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Chapter 274 National Policy

 Chapter 274 National Policy

Schools are not only found in the human race, but also in the orc tribe. However, the schools in the orc tribe are only found in some large war tribes. The most famous one is in the Beast God City, where there is a school with the longest history of orcs.

, but that school only teaches some high-level warriors and some prophets, shamans, and witch doctors. It is impossible for ordinary orcs to go to school.

It is for this reason that the school has a very high status in the eyes of the orcs. However, because they are older and have experienced more things, Ares and Areya have heard others say that the big war clan

The main purpose of setting up a school is to centralize the management and training of the children of the tribe, so when they heard Laura's words, they felt that Laura seemed to be building a school.

Both of them looked at Zhao Hai with excitement. Zhao Hai glanced at Green and the others and said: "In the future, our population will be more and more, and there will be more and more children. As a result, it is inevitable to build schools.

, I think we should start running schools now when we are still small and accumulate some experience. Later, when we have more people, we will think about running schools. With this experience, we will not be in a hurry.


Green nodded and said: "What the young master said makes sense. The school should be opened. There are still many empty rooms in the castle, so it should be opened immediately."

Kun Zheng also nodded and said: "I think we should set up a magic and martial arts school. We should check the children from an early age. Those who are good at learning martial arts should teach them martial arts. Those who are good at learning magic should teach them magic. Let Serge be the teacher of martial arts.

That’s it, magic teacher, why don’t you let Meg come?”

Zhao Hai shook his head and said: "No, that is too general. If we want to run a school now, we must run it well to accumulate experience for running schools in the future. It will definitely not work in the form of a magic and martial arts school on the mainland.

Yes, we need to run the school in a more auspicious and detailed manner. Let's first count how many children there are in the castle, and then ask them their ages and divide them by age group. My plan is that before the age of four,

Let the parents take care of them. After they are four years old, they will be sent to a unified kindergarten. Special people will be asked to take care of them. They will be sent to the kindergarten every morning and taken home in the evening. They will have meals in the kindergarten at noon. At this time, the children will be enlightened and taught.

They recognize some simple words and learn some simple arithmetic.

When he is seven years old, formal classes begin. Classes are divided into three parts: literature, mathematics, and martial arts. The three must be done at the same time. For example, one hour of literature, one hour of mathematics, and one hour of martial arts.

, just like kindergarten, they are sent to school in the morning, picked up home in the evening, and have a meal at school at noon.

At the age of twelve, formal subjects are divided into subjects. For example, if you are talented in martial arts, you should focus your main energy on learning martial arts and studying literature. If you are talented in magic, you should focus your main experience on studying.

In terms of magic and literature, if you are not talented in either of these, you can concentrate on studying literature or mathematics. At this time, we can also invite some craftsmen to come to the school to teach children some skills, so that in the future

Even if they can't learn literature or numeracy, they still have a skill to defend themselves. Even if they haven't learned any of these, at least they can read and learn simple arithmetic. This is also a good thing for them. Everyone thinks

Woolen cloth?"

Green and the others did not expect that Zhao Hai had planned everything. When Zhao Hai said this, it was not a temporary idea, because it was very detailed. It can be said that none of the magic martial arts academies on the mainland have Zhao Hai.

The schools Hai said are divided into so many details, and they start from the age of four. You must know that the magic martial arts academies on the mainland usually start from the age of six to seven, and at that time, in the magic martial arts schools, there were only some

Simple training and recognizing some words will not teach anything else. How do they know that Zhao Hai just transformed the school on Earth and used it here in Ark Continent.

But they had to admit that the school Zhao Hai mentioned was much better than the current schools on the mainland. If it was really successful, it would definitely be the only school on the mainland and a historical precedent.

Because people on the mainland are martial arts, magic martial arts schools generally focus on teaching martial arts and magic, but the school Zhao Hai mentioned is different. The school Zhao Hai mentioned mainly teaches literature and mathematics.

Lord, because this school has always emphasized studying literature and mathematics from beginning to end. This is definitely the first time for Green and others to hear about it.

Laura frowned and said: "If we do this as you said, Brother Hai, it will cost a lot of money. For example, children between the ages of four and seven are very difficult to manage. In addition, we will add teaching materials and teaching mathematics.

Yes, there are those who teach martial arts, those who teach demons, those who cook, and those who take care of children. These all need people. Who should we let go? Those who go there also need to eat, and they also need to be paid. Do we pay for all this money?

?Also, you said that those children need to eat together, then do we also pay for the food? Now it is okay to say that there are few people, but what about more people? This investment will be huge, and it will be a bottomless pit. Our black soil territory needs to build,

There are too many places to spend money, so I’m afraid this won’t work.”

Green and the others all nodded. They also understood what Laura meant. To run a school as Zhao Hai said, the investment would indeed be too great. They might not be able to feel it now that they have so few people, but when there are really more people

, then this investment will be an astronomical figure.

Zhao Hai nodded and said: "Of course I know this, so the school still has to charge tuition, but it cannot be overcharged. The parents of the students will pay part of it, and we will pay part of it, so that the school can be run. My plan

, it is not planned according to a territory, but according to the prospects of a country. The school must be managed directly by the state and cannot be handed over to a certain person. Now that we have a small number of people, there is almost no business.

, but in the future when there are more people, there will definitely be businessmen, and we will have taxes. What will the money be used for? Is it just used to arm the army? I don’t think so. We can implement militarized management of students in schools, so that

If there is a real battle in the future, we will not worry about not having soldiers. For the sake of the eternal Buda family dynasty, I think we should look at taxes rationally. The taxes collected must be used in the right place. We must abide by the eight words, take

For the people, use it for the people.”

Laura and the others were stunned. This was the first time they heard such a theory from Zhao Hai. This is different from the way all countries on the mainland treat taxes. In the countries on the mainland now, the highest rulers are the royal family, and then the nobility.

, although the taxes they collected were used for some necessary construction and military expenses, they invested less in other aspects. Even for the magic and martial arts academy on the mainland, you still have to pay tuition fees to study there.

Yes, they have never heard of a situation like what Zhao Hai said.

Everyone was silent for a while. After a while, Kun Zhengcai slapped his thigh and said: "Okay, that's great, Xiaohai, you're right, you're absolutely right. For the eternal prosperity of the Buda family,

, that’s what you should do, otherwise, what’s the use of keeping so much money but losing your country? I support Xiao Hai.”

Green is not a person who has no knowledge at all. He just didn't come back to his senses just now because he was too surprised. He didn't expect that Zhao Hai would think so far. Now that Kun Zheng called him back to his senses, he looked excited.

He said: "Yes, that's so right. The young master is right. I support the young master."

When these two people said this, they basically set the tone of the matter. All that was left was to choose a place and find a teacher.

Mei Lin said: "This place is indeed a good choice, but when choosing it for children, you need to find a quieter place with a little space for children to practice martial arts. Children can also come out to play under the supervision of adults.

I think I should choose Houbao for this one."

The rear castle is the area behind the main castle. In the original planning of the castle, there were some warehouses, servants' rooms and stables.

No one went there for a while, but the house was still in good condition. As long as it was cleaned, it could be used as a school. It was far away from the outer fort, and far away from the oil pressing factory and the rice mill. It was very quiet, and it was perfect for use as a school.

A great place.

The person who knows the castle best now is Merlin, so when she said this, no one raised any objections. Zhao Hai nodded and said: "Then choose the rear castle. Grandma Merlin will take care of this address."

, Now are the candidates for the teacher. Martial arts teacher, I think Serge will be fine, but because there are more children from the Bighorn Barbarian tribe now, the Bighorn Barbarian tribe has to have a teacher. Ares, what do you think about this matter?

Go and do it. Send a warrior from your tribe to teach the children, but remember, find someone smarter. This is to teach the children. If he can't even understand what to say or how to teach, it will mislead the children.


Zhao Hai knows that the martial arts of orcs are very different from that of humans. For example, the giant-horned barbarian tribe has beast soul skills and can also fuse beast souls, and when fighting, they will use some of their natural abilities.

, for example, the giant horns on their heads are also a type of weapon. Obviously, humans have no way to teach orc children in this regard, so Zhao Hai has to select a teacher from the giant-horned barbarian tribe.

Ares and Areya suddenly knelt down like Zhao Hai, and Ares said loudly: "Great Master Magician, your heart is as broad as the grassland, and your power is as omnipotent as the beast god.

Your knowledge is more profound than the prophets, and your heart is as kind as the mother river. Please rest assured that I will do the things you told me well." After saying this, the two of them kowtowed three times to Zhao Hai respectfully.


Zhao Hai and the others really didn't expect that they would do this. Zhao Hai waved his hand, and wood and stones quickly helped the two of them up. Zhao Hai looked at the two of them and said: "You must remember, although you are my slaves

, but I am different from other human races. Here, you and the human race are equal, but you cannot betray me. If you dare to betray me, I will make you a member of my giant spirit army."

Ares bowed and said: "My kind master, please rest assured that once the orc clan recognizes the master's status, it will never change for the rest of his life."

Zhao Hai nodded and said to the two of them: "Don't forget that the Big Horn Tribe is gone now. You have to tell your tribe to adapt to the life here as soon as possible. If you need help with anything, please contact me.

Whoever is sitting is fine. By the way, is your tribe’s friendship flag still there?”

Ares nodded and said, "It's still there. Master, do you want to use it?"

Zhao Hai nodded and said: "Bring it to me later. I need the friendship flag to do business on the grassland." This is what Zhao Hai suddenly thought of, the friendship flag of the pot-bellied pig tribe given to him by Spier.

, which made him gain the favor of many orcs, and also made Zhao Hai understand the importance of the friendship flag. Now that Ares himself is one of his people, it will not be a problem for him to use their friendship flag.

Ares immediately nodded and said, "Master, don't worry, I will deliver it to you as soon as I get back."

Zhao Hai nodded and said: "Okay, sit down. Remember, you will call me young master from now on. Didn't I tell you?" Ares and Areya responded quickly and then sat down.

Zhao Hai turned to Green and the others and said: "The martial arts teacher is Serge. I selected one from the giant-horned barbarian tribe. It should be enough now. If Serge has something to do, let wood or stone teach him. But the two of them

Is this person mainly focused on training and a candidate for a magic teacher? I want Buffy to go. Although he has become an undead creature now and his level has been lowered a lot, he used to be a ninth-level magician after all.

, and they are also advanced undead creatures, so they should be able to handle them."

Although Merlin and the others do not want an undead to teach children, they have no choice. Now they have no candidates for the joint examination, but they also think that it is not a big deal for Buffy to go now. Everyone on the continent knows that the orcs

Unable to learn magic, Buffy is now going to teach those children how to react when encountering magic attacks.

Seeing that no one said anything, Zhao Hai continued: "Cooking is not a problem. Just choose two women from the giant-horned barbarian tribe and two women from the slaves. Teach those children how to read. This

It’s a bit difficult. By the way, you can let Europa give it a try. He can teach those children how to read and arithmetic. This should be feasible. What do you think, Grandma Merlin?"

Merlin felt that this was the only way to go. Now they didn't have that many manpower. She was old enough to teach, but she didn't have the time. Now she could only do what Zhao Hai said.

Zhao Hai saw that no one had any objections, and then he said to Green and Kun Zheng: "Grandpa Green, Grandpa Kunzheng, these matters will be left to you. Let's go back to the grassland. If you need anything, look for me. Ares

, go get the friendship flag."

Ares and Areya responded, turned around and left. Zhao Hai turned to Merlin and the others and said: "The orcs mainly eat meat. Now they may not be used to our eating habits here, and their living habits must also be different."

Make good changes and let Grandma Mei Lin keep an eye on these." Merlin nodded. At this moment, Cai'er told Zhao Hai that the Blood Eagle was back.

This chapter has been completed!
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