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Chapter 285 Valley of the Holy Elephant

Although the things in the Holy Elephant Valley are very good, few monks go there, because the Holy Elephant Valley is not the territory of the human race, and the strongest monster in the Wind Canyon, the Mad Elephant, lives in the territory.

The Crazy Elephant is a very famous monster in the Gale Valley. Their family has been living in the Holy Elephant Valley. The water and grass there are very rich and fertile, which is most suitable for their family to survive.

The reason why Mad Elephants are called such a name is because this name is very suitable for their fighting style. There are many masters in Guangfeng, and the strongest Guangfeng has the ability to completely defeat the teleportation monks.

Although Zhao Hai doesn't know if there are more productive wild elephants in the Holy Elephant Valley, it is certain that the Holy Elephant Valley is not simple.

The apparent Ape Masters in Li Yuan Mountain are only Chapter 285 The Holy Elephant Valley is the teleportation realm, and the Holy Elephant Valley is even more special than that in Li Yuan Mountain. Zhao Haicai doesn’t believe it.

, there are no powerful mad elephants here in the Elephant Valley.

The Elephant Valley is located in a relatively remote corner of the Gale Canyon. Although it is very remote, there are still a large number of monks who will go there to take risks every year.

There are many monks who went in but never came out and were killed by the mad elephant. More monks came out, but the place they went to was just the outside of the Holy Elephant Valley and they never went inside. They were afraid of being attacked by the mad elephant.

In the eyes of ordinary people, the Holy Elephant Valley does not seem to be as dangerous as the Liyuan Mountain. At least on the outskirts of the Holy Elephant Valley, you may come out alive. But people who have been there will not have such an idea. The Holy Elephant Valley

The valley is definitely more dangerous than the Ape Mountain. The outskirts of the Holy Elephant Valley are not the territory of those wild elephants. They generally rarely come to the outskirts of the Holy Elephant Valley, so there are some monks there who can come out alive.

But the inner valley of the Holy Elephant Valley is completely different. That is the territory of the Holy Elephant Valley. Some people have known before that even the teleportation monks rarely dare to enter the inner valley of the Holy Elephant Valley, because

Even the monks in the teleportation realm almost never came out of the inner valley of the Holy Elephant Valley alive.

Compared with the outer valley of the Elephant Valley, the inner valley of the Elephant Valley is definitely a different world. There are a large number of wild elephants in the inner valley of the Elephant Valley, and once those wild elephants start to go crazy, they are very terrifying.

In the inner valley of the Holy Elephant Valley, there are some crazy elephants with Vajra-level strength. No monk would go there to cause trouble. It would be no different from committing suicide.

But ordinary monks will think that there is more than just this strength in the Holy Elephant Valley, because the strength of monsters is generally much stronger than monks of the same level, and as long as no accidents occur, the lifespan of monsters will be longer than that of humans.

For some, long life equals strong strength, so most people think that the strength here in Shengxiang Valley will be stronger than that in Liyuan Mountain.

But Zhao Hai doesn't think so. He has now arrived at the outer valley of the Holy Elephant Valley. There are almost no wild elephants in the outer valley of the Holy Elephant Valley. There are only some other monsters, and the strength of those monsters is also very high.

Tough and not easily provoked.

There are not many monks who dare to come to the outer valley of the Holy Elephant Valley. Many monks dare not come to the outer valley of the Holy Elephant Valley because they may encounter wild elephants here at any time, and generally the fighting power of wild elephants is quite high.

For a monk in the Pi Chen Stage, he is even stronger than the ordinary monks in the Pi Chen Stage. In other words, most of the monks who come to the Wild Wind Canyon for trials are not the opponents of those crazy elephants. Naturally, no one dares to come.


Zhao Hai didn't care about this. He stood in the outer valley of Crazy Elephant Valley and took a look. He found that this place should not be called the main valley. It was just a huge plain. There were some trees growing on the plain, but there were not many trees.

The most common thing here is some grass.

After looking around, Zhao Hai didn't find any danger or anything useful, so he headed towards the inner valley of the Holy Elephant Valley.

The useful things Zhao Hai mentioned are naturally not elixirs. There are still a lot of elixirs in the outer valley of the Holy Elephant Valley, at least they are much more than those outside.

Obviously few people will come here, but those things have zero attraction for Zhao Hai, so Zhao Hai naturally doesn't care about those things. There are only two things that attract Zhao Hai the most in the entire Elephant Valley, and the same is

Jin Jing, the same thing is that the outer valley of the Mad Elephant Holy Elephant Valley is very big. With Zhao Hai's speed, it took more than a day to reach the connection between the outer valley and the inner valley of the Holy Elephant Valley. In fact, there is nothing here.

It’s special. It’s just that the outer and inner valleys of the Elephant Valley have some special terrain. The inner and outer valleys of the Elephant Valley are like gourds. The place where the inner and outer valleys connect is relatively narrow.

, like the middle part of a gourd.

Moreover, the previous monks also erected a stone tablet in both the inner and outer valleys, so it was impossible for Zhao Hai to see it wrong. Zhao Hai glanced at the stone tablet in the inner valley of the Holy Elephant Valley, but did not say anything. He moved and directly

We went to the inner valley of the Elephant Valley.

It was different from what Zhao Hai had imagined. Once he entered the inner valley of the Holy Elephant Valley, he did not see a few wild elephants. He looked around and saw only a forest.

Zhao Hai couldn't help but his eyes lit up when he saw this situation. Then he moved straight towards the inner valley of the Holy Elephant Valley. In the inner valley of the Holy Elephant Valley, he discovered many things that were not visible from the outside.

Zhao Hai was naturally not polite about the elixirs and some special plants that arrived. He received all the plants that were not in the space.

After staying in the inner valley of the Holy Elephant Valley for more than an hour, Zhao Hai suddenly heard a rustling sound. This rustling sound was still far away from him. If his hearing was not far superior to ordinary people, he would not have been able to detect this sound.


Zhao Hai knew that there were almost no other monsters in the Holy Elephant Valley, only the mad elephant, and the mad elephant was his target, so he touched it carefully.

After a while, Zhao Hai saw a few wild elephants eating. Speaking of it, wild elephants are really similar to the elephants seen on the earth, but they look more like some fierce elephants.

A mammoth elephant, not an ordinary elephant.

The bodies of these wild elephants are very huge. The tallest one is over ten meters tall. They all have some hair on their bodies, but the hair is not very thick. The two tusks are like scimitars.

Zhao Hai looked at these wild elephants but did not touch them. He knew that elephants are animals that live in groups and attach great importance to their offspring. If he puts the wild elephants into the space now, it will definitely cause chaos in the Holy Elephant Valley.

The commotion here will be even worse for him when the time comes, so he has to find another thing first, and that is the gold spirit.

Gold essence is a specialty here in the Holy Elephant Valley, but the gold essence in the outer valley has almost been harvested by other monks. Although those monks dare not mine gold essence on a large scale in the outer valley of the Holy Elephant Valley, coming to the Crazy Elephant Valley

There are too many monks here. After countless searches, there is almost no gold ore left in the outer valley.

What Zhao Hai wanted now was to find gold ore first, and then collect a mad elephant into the space, so he just glanced at the mad elephant and walked aside.

Before Zhao Hai entered the Gale Canyon, he had some knowledge about the Gale Canyon. He still knew some of the specialties in the Gale Canyon, so he was not in a hurry and searched slowly.

However, the inner valley of the Holy Elephant Valley is not as people imagine. There are golden spirits everywhere and countless elixirs. Although there are many elixirs here, they are all protected by the mad elephant. Obviously, those elixirs are very important to those who

Crazy elephants are also useful. As for the golden essence, Zhao Hai has not seen a single piece of it so far.

One day passed, Zhao Hai still did not find the golden spirit, so he had to find a place to rest. Although he could move freely at night, he did not do so because there were many nocturnal monsters in the Holy Elephant Valley.

The strength of those monsters is not very strong, but if Zhao Hai is discovered by those crazy elephants when he is dealing with those monsters, things will be even more troublesome.

Fortunately, Zhao Hai's magic was very powerful and he was not discovered by those monsters. He spent the first night safely. On the second day, Zhao Hai still let go of those wild elephants and searched for the golden spirit.

After three days of searching, Zhao Hai didn't find any gold essence. This surprised Zhao Hai because people said that there were a lot of gold essence in the inner valley of the Holy Elephant Valley. He searched for three days and found none.

He was not found, which surprised him.

It wasn't until the fourth day that Zhao Hai discovered a piece of dark golden ore. The location of this ore was very hidden. If it weren't for Zhao Hai, he really wouldn't have been able to find it. The entire ore was about the size of a basketball. If you wanted to get it from this piece of

If you extract gold essence from the ore, you can only extract a piece of gold essence the size of a table tennis ball at most, which is not very big.

But for Zhao Hai, such a piece of gold essence is not small anymore. As long as a piece of gold essence enters the space, a vein of gold essence can be formed in the space, and he will have countless gold essence available in the future.

After collecting the golden spirits, Zhao Hai turned his attention to those wild elephants, but those wild elephants are animals that live in groups, and in the first small group, there will be a teleportation realm wild elephant leader.

Under such circumstances, it was almost impossible for Zhao Hai to bring a mad elephant into space without being discovered.

Zhao Hai did not act immediately. He had been observing the mad elephants to see what their habits were. Only in this way could he understand these mad elephants and then take away a mad elephant from under their noses.

After observing on the same day, Zhao Hai found that those wild elephants were not very united, and some old and weak wild elephants would be eliminated.

After walking around the inner valley of the Holy Elephant Valley for several times, Zhao Hai found an old mad elephant. This old mad elephant was already very old, with wrinkled skin and loose muscles.

, walked very slowly, but this holy elephant still walked forward step by step. He did not stop to eat or drink water, as if those things had completely lost their appeal to him.

Upon seeing the appearance of this old mad elephant, Zhao Hai suddenly remembered a legend. According to legend, when an elephant is about to die, it will return to Xiangshan, a cemetery of the elephant family, and then die quietly there. This is

It is a tradition of the elephant family, and a mad elephant is also a type of elephant. So, is this mad elephant, which looks like it is about to die of old age, going to Elephant Mountain?!!!

This chapter has been completed!
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