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Chapter 231 Tough

 Chapter 231: Tough

Although those blood eagles couldn't speak, they could understand Zhao Hai's words, so Zhao Hai and the others spent several days teaching these flying eagles how to use their flying postures and calls to convey some information to them.

Very simple information.

Compared with flying, how many times they circle in the air, how many people there are, and how many times they call out represent how many cavalry, etc., so these flying eagles can now be regarded as the simplest aerial scouts.

Zhao Hai took a careful look at the flying eagles. After the flying eagles flew away, Zhao Hai turned to Laura and said: "There is a situation in the east. There is a cavalry team of a thousand people coming towards us.

, but it doesn’t look like it’s an orc.

Laura was stunned for a moment, then her face changed and she said: "I know, they are the Bull Run Guards of the Iron Wall Fortress. They will patrol this area every half a month or so. It seems that we are unlucky today.

Just in time.”

Zhao Hai frowned and said: "What should we do? How about we hide in the first space?"

Laura shook her head and said: "That's not necessary at all. It's just a matter of giving them a little money. After all, buying food from the orcs is something everyone knows very well, and the Principality of Versail also hopes that everyone will

You can come to the orcs more often to buy food. As long as the orcs are not short of food and drink, they will not hold back. The main purpose of these cavalry is to see if any orc tribe has come here."

Zhao Hai nodded, turned to Laura and said: "You have experience in this kind of thing, how much do you think we have to pay to pass the test smoothly?"

Laura smiled slightly and said: "I'm afraid it will cost a thousand gold coins, and I can't hand it over. It's best to let Grandpa Green take action. Grandpa Green is an eighth-level strongman. Those knights don't dare to be too embarrassed. If I go, they will see

I am a woman and I will not let us go so easily."

Zhao Hai's expression changed and he said: "What? Do they still dare to be rude?"

Laura smiled bitterly and said: "Don't forget where this place is. If they really want to be rude to us, they will kill all of us so that they can blame the orcs.

Now, this is not the depths of the orc grassland, but an area controlled by the Iron Wall Fortress, and those Bull Run Guards can transform into bandits at any time."

Zhao Hai said in a deep voice: "Does Grand Duke Yiwan just ignore it?"

Laura smiled bitterly and said: "Care? How to care? The soldiers here in the Iron Wall Fortress must maintain some wildness, and because they are adjacent to the orc grassland and have poor supplies, those soldiers have been stationed here for several years.

I am depressed and need a way to vent, so the people in power seem to turn a blind eye to this kind of thing. After all, the businessmen who come to the orc grassland to do business are, to put it bluntly, smuggling and funding the enemy.

, is illegal, so even if those soldiers killed him, no one would dare to say anything."

Zhao Hai nodded, flashed into the space, then called Green from Iron Mountain Castle and told Green about the matter.

Zhao Hai also took out an ordinary bag, put a thousand gold coins in it and gave it to Green, and then appeared on the carriage with Green.

Then Zhao Hai released another wind-chasing chariot for Green to ride on, but the convoy did not stop and continued to move forward. Zhao Hai also knew that it was impossible for them to outrun the Bull Run Guards cavalry. It was too empty here.

Moreover, the Bull Runners are not far away from them and will arrive soon.

Sure enough, in less than an hour, there was a light rumble to the east of them. Upon hearing this, experienced soldiers knew that it was a large group of cavalry in action. Zhao Hai and the others turned around and saw a group of thousands of people.

The cavalry was coming from the east of them, very fast.

Zhao Hai and the others stopped immediately, but they did not form a circle around the carriages to defend themselves against the enemy like other convoys, because there was no need for them.

Laura and her three people were hiding in the car and did not come out. The three of them were all rare beauties. If the cavalry saw them, they might cause big trouble.

Zhao Hai had heard a saying when he was on Earth: After three years in the army, a sow competes with Diao Chan. These cavalrymen stationed in the Iron Wall Fortress may have been stationed for more than three years. If they discover Laura

It's hard to say whether these three beauties, who are no worse than the real Diao Chan, will transform into orcs.

Zhao Hai walked out of the carriage, went to the platform in front of the carriage, and stood there quietly, wearing a black magic robe and holding an evil spirit staff in his hand, which was really quite intimidating.

Green was standing next to the carriage. He was not wearing armor, just a simple warrior uniform, and there was no mask on his face. His hair was neatly combed, and the Spirit Wind Sword was straddled on his waist. He looked like a typical general manager.

What Zhao Hai wants is this kind of style. It is impossible for the garrison at the Iron Wall Fortress to know Green, and Green is so powerful now, it will only make those people confused about their details, and they will not dare to mess around. Otherwise,

, they may have a big battle. Zhao Hai is not afraid of those cavalry, he just doesn't want to conflict with those cavalry. In any case, Ivan is still good to them.

Soon, the group of cavalry arrived a hundred meters in front of Zhao Hai and the others. However, they did not attack Zhao Hai and the others. Instead, they stopped and stood there looking at Zhao Hai and the others.

Zhao Hai was also sizing up these people. They were riding on level 3 Warcraft Flame Horses. The horses were covered with heavy armor. All of them were wearing heavy cavalry armor. They wore helmets with two horns on their heads.

The iron mask was stored in the helmet and was not put down.

Although these cavalrymen had been running for a long time, neither the men nor the horses showed any signs of fatigue. Although the armor on their bodies was not very clean, and even a little damaged in some places, it did not affect them at all.

The aura they carry.

There was an aura on these cavalrymen, a compelling aura. Zhao Hai, who had killed people before, knew that it was murderous aura, a murderous aura that could only be found in soldiers who had experienced life and death.

The leading cavalryman is a bearded man with a very tall body and a scar on his face, which makes him look very ferocious. Now this man is looking at Zhao Hai and the others coldly.

Zhao Hai didn't say anything, just waved to Green, who saluted him, and then rode towards the group of cavalry. Twenty meters in front of the group of cavalry, Green faced the group on horseback.

The cavalryman performed a standard aristocratic courtesy and said: "Come on, military masters. My husband knows that you are working hard patrolling the border, so I have ordered you to give me a small gift. Please laugh." After saying that, he took out the one containing one thousand gold coins.

The cloth bag shook gently.

Green didn't mean to insult those people by doing this. These border patrol soldiers have encountered this kind of thing a lot. As long as they shake the money bag, they will know whether it contains gold coins or silver coins as soon as they hear the sound.

Put it in their hands, and they would know how much money it contained by weighing it, so Green shook the bag gently to let those people know that the bag contained gold coins.

The cavalry captain obviously heard that the bag contained gold coins. He was confused, looked at Green and said: "Oh, your master knows the rules, but routine inspections are still required."

Green's expression changed. He had already heard from Laura that as long as the money was paid, the cavalry would not check. Why should they check now? Do they want to find trouble? When thinking of this, Green couldn't help but feel a chill in his face, and his body

He sat upright on the horse, looked at the cavalry captain with gleaming eyes, and said, "Oh, does it seem to be against the rules for the military master to do this?"

What Green said was not loud, but all the cavalrymen heard it clearly. In addition, Green's aura suddenly changed because of these words, from an ordinary-looking old man to a

He had the astonishing aura that an eighth-level warrior should have, which made the cavalry captain's expression change.

The cavalry captain was also a level 6 knight. Just now he didn't see Green's strength, so he tried it. Only after this trial did he discover that Green was actually an eighth level master, and not just an ordinary eighth level.

As a master, Green also had a strong sense of military presence, which made the cavalry captain understand immediately that the other party was not easy to mess with and should not be messed with.

The cavalry captain immediately said: "Haha, I am joking with you, sir. Since you know the rules, you will naturally follow the rules. Sir, please."

When Green heard what he said, his aura disappeared instantly. He just smiled slightly at the captain and said, "In this case, I would like to thank the military master." After saying that, he bent down, put the money bag on the ground, and turned his horse.

Head back to Zhao Hai's carriage.

As soon as Green returned to the carriage, Zhao Hai waved his hand, and the carriage slowly walked deeper into the grassland. However, the cavalry captain did not pick up the money bag immediately, but looked at the direction of the carriage.

Something to think about.

A knight next to the captain said softly to him: "Captain, what's wrong?"

The cavalry captain came back to his senses, glanced at the knight and said: "Nothing, I just remembered something. I remember the news came from Casa City some time ago, about the magic that helped our Versailles family rescue the siege.

The master seems to be a black magician, with an eighth-level warrior accompanying him, right?"

This cavalry captain is also a member of the Versailles family, that's why he talks about our Versailles family, and the knight next to him is also a member of the Versailles family. When the cavalry captain said this, he couldn't help but be stunned.

Said: "Captain, what do you mean? The convoy just now was the magician who helped our Versailles family to rescue them?"

The cavalry captain nodded and said: "The eighth floor is here. Okay, don't think so much, take the money and let's go." The cavalryman responded, clamped the horse's belly, ran forward, and found the money bag.

After turning in a circle, he leaned down and already had the money bag in his hand. He returned to the captain and said to the captain: "Captain, it should be one thousand gold coins."

The cavalry captain nodded, turned around and said loudly: "Brothers, this trip is not in vain. I will give you a day off after I get back. Let's have a good time." The cavalrymen cheered loudly, and the captain clamped his horse's belly and moved forward.

He ran, and everyone hurriedly ran up to him.

This chapter has been completed!
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