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Chapter 343 Mercenaries

 Chapter 343 Mercenaries

Rui En found that Zhao Hai had become more distant from her in the past few days. Although she didn't know why, she was very happy. To be honest, she really didn't want to have a relationship with Zhao Hai. It was terrible.

Zhao Hai had some surprises in the past few days. It had been seven days since the last attack outside Baizhan Fortress, but they had not encountered any attacks in these seven days, which was beyond his expectation.

Of course, he didn't know that the city lord of Baizhan Yaohan had committed suicide because of his affairs. The power in Baizhan Fortress was facing the opportunity to reshuffle, and all the people in the Rosen Empire who had the ability to compete for this position were tightly

He was staring there and had no time to care about him.

In fact, the city lord of Baizhan Fortress does not have much power. Although there are some civilians living here, there are not many civilians because it is a military fortress after all. Moreover, this city lord only mobilizes troops during war.

power, usually not much power.

But then again, the Baizhan Fortress can be considered a good place. This is the continuous fortress of the Rosen Empire. Businessmen pass by every day. There is a lot of tax revenue alone, plus those thieves who pay filial piety, here and there.

The losses add up to a lot, so although the city lord of Baizhan Fortress changes every five years, the first time the city lord is changed, there will be a burst of robbery from the big nobles.

But this situation cannot last for too long, because the Hundred Battles Fortress is after all a stronghold of the empire, and defense is of great significance, so now a new city lord has taken office.

This time the city lord of the Hundred Wars Fortress committed suicide, which was considered an emergency. Otherwise, it would have been impossible for the city lord of the Hundred Wars Fortress to remain vacant for such a long time.

Now that the matter has passed, Archduke Lane, who has been implicated in some cases, naturally hates Zhao Hai. Although the previous city lord who was suffering from many battles was not a direct subordinate of Archduke Lane, he had a good relationship with him. As a result,

He was actually forced to death by Zhao Hai. Not only did Grand Duke Lane get no benefits, he also suffered a lot of losses. He also fell into the hands of the Shelly family. How could Grand Duke Lane be willing to accept this? He was already thinking about it.

There is a way to deal with Zhao Hai.

Although Zhao Hai didn't know that Archduke Lane was now ready to deal with him, he did not take it lightly. He knew very well what the consequences would be for offending a legitimate Grand Guild in the Rosen Empire, although it was not as good as in the Rosen Empire.

The Aksu Empire offended the King of the South was as serious as that, but it was about the same.

The reason why Zhao Hai has been traveling so slowly in the past few days is to inquire about Grand Duke Lane. Not to mention actually asking him to find out, Grand Duke Lane is really very powerful in the Rosen Empire.

Although he was named Grand Duke, he was not in his principality for many years, but worked in Carson City because he was a close aide of the current king of the Rosen Empire and the finance minister of the empire, which can be said to be a very powerful position.

It is precisely because of this that he is qualified to go against the Shelly family.

After knowing this situation, Zhao Hai became even more careful. He knew that if he offended such a person, his life would not be easy in the future.

On the eighth day, they went to a small town called Leite to rest. Zhao Hai tried not to go to those big cities to rest these days, because he knew that people like Grand Duke Lane would definitely reach out to those big cities. They

If they go to a big city to rest, it will be even more dangerous. It is better to rest in this small town. Even if something happens, they can rush out and the noise will not be too big.

Naturally, it was impossible to have a Shelly Hotel in such a small town, so Zhao Hai and the others found a hotel called Xili to stay in the small town at night.

This hotel can only be regarded as a medium-sized hotel in this city, not the largest, but the service is not bad and it seems to be quite clean, so Zhao Hai and the others chose this hotel.

In the eyes of Laura and the others, such a hotel is considered a low-end hotel. Although Zhao Hai and the others have booked the best rooms in the entire hotel, there is still no way to compare those rooms with the rooms in the Shelly Hotel.

It's just a clean place, but the facilities inside are far behind.

But this is not important to Zhao Hai. They have to go into the space to rest at night, and they don't care about how the room is.

Although Rui En felt that the room was too bad, he did not dare to say anything. After guessing Zhao Hai's identity, Rui En had no thoughts of being funny at all, for fear of offending Zhao Hai.

When Zhao Hai and the others arrived at the hotel, it was already getting late. After settling in the room, Zhao Hai and the others went to the restaurant of the hotel.

The restaurant in this hotel is also very simple. It is on the first floor of the hotel, but it is not small enough and can accommodate nearly a hundred people to dine together.

As soon as Zhao Hai and the others entered the restaurant, the originally noisy restaurant was quiet. There are many mercenaries living in a mid-range hotel like this. Not only do they live here, they can also receive tasks in such a hotel, so this

The hotel business is still very good.

Most of these mercenaries are rough people. They think drinking heavily and eating large pieces of meat are the most enjoyable. In addition, there is nothing to do at night, so those mercenaries will be in the restaurant of the hotel.

Eat and drink a lot, and then go to bed.

Zhao Hai and his group are all dressed in aristocratic attire, especially Zhao Hai. This outfit reminds people of those dandy boys at first glance. This is completely different from the style of this hotel. You know, no dandy boy would do that.

He went to live in a hotel where mercenaries were employed.

So as soon as Zhao Hai and the others entered the hotel, the mercenaries stopped talking and stared at Zhao Hai and the others, especially Laura and the others, with their eyes glowing green.

Zhao Hai glanced at the mercenaries, took care of Laura and the others to sit down, and then ordered a bunch of dishes for the hotel people to prepare. At this time, the mercenaries started drinking again, and the restaurant suddenly became lively.

But Zhao Hai felt that the mercenaries must be watching them, which made him feel uncomfortable. At this moment, a mercenary who seemed to have drunk too much stood up and staggered to Zhao Hai and his table.

, reached out to touch the veil on Laura's face, and said while touching: "Little beauty, why are you covering your face? Show me what's good about following that pretty face. Why don't you follow me?"

How could Laura let him touch her? She turned her body to the side, but she didn't expect that the mercenary looked shaky, but the movements of his hands were not slow. Although she let him go the first time, and the second time.

Coming soon.

How could Xu Wanying, who was sitting aside, allow the mercenary to succeed? He pulled out the big ax that he never left behind and chopped off the mercenary's hand with the ax.

The mercenary quickly stepped aside and dodged the axe, but fell to the ground and said loudly: "Killing, killing, noble killing." As soon as he shouted to the mercenary in the restaurant, he stood up.

, each one took out their own weapons and surrounded Zhao Hai and the others.

As soon as Zhao Hai saw this situation, he knew that these people were not ordinary mercenaries. They came prepared and came specifically for him.

Zhao Hai sat there and looked at the mercenaries who gathered around him, and said coldly: "They are all masters of the sixth and seventh levels. Why didn't I know that there are so many masters among the mercenaries now?"

Xu Wanying and Shunyi also discovered that something was wrong. They didn't feel anything when the mercenaries were sitting there. Now when they gathered around, Xu Wanying and the others also discovered that something was wrong. There were nearly a hundred mercenaries in the entire restaurant, and some mercenaries.

All of them are masters of level 6 and level 7, and none are below level 5. Isn't this very unusual?

Xu Wanying immediately stood next to Zhao Hai, Laura and the others also stood beside Zhao Hai. The mercenary who had fallen just now stood up and shouted at Zhao Hai: "Okay, even if you are nobles,

You can't kill people at will. Fortunately, grandpa was quick to dodge, otherwise this arm would have been left here, pretty boy, you have to give grandpa an explanation."

Zhao Hai raised his head and glanced at the man and said: "You have spent so much effort and set up such a big game, and it's all over with just one explanation? What kind of explanation do you want?"

After speaking, Zhao Hai turned to look at Shunyi and said, "Shunyi, go see if Her Royal Highness Princess Ruien has eaten."

Upon hearing what Zhao Hai said, the expressions of the mercenaries couldn't help but change. They really didn't expect that Zhao Hai was so meticulous in his work, even thinking of this.

Just as Zhao Hai thought, the purpose of these mercenaries this time is to use a two-pronged approach. They are here to entangle Zhao Hai and the others, and the other group goes up to deal with Ryan and the others. In their opinion, as long as Ryan is

They captured it and had hostages in their hands, so Zhao Hai had to do whatever he asked him to do.

But they didn't expect that as soon as they took action here, Zhao Hai reacted and immediately asked Shunyi to go to Rui En. The mercenaries now only hoped that their companions had succeeded.

However, they still wanted to buy a little more time for their companions. The mercenary who just took the lead saw that Shunyi was about to leave and immediately said: "Brothers, we can't let them run away. We want them to give an explanation. After that, take it with you."

Weapons are coming towards Zhao Hai.

The weapons of this mercenary are two short-handled axes, which are the most suitable weapons for attacking in a small place like a restaurant. But as soon as he moved here, Shun Yi threw a hidden weapon over there. Xu Wanying moved.

Dozens of clones formed and surrounded Zhao Hai and the others.

For the two of them, Zhao Hai's safety is the most important thing. Does Ryan's safety have anything to do with them?

Zhao Hai sat there quietly, looking at the mercenaries, but in his head he was contacting Cai'er. He wanted Cai'er to see what the situation was like at Rui'an.

But the news he received surprised him. Ryan and the others had already fallen into the hands of the mercenaries. His guards had been killed. Only Ryan, Ji Li, and the two maids were left.

, the methods are very ruthless. Zhao Hai's face couldn't help but be startled when he saw this. It seems that this group of people is not simple. They are ruthless and will use any means to achieve their goals. Such people are not easy to deal with.

This chapter has been completed!
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