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Chapter 46 Planter’s Paradise

 The carriage slowly stopped, Xiao Hecao looked at the castle outside the carriage. Now they had arrived in front of the castle door. In front of the castle door were two strong men in green clothes, but these two people were all

He is a soul-creator, not a soul-planter.

What Xiao Hecao paid attention to was not the two men, but the city wall next to it. The city wall was made of bluestone, but it looked like it was old at first glance. The bluestone was covered with moss and covered with vines. It looked like

It looked like a patch of greenery.

The castle was not very spacious, it could only accommodate two carriages entering side by side, but their carriage stopped in front of the castle gate, which really made Xiao Hecao a little curious.

Hu Ding looked at Xiaohecao and said in a deep voice: "Let's go, get off the car, the carriage can only go here. After entering the castle, you have to walk. Under normal circumstances, carriages are not allowed to enter the castle.

"Xiao Hecao nodded and followed Hu Ding out of the carriage.

After the two got off the carriage, Xiao Hecao found that Hu Xian'er had already got off the carriage, so he saluted to Hu Xian'er. Hu Xian'er nodded. At this time, the two men guarding the gate also saluted to several people. Hu Ding

He nodded and led everyone towards the castle.

The walls of this castle were not very thick, only about three meters in total. Everyone crossed the city gate in a few steps and entered the castle.

As soon as he entered the castle, Bu Hecao was stunned, because he did not expect that the inside of the castle would be like this. From the outside, the castle looked quite large, almost as big as a small city. Xiao Hecao thought

Entering this castle, there will be some shops like those castles. Some people are selling goods. It looks lively. But he did not expect that it is completely different inside this castle.

Inside the castle, you can see people wearing robes and short clothes everywhere. These people gather together in twos and threes and talk quietly. Of course, Xiao Hecao is even more surprised.

The thing is, the ground inside this castle is not paved with stones. The ground inside the castle is all grass. The thin grass makes the whole castle green. Xiao Hecao even saw many people,

They all walked around the castle barefoot.

In addition to the grass, you can see flowers and trees everywhere in the castle. And many of the houses in the castle are even made of vines. They look very strange.

Buhecao feels like he has entered a plant kingdom. You can see plants everywhere here. The most common plants here are all kinds of plants, which are very beautiful.

There are many big trees in the castle, and tree houses are built on those big trees. The tree houses are very unique and have a simple and natural flavor.

But the most attractive thing is the tallest trees in the castle. How tall are those trees? You can't even see the tops of the crane grass at a glance. Moreover, the trees are very thick, as if they are one root at a time.

Like Optimus Prime.

The whole castle feels quiet and natural, without any noise. Even those who are talking will lower their voices, as if they are afraid of destroying the quiet atmosphere.

Xiaohecao stared blankly at everything in the castle. He never thought that the castle would be like this. At this time, Hu Ding also turned to look at Xiaohecao, smiled slightly and said: "I understand now.

Why is my Hu family’s castle called Zhi Castle? This is the plant master’s paradise.”

Xiaohecao knew that what he said was not nonsense. This place really felt like a planter's paradise, because he could hear Xiaocao cheering here and feel the natural atmosphere. As long as he stayed here, he would

I felt very comfortable.

Hu Ding said in a deep voice: "Let's go in first and let's talk." As he said, he led a few people inside. People in the castle here also noticed a few people. Some people who knew Hu Ding would notice.

When greeting Hu Ding, some of them even knew Hu Xian'er, and they would also greet Hu Xian'er with a smile.

Xiaohecao found that Hu Xianer felt much more relaxed after arriving at the castle, and her elder sister also smiled, which made him look even more beautiful.

Those who had greeted Hu Ding and Hu Xian'er all looked at Little Crane Grass curiously. They didn't know who Little Crane Grass was, but when they saw the grass spirit thing on Little Crane Grass's head, they thought it was Little Crane Grass.

Since he was from the Hu family, he didn't ask any more questions.

Hu Ding and Hu Xian'er greeted the people around them and walked towards the castle. The castle was also divided into an inner castle and an outer castle. What was separated between the inner and outer castles was not a castle, but a handful.

The trees are very long, very dense, and there are barbs growing on the branches, which are definitely natural walls.

Between the inner and lower forts, there is a gate. This gate is installed on two big trees. The big trees are very thick, and holes have been dug out of the big trees, and doors and windows have been installed. Look.

It looks like someone could live inside.

A group of four people arrived at the gate of the inner fort, where there were also two big men guarding it. When the two big men saw Hu Ding and Hu Xian'er, they saluted quickly, then opened the door for them, and they entered the inner fort.

The inner castle looks similar to the outer castle, except that there are more plants and flowers, it looks more beautiful, and there are fewer people in the inner castle.

Hu Ding walked inside and said to Xiao Hecao: "My Hu family's plant fort. The inner fort is where the disciples of the Hu family live, and the outer fort is where other people come to visit the Hu family or come to the Hu family to learn.

The place where you live, so the outer fort is open to the outside world, but the inner fort is not. Only members of the Hu family can enter the inner fort. Now you are considered a member of the Hu family, and you can go out naturally between the inner and outer fort.

But after I go back, I need to get a waist badge." Xiao Hecao nodded and responded.

Except for a ring of castles outside, there are no masonry buildings inside the Hu family's castle. The whole castle gives people a fresh and natural feeling.

Moreover, in the inner fort of the Hu family, the most planted trees are very thick trees. These trees are thick and tall, and have very strong vitality. Xiao Hecao saw many doors and windows on those trees. Look inside.

The tree had been hollowed out to make it easier for people to live in, but the tree was still growing very well, and the branches and leaves on it were also very lush, which was really beyond his expectation.

Hu Ding looked at the appearance of the little crane grass, smiled slightly and said: "Do you feel very strange when you see these trees? These trees are called Dingpotian, also called Qingtian tree. This kind of tree is very strange. Planting this kind of tree is very strange.

After the tree has sprouted, it will sprout in one year. After sprouting, it will take two years to reach a height of more than ten meters. Moreover, no matter how much you dig the heart of the tree, it will not affect the growth of the tree.

As long as you don't damage the outer bark of the tree too seriously, you only need to leave about one-tenth of the outer bark, and the tree will be able to grow normally without any impact.

The bark is still very strong. If you peel off the bark, you can use it directly as a shield. And as long as you peel off the bark and don't do other damage, the tree can grow back a year later.

It’s very strange from the skin down.”

Xiao Hecao looked at this kind of Supertree in surprise and said: "How come I have heard of the Supertree? This tree is not from the Blade Soul Kingdom, right?"

Hu Ding laughed loudly and said: "Of course this tree is not from the Blade Soul Country, or even any country. Originally, there was no such tree in this world. This tree is the predecessor of our Hu family. After decades of

Through experiments, we combined several types of trees to create new varieties. In the entire soul world, only our Hu family can see them. You can’t see them in other places."

Hearing what Hu Ding said, Xiao Hecao couldn't help but be surprised. He turned to look at Hu Ding and said, "Is this still possible? In other words, by combining some different plants together, they can become a new plant.

Uncle Eight, is that so?"

Hu Ding laughed loudly and said: "Boy, is it that easy? If it were really that easy, wouldn't the number of trees in the world increase every day? In fact, this is not an easy thing. The combination of several plants

Together, it is possible for new species to appear, or even more likely, nothing will appear, and the plants will die directly. It is not easy to directly combine the plants."

Xiao Hecao nodded, and he also felt that he seemed to have made things simple. At this moment, a group of children ran from a distance. These children were all about ten years old, and everyone was dressed in emerald green.

Their clothes and the soul objects on their heads are all made of various plants, and none of them are grass.

They ran over talking and laughing. When they saw Hu Ding and Hu Xian'er, not only did they not stop, but they ran towards them quickly, shouting as they ran: "Uncle Eighteen, Sister Xian'er, come back."

"After a while, the group of children ran to Hu Ding's side, chattering after the two of them, and a few looked at the little crane grass curiously, although they saw that the soul on the head of the little crane grass was

A piece of grass, but there was no sign of contempt, instead there was a sense of intimacy.

Hu Ding looked at these children and laughed loudly: "Okay, you guys, do you want to see what gifts Uncle Eighteen brought you? Let me tell you, this time you miscalculated. Uncle Eighteen, I will

I have gone out to do some serious business. I don’t have time to bring you gifts, so I’ll just go and have some fun.”

When the children heard what Hu Ding said, they were not angry. Instead, they all giggled and then disappeared with a bang.

Hu Ding ignored them, turned to Xiao Hecao and said: "Hecao, these children are all disciples of our Hu family. Some are direct disciples of the Hu family, and some are children of the Hu family. In our

Here in the Hu family, the identities of all soul-planting children are equal. No one can bully others based on their own identity. If anyone dares to do this, the family rules will impose severe penalties. At the same time, if your talent is good,

You should try your best to help others instead of ridiculing or bullying them, otherwise, you will also be severely punished. Your talent is very good, but you must not be arrogant in the future, you know?"

When Xiaohecao heard what Hu Ding said, he quickly said: "Yes, Uncle Eighteen, I have written it down." Hu Ding nodded with satisfaction and led Xiaohecao and Hu Xian'er to a Skytree.

Past.(To be continued..)

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