and monkey cheeks, and he had very little meat. Just looking at the appearance, he was really a bit sorry.


But Zhao Hai is certain that this person must be Liu Ze, because beside him are two teleportation monks. These two people are like guards, following Liu Ze on the left and right. Liu Ze

However, it seems that he has long been accustomed to this kind of treatment. He still looks calm and doesn't look uncomfortable at all.

As for the second batch of monks who went out, just as Zhao Hai thought, they were all people sent by various sects to want Liu Ze's life. After knowing that Liu Ze was staying in that hotel, they were like

He left the hotel as if nothing happened, but he didn't know that he was being targeted.

The second batch of monks who came to stab each other had their own residences. One of them even stayed in the hotel where Zhao Hai was. This was a bit beyond Zhao Hai's expectation, but Zhao Hai had no intention of leaving.

I mean, leaving at this time will only arouse more suspicion.

As for the third group of monks, they were indeed from the Ghost Sect. They had been following the second group of monks. After knowing where the second group of monks lived, they turned around and left.

These three groups of monks came one after another, as if they were acting out a spy movie. However, Zhao Hai also understood that the more this happened, the more difficult it would be for him to assassinate Liu Ze, but Zhao Hai also understood

He is not anxious. He knows very well that the worst thing about many things is being anxious. As long as he is not anxious, he will definitely succeed. If he is too anxious, others will see his flaws, and then he will be even more worried.

of danger.

After resting in the hotel for a night, Zhao Hai got up early the next morning. After eating, he ran to the Exchange Square again. There were more people pushing and pushing, and the discharged items were more effective.

As soon as Zhao Hai saw this situation, he immediately found a place in the square, then took out a piece of cloth and spread it on the ground, then took out a handful of talismans and put it on the ground, and then sat there.

Made a sound.

In this trading place, there are many monks like Zhao Hai who line up stalls. Many monks will make some talismans or elixirs throughout the year, and then rush to sell them on the trading day, although on this day

The price of buying it is not high, but sometimes you can exchange it for something and get what you want. This is the most important thing.

Zhao Hai took out a number of talismans, which were all low-level talismans, but the ones made were very good. As soon as those talismans were released, a monk immediately came to his stall. This monk was dressed in gray.

With a weathered look on his face, you could tell he was a casual cultivator.

He glanced at the talismans on Zhao Hai's stall, and his eyes couldn't help but light up. The cultivation of these casual cultivators may not be very good, but their eyes are very poisonous. He could tell at a glance that these talismans by Zhao Hai,

Definitely good stuff.

The casual cultivator looked up at Zhao Hai and said, "Friend, how do you sell these talismans of yours?"

Zhao Hai said solemnly: "You don't have to buy these talismans. I only charge some materials. The types of materials are here. If you have these materials, you can exchange them with me. If you don't have these materials, take

Other things can also be used, but they must be rare or things that have never been seen before. I personally prefer to study these things." While talking, Zhao Hai took out a piece of animal skin and wrote something on it.

The name of the material.

This is exactly Zhao Hai's purpose, to collect some things from the underground world while performing tasks, so that people will not be suspicious, and maybe he will find two treasures. Even if he really doesn't get anything, then

He didn't suffer any loss. The talismans he took out could be printed as many times as he wanted in the space.

The monk glanced at the animal skin that Zhao Hai took out, and when he saw the materials written on it, he couldn't help but nodded. Those materials were not difficult to obtain, and the price was reasonable for ten people, and even cost more.

It was cheaper, but he was not going to use these materials to exchange for Zhao Hai's talisman. He turned over his hand and found something in his hand. Then he handed this thing to Zhao Hai and said: "Let me show you this.

I've never seen this thing before, and I don't know if it can change your talisman."

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