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Chapter 279 King Xiqi’s Camp

 Chapter 279 King Xiqi’s Camp

Not only did the milk wine of the orcs not use distillation technology, but the fruit wine of the human race also did not use distillation technology, which made Zhao Hai very puzzled. Another point is that the wine here in Ark Continent is generally fruit wine, and the orcs all use milk wine.

There was no food or wine at all, which puzzled Zhao Hai very much.

The orcs are very fond of wine, which has something to do with their living environment. It is very cold here in winter, and the other three seasons are not as good. They have to go out to graze in the open air every day, and the weather is changeable.

A bag of good wine can be a life saver.

It is precisely because of this that the orcs not only like good wine, but also prefer strong wine. However, there is no strong wine on the mainland yet, and they can brew milk wine by themselves without having to buy it, so they mainly use milk wine.

When Zhao Hai was on Earth, he would drink some wine, but most of what he drank was beer or liquor. He rarely drank fruit wine, so he couldn't tell whether it was good or bad, but for him

, the liquor is very good, with high alcohol content, and if it is brewed well, it will not cause headaches, and the head will not hurt at all when he wakes up the next day. He likes it very much.

But here in Ark Continent, you can only drink some fruit wine, which is still fruit wine that has not been distilled. To be honest, the taste is really not that good.

So Zhao Hai has wanted to make wine for a long time, but he doesn't know how, and Green and the others don't know how. Although Laura's subordinates have a lot of abilities, they don't know how to make wine. If they just follow the method written in the book,

If he came, he wouldn't be able to brew any good wine, so Zhao Hai never conducted experiments on brewing.

But now that Ares and the others are here, even though Ares and the others can't make grain wine, they can make milk wine, which is enough. Don't forget that you can buy cows in Zhao Hai's pasture.

The milk production of dairy cows is amazing.

And Zhao Hai also wants to experiment now to see if it is possible to brew grain wine. Now he is producing more and more grain in his space. If all of it is released, it will have a great impact on the grain market in Haoli, the orc grassland.

Attracting everyone's attention, if all the countries on the continent check together, but no one like him is found, then his trouble will be even greater, so he wants to turn these grains into another kind

form of goods, and wine is undoubtedly the best choice.

Whether it is bamboo rice or corn, they are all excellent wine-making materials. Only by brewing liquor, after simple distillation, you can get a liquor with more than 20 degrees of alcohol. And such liquor here in Ark Continent can definitely be regarded as...

If it's highly alcoholic, the orcs will definitely like it.

Therefore, making wine has also been put on Zhao Hai's agenda, but there are still many difficulties in this. They still mainly focus on milk wine. Zhao Hai still wants to try it first to see how the milk wine goes.

Now Zhao Hai has raised 200 cows and 1,000 argali sheep in his own space. In this way, he needs milk, milk, and wool. He can really produce milk wine and dairy products, and he can also carry out

The processing of wool products is now as simple as before, and can only be done by selling rabbit meat in exchange for gold coins.

However, these things take a long time to prepare, and Zhao Hai and the others are not in a hurry. Anyway, they have enough time now, so they can take their time.

In ten days, Zhao Hai could arrive in only about four days, because the carriage would not stop for a moment, and the undead creatures would not feel tired or bored, so he just let them go.

As for the wild oxen carts of the orcs, it was not suitable to use scaled wildebeests or wind-chasing horses. In the end, Zhao Hai was cruel and turned the wild oxen pulling the carts into undead creatures. In this way, the wild oxen would

You can travel day and night without stopping.

To be honest, Zhao Hai was still very heartbroken to turn so many bulls into undead creatures at once. Even if these bulls were sold to the mainland, they would still make a lot of money, but it is a pity that they have not yet

What's the way to sell these beasts?

In the past few days, Zhao Hai will release the blood eagles to see if there are any small tribes near them. If there are, they will try their best to avoid them and not disturb those small tribes, because that will

Lost time.

What Wells needed most now was information about King Xiqi, so Zhao Hai didn't want to waste too much time in these small tribes, so he decided to bypass those small tribes.

Although Zhao Hai's actions may make King Xiqi feel strange, because no matter which direction they go to King Xiqi's camp, they will encounter many small tribes. With the food that Zhao Hai and the others currently carry in the car, they should

It has been sold out a long time ago. It is impossible to get him to his old camp. A large tribe like them has a few relatively fixed grain merchants to buy grain. When those grain merchants deliver grain to them, the carts

The battle flags of their tribes will be planted, which means that this is specially sent food to that tribe to ensure safety on the road.

For people like Zhao Hai who have not cooperated with the large tribe, their food will usually be bought or robbed by the small tribe, and it is impossible to gain access to the territory of the large tribe.

On the grassland, every large tribe's camp is like a market. One day every month is the time for human merchants to trade with those small tribes in the large tribe's camp. Usually those small tribes usually

Depending on luck, if they meet a human merchant, they can buy what they want even if they have gone far. If they don't meet them, they can only wait until the trading day and go to the camp of the big tribe to buy what they want.


King Xiqi's camp is not considered a large camp among the orcs, but it can be considered a medium camp, so they also have a market here, but it only happens one day every two months.

This makes it even more difficult for the small tribes living around King Xiqi’s camp to buy things. Because of this, their desire to buy is also very strong. A convoy like Zhao Hai’s is not for those big people.

The food specially transported by the tribe cannot be transported to King Xiqi's camp so safely. It will either be bought or robbed.

However, Zhao Hai also prepared a speech. He could say that he heard that there was a big tribe here, so he did not sell the grain, but planned to take it to King Xiqi as a sample.

After four days of traveling without sleep, Zhao Hai and the others were finally approaching King Xiqi's camp. Zhao Hai, Laura and the others also returned to the grassland from Tieshan Castle.

As soon as he arrived on the grassland, Zhao Hai immediately opened the door of Laura's carriage, looked at the grassland outside, and suddenly smiled and said: "I feel like we haven't been back for a long time? Suddenly it feels like the grassland is beautiful again.

Quite a few.”

Laura and the others all laughed. These few people have been busy with the factories in Iron Mountain Castle for the past few days. Now the temperature in the Black Soil Wasteland has dropped, and they can't plant anything anymore, so everyone also

They all put their energy into those processing plants.

However, they still have too few people, so it is impossible to set up all these processing plants. Originally, what Zhao Hai wanted to do most was a war ration processing plant, but then he thought about it, even if the war rations are processed now, it is impossible.

It can be sold, but the orcs won't buy it. They haven't opened the market to the human race yet. Now all they can make are wool products, so they don't have to kill sheep.

But now they have a better choice, milk wine. Although the orcs also make milk wine, they usually make goat milk wine. There is no way to compare with the milk made by Zhao Hai. The most important thing is

Yes, his milk wine has been distilled, so it must taste better than what the orcs make themselves.

Of course, in Zhao Hai's opinion, this kind of milk wine is only a low-end product, but it can still be exchanged for a lot of good things from the orcs. After all, the orcs also like to drink delicious milk wine, right?

The convoy soon entered King Xiqi's camp. From here they could already see King Xiqi's camp. This camp was really big. At a glance, they were all white round tents with many white tents in the middle.

There were few people active there. Zhao Hai estimated that the entire camp would be no less than 100,000 people.

At this moment, a group of cavalry rushed out from the camp, with the sound of hooves rumbling, and soon they arrived in front of Zhao Hai and his team's convoy. Perhaps they saw the two friendship flags on Zhao Hai and his team's car, and the team of cavalry slowly let go.

He slowed down and glanced at Zhao Hai and the others suspiciously.

Zhao Hai quickly walked out of the car, bowed to the cavalry and said: "Hello, respected warrior, we are businessmen from the human race. Is this the camp of King Xiqi of the Bullfighting Tribe?"

When the bullfighting knight saw Zhao Hai being so polite, he quickly said: "Hello, friends from the human race, this is King Xiqi's camp. What can I do for you?"

Zhao Hai quickly said: "Dear warrior, I am a businessman. Of course I come here to make a deal with King Xiqi, and it is a very good deal."

The knight was not surprised. From time to time, human businessmen would come to their camp to trade. It was nothing special. He glanced at the grain truck next to Zhao Hai and said: "Friends of the human race, of course you come to trade with us."

Welcome, but you don’t seem to have much food?”

Zhao Hai quickly smiled and said: "Dear warrior, please rest assured that these grains are just samples. As long as you agree to the transaction, my grains will be sent continuously."

The knight nodded and said: "Okay, my friend from the human race, please come with me." After that, he led Zhao Hai and the others towards the camp.

In order to avoid causing misunderstandings among these people, Zhao Hai has put away all the undead creatures from the giant-horned barbarian tribe. Now there is no orc undead creature in his convoy, and it looks like an ordinary human caravan.

Zhao Hai and the others followed the cavalry into the camp, and immediately discovered that this place was different from those small tribes. It didn't mean how big the camp was. For such a large tribe, the tents must be big. What Zhao Hai said was that here

people's attitude.

This chapter has been completed!
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