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Chapter 29 Reward

Chapter 29 Reward

Zhao Hai stood up happily and said: "Take me to see this person quickly, quickly."

After saying that, she took Meg's hand and walked straight out of the house. Meg was stunned for a moment, and then glanced at the hand held by Zhao Hai. A trace of joy flashed in her eyes, which was then replaced by shyness.

However, Zhao Hai was not in the mood to pay attention to this now, and Merlin and the others did not notice either. They all followed Ye Hai towards the outer castle.

As soon as the few people appeared in the outer castle, they found a slave standing there, but this slave surprised Zhao Hai because it turned out to be a female slave.

Zhao Hai originally thought that the one who stood up first this time would be a male slave, but he didn't expect it to be a woman. Zhao Hai stood there blankly, looking at the woman standing at the small gate connecting the inner and outer forts.


This female slave does not look to be around twenty years old. She looks a little thin, probably due to malnutrition, and has a very petite figure. She has brown hair that also looks a bit frizzy. She is wearing a coarse cloth.

The skin is very dark and rough, and the length is ordinary.

She stood there very nervously, her whole body seemed to be trembling. As soon as she saw Zhao Hai and the others came out, she immediately knelt on the ground and did not dare to move.

Meg immediately said to Zhao Hai: "Master, it's her. Her name is Dou. She is twenty years old. She just came to me and said that she can weave straw."

Zhao Hai nodded. He knew that in this world, slaves would not have surnames, and their names would generally only have one character. If they took a two-character name, it would be a kind of transgression and they would be punished.

put to death.

Zhao Hai looked at the girl named Dou and said in a deep voice: "Raise your head."

Dou Zhan raised his head tremblingly, but still did not dare to look at Zhao Hai. He knelt there straight. Zhao Hai nodded and said, "Your name is Dou?"

Dou kowtowed again: "Yes, Master."

Zhao Hai nodded and said, "Are you good at braiding? Where did you learn it?"

Dou said: "Reporting to the master, I became a slave the year before last. I used to be a commoner. When I was at home, I often used straw to knit things, and I slowly learned how to do it."

Zhao Hai nodded. He found that although the girl named Dou looked timid, she spoke in a very orderly manner. It seemed that this had a lot to do with her being a commoner before.

Zhao Hai nodded and said: "Go get some grass and show it to me now."

Dou immediately responded and retreated. After a while, she brought a large armful of hay. It seemed that she had prepared it in advance. The hay had been soaked with water in advance and became more pliable.

Dou bowed to Zhao Hai and said: "Master, please forgive me for being rude." Zhao Hai nodded, Dou immediately sat on the ground and started knitting. It was obvious that she was going to weave a mat, and she moved very fast.

A small mat was woven. The surface of the mat was very smooth, very soft, and very beautiful in appearance.

Zhao Hai nodded, glanced at Dou who was kneeling on the ground again, and said in a deep voice: "Okay, Dou, you have made a great contribution to the Buda family. From today on, you are no longer a slave, you are my Bu Da family."

Now you are a commoner in the Black Territory of the Buda family. From now on, you can not kneel when you see me, just salute. In addition, you will be given a separate room to work for the Buda family. You will receive a salary of one silver coin every month. In addition, I will give you a salary of one silver coin.

Your surname is Buda. From today on, your name will be Doubuda. Well, the name Dou is not suitable for girls, so you can call it Jubuda."

All the people in the yard heard Zhao Hai's words. They never expected that Dou could become a commoner just by being able to weave grass. He also had wages. The most important thing was that Zhao Hai actually gave him a surname.

She, this is a big deal, considering that many civilians on the mainland do not have surnames yet.

Dou, no, it should be called Jubuda now. She knelt there excitedly, her whole body trembling. She really didn't expect that she had actually become a commoner and was no longer a slave. All this seemed to be happening.

Like a dream.

The reason why Jubuda had such courage and dared to be the first to stand up and say that she had craftsmanship was entirely because she wanted to give it a try. Her family was not originally slaves. They were still civilians two years ago, and they had

Although his own land is only five acres, he can still support his family. In addition, his father knows some masonry skills, so the family has no worries about food and clothing.

But just the year before last, there was an insect disaster in their home. The five acres of food in their land were eaten up by insects, and not a single grain of rice was recovered. There were many people with the same fate as them. Then, because of the large area of ​​​​their land,

Grain production has stopped, resulting in rising grain prices. Their family is about to be on the verge of starvation. In order to feed the family, his father has to work day and night. However, while working once, he

He was injured and could no longer work. In order to treat his father, his family had to buy land and a house, but the money was still not enough. They had no choice but to borrow usury like a nobleman, but his father still failed.

Hold on, she died of illness, and her family was unable to pay back the money, so the nobleman took her mother, her, and her brother as slaves. However, her mother died soon because of excessive sadness. Before she died,

Her mother's only wish was for her family to return to civilian status.

But it is extremely difficult for a slave to restore his status as a commoner. Jubuda also saw many slaves like them. In order to restore their status as commoners, they sacrificed their daughters to the nobles, but they still failed.

After receiving civilian status, the girl was tortured to death soon after.

After seeing this, Ju became even more careful, trying not to make people notice her, while taking care of her younger brother. The two siblings depended on each other.

Later, their original owner bought them to slave traders, and finally they were bought by Green and brought to the Black Soil Wasteland.

When she first heard Zhao Hai say that as long as they could make contributions to the Buda family, they could resume their status as civilians, Ju's heart moved, but she did not stand up immediately because she was afraid of her own

Zhao Hai is not interested in her craftsmanship. After all, she only knows how to weave grass.

After these few days of observation, she found that Zhao Hai and the other nobles were different from the nobles she had met before. They were very easy-going, fed them every day, and even prepared firewood for them to keep warm.

Ju has to stand up today because her brother is sick. Although it is not a serious problem, it is very dangerous if it continues like this. Ju is afraid. Her brother is the hope of their family and she will do it no matter what.

To save him, that's why she stepped forward.

After being stunned for a while, Ju kowtowed again and said, "Master, I don't dare to ask for your reward. I just hope you can save my brother. He is sick now."

Zhao Hai was stunned and said: "Oh? Really? It turns out you have a younger brother here. Don't worry, I won't take back the reward I gave you. Since you have a younger brother here, let your younger brother follow you.

Let’s restore our status as civilians together and give him the surname Buda. By the way, what’s his name? Where is he? What disease does he have?”

Ju was stunned. She didn't expect that Zhao Hai would do this and restore her brother to a civilian status. Her mother's wish came true. Ju burst into tears with excitement and cried: "Young Master

, my brother’s name is An, and he is in the house now.”

Zhao Hai nodded and said: "Get up. You are now a commoner. You don't have to kneel anymore. Take me to see your brother."

Ju stood up obediently. She had only been a slave for a few years and was not completely enslaved. In addition, she was very smart, so she always performed so well and regained her composure so quickly.

Under the gaze of the slaves, Ju led Zhao Hai and the others to a stone house. The stone house was not very big, only about twenty square meters, and could accommodate four people inside. These people all lived on the ground.

There was simply hay spread on the ground, and now there was a person lying on the hay.

This man looks to be seventeen or eight years old, with a fairly strong body and very ordinary appearance. He is dressed in coarse cloth and has the emblem of the Buda family branded on his forehead. However, he does not look very good now, and his face is covered with blue.

Gas, eyes closed tightly.

Zhao Hai glanced at An, then turned to Mei Lin and said, "Grandma Mei Lin, what do you think is going on with him? Why is his face green?"

Merlin glanced at An and said, "Master, he is poisoned. It is most likely the poison on the poisonous weed we saw yesterday. Maybe when I went out to work today, I accidentally encountered that poisonous weed. At that time, because

My body is strong and I don’t feel much pain. After I came back, the poison slowly took hold, so that’s why it happened.”

Zhao Hai really didn't expect that poisonous weed to be so toxic. He quickly asked: "Can it be cured?"

Merlin smiled and said: "Don't worry, young master, it can be cured." After saying a few spells in a low voice, a ball of aqua blue light appeared in her hand, and then Merlin slowly put the ball of blue light into her hand.

When it was placed on An's body, the blue light immediately penetrated into An's body.

An's body seemed to slowly emit blue light, and then a green energy was forced out of An's body by the blue light. When the entire blue light occupied An's body, his face slowly became normal, and then the blue light

Also disappeared.

Zhao Hai really didn't expect that magic could be used to detoxify. It seems that he has always underestimated the magical capabilities of this world. This world has been developing magical civilization, and now it has almost reached a limit.

It's no surprise that it can do so many amazing things.

Merlin looked at An's face again and said, "Master, it's alright. His poison has been cured. Let's sleep and he will be back to normal when he wakes up tomorrow morning."

Zhao Hai nodded, turned to Merlin and said: "Grandma Merlin, please arrange a room for Ju and An in the inner castle. We will prepare some furniture for them tomorrow. They are now commoners of our Buda family and cannot be with those people."

Treat her like a slave, wood, and carry An to the inner castle in a while."

This chapter has been completed!
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