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Chapter 355 City Lord’s Mansion

 Chapter 355 City Lord’s Mansion

The Thirteenth Young Master was now ashen. He looked at Wei Li blankly and murmured: "I know, the family actually knows about it. How is this possible? This is impossible? I have been very successful in acting over the years, and no one has ever found out.

Yes, why is this?"

When Wei Li heard what the Thirteenth Young Master said, he couldn't help but sneered: "So the Thirteenth Young Master knew this in the first place. Very good. I will report this matter to the family and save the Thirteenth Young Master from being interrogated.

Why are you still standing there, why don't you take the Thirteenth Young Master down."

The development of things can be described as twists and turns. Zhao Hai originally thought that if he said that to the Thirteenth Young Master, the cooperation with the Xie Li family would be ruined, but he did not expect that things would take such a dramatic change, which was beyond his expectation.

Wanhao glanced at Zhao Hai who was still in a daze, smiled slightly and said: "I'm sorry, sir, for spoiling your mood. Please wait a moment, sir. I'll have them prepare right away." After saying that, he waved his hand gently, and someone came immediately.

He came up and dragged the Thirteenth Young Master down, and at the same time, the waiters came over immediately to clean the table and restore everything in the restaurant to normal.

Laura and the others who were following Zhao Hai were also stunned. They did not expect that things would turn out like this. This was beyond their expectations.

A few people sat down, but Laura and the others could only stand. Zhao Hai glanced at Laura and the others, then turned to Wan Hao and said: "Manager Wan, can you arrange a place for these people of mine to eat?

If you need them to follow me, just ask them to step back. They have been following me these days and it has been very hard."

Marriott was used to big scenes, so he naturally had no objections. He just smiled and said: "I'm rude, sir, please forgive me." After saying that, he waved his hand, and a waiter came over immediately and led Laura and the others down to rest.


Zhao Hai did this just because he didn't want Laura and the others to stand behind and watch while they were eating. This made Zhao Hai feel very sorry, so he sent Laura and the others away in advance.

Apart from Zhao Hai and the three of them, the only waiters left in the restaurant were the waiters. Wei Li looked at Zhao Hai and said with a smile, "Sir, you weren't angry just now, were you?"

Zhao Hai smiled and said: "No, in fact this kind of thing is not worth my anger."

Marriott said with a smile: "Sir, you are really good-tempered. Haha, this time, you really did us a big favor. This time, because Ryan's attention was focused on him, our family took action to solve the problem."

, now that the family has begun to deal with Archduke Lane, I believe they will not be in glory for long."

Zhao Hai smiled slightly and said: "As long as their heads are not broken, most people will not touch a behemoth like the Xie Li family. Such a big family has such a profound foundation, how can it be touched lightly."

A trace of pride appeared on Wan Hao's face, but it quickly disappeared. He smiled bitterly and said: "To be honest, the family is really in danger this time. We never thought that in order to deal with us, they would actually put a woman to death."

She married into our family, then waited for this woman to give birth to a child, and then let the child destroy the family business. The whole plan went on for decades, which is too cruel."

Not only Wanhao, but also Zhao Hai felt chills running down his back after hearing Wei Li's words. In order to destroy the Xie Li family, the family of the Thirteenth Young Master's mother could actually do this. This is too much.

Wow, people in this world are really crazy.

Wei Li turned to Zhao Hai and said: "Mr. Wells, do you want to cooperate with the Kalchi family this time? Mr. Wells, I regard you as a friend, so allow me to say something you don't like to hear. You now

With my strength, I am not qualified to cooperate with the Kalchi family, and their family’s threshold is very high.”

Zhao Hai smiled slightly and said: "Actually, I came to Tianshui City this time just to visit the Kalqi family. At the same time, a friend gave me a letter from the Kalqi family, asking them to take care of me. I am in Aksu.

The empire offended some people and couldn't survive there, so we had no choice but to come here."

Wei Li and Wanhao didn't say anything at all. This situation is too normal. If you offend the people in power in a country and have no ability to resist, you can only hide in other countries. This is not uncommon on the mainland.

So neither of them felt surprised.

Weili just looked at Zhao Hai and said: "Mr. Wells, may I know who you have offended? If possible, our Shelly family is willing to come forward to help you resolve the matter."

Zhao Hai gave Wei Li a meaningful look, then smiled slightly and said: "Since we are a cooperative partner, I don't want to hide it from you for too long. In fact, the person I offended is the Southern King of the Aksu Empire."

Wei Li and Wanhao looked at each other, and both saw a glimmer of understanding in each other's eyes. They had not been able to find any information about Zhao Hai before, but they only knew that he suddenly appeared and suddenly got a title from Grand Duke Iwan. He was nothing like him before.

There was no information, which made them very puzzled.

But after checking, they had to connect Zhao Hai with the black magician Zhao Hai who appeared in the Principality of Versailles some time ago. Although Zhao Hai has not used black magic in front of others, this still makes

They had this association.

This time Wei Li asked Zhao Hai who his enemy was, just to find out the details of Zhao Hai through this side information, and at the same time he also wanted to see if Zhao Hai was sincerely cooperating with them.

For a big family like theirs, they cannot find a collaborator casually. They must know the details of the collaborator, otherwise it will be very dangerous.

Therefore, the Xie Li family's investigation into Zhao Hai's identity has never stopped. However, so far, they can only find out Zhao Hai's identity as a black magician. If they investigate further, they will have no way to investigate.

Zhao Hai's answer just now showed his identity to them. Both of them also understood that Zhao Hai knew that they were testing him, but Zhao Hai still told them his identity, which showed his trust in them.

, but they had heard that Zhao Hai had offended the Church of Light in addition to the King of the South. No wonder Zhao Hai ran to Tianshui City, because the hands of the Church of Light could not reach out in Tianshui City.

Wanhao looked at Zhao Hai and said: "Don't worry, Mr. Wells, you will always be Wells."

Zhao Hai smiled slightly and didn't say anything. He knew that both Wanhao and Weili understood what he said. At this time, the food and drinks had been put out, and the three of them sat down.

The guests and hosts enjoyed the meal, and no one asked any questions. Zhao Hai did not ask about other things about the Thirteenth Young Master. He did not want to ask more about the internal affairs of the Xie Li family. Weili and the others did not test Zhao Hai.

In terms of identity, Zhao Hai has already shown his sincerity. If they continue, it will be a bit shady.

In the evening, Zhao Hai and the others rested in Xie Li's Hotel. Although Ruien was higher than Zhao Hai in terms of public identity, in the eyes of Wei Li and the others, Ruien did not exist at all, and Zhao Hai was the important one. This also made Rui

En understood his identity. She was a princess in the Principality of Versailles, but here in the Rosen Empire, he was nothing.

Early the next morning, after Zhao Hai had breakfast, he asked about the direction of the city lord's palace. He was going to thank the city lord and show Yibel's letter to the city lord to see what the city lord's attitude was towards him.

Sitting on his bullock cart, slowly walking towards the city lord's palace, Zhao Hai looked at the busy people outside the window, his face was calm, but his heart was not as calm as his face.

He had been thinking about what kind of attitude the city lord would use to see him.

You must know that he is just an unknown nobleman now. In the eyes of the Kalchi family, he may be just an unimportant member of the Black Magician Alliance, but the Kalchi family has a huge influence on the Black Magician Alliance.

Yes, the identities of the two parties are too different.

Laura was sitting in the identity of Zhao Hai, and they were also a little nervous. This time they were going to meet the Kalchi family, one of the top families on the mainland, so they couldn't help but be nervous.

It took more than an hour for the ox cart to arrive at the City Lord's Mansion. This time, Zhao Hai came. In addition to Laura and the others, there was also a person sent by Shelly Hotel to lead the way. The group slowly arrived in front of the City Lord's Mansion.

In front of the city lord's palace is a large square. This square is all paved with blue stones. It covers an area of ​​about several thousand square meters. It is also very lively. Pedestrians walk by from time to time, and there are

Some vendors would set up stalls in this square, which was a bit beyond Zhao Hai's expectation. He thought that a wealthy family like the Kalchi family would not allow those small vendors to set up stalls here.

However, there was still a few hundred square meters of empty space in front of the city lord's palace. Obviously, stalls were not allowed to be set up there.

The ox cart stopped steadily in front of the gate of the City Lord's Mansion. The gate of the City Lord's Mansion was very tall, more than five meters high. There was a huge plaque hanging in front of it, which read "City Lord's Mansion".

There are big characters, and above the plaque, there is also a emblem engraved, which is the emblem of the Kalchi family, a magic wand blocked by the clouds.

This badge is very simple, but it is very famous on the mainland because the magic wand engraved on this badge is the heirloom of the Kalchi family, the Dark Scepter.

Just hearing the name makes me feel very powerful, and this magic wand is indeed very powerful. This magic wand is the treasure of a black magician. It can increase the power of black magic by 50% and increase the speed of black magic casting.

, 50%, from these two functions we can see how powerful this magic wand is.

In the battle between magicians, speed is very important. Your magic is one second faster than the enemy's, which means you can attack the opponent first, which means you have the initiative. Therefore, the Dark Scepter is very famous on the mainland.

, the ancestors of the Kalchi family relied on the dark scepter to make contributions to the Rosen Empire and established the huge family fortune of the Kalchi family.

This chapter has been completed!
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