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Chapter 20 Unscathed

�� No�

My son heard the news on the boat


array of voices




Come on



"Hurry and get the captain and Liu Ji under control"

There is also Xiao Liu Zhang

Pull it up

�Look at them�




There was a flurry of sounds





� fainted from shock


� pinch people


on board




There was a flurry of sounds

Then Zhao Hai came

I felt a few people running past my cabin door.

�But he didn't move

�Still lying under the bed

�On this boat

�Little Crane Grass only trusts three people


�Liu Ji and Liu Shun

�Other people

�He doesn't even believe it


These three people don't show up

�Zhao Hai is not�

�Move around


My son heard that Liu



Come on



What's going on

The situation on board

What's up






�It's okay

�Just two soldiers�

�Adults fighting each other

�You and Liu Ji Zhang�


�And Xiao Liu Zhang�

� was knocked unconscious

�Falled off the boat

�There are a few more brothers�


�Ship Received�

Not too serious

�But later something happened�

The pirates boarded the boat

�We are no match for

�Just jump ship�



These water thieves are not messing around

�Only a third of it was moved�

medicinal materials

�This is the rule�




�Not bad


�Where's the little crane grass?

Where were the two little kids on the boat?

When you disembark

�Did you bring it?

�Two children




�The troops were in a panic at that time

�Everybody patronizes�



�It’s about the two children

�They might still be in the cabin




Still in the cabin


�You'd better go and have a look



Guo Baoer and Yuer

It's out

What's going on



Uncle Men’s explanation


�Hurry up and help me to the cabin to have a look

�This sound�

�It belongs to Liu Ji

�Obviously Liu Ji�

Just woke up


�Personal words

�Right away�

Got it


Just heard


Chaotic footsteps


Then Xiao Hecao and his crew's cabin door was broken open.

�The little crane grass saw it�

double wet

Damn boots


He quickly ran into the room with a pair of boots.

�loud mouth�




�This sound�

�Already shivering


Extremely worried about harm

Zhao Hai heard it

�This sound�

�It’s Liu Ji’s

�And on this boat

�Except Liu Ji

�Only Liu Shun

�There are also clothes worn by him and Xiao Yuer�



�He and Xiao Yuer

�Also Liu Shun is wearing it�


�'s cloth shoes

Liu Ji is the only one wearing boots


�It seems that this person is Liu Jibu�


At this time Liu Ji was happy



Hold �


�I touched the inside of the bed quilt with my hand.

�I found that it was completely cold inside the quilt.

�Liu Jiliang�



�just fainted

, Xiaohecao at this time

take a deep breath





�I'm here

�Liu Ji�

Hear the sound of the little crane grass

�Can't help but�



He will immediately



�It’s Baoer


�You are here�

�Little crane grass at this time�

Crawled out from under the bed




�I'm here

It has been shown on �

Got it

Liu Ji's face turned pale

Saw the little crane grass

�right away�






It's you

My good baby


It's you


�Liu Ji�

Hug the little crane grass

�His wet clothes

�Put off the clothes of the little crane grass�


�At this time Xiaohecao hurriedly�




�Sister Yuer is still under the bed

�Liu Ji�

Hear what Xiaohecao said

�Hurry up�

Crane grass



I saw it coming from under the bed...

Xiao Yu'er crawling outside

�He will be there soon�


�Pull Xiao Yuer out


Hug Xiao Yu'er




�My good Yuer

�But worried to death�


Got it

�Xiao Yuer Bi�


A common person

�'s little child


Frightened and frightened at night



Arrived at Liu Ji

�Wow right away�

cried loudly

�Liu Jibao�

Xiao Yu'er


�The comfort�

�At this time Liu�


�But all�

Looking shocked

Crane grass


Already now


�Third of the herbs on the ship were removed by water thieves�

�This shows�

These pirates have completely occupied the ship


�Some pirates took over the ship

�It's impossible not to be in the same room�


�In this case

�Little Crane Grass and Little Yuer�

Although not being

�Some water thieves discovered


Hide until they come out

�This is amazing

�They are�




Think of this

�Remembered immediately�


�They just fought�

Door time

� situation

�It seemed like they were�

No one was seen



Don't think there's anyone in this room

�This is�

What's going on

Liu �

I can't help but wrinkle


�Think carefully�

They just fought

Door time

�The situation in the room

�Soon he thought

�They just fought�

Door time

�The room can be said to be�


�The quilt on the bed�


On the ground

�Like a human�

He ran out in panic

�The quilt fell to the floor�


�In this case

�Naturally no one�

�think of

�Under the bed in the room�



�Xiao Hecao and Xiao Yu'er are both children.

�Hide under the bed



�How much space does it occupy?

�In this case

�Naturally not�

�someone found them

But when they hide under the bed

� is intentional

�Still unintentional


It's unintentional


�It just means they are so lucky


If they did it on purpose


�That's it�

You should think carefully about it

At this time Xiao Yu'er

No more crying

�Still sobbing though

�Liu Ji�

Put Xiaoyu'er on the bed

�He is finally completely relaxed now

�He turned to look�

Little Crane Grass



�It's still your chance�


Otherwise something might happen today


�Why don't you stay in the room�

go out


�You stinky boy, get here here

�Be company in the room�

Baoer and Yuer

�Liu Shun just woke up



� Came over

, look at the little crane grass

The wet clothes on Liu Shun's body




�Brother Shunzi’s clothes are all wet

�Let him change�

Put on clothes

�Anyway now on board�

It's okay

�The clothes you are wearing�



�Change it

�Don't say it�



Hear what Xiaohecao said

�Liu Jihuan�


Feeling the wet clothes on my body

Feeling uncomfortable

"He's coming"




�It's okay now

�You don't�


�Smelly boy

�You're not happy yet�

�Go back and change clothes

�After you change your clothes, come over and accompany you.

Baoer and Yuer

�Liu Shun agreed�


�Turn around and run away

Liu Ji at this time

and Liu �

They turned around and went out

�It’s just Liu�

in the distance


�I also looked deeply at the little crane grass�



God is full of meaning

Little Crane Grass didn't care

�Today he�

� things

�In addition to expressing myself�




so special


So he is not




After everyone ran out

�Xiao Hecao turned to Xiao Yu'er�





�I took out our clothes

�We can put it on




�The little crane grass got under the bed

�Took out the clothes

�First help�

Xiao Yu'er puts it on

�Then yourself�

put on clothes

�He just put on his clothes

�Liu Shun ran out from the room opposite


Look, Xiao Hecao is already dressed.

�He then breathed a sigh of relief

�ran to the side of Xiao Hecao�


Crane grass

�I didn’t scare you just now, did I?

�, Xiao Hecao immediately shook his head�



�By the way, Brother Shunzi

�It was just outside�

What's going on

I heard it was two soldiers

�The adults are fighting

Are they awesome?


I heard Xiaohecao ask this

�Liu Shun immediately became energetic


Shine the light of worship



�So awesome

Crane grass

�You didn’t see


�Two adults

�Just flying in mid-air

�The weapons in their hands were scattered�

Soaring light




The big ship was blocked and interrupted.



�The water of Wuling River is not there�

Got it


�So awesome


Liu Shun's face is full of joy

�0940 I haven’t read it yet. I’ll save it and read it next time on qiqidu.

Xiao Hecao fell into deep sleep.


�He heard Liu Shun say�

�Two soldiers�

�All flying in the sky

�He couldn't help but get the one in his dream�

� a man


�a man is�

What the hell


�It seems like it can be the enemy of heaven and earth�


�Although little crane grass has never been seen before�


What a powerful person


Never heard of it

What a powerful person

�But he has�




This man is not a random figment of his imagination





And have something to do with him

great relationship

�But what is it�

what relationship

�He's not yet�


Liu Shun didn't care

So much


�Only Xiao Yuer listened with rapt attention

�But this�

I was frightened and frightened at night

�Xiao Yuer is already�

Tired of dividing


Very sleepy


to listen



Then slowly fall asleep

Got it

, at this time Xiaohecao

Come to your senses


Liu Shunzai

Bragging here

�Two soldiers�



�At the same time, he put Xiao Yuer on the bed

�Good on the quilt

�Although Xiao Yuer is sleeping�

Got it

�But she still pulled it unconsciously�

Crane grass hand



Divide tightly


My son Liu Shun just finished speaking.



�Little Crane Grass�



Got it



Come tonight


There are a lot of water pirates

�attacking those around them

�Several boats


�Several boats



�There are masters


There are five weapons in total


�What is even more unexpected is that


Some water thieves



There are five soldiers

Then they scattered in the Wuling River


�Although they are all flying in mid-air

�But it doesn’t fly very high


with the energy they emit

�Give many of the ships down there�

Got it



Machine quickly

�Sailed the ship in�




�But the ship was still affected

�It was punched out of the side of the ship�

a huge hole



How many of them are there?


affected by energy

�I was so shocked that I fainted.

�Falled directly into the river

�Fortunately at this time�


�Some soldiers�



�Keep fighting like this

�too much damage


It's making things too big

�It’s really not good


Then they will leave

Got it

�Run somewhere else and tear it up�


�But at this time�

These water thieves who are not too powerful are

Came over

�There is no leader on the Liu family's boat

�Naturally not�

�Some rivals of water pirates


With all



Got it


(Of course these things are

These were said by Liu Shun


These were guessed by Xiaohecao


Liu Shun only


�What happened before he fainted?

�What happened after he fainted?

�He doesn't



"The Liu family's boatman is here"

during water theft attacks


Several died

�The bodies of three were found among them

�Five more people are missing




Some boatmen take care of it



Fell into the water and drowned


When they fell into the water

�Already fainted


�Like this work�




�Vote for recommendation

monthly pass


�'s support

�That's me�

big motivation

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