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Chapter 390: Charging Standards for Processing Machines

Chapter 390: Charging Standards for Processing Machines

People who have never been to the sea will never know how boring it is and how stressful it is at the same time.

On the seemingly calm sea, you can encounter various dangers, undercurrents, and storms at any time. Especially when there is no radar, when sailing on the mainland at that time, the possibility of encountering dangers will greatly increase.

The most important thing is that the ships here in Ark Continent are far less developed than the ones in Yizai. Some of the ships here seem so boring. Just sailing on the sea can make you crazy.

Fortunately, the ships that Zhao Haixian was on were all undead, so they could sail on the sea for a long time. Although these undead were high-level undead, their feelings for humans had completely disappeared.

Yes, they are more like some high-level robots.

This time their goal is Chushui City, Chushui City, and Yushui City. They are also famous port cities on the east coast of the Rosen Empire. But for people from other countries, Tianshui City is the best port city in terms of location.

The best and the best transportation, so even if the taxes in Chushui City and Yushui City are lower than here in Tianshui City, not many people will go there.

Although the Rosen Empire's royal family was very dissatisfied with this situation, it was of no use because Tianshui City was not so prosperous at the beginning. It was only after it was handed over to the Kalchi family that it gradually became like this.

It can be said that this is the result of the efforts of several generations of the Kalchi family.

Although Yushui City and Deshui City have also undergone vigorous development by the Rosen Empire, sometimes, when the royal family handles affairs, that is what happens. Compared with a family, the struggle within the royal family will be more intense.

It is precisely because of this kind of struggle that Yushui City and Chushui City cannot compete with Tianshui City.

Yes, the superficial taxes in Yushui City and Chushui City seem to be lower than those in Tianshui City, but when you actually go to Yushui City and Chushui City, you will find that this is not the case at all. Yushui City and Chushui City still have

Including many other miscellaneous taxes, the total is definitely more than Tianshui City.

There is a reason for this. Tianshui City is a money bag that provides money for the entire Kalqi family. It may be said to be the main source of income for the Kalqi family.

Yushui City and Chushui City were the places where the Rosen Empire royal family came to test the prince. For the first time, the king of the Rosen Empire would hand over these two cities and several other cities controlled by the royal family to his choice.

Some heirs, and then let them run the city, it is best for the heir to have the last income, which will be a big bonus in his fight for the throne.

You can imagine that one is a family that relies on all the money, and the family will naturally run it well. The other is tested by this family. After a few years or more than ten years, it will no longer be yours. You have to

What they do is to desperately make money in this city in the past few years or more than ten years. In this case, the situation will of course be different.

It's like two types of investments. One is where you want to invest and turn it into a chicken that can lay golden eggs, and the other is a short-term investment where I just want to make a quick buck, so naturally it won't work.


Although there are so many reasons, Zhao Hai still has to go to Chushui City. Not only is he going to make purchases there, he is also planning to open a store there. It is best to contact some big merchants so that they can

No need to rely solely on the Kalchi family.

The reaction of the Kalchi family this time sounded the alarm in Zhao Hai's heart. Almost all of their current cooperation is concentrated on the Kalchi family. This is not a good thing for them. They should be looking for another partner.

People, otherwise the Kalchi family may use this method to choke them. Although they are not necessarily afraid of the Kalchi family, if the Kalchi family really chokes them, it will also bring them a lot of trouble.


It is precisely because of this that Zhao Hai decided to go to Chushui City this time. He wanted to see what was going on in Chushui City in order to find another way to develop. At the same time, he also wanted to let the people of the Kalchi family understand that I was not leaving.

You won't survive.

Although Zhao Hai is a member of the Black Mage Alliance, to be honest, he does not have much sense of belonging to the Black Mage Alliance because he does not know magic.

Originally, the things Smith had done had given him a sense of belonging to the Black Mage Alliance, but the recent actions of the Kalchi family had completely destroyed this sense of belonging.

Zhao Hai sympathizes with the black magician, but he is not a saint. Of course, when he was abandoned by the whole continent, no one helped him. If there were not loyal people like Green following him, Adam might have been there long ago.

If he dies, of course, Zhao Hai will no longer exist.

Zhao Hai first joined the Black Magician Alliance because he was free and had few rules. At the same time, he also wanted to use the Black Magician Alliance to deal with the Church of Light. But if the people from the Black Magician Alliance treated him like this, then

He will never stay in the Black Magician Alliance.

The boat drove slowly. This was already the third day, and today was also a very special day for Zhao Hai, because today Cai'er would plant the medicinal seeds awarded to him by the system. These seeds

The level of the seeds is very high, and the maturation process will take several days. Zhao Hai has calculated that if he plants it today, he will not be able to make the detoxification potion until he leaves the water city.

Although the seeds of those medicinal materials were planted today, Zhao Hai and the others still stood by and watched because this was really too important to them.

Zhao Hai knew very well that the seeds of these medicinal materials represented hope, the hope that he could recover. In fact, in the past few days, Zhao Hai had been studying the universal processing machine carefully.

This universal processing machine is really amazing. It costs money to use it to process things. As long as you give money, it can process it for you. The amount of money is calculated based on the difficulty of processing the things.

For example, if Zhao Hai wants to process this detoxification potion, the processing machine charges one thousand gold coins. If you want to process space equipment, the processing machine charges ten thousand gold coins. If you want to add advanced space equipment, the fee will also increase.

The level can reach up to one million gold coins. Of course, the space equipment processed at that time is also very high.

But if you process unhulled bamboo rice into edible bamboo rice, it only costs one gold coin a day, and the same goes for white flour. The price of processed wine will be a little higher, but not too much, and will not exceed five at most.

Ten gold coins is generally a very good deal.

However, this processing fee is based on the fact that the materials you provide are sufficient. If the materials you provide are not sufficient, for example, if you want to process wine but there is no koji or additives to change the taste of the wine, then it will not work.

Of course, you can also process it, but you have to buy these things like machines, and the price is very expensive, which will definitely make you feel painful.

If you don’t want to buy it, you can process it. Those non-Western processing machines can process it for you. Even if there are plants that are not in the space, the processing machine can also process them for you. As long as you take out some plants in the space,

After adding some gold coins, you can craft the seeds of the plants you want. Of course, the price will not be too cheap. After all, space hopes that you will find seeds from outside to enrich the space, not that you will use them.

The processing machine is used to fill the space. If you use the seeds processed by the processing machine, the space will not give you any experience points.

However, it is precisely because of this special talent that Zhao Hai has now stopped the rice grinding field in Tieshanbao and let the people there do other things.

However, Zhao Hai did not use the processing machine to process milk wine. Now the processing machine is mainly used to process things such as grain and fruit oil, such as wool products and alcohol. Zhao Hai still let the factory in Tieshanbao continue to process it, because

For processing these things, the processing machine charges are constant. Compared with the processing machine charges, it will be better to use human power.

Originally, the manpower at Tieshanbao was still somewhat insufficient. There were only a few thousand people in total, including some old people and children who could not do heavy physical work. Only those young men and women could work in so many places, and the number of people was not enough.

That's enough, a large number of undead creatures were used in those venues.

Now it's better. With the processing machine, Zhao Hai has removed all the undead creatures and made all the work, especially wool products.

Zhao Hai has used a processing machine to process a blanket. The processing is very good, and you can also choose the style and pattern of your own choice. However, the use of the blanket processed by this kind of machine is still different from the purely artificial blanket, and the processing cost is also high.

Not low, a blanket is fifty gold coins, and if these fifty gold coins were used to pay the orcs outside the space, it would be enough for them to make twenty blankets, so Zhao Hai finally gave up using machines to process blankets.

Zhao Hai knows that this is not the fault of space. Gold coins in space are different from gold coins outside space. There is only one currency in space, gold coins. Gold coins are as worthless as ordinary copper coins used by people outside space.

, but if you take the gold coins outside the space, these gold coins will be very valuable.

The reason why the processing machine processes rice noodles and the like at such a low price is because the prices of rice, bamboo and wheat in the space are not high. If Zhao Hai sells rice, bamboo and wheat to the space, it will be far from selling directly.

People on Ark Continent are calculating. It can be said that the reason why Zhao Hai was able to develop so quickly is because of the different conversion methods of currency in space and outside space.

Zhao Hai is not the kind of person who is desperate for money. If he is really the kind of person who is desperate for money, he can leave some outside work to the undead creatures, so that he does not have to pay those people.

But in contrast, the living standards of those slaves will drop a lot. Zhao Hai doesn't want to do that. He wants those slaves to live a better life.

This chapter has been completed!
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