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Chapter 357 Meixiangyuan

 Chapter 357 Meixiangyuan

Smith was stunned for a moment. He knew about the war rations. The Kalchi family had been in contact with the orcs for a long time, and there were wars among the orcs almost every day. When wars occurred, the orcs would prepare some war rations.

So he is very familiar with war rations.

He just didn't expect that Zhao Hai actually wanted to sell war rations here in the human race, but the method Zhao Hai mentioned could be tried. The food of those mercenaries was very monotonous. If the war rations could be sold to them, maybe it would really work.

It can be done.

Smith, however, still frowned and said, "Xiao Hai, this war ration is usually made of argali, and argali are very popular here on the human continent. Isn't it a pity to make it into war rations?"


Zhao Hai smiled and said: "Actually, a large part of my war rations are not made of argali. Although I have business dealings with the orcs, I don't have that many argali.

Part of it is made of blue-eyed rabbit meat. As you know, blue-eyed rabbit meat does not fetch a good price on the mainland, so I made it into war rations."

Smith was stunned and said: "Blue-eyed rabbit? This is a bit novel. Don't most people use blue-eyed rabbits to make cans? Haven't you done it?"

Zhao Hai smiled and said: "Yes, but the blue-eyed rabbits I have produced a lot, and they couldn't use them just for canning, so I made war rations, and I didn't really want to sell the blue-eyed rabbits to them.

I can make the war rations for others, so I can still get the blue-eyed rabbit skin."

Smith smiled and said: "You are really good at calculating. It's good to sell this kind of war rations to make those mercenaries remember us. It will be very helpful to you and our Kalchi family."

Zhao Hai nodded and said: "But this way, there is another problem. We have to get rid of those rabbit skins, and I still have some wool fabrics that need to be disposed of. Brother Smith, what do you think?"

Smith waved his hand and said: "You don't have to worry about these things. I'm here. Okay, let's do it. After a while, you can make a good statistics on your business and see what can be done right away."

, if you need any help, just tell me, don’t be polite to me.”

Zhao Hai smiled and said: "I will, but Brother Smith, I'm really curious, why were you so nice to me when we first met?"

Smith looked at Zhao Hai, sighed and said: "I am good to you because you are worth it. Our Black Mage Alliance has been at a disadvantage in the confrontation with the Church of Light these days. Especially in recent years, we have been fighting against the Church of Light."

In the confrontation with the Church of Light, we are completely at a disadvantage. It is difficult for us to get information about them. The information you provided to the alliance some time ago is very important to the alliance, and you are no less.

Clean up the Church of Light and give us a good sigh of relief, of course I am happy."

Zhao Hai knew the reason. No wonder Smith was so polite to him and treated him so well. It turned out that the root cause was here.

Zhao Hai also heard from Smith's words that the Kalchi family really regarded the Black Mage Alliance as their own family. They cherished this alliance very much, that's why they did this.

Zhao Haidao thinks there is nothing wrong with this. The Kalchi family can be said to be the only and strongest black magician family on the mainland. The rise and fall of their family are inseparable from the black magicians, so they do not win.

They could watch the black magician profession decline, so they established this alliance.

However, because they are both black magicians, they know very well that black magicians don't like to be controlled by others, so when they established the alliance, they made the alliance environment very relaxed. Sure enough, in this way,

They succeeded. Black magicians like to join this loose alliance that can also provide help to themselves. And to deal with the Church of Light? No one needs to tell them that they will do it. In any case, the Church of Light belongs to all black magicians.


Zhao Hai looked at Smith and smiled slightly: "The hatred between me and the Church of Light has become serious. This time on the grassland, I even killed one of their ninth-level experts. The information I got was all from that ninth-level expert.

Obtained from the hands of a super strong person."

Smith was stunned. He really didn't know that Zhao Hai actually killed a ninth-level strongman from the Guangming Church. This surprised him very much. He looked at Zhao Hai and said: "You really killed a ninth-level strongman from the Guangming Church.


Zhao Hai nodded and said: "Yes, a ninth-level fire magician was trained by the Ultimate Weapon Project. This time they reached out to the Minotaur tribe and cooperated with the Bullfight tribe to bring down the Hercules Bull tribe.

After being defeated, I helped the Hercules Bull Clan to defeat them. Not only did I destroy the entire Bullfighting Clan, but I also killed a ninth-level strong man from the Church of Light and an undercover Hercules Bull Clan. Now I am still a member of the Hercules Bull Clan.


Smith was stunned at one point. The Kalchi family has been doing business with the orcs for some time, but the prince of the orcs? Can such an identity be obtained by a human?

Smith was originally good to Zhao Hai because Zhao Hai had done a lot for the Black Mage Alliance, and also because of Yi Beier's letter, in which Yi Beier praised Zhao Hai well, so Smith was so good to Zhao Hai.

But Smith didn't expect that Zhao Hai would surprise him one after another. First of all, those businesses. In his opinion, those businesses were all good businesses, especially when he heard that there were only two people doing the milk wine business.

At that moment, Smith felt that the blood in his body had turned into boiling water and was boiling!

Smith knew very well how much benefit his own business would bring him. The ratio was really too high. However, he was also a person who had experienced big events, so he accepted the business very calmly and just asked another person.

Business, he wanted to see what the next business would be like if a unique business like this only took the second place.

Soon, the second business came out. When he heard about this business, Smith felt puzzled for a while, because this business was too ordinary, too ordinary to be in Puyong, and it had no characteristics at all.

But when Zhao Hai mentioned the mercenary uncle, Smith knew the reason for Zhao Hai's business. Mercenaries, on the mainland, represent a force that cannot be underestimated.

Although the power of mercenaries is now very small, for Smith, the power of mercenaries cannot be underestimated. Big families like them have their own surveillance networks for those mercenaries. They know very well that once

How terrifying it would be if the mercenaries were linked together.

However, although this is terrible, the results are very slow. He only provides a very special food for the mercenaries, which is not of much help to the mercenaries. This business can only work optimally with the cooperation of other businesses.


But in the end, Zhao Hai said that he was the prince of the Hercules God Bull Clan, which really inspired him. The prince of the Orc Clan has a very high status in the Orc Clan. Even if you are just a prince of a nation,

When you arrive at the War Clan, you will also be treated politely, because that represents your identity.

As for the human race, not to mention the princes, even if they want to join a certain orc tribe, it is impossible, because the orc tribe does not believe in the human race, and it is impossible for the human race to join that tribe of the orc tribe.

As for what a prince of the orcs could accomplish in the orcs, Smith almost knew it without even thinking about it, so he looked at Zhao Hai and didn't know what to say.

Zhao Hai looked at Smith and knew what he was thinking. He smiled and said: "Brother Smith, let me tell you the truth. I am not the prince of the Hercules Cow Clan, but also the Pot-Belly Pig Clan and the Giant Clan."

The friendship flag of the Horned Bull Clan, did you see the monster that picked me up from the car? That is the beast kin of the Giant Horned Bull Clan. I also have the beast kin of the Barbarian Clan, the beast kin of the Hercules Ox Clan,

On the orc grassland, I can say that I will not be attacked by any orcs, hahaha."

Smith looked at Zhao Hai blankly. This news was shocking enough. They really didn't expect that Zhao Hai had such an ability and was completely immune to being attacked by orcs. For human businessmen, this was simply a dream.

It took a while for Smith to regain his composure and said to Zhao Hai: "Brother, can I know what the friendship flag you are talking about is?"

When Zhao Hai heard what Smith said, he remembered that Smith and the others didn't know what the Friendship Flag was at all. The orcs would not give the friendship flag to the human race, but he did not think about hiding it from Smith and giving the friendship flag to the human race.

The matter was explained to Smith.

Only then did Smith realize that the orc war flag his family had taken before was just the most common war flag and was of no use at all.

The two chatted for a while, and Smith had an understanding of the situation at the orcs. At this time, Phil walked in, bowed to Smith and Zhao Hai and said: "Master, Mr. Wells, the food is ready."

Come on, please take your seats."

Smith quickly stood up and said to Zhao Hai: "Xiao Hai, let's go with me to try the skills of the cooks in my house. Uncle Phil, have you brought Xiao Hai's luggage?"

Phil bowed and said: "I have already brought it over and arranged it to be sent to Meixiang Courtyard. The servant also sent it to Meixiang Courtyard."

Smith then nodded and said to Zhao Hai: "From now on, you will rest in Meixiangyuan. Your servant has been sent to Meixiangyuan. It is an independent courtyard at the very end of the city lord's mansion. It is completely

You alone have the final say, so just live there as you please. If you need anything, tell me. You can also talk to Uncle Phil. Uncle Phil has watched me grow up and is the one I trust the most.

As long as you tell a person, he can satisfy you with whatever you need."

Zhao Hai smiled slightly and said: "Okay, I've written it down, brother, don't worry." After saying that, he followed Smith to the restaurant of the City Lord's Mansion. The restaurant of the City Lord's Mansion is located in the middle of the Sandaomen courtyard. This restaurant is

The house is very big. There is one place where ordinary clan members eat, another place where direct clan members eat, another place where people above the elder level eat, and the last one is where guests are entertained.

This chapter has been completed!
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