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Chapter 395: Opportunity for the Buda family to turn over

 Chapter 395: The Buda family’s opportunity to turn over

Zhao Hai returned to the hotel and after sending away Li Rui, he immediately found Luo Tong and told Luo Tong that opening a store here would have to wait.

Luo Tong also knew that Zhao Hai had gone out, but he didn't know where he went, and it was hard for him to ask Zhao Hai. Anyway, he had already received the benefit of 5,000 fire tench fish every month, so he didn't ask any questions.

, but he agreed wholeheartedly.

Luo Tong has long been ordered by the family to cooperate with Zhao Hai, and you must not be too greedy, otherwise you will get nothing, so Luo Tong did not make any requests to Zhao Hai, but just helped Zhao Hai with things.

He believed that Zhao Hai would definitely benefit him in this way. Sure enough, he got the benefit, five thousand a month. Although it was not much, it was still a big income for the Xie Li family.

Now that Zhao Hai is leaving, he doesn't force him to stay, nor does he ask too much about Zhao Hai, because he knows that if you ask about some things, it will arouse other people's resentment.

When Zhao Hai returned to the room, he told Laura and the others about meeting Charlie. Laura had no objection at all, mainly because she was too confident in Zhao Hai's space. He believed that with Zhao Hai's space, even if

If they fall out with Charlie in the future, they can take out those subordinates as soon as possible.

Zhao Hai was relieved when he saw that Laura had no objection. To be honest, he still believed in Laura's opinion on business matters. After all, Laura was a pure businessman in the past.

The name of the charming girl is heard even in the Rosen Empire, and it is no joke.

Zhao Hai turned to Laura and said: "Why do you think Charlie agreed to go to Yushui City with us? Does he want to trap me? I don't seem to have anything worthy of him, right?"

Laura smiled and said: "Who said no? Brother Hai, you are so good, it is normal for him to hold you captive."

Zhao Hai smiled slightly and said: "Okay, let's get ready. We will set off to Yushui City tomorrow. Haha, it should be more relaxed when we get there with Charlie protecting us, but I really don't want to get involved in their affairs.

"We can see from Charlie's behavior today that the princes of the Rosen Empire are going crazy trying to fight for the throne. It's really not good for us to get involved at this time."

Laura smiled bitterly and said: "We are already involved now, unless we don't meet with Charlie today, but now that we have met, it's too late to say anything. I think we might as well help Charlie, Brother Hai, if we

If you can really help Charlie ascend to the throne, then the Buda family may be even more prosperous than before in the future."

Zhao Hai smiled bitterly and said: "I'm afraid that even if we are prosperous, we will encounter the same situation we encountered before, and I'm afraid that if we are prosperous here in the Rosen Empire, the Aksu Empire will take back the black soil wasteland.

That’s our roots.”

Laura smiled and said: "Come on, Brother Hai, you are thinking too much. Who else will want the black soil wasteland except us? Even if you improve the land there and there is Cai'er's poisonous gas, there will be no

If anyone dares to ask for it, don’t worry, it’s still our roots there, and no one will think that they will just think that we went to that island in the sea.”

Zhao Hai smiled bitterly. He had to admit what Laura said. No one in the black soil wasteland would want it except them. Zhao Hai thought for a while and said: "I think we should discuss this matter with Grandpa Green and the others."

It’s better to do it once.”

Laura nodded and said: "That's okay. Let's discuss it with Grandpa Green and the others, but I'm afraid Grandpa Green won't agree."

Zhao Hai shook his head and said: "I don't think so. Grandpa Green will agree. He wants to revive the Buda family more than I do."

"Agree! Of course I agree, this is a good thing, young master, what are you afraid of? As long as the black soil wasteland is in hand, we have a large rear area. Even if something happens outside, with the black soil wasteland here, our Buda family

It will continue.”

When Zhao Hai and others told Green about this matter, Green immediately agreed. He said calmly: "Master, all big families are built up from small families bit by bit. This is our opportunity."

, The reason why our Buda family ended up where we are today is because we had no space and could not retreat at any time, but young master, you have space now, so what are you afraid of? Just fight him once."

Zhao Hai really didn't expect that Green would say this, but Green agreed, so Zhao Hai had nothing to say. He nodded and said: "Well, after I get on the boat tomorrow, I will test it out and see.

It depends on Charlie’s attitude. If possible, I will help him.”

Green nodded, then looked at Zhao Hai with bright eyes and said: "Master, in one day, you will be able to cure the poison on your body, but will anything happen on the ship?"

Zhao Hai smiled and said: "It doesn't matter. I will come to the space tomorrow when the poison is detoxified. It will be fine."

Green nodded and said: "You must be careful yourself. This detoxification is very important to us, and also to the entire Buda family."

Zhao Hai smiled and said: "Grandpa Green, don't worry, nothing will happen. Space has never let me down, and it won't let me down this time either." Green nodded.

Early the next morning, Zhao Hai and the others came out of the Shelly Hotel early and went directly to the Taoyuan at the pier. The Taoyuan was parked there steadily, with nothing happening and no one approaching. It seemed like this

It's better to spend money to stop the boat.

Zhao Hai and the others paid the money to park the boat, then got on the boat and waited for Charlie and the others. If you want to say that this pier is real, when you park the boat here, you have to pay a fee and wait until the boat is about to leave.

When you go to school, you have to pay another copy, which is really dark.

However, Zhao Hai didn't care. It was just a small fee to stop the boat. He just wanted to know when Charlie would come. Just as he was thinking about it, a very ordinary-looking carriage arrived at the dock and went directly to the boat of the Taoyuan.

Then Leary got out of it.

As soon as Zhao Hai saw Li Rui coming, he immediately asked people to put them on the ship's plank. Li Rui and the others rushed the carriage to the ship. As soon as Zhao Hai saw them getting on the ship, Zhao Hai immediately let the ship set sail.

It wasn't until he got out of the pier and officially entered the sea that Charlie got out of the car. As soon as he got there, he smiled at Zhao Hai and said, "You have to be in love, sir. Don't be offended."

Zhao Hai said with a smile: "I don't dare, please, Your Highness." After saying that, he let Charlie into the cabin. The Taoyuan has been modified, and the cabin is no different from an ordinary house. There is also a living room and a dining room.

Charlie was stunned when he saw the situation on the boat. He really didn't expect that there was such a place in this city. After he sat down, Meg and the others immediately gave him Koya, Charlie

After taking a sip of Koya, he smiled and said: "Sir, this boat is really good. I have been on so many boats, and only this boat is the most comfortable to sit on.

Zhao Hai smiled and said: "His Highness boasted that my ship was later changed to this. My ship is full of undead creatures sailing the ship. They don't need to rest, so there is no cabin for the crew. This

That’s how much space was freed up.”

Charlie was stunned for a moment. He really didn't pay attention just now. The ship was actually full of undead creatures. Now when he heard what Zhao Hai said, he couldn't help but be stunned and said: "I see. It seems that sir's level of black magic is very good. I

I thought the people on the boat were ordinary people."

Zhao Hai smiled and said: "These undead creatures on this ship are all the boatmen who came to the ship. It hasn't been long since I got it. Because of the incident with Archduke Ryan some time ago, this ship was finally returned to me.


Charlie was stunned for a moment and said: "Is it because of the matter of Archduke Lane? I think the style of this ship seems to be the style of the Bibo Dynasty, right? Does the matter of Archduke Lane have something to do with the Bibo Dynasty?"

Zhao Hai smiled and said: "It has something to do with it. After Archduke Lane escaped from his fief, he wanted to take this boat to escape, but I was caught and couldn't escape. He died, and this boat

Naturally, it belongs to me."

Charlie's eyes flashed and he said: "Duke Ryan was kidnapped by you? Let me just say, if the Kalchi family had discovered Ryan, they would have executed Ryan long ago, and they would have waited so long before taking action.

, it turns out that it was your husband who did it. I wonder what your current level is?"

Zhao Hai smiled slightly and said: "Eighth level, I am an eighth level magician, haha, I made your highness laugh."

But Charlie laughed loudly and said: "Sir, you are too polite. I have never heard of anyone in mainland China who is as old as him and can reach the eighth level. He is really amazing and talented."

Zhao Hai knew and said: "I don't count this. At least I know that there are some people in the Bright Church whose strength is not inferior to mine, or even better than mine."

Charlie was stunned. This was the first time he heard about this matter. He couldn't help but straighten his face and said: "Can you please tell me in detail, sir? Sir, you should also know that because of what happened some time ago, our Rosen Empire is now with

The Church of Light has made it very unpleasant, and I'm afraid something will happen."

Zhao Hai smiled and said: "Your Highness should also have heard that when I was in the Aksu Empire, I offended the Church of Light and had to flee to the orc grassland. However, I did not expect that the Church of Light would actually send people to the orc grassland to hunt me down. And

I also sent a ninth-level strongman, but unfortunately, they violated the taboo of the orcs by doing this, and were killed by the orc masters on the spot. I turned the ninth-level strongman into a high-level undead creature, and from his

I learned something from my mouth, the Church of Light once carried out an ultimate weapons plan."

Charlie listened to Zhao Hai's words quietly. When he heard Zhao Hai talking about the ultimate weapon plan, his expression changed and he looked at Zhao Hai and said: "The ultimate weapon plan?"

Zhao Hai nodded and said: "Yes, the ultimate weapon plan. This plan is to select some talented children on the mainland, specially train these children from an early age, and also let pharmacists and alchemists make a large number of weapons that can

The purpose of giving them medicine to improve their cultivation is to train these children into level nine experts. These masters are not very old, but they are at least level seven to eight experts, and a few have become level nine experts.

, and some have already died because they couldn't bear the pain of training, most of them died."

Charlie's face was changing. He looked at Zhao Hai and said: "Sir, are you talking about the Church of Light? Haven't they always said that they are servants of the Church of Light and are focused on saving people? Would they do such a thing?"

Zhao Hai smiled bitterly and said: "That's just a pretense they put up. They are servants of the God of Light. They are focused on saving people. It's nonsense. The bad things they do are no less bad than black magicians. I won't hide it from your highness. In fact, the mainland

Many famous black magicians who do evil are actually trained by the Church of Light. They train these black magicians and then let them go to the mainland to do evil and ruin the reputation of black magicians. Then they

Come forward to deal with these black magicians, so that they not only gain reputation, but also achieve the purpose of slandering the black magicians."

Charlie's eyes couldn't help but shrink, and he said in a deep voice: "Sir, are you serious about what you said?"

Zhao Hai smiled and said: "It's absolutely true, Your Highness, do you know why I went straight to the Rosen Empire when I came out of the grassland?"

Charlie was stunned and said: "Isn't it because of the Kalchi family?" Zhao Hai smiled bitterly and said: "That's just one reason. The other reason is that on the entire continent, only the Rosen Empire's Light Church is the weakest. As the Rosen Empire,

The most powerful country in the mainland, the nobles in the country have their own pride, so few of them join the Church of Light, but like other countries, there are many nobles who join the Church of Light. Some kings of principalities are simply members of the Church of Light, Aksu

The Southern King of the Empire is a member of the Guardian Knights of the Church of Light. He has a very high status in the Church of Light, and the same is true in other countries. It is precisely because of this that I came to the Rosen Empire."

Charlie stood up with a cry and stomped around the living room: "How could this happen? How could this happen? If this continues, wouldn't the entire continent become part of the Church of Light? The Church of Light, that's a good idea."

Charlie didn't take the anti-Light Church wave that appeared in the Rosen Empire before seriously. In his opinion, there were only two people in the Rosen Empire, so how could the Church of Light stir up any trouble? Looking at it now, it was not the case at all.

So what happened? Fortunately, they have been suppressing the Church of Light. Otherwise, what would the Rosen Empire be like now? Charlie broke out in cold sweat when he thought of this.

Although the Rosen Empire has been suppressing the Church of Light in recent years, there has been no specific investigation against them. They just believed that the Church of Light would pose a threat to their rule, so they suppressed the Church of Light. Charlie Vann did not expect that

, the Church of Light is actually so strong now.

After turning around for several times, Charlie turned to Zhao Hai and said: "Sir, who else knows this information?"

Zhao Hai smiled and said: "Your Highness, think about it, in the Rosen Empire, which family hates the Church of Light the most and is most afraid of the Church of Light? Of course it is the Kalchi family. They all know these situations, but some of them

I have known about it for a long time, and some of them have just been known to me.”

This chapter has been completed!
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