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Chapter 283 Special Requirements

 Chapter 283 Special Requirements


The curtain of the tent was opened forcefully, and then a figure rushed in from the outside. The foreign affairs elder couldn't help but frowned. He knew that the person who came in must be Beta. Except for Beta, no one dared to break into his tent like this. He put down his

He held the pen in his hand and looked up at Beta.

He couldn't help but be stunned for a moment when he saw this, because now Beta was holding a grain bag in his hand and looking at him with excitement. The elder frowned and said, "What's wrong, Beta? What's the matter?"

Beta took a few breaths, put down the grain bag in his hand, then looked at the elder with excitement, slowly opened the grain bag, and poured the bamboo rice in the bag to the ground.

The elder kept watching Beta's movements, and then his eyes were attracted by the bamboo rice on the ground. This was the best bamboo rice he had ever seen in his life. He couldn't sit still anymore, stood up, and walked to

In front of the bamboo rice, I grabbed a handful with my hands, put it in my mouth and chewed it gently.

Good rice! The elder looked up at Beta and said, "Is this Zhao Hai's rice?"

Beta nodded, and the elder said: "Are they all the same?" Beta nodded again, and the elder immediately said: "Go and invite Zhao Hai." Beta said nothing, turned around and ran out.

The elder sat down slowly, but his eyes never left the bamboo rice on the ground. He had never seen such good rice in his life. If Zhao Hai brought out rice like this, he would never leave it.

He said it was half price, but he was willing to pay even double the price.

After a while, footsteps were heard outside the tent, and then Beta and Zhao Hai walked into the tent. This time the elder was very polite. He stood up, bowed to Zhao Hai and said: "Welcome, sir. Please sit down, sir."

Zhao Hai didn't dare to ask for help, so he quickly returned the courtesy, then walked to the elder's right hand side and sat down.

The human race respects the left, so sitting on the right side of Zhao Hai means being humble. This is why the elders have a good impression of him. After Zhao Hai sat down, the elder looked at Zhao Hai and said: "Sir, can you give us a gift this time?"

I can’t thank you enough for receiving such high-quality food.”

Zhao Hai said quickly: "You're welcome, elder. It's an honor for Zhao Hai to be able to gain the elder's discernment."

The elder did not care about Zhao Hai's self-effacement, but looked at Zhao Hai steadily and said: "Sir, why do you buy such good food for us at such a low price? Please tell me clearly."

Zhao Hai smiled slightly and said: "This is nothing. There are actually two reasons for this. One is because the food is produced in my own territory, so the cost is very low. The other is because I have just arrived on the grassland and need to open it.

The grassland market is why the price of food is so low. Of course, this does not mean that I will increase the price in the future. Elders, please rest assured that the price of my food will not change."

The elder looked at Zhao Hai and nodded. Zhao Hai's words were reasonable. He then said to Zhao Hai: "How many kilograms of grain can sir bring to our tribe this year?"

Zhao Hai frowned and said: "There are only about 15 million kilograms. Now the transportation capacity in my hand is limited, and I can only trade for this month at most. After one month, it will enter winter, and I have to return to myself

territory, we can no longer transport food here.

The elder nodded in understanding. After all, the human race has returned to its own territory. It is impossible to spend the winter with the orcs. It is impossible for them to get used to that kind of life. However, fifteen million kilograms of food is not a small amount.


Zhao Hai looked at the elder, smiled slightly and said: "Elder, I wonder if I can have the honor to meet His Majesty King Xiqi? Let's talk about cooperation next year?"

The elder was stunned for a moment, then thought about it and said, "I can't make the decision on this. I will report it to the prince and give you an answer tomorrow."

Zhao Hai nodded, looked at the elder and said: "There is one more thing I need to discuss with the elder. Now my grain team has finished unloading the grain and will be leaving soon. Can you see if you can pay the first batch of grain?"

Give it to me? This will save me from having to transport those things back in the future?"

The elder was stunned for a moment, nodded and said: "This is not a problem, but we haven't prepared these things yet. You have to wait for a day. What do you want, sir? Do you want all argali sheep?"

Zhao Hai shook his head and said: "No, actually I was just about to tell the elders about this. There are several elders in our family who are alchemists and alchemists. As you know, people like them like to collect special things.

Things, so I want some special magical beasts and special plants. It would be better if they are special magical beasts for your tribe. Of course, argali and wool products are also acceptable. The elders can decide what to do."

The elder did not expect that Zhao Hai would have such a special request. He looked at Zhao Hai and said: "Sir, what you mean is that if we exchange our clan's bullfighting with you for food, you will pay a high price? What about the soul beast?"

Zhao Hai quickly said: "Similarly, you can also pay a high price. Elders, please rest assured, but I can't ask for too many of these two kinds of monsters. After all, I'm afraid I won't be able to feed these monsters."

The elder finally agreed with Zhao Hai's statement. He nodded and said: "Let's do this. I can give you ten bullfighting bulls from our clan and ten violent blood bulls. I hope that sir can use one bullfighting bull for each bull.

In exchange for ten thousand catties of grain, I can use argali sheep and blankets to replenish the rest, what do you think?"

Zhao Hai thought for a while and said: "This is no problem. With ten bullfighting bulls and ten violent blood bulls, I can save 200,000 kilograms of grain, and then there will be 2.8 million kilograms of grain left.

If the 2.8 million kilograms of grain are replaced by argali sheep, it can be exchanged for 1,400 argali sheep. So, I want a thousand argali sheep, and the rest I want 600 blankets. If

If you have any other rare plants, this number can be lowered, what do you think?"

The elder nodded and said: "It's fair. I agree. Tomorrow, sir, you can get what you want. Now we don't have time for you to collect monsters and plants. The time is too short now, and it's almost winter. There are many

All the plants are dying and we have to wait until next year.”

Zhao Hai smiled slightly and said: "It's nothing. Elders can collect it in the past few days. My second batch of food will arrive in a few days. Then we can trade. We are not afraid of the newly dead plants."

, as long as it doesn’t last too long, preferably no more than a month.”

The elder nodded and said: "Okay, we will try our best. Sir, please come back. If His Majesty King Xiqi wants to see you tomorrow, I will inform you." Zhao Hai thanked him, turned around and left.

Seeing Zhao Hai go out, Beta couldn't help but said to the elder: "Elder, why did you give him our clan's beast relatives and soul beasts? What if he really researches something?"

The elder smiled slightly and said: "No, don't worry. There are still few people in the human race who have studied soul beasts in recent years. What have they studied? Do you think they won't be able to get soul beasts if we don't give them to them? Greedy

If you are a wealthy person, then why don’t we use soul beasts to buy more food for ourselves?”

Beta nodded and said nothing more. The elder turned to Beta and said: "Go and ask the tribesmen to collect some strange plants as much as possible. If anyone can hunt strange monsters, that's fine, but remember

It's time to live." Beta responded, turned around and left.

As Zhao Hai walked towards his tent, he was thinking about the conversation he had just had with the elder. Fortunately, there were no flaws, just like an ordinary human businessman.

He just made a deliberate request to the elders for Warcraft, because he knew very well that he couldn't be too low-key now. The human businessmen couldn't be too low-key in the orcs, and in extraordinary times, he couldn't be too low-key, otherwise

, on the contrary, it will arouse the suspicion of the other party, because in people's impression, spies are very low-key and will not cause trouble if they can. On the contrary, if you are high-profile, no one will doubt you.

Although Zhao Hai won't be too high-profile, he can't be too submissive, so he asked the elders for some special monsters and plants. This is actually a high-profile behavior. At the same time, he also revealed a message to the elders.

, I can’t get these things anywhere else.

Zhao Hai knew very well that what King Xiqi was most afraid of now was not Wells. In their view, the Hercules Bull Clan was driven away, and Wells was weak. At this time, he did not even dare to return to the Tauren's territory.

, there is nothing else to be afraid of, what they are afraid of is the leader of the Bullfighting Clan who has a grudge against them.

And Zhao Hai is the two monsters of Jingtong Fortress Bullfighting and Violent Blood Bull. Like Mr. Chang, he is sending a message that I have nothing to do with the leader of the Bullfighting Clan.

Strictly speaking, King Xiqi is also a branch of the Bullfighting Clan. The monsters they use are the same as those of the Clan Leader. Their beast relatives are all bullfighting. This kind of bullfighting is a kind of bullfighting with black shorts all over its body.

Mao, a bull-shaped monster with a very bad temper. This kind of monster is nearly three meters tall. They cannot use any magic, but they are very strong. Among the cow-shaped monsters, they are also ranked in the top ten, and

They also have a very special ability, rage!

Rage is also a very unique ability, because once they have the power of rage, their strength and defense capabilities will be greatly improved, and no matter what level of Warcraft the opponent is, they dare to charge, which is better than most

All the monsters are stronger.

The level of monsters is very strict. Like bullfighting, it can only be regarded as a level 6 monster. Generally, if a level 6 monster sees a level 8 monster, it will be too frightened to move. The monster will be slaughtered by the level 8 monster.

But bullfighting is different. They are not afraid. Whether it is an eighth-level monster or a ninth-level monster, as long as the bullfight reaches a state of rage, they will dare to take the initiative to charge.

The Raging Blood Ox is a dark-blooded monster. It is only level five and can do simple blood magic. However, this kind of monster is the most suitable for the bullfighting clan.

In fact, the violent blood cow should not be called this name, because he knows two kinds of blood magic, one is to recover quickly, and the other is to be absolutely gloomy.

Both of these magics are auxiliary magics. Quick recovery allows you to recover from injuries several times or even dozens of times faster than normal, while absolute gloom is a spiritual black magic.

, once this kind of magic is used, people can become absolutely rational, like a robot that doesn't know what anger is.

These two kinds of magic are the most suitable for the bullfighting clan. The bullfighting clan has a bad temper and will fight if they disagree. The bullfighting horse of their mount is similar. Once the rage skill is used, it will completely go into a state of rage, no matter what.

Good guys and bad guys don't distinguish between friend and foe, they only know how to charge. This is very scary on the battlefield.

The two skills of the violent blood bull can just suppress this furious state. After the bullfighting people absorb the beast soul of the violent blood bull and practice the beast soul skills, their beast soul skills will have two special characteristics.

Among their special abilities, one is to quickly recover from their injuries, and the second is to keep them in a calm state, not just them, but also their mounts.

The reason why the violent blood bulls are called this is because their whole bodies are blood red, and their eyes are usually ordinary black and white, but when it comes to fighting, they will also turn blood red, just like humans

He became furious, which is why he was given such a name.

In the past, the bull race could only be regarded as an ordinary race among the tauren, because their tempers were too bad, and their mounts were not very obedient. Once they were in a rage, they could not distinguish between friend and foe, so among the tauren,

Not very popular.

Later, after dozens of generations of hard work, they finally found the most suitable soul beast like the Violent Blood Ox, which made their combat effectiveness increase exponentially. Now they are well-known as strong fighters among the Tauren.


Over the years in the human race, there have been alchemists and alchemists studying the soul beasts of the orcs and their beast relatives, trying to find a way to crack it and see how the orcs obtained this magical power, but they have not.

Once it was successful, the orcs still used soul beasts, while the humans still used fighting spirit.

The human race has coveted these two abilities of the orcs for a long time. If they knew why the orcs had beast relatives, the power of the human cavalry would be greatly increased. If they knew what the orcs' soul beasts were, the human race's combat effectiveness would also increase.

A huge increase, but unfortunately, as the orcs said, these two abilities were given to them by the beast god, and other races except the orcs cannot use them.

Zhao Hai and the others also knew before that some human businessmen would spend a lot of money to buy some magical beasts unique to the orcs, and then transport them back to the human territory for research. However, it is a pity that most of those magical beasts died of illness in the end, even if they were not dead.

Yes, the human race has no way to study anything from them.

It is precisely because he knew this that Zhao Hai proposed to the elder to buy bullfighting and violent blood bulls, because he knew that the elder would definitely sell them, and it could also eliminate the elder's wariness. There were so many benefits, so he was happy to do so.

As soon as he returned to the tent, Zhao Hai immediately turned on the monitor and called up what Beta and the elder had said after he left. When he heard what the two said, he breathed a sigh of relief. He knew that the elder was now wary of him.

, basically disappeared.

This chapter has been completed!
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