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Chapter 334 Lifeline Canyon

 Chapter 334 Lifeline Canyon

Not only Zhao Hai has never been to the Rosen Empire, but also Laura and the others have not gone out, so if you want to go there, you have to know something about it.

However, Xu Wanying has been to the Rosen Empire. He spent some time there before coming to the Aksu Empire, and he has a certain understanding of the Rosen Empire.

Zhao Hai asked Xu Wanying to tell him about the situation in the Rosen Empire. The Rosen Empire was the most powerful country in the continent. There were 150,000 soldiers stationed at the Hundred Battles Fortress all year round, including 50,000 Warcraft Cavalry and 100,000 infantry.

The heavy infantry of the Rosen Empire are definitely the strongest troops on the mainland. Even the cavalry defending them head-on will not fall behind.

Magic is prevalent in the Rosen Empire. There are magicians stationed in their army all year round, and there are also many black magicians serving. It may be for this reason that in the Rosen Empire, there are no black magicians like other countries.

They were so suppressed there.

The Rosen Empire deserves to be called the most powerful country in the mainland. It borders the sea to the east and west, and their navy is also very famous on the mainland. It faces the Aksu Empire to the north and the Lyon Empire to the south. Its land area is seven times that of the Aksu Empire. You can imagine that

What a huge empire it is.

The Rosen Empire is also blessed with a unique earth environment. There is the Akraya Mountains in the south, which is also the territory of Warcraft. There is only one road leading to the Leon Empire. There is the Kolan Mountains in the north. There is only one road leading to the Aksu Empire. Such a geographical environment

Make it difficult for them to be attacked by other countries.

It is precisely because of this that the people in the Rosen Empire have developed a arrogant character. They believe that they are the citizens of the most powerful country on the continent and are inherently superior to the citizens of other countries.

, so they called the people of the Aksu Empire barbarians, and the people of the Lyon Empire called Nanmanzi.

From this kind of title, we can see what kind of mentality they have towards people from these two countries. It can be said that these people are born with a kind of arrogance and they look down on people from other countries.

Therefore, people like Zhao Hai, who received a title in the Aksu Empire, were not looked down upon in the Rosen Empire, and even commoners would not salute him.

After knowing this situation, Zhao Hai also felt very impatient. He thought that since he had the status of a noble to defend himself, he should be able to eat everywhere, but now it seems that is not the case.

After resting for two days in the Cold Wind Fortress, Zhao Hai and the others walked to the Hundred Battles Fortress through the Lifeline. They did not encounter any trouble along the way. If it is said that the line on the mainland is the busiest, the Lifeline can definitely

Ranked among the top ten. Although the city gate of Hanfengsai is very wide, people who want to leave the city still have to queue because there are too many people.

Zhao Hai and the others also lined up in an orderly manner and left the Cold Wind Fortress and headed for the Baizhan Fortress. From the Cold Wind Fortress to the Baizhan Fortress, it was more than three hundred miles away. From this point, it can be seen that Kelan

The mountain range is so huge, the width of the mountain range alone is hundreds of miles.

Zhao Hai saw a lot of caravans along the way. The cars of these caravans all bore the marks of nobles. Some of them were the marks of very famous nobles on the mainland. Those caravans were also very beautiful. Each caravan was very beautiful.

There were hundreds or even thousands of vehicles in the team, and the number of guards was even more than a thousand, and it was very lively.

Zhao Hai and his small convoy were as inconspicuous as a drop of water in the sea among these large caravans. No one paid attention to them at all, and Zhao Hai was happy to do so.

I don’t know if this situation scared Ryan, but now she has become more and more honest. Every three days can be described as reclusive. She either stays in the room or in the car when she has nothing to do, and doesn’t come out at all.

This made Zhao Hai feel a lot more relaxed.

However, along the way, many people paid attention to Zhao Hai's car. They were prepared to say that they noticed the giant-horned bull pulling the car. After all, this kind of monster is rare on the mainland, so some people would inevitably pay more attention to it.

Two eyes.

But as time went by, no one paid attention to it, because they found that apart from their larger horns, the giant-horned bulls were no different from other bulls, so they just thought that the giant-horned bulls were raised by humans.

There is nothing remarkable about a mutant that was accidentally produced by Man Niu.

It took Manniu more than a day to cover the more than three hundred miles, so they had to camp in the Lifeline Canyon at night. However, it was obvious that the businessmen had been prepared for it long ago, and they all brought them with them.

Tents and temporary campsites were set up at night.

Zhao Hai and the others also found a relatively quiet place to build a temporary camp. After the camp was built, Xu Wanying went to Zhao Hai and said: "Master, we have to be careful tonight. Here at Lifeline, there are some small incidents almost every day."

The caravan disappears inexplicably. Neither the Rosen Empire nor the Aksu Empire will send anyone to take care of it, so this is also a place where robberies occur frequently. Moreover, it is still under the Kelan Mountain, and there may be monsters coming to attack at night.


Zhao Hai was stunned for a moment, nodded and said: "Okay, I will pay attention to it. By the way, you can remind Rui En and the others to be careful. In any case, Grand Duke Iwan has helped us, so we should take care of him."

We should still take care of it." Xu Wanying responded, turned around and left.

Laura looked at Xu Wanying's back and sighed: "Ryan is quite pitiful. A single girl went to a completely unfamiliar place to study alone, and she also changed from a noble princess to

When you become an ordinary person, you may even be looked down upon by others, which is really uncomfortable."

Zhao Hai also sighed, but didn't say anything. In fact, Ryan was here because of her own fault. She was too smart, but she used her smartness in places where it shouldn't be used, so to

Only then did we get to where we are today.

She believed that her father was incompetent and could not bring her a good life, so she made sarcastic remarks to her father and never gave her a good look. She believed that marrying Adam would not lead to a good life, so she was determined to break off the engagement.

She thought that she was very smart and all men should submit to her, so she played with men like a proud queen, which made herself infamous. In the end, Grand Duke Ivan had to let her come out to study. It can be said that this

She brought it all on herself.

People say that pitiable people must be hateful. This sentence is fully reflected in Ryan. She is very pitiful now, but what she did in the beginning was really hateful.

Because they were camping in the wild, and the people around them were very wary of them, they did not have contact with others. In fact, the situation of other caravans here at Lifeline is similar to theirs, except for some caravans who know everything about them.

In addition, the general caravans are on strong alert for fear of being attacked by others.

As Xu Wanying said, there are countless caravans disappearing in Lifeline Canyon every day, almost every day, so people here are very wary.

After Zhao Hai and Laura entered the tent, they immediately returned to the space. The ones who stayed in this room tonight were wood, and the ones who drove the car outside were stones. This was also Zhao Hai's request. They changed the wood and stones every day.

, Today the wood goes out to drive the cart, and the stone remains in the space. Tomorrow, the stone drives the cart, and the wood remains in the space.

In this way, both of them could walk outside, and someone was keeping watch, so Zhao Hai and the others were very relieved. Xu Wanying also told Shunyi and Shitou about the situation here. The three of them were resting with their weapons and did not take off their clothes.

, ready to fight at any time.

In the middle of the night, Mu Mu discovered some black shadows moving around their camp, but it seemed that the target was not them, but Ryan and the others.

Zhao Hai's camp is next to Ryan's camp, but there is a little distance in between. This makes other people in the lifeline feel a little strange, wondering whether they are together or not.

When Mu Mu saw this situation, he couldn't help but be startled. He didn't know whether he should wake up Zhao Hai in this situation. In the end, he decided to wake up Zhao Hai because he was afraid that the people in Wai Yi would attack them.

When he thought of this, Mu Mu stood up, walked outside Zhao Hai's room, knocked on the door, and whispered: "Master, Master, there is something wrong."

Zhao Hai's sleep was light. He woke up as soon as Wood knocked on the door. He put on his clothes, opened the door and said, "What's going on?"

Mu Mu led Zhao Hai to the living room and pointed at the screen. Zhao Hai glanced at it, nodded, turned to Mu Mu and said: "Let's go out, wake up Wan Ying, Shunyi and Shitou, and prepare to fight, no matter what

Said, now that Ryan is with us, we can't let anything happen to her. If she's not here, we won't be able to explain to Uncle Ivan."

After saying that, the two of them left the space, but they did not wake up Laura and the others. Laura and the others could not be of much help anyway, and it would be useless for them to worry when they went out.

In order to cope with today's situation, Xu Wanying, Shunyi and Shitou did not go to the space to rest, but rested in a tent outside the space.

Zhao Hai and the others appeared directly in the tent of Xu Wanying and the others. As soon as they appeared, Xu Wanying and the others woke up. When the three of them saw that it was Zhao Hai, they all grabbed them and picked up their weapons, especially Xu Wanying.

He whispered: "Master, is there anything going on?"

Zhao Hai nodded and said: "Some people have gathered around, but the date mark may be Ruian's. Shunyi, go and inform Ruan and the others so that they can be prepared."

Shunyi responded, moved, and disappeared into the tent. Zhao Hai and the others did not see how he got out, and even the tent curtain did not move.

Zhao Hai brought up the projection of the monitor, and several people watched carefully. It seemed that the group coming was not from the caravan, but came down from the mountain. They also came from the direction of the Kelan Mountains. The number of people

There are about seven hundred or so.

It can be seen from the dress of these people that they may be mercenaries. These people are wearing leather armor, and their weapons are not standard. Moreover, it seems that they have been used for a long time, and some of the weapons are even damaged.

No replacement.

This chapter has been completed!
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