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Chapter 735 The law shows its power

 Boom~~, Old Ancestor Tang’s sword collided with Old Ancestor Ou’s crutch, and both of them quickly retreated. At this moment, Old Ancestor Ou laughed loudly, and continued to attack.

With a wave of his hand, several magic weapons suddenly appeared next to him, and then with a wave of his hand, the wedge formation was directly attacked by Mr. Tang.

As soon as he saw the wedge weapon attacking Mr. Tang, Zhao Haicai suddenly remembered that the monks here in the Six Realms Alliance were good at using magic weapons, and close combat was not their strong point.

Patriarch Qu had a close fight with Elder Tang just now, obviously trying to paralyze Elder Tang. Now as soon as he retreated, he immediately used his best moves to deal with Elder Tang.

When Mr. Tang saw the magic weapon that the orangutan had brought, he couldn't help but be startled. Then he snorted coldly and swung the long sword in his hand, blocking the wedges one by one. However, there was a powerful force in the wedge.

Power, although Mr. Tang blocked the wedge, he was also affected. His figure stepped back to convey the power contained in the wedge.

At this moment, the district elder said coldly: "Suffer death." After saying that, he threw the dragon-headed crutch in his hand into the air. The dragon-headed crutch grew in the wind, and in the blink of an eye it transformed into a giant dragon.

As soon as the giant dragon opened its eyes, it immediately let out a long roar and then crashed straight into Mr. Tang.

When Mr. Tang looked at the giant dragon, his expression couldn't help but change, but he quickly snorted coldly, and then snorted coldly: "Behead!" With his loud shout, he swung his sword, and a snow-white slash came out.

The sword light went straight towards the giant dragon.

The giant dragon didn't seem to take the sword light seriously at all. He grabbed the sword light with one claw, obviously trying to break it into pieces. But when the dragon's claws caught the sword light, it

I found that the sword light actually cut the dragon's claws in one stroke, and it wasn't over yet. The sword light actually cut the giant dragon into two pieces.

As soon as the giant dragon was chopped into two pieces, it immediately shrank sharply, and in the blink of an eye it turned into a cane with a severed dragon head. At this time, the district elder screamed and spurted out a mouthful of blood.

The dragon-headed crutch was his sword weapon. Now that his command weapon was broken, his mind was damaged, his soul was shaken, and he was seriously injured.

Elder Tang did not think about letting him go, but prepared to kill him with a sword. Just when Elder Tang was about to take action, Jia Daoyi immediately said: "Elder Li, stop him." Following Jia Daoyi's words

, a monk from the Breaking Sky Realm swung a long sword straight towards Mr. Tang. Mr. Tang had to turn around and block the sword, allowing the monks from the Jiaying Realm to save Patriarch Ou back.

Elder Tang did not retreat. He was now entangled by Elder Li's flying swords. Elder Li's flying swords were very different from Elder District's magical weapons. Although Elder District's magical weapons had many types,

There are not many changes, but Elder Li's flying sword is different. Although Elder Li's flying sword only has one method, this flying sword is very flexible. Elder Tang feels like he is fighting a spiritual snake now.

Same, not easy at all.

Zhao Hai glanced at Elder Tang's situation, snorted coldly, and looked at Jia Dao: "Zong Master Jia, do you want to fight on the wheel? Are you trying to bully me? Elder Xue, please take over Elder Tang."

Elder Xue couldn't wait for a long time. When he heard what Zhao Hai said, he immediately said: "Okay, look at me." After saying that, he moved his hand. There was a big knife in his hand, and he moved to Elder Tang's side.

Stop the flying sword for Mr. Tang.

Zhao Hai said: "Mr. Tang, please come back and take a rest." Mr. Tang didn't refuse, and turned around and returned behind Zhao Hai. He knew that with his true strength, he might not be as good as the Sky-Breaking Realm masters in the elite world.

His opponent, after all, his strength was improved by relying on pills. Compared with those masters who have practiced to the sky-breaking realm, he is still far behind.

The reason why he was able to injure the district elder was entirely because he knew a little bit of the Law of Segmentation. This was his last trump card. However, he could only use this Law of Segmentation once a day. After using it once, he needed to rest at least

It takes twelve hours to recover. If he uses it again before the time is up, it will cause harm to his body.

And Zhao Hai also knew this, so after seeing him use the Split Law once, he asked Elder Xue to replace him. Elder Xue also knew the Split Law, and could only use it once, but once was enough, one split.

If the law is used well, it can kill people. After all, it is the power of the law and is different from others.

Elder Xue and Elder Li fought for more than a hundred years, and gradually they were at a disadvantage. What surprised Elder Xue was that the other party never used any other magic weapon, only a sword. This was really surprising.

It was beyond his expectation.

Elder Xue looked at Elder Li. He found that Elder Li had not displayed any other magic weapon except for placing an anti-object weapon beside him. He seemed to have spent all his attention on that.

Put on the long sword.

Elder Xue's eyes couldn't help but light up. He was now almost certain that this sword was Elder Li's natal magic weapon. When he thought of this, Elder Xue couldn't help but shouted: "Cut!" Following his words, a sword struck out.

The light struck straight at Elder Li's long sword.

Elder Li was shocked. He had seen the power of Elder Tang's sword light. His long sword suddenly moved back and passed Elder Xue's sword light.

At this moment, Elder Xue let out a long laugh, then turned the sword in his hand and directed it at Elder Li with a blade that was brighter than the previous sword light. Elder Li was shocked. All his thoughts were there just now.

When he saw the sword light, he had no idea that Elder Xue would shoot his sword energy at him. The speed of the sword energy was very fast. It was impossible for him to hide. Now he only hoped that his defense array could

Block this sword energy.

But he was disappointed. The defensive magic weapon seemed to have no effect at all. The sword energy cut the law in half at once and struck him directly. Elder Li only had time to let out a scream, and his whole body collapsed.

He was cut in two by a sloping shoulder strap.

Seeing that Elder Xue had killed Elder Li, Zhao Hai couldn't help but laugh and said: "Okay, hahaha, great, Elder Xue, please come back." Elder Xue also returned to Zhao Hai and hugged Zhao Hai with a fist, and this

At that time, Zhao Hai waved his hand and took the body of Elder Li into the space.

Jia Daoyi's face was very ugly. He did not expect that the masters of the Sky-Breaking Realm in Zhao Hai's hands would be so powerful. He even sent two people out and suffered a big loss. This made Jia Daoyi

It feels a bit tricky. Although he wants to use Zhao Hai's help this time to weaken the power of those big families, if they continue to lose like this, it will have a huge blow to their morale.

Although the deaths of those strong men in the Sky-Breaking Realm can arouse the hatred of those sects towards Zhao Hai, if too many people die, it will make those sects feel that Zhao Hai is indistinguishable, and

This is definitely not a good thing for Jia Daoyi.

Jia Dao looked at Zhao Hai with blazing eyes, but now he was full of fear towards the monks around Zhao Hai, because he really didn't know that what Elder Tang and Elder Xue had said

What exactly is Xueguang's sword energy and sword light, and why is its attack power so powerful?

At this time, a voice rang in Jia Daoyi's ear: "Zong Master Jia, those people around Zhao Hai are very likely to have understood the power of the law. What they just used was probably the power of the law, and

The power of law cannot be used casually in this level of space. If used too often, it will cause harm to their bodies. From the look of Zhao Hai, the few people around him can only

If you use the power of law once, you will no longer be able to use the power of law again in a short period of time."

Jia Dao turned around and saw that the speaker was Elder Ruan of the Overlord Sect. Jia Dao immediately said in a deep voice: "Can Elder Ruan be sure? They are really using the power of law?"

Elder Ruan shook his head and said: "We are not sure yet. Sect Master Jia, let me go out to fight. If they are using that kind of power, it means that it is indeed the power of law. Sect Master Jia, please be careful."

Jia Daoyi really didn't expect that Elder Ruan would take the initiative to ask for a battle at this time. He looked at Elder Ruan, nodded and said: "Okay, Elder Ruan, please go to the battle. Please rest assured, Elder Ruan, I will take good care of the Overlord Sect."


Elder Ruan smiled slightly and said: "Thank you so much, Master Jia. With my old bones, I can contribute to the sect and the Six Realms Alliance. It's worth dying." After saying that, Elder Ruan flew out and looked at him.

Zhao Hai said in a deep voice: "The Overlord Sect Ruan Longxing has come to challenge Mr. Zhao Hai."

Zhao Hai looked at Ruan Longxing and couldn't help but smile. He secretly thought to himself that Ruan Longxing had heard what Ruan Longxing and Jia Daoyi just said. Ruan Longxing came out to ask for a fight and won Jia Daoyi's trust in one go.

He will no longer suspect the Overlord Sect, which will make the Overlord Sect hidden deeper. Of course, the most important thing is that Ruan Longxing knows that he will not die. He has not paid anything, he just acted.

With this scene, Jia Daoyi would no longer doubt the Overlord Sect from now on, and would even take more care of the Overlord Sect.

Zhao Hai looked at Ruan Longxing, chuckled and said: "Overlord Sect? A small sect that I have never heard of dares to challenge me, why? Seeing that I have not reached the Skybreaking Realm, I want to take advantage, hehe, also

Okay, today I will let you see what I, Zhao Hai, can do." After saying this, Zhao Hai took a step forward and looked at Ruan Longxing with a calm expression.

When Ruan Longxing saw Zhao Hai going into battle, he felt suddenly because he was still not sure whether Zhao Hai really wanted to cooperate with the Overlord Sect or just wanted to deceive the Overlord Sect's trust. However, Ruan Longxing thought this was a good opportunity.

, he can use whether he can die to confirm whether what Zhao Hai said is true. If Zhao Hai really wants to cooperate with the Overlord Sect, then he will definitely not kill him, but if what Zhao Hai said is false, then

He is dead.

When he thought of this, Ruan Longxing's eyes couldn't help but look fixed. He looked at Zhao Hai and said solemnly: "Okay, let me learn Mr. Zhao Hai's clever tricks today." After he finished speaking, he waved his hand, and he had an extra one in his hand.

There is a large halberd, but next to the large halberd, there are more than a dozen small halberds. These small halberds are swimming around Ruan Longxing like swimming fish, making people dare not underestimate them.

Zhao Hai looked at Ruan Longxing calmly and said in a deep voice: "Are you ready?"

Ruan Longxing said in a deep voice: "Let the horse come over!"

This chapter has been completed!
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