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Chapter 417 Smith’s Troubles

 Chapter 417 Smith’s Troubles

Back in time a few days ago, Smith was sitting blankly in his study. Phil stood next to him and looked at him heartbroken. Phil knew Smith's mood very well, because just now, Smith received a call from Kalci.

According to a letter from the family, they still have to deal with Zhao Hai, and this time they will dispatch ninth-level experts.

Smith didn't understand why his tribe, which he usually felt were so wise and powerful, could be so stupid when it came to dealing with Zhao Hai, so stupid that it made people think they were in love with a cow.

And because of Smith's words, the family is already somewhat dissatisfied with him, which makes Smith even more headache. He now knows very well that Zhao Hai is no longer alone. There is also Prince Charlie standing behind him, and he heard that Zhao Hai is no longer alone.

Zhao Hai is very valued by Charlie. If someone in their family really kills Zhao Hai this time, it will be equivalent to enmity with Charlie. If Charlie really comes to power, there will be no good results for the Kalchi family.

have eaten.

He also knew that the family did not take Charlie seriously. Charlie was only the third prince, not the eldest prince. Although he had the right to inherit, he had always behaved very low-key. This was the reason why the family did not take Charlie seriously.

But Smith knew that Charlie was not unappreciated. On the contrary, he was valued very much. This was evident from the fact that the old king of the Rosen Empire could leave Yushui City to him.

Although the Rosen Empire royal family is very powerful, there are only a few cities that can truly be called high-income cities, and Yushui City, Deshui City, and Carson City are included.

Carson City, the imperial capital of the empire, the center of the empire, the eldest prince has always lived there, helping the old king with some government affairs. It can be said that the eldest prince has the greatest influence in Carson City.

But Carson City is dominated by dragons and tigers. The power of the eldest prince is only relative to other princes. There are many forces that are more powerful than him in Carson City. Even the Kalchi family in Carson City

His power is not smaller than that of the eldest prince. In addition, it is still under the eyes of the old king. It is difficult for the eldest prince to do anything, so Smith is not very optimistic about the eldest prince.

The second prince controls Chushui City, which is a good place. It is similar to Tianshui City in terms of geographical location. However, Smith is not optimistic about the second prince. This person is too short-sighted. He manages Chushui City just to get money and tries every means to gain access.

In order to make money, many businessmen no longer go to Chushui City to do business. If it were not for the good location, Chushui City would have been dilapidated.

The third prince Charlie is in charge of Yushui City. None of the major forces in the Rosen Empire seem to have paid much attention to this third prince. This in itself makes people feel very strange. The third heir to the most powerful country in the mainland,

It seems that not many people pay attention to it, which is so strange.

This can only show that he usually does things in a low-key manner, very low-key, so no one pays attention to him, but Smith knows that the more such a person is, the more terrifying he is. If you don't pay attention to him, you won't know how many cards he has in his hand.

, such people are the most terrifying.

And this time Zhao Hai was the one who dug him from Chushui City to Yushui City. For this reason, he almost had a conflict with the second prince. For a low-key person, he would rather conflict with the second prince for Zhao Hai. This in itself shows that Zhao Hai

The status in his heart, isn't this enough to attract the family's attention?

But those people in the family seemed to turn a blind eye to these, and did not think about it at all. They only wanted to deal with Zhao Hai. This not only offended the third prince, but also dealt a blow to the reputation of the Kalchi family.


Zhao Hai's identity is now known to everyone on the continent. He is a black magician. Why he came to Tianshui City has been guessed by everyone on the mainland. Because he offended Boric and the Church of Light, he had to

Come to Tianshui City and join the Kalchi family.

Even if other forces on the mainland do not know the existence of the Black Magician Alliance, they also know that the Kalchi family has always been the leader of the black magicians on the mainland, and the reason why those black magicians are willing to join the Black Magician Alliance is because of the alliance.

We can provide them with help and manage the broadband easily.

Under such circumstances, the Kalchi family treats Zhao Hai with this attitude, which is very inappropriate in itself. What do you do to those black magicians? Will they join the alliance? Will they still be the alliance?

Contribute? Even if there are black magicians in trouble in the future, they will not dare to seek refuge in the Kalqi family, because they are afraid that like Zhao Hai, the Kalqi family will take a fancy to the good things in their hands and rob them.

From the perspective of outsiders, this is the situation. Zhao Hai had the Fire Tench in his hand, and the Kalchi family took a fancy to it and wanted to rob it, but Zhao Hai refused to give it away, so this situation occurred.

Outsiders will not care what is going on inside the Kalchi family, but they only know that Zhu Wan is also a member of the Kalchi family. Without the support of the Kalchi family, he would not be able to stop Zhao Hai from robbing things.

This is what Smith is troubled about. The Kalchi family's impression in the minds of black magicians is probably no longer very good. If the trouble continues like this, the black magician alliance may fall apart.

What Smith doesn't understand is that Peter, who knows the most about the Black Magician Alliance, is his eldest brother, should know this, but why doesn't he stop it? Not only doesn't he stop it, he writes to him asking him to help stop it, and he doesn't.

There was no agreement, and this was what puzzled Smith the most.

As Smith's manager, Phil naturally understands what is going on, but he has no good solution now. Smith is only the second heir in the family. There are also patriarchs, elders, and several others around him.

The heir is eying her, and what he can do is really limited.

Phil initially thought that the family would not go too far towards Zhao Hai. After all, the matter itself was the fault of the Kalchi family. It was tantamount to an open robbery, and a magician came to join them. However, he did not expect that the matter would end up like this.

kind of situation.

Zhao Hai has now snatched more than 30 warships from the Kalqi family. Although he did not kill those eighth-level strong men, he crippled all those eighth-level strong ones.

To be honest, when he heard the news, Phil was also very angry. He did not expect that Zhao Hai would be so ruthless. He had to pay for all ten eighth-level experts, but he also knew that Zhao Hai had already

This is to give face to the Kalchi family, otherwise Zhu Wan would have died long ago.

What Phil didn't expect the most was that the family would send a ninth-level expert to deal with Zhao Hai this time. This was really not a wise decision for the family members.

Can a ninth-level strongman move lightly? And it is for this reason to deal with a black magician. If the family wants to ask that ninth-level strongman to take action, I am afraid that it will pay a huge price. The most important thing is to deal with Zhao Hai.

, what will the black magicians in the Black Magician Alliance think? Can they still count on those black magicians to help them in the future?

While Phil was also worrying about this matter, Smith suddenly said to Phil: "Uncle Phil, what do you think those people in the family think? Why do they have to deal with Zhao Hai? The matter has reached this point.

I'm afraid Xiao Wu can't control this situation."

Phil nodded and said: "Exactly, such a big thing as inviting a ninth-level powerhouse is beyond the control of the fifth young master. It seems to be the decision of the clan leader or the Council of Elders, but why did they decide like this? Old servant

I’m also a little confused. Could it be that because of what happened some time ago, they are so confident that Zhao Hai has ruined the family’s face? Doesn’t this seem like the behavior of a clan leader?”

When Smith heard what Phil said, his eyes suddenly lit up and he said, "Uncle Phil, do you think it's because the people in the family are afraid of Zhao Hai?"

Phil was stunned and looked at Smith with confusion and said: "Afraid? What is there to be afraid of Zhao Hai? Even if he is powerful, it is impossible to defeat a ninth-level powerhouse. Why are people in the family afraid of him?"

Smith took a breath and said: "The people in the family are not afraid of Zhao Hai's strength, they are afraid of Zhao Hai's head. Wasn't it Zhao Hai who came up with the method to suppress the Light Church some time ago? They are afraid that if Zhao Hai is right

The black magician Lian Ming knows deeply that he will slowly weaken the family's control over the black magician alliance, so he wants to use this matter to get rid of Zhao Hai and eliminate this hidden danger, and the black magicians are all those who only care about themselves.

People, they don’t care about Zhao Hai’s life and death, that’s why the family dares to make such a decision, because they are not afraid of those black magicians leaving the alliance.”

Phil was stunned for a moment, and then murmured: "Is this the case? Even if those black magicians will not leave the alliance, I am afraid they will not let the alliance know too much about them. This is a very big problem for the alliance.

What a huge blow.”

Smith snorted coldly and said: "I'm afraid it's not just that simple. The idea that Zhao Hai came up with has made the entire empire officially recruit black magicians. The family's influence in the empire is huge. Those who want to learn black magic in the future,

I am afraid that they will all become disciples of the family. Now the family no longer has to worry about the inheritance of the black magician. For them, the black magician alliance is no longer important, so they want to deal with Zhao Hai."

Phil looked at Smith blankly and said, "Is this true? Would the family really do this?" Although he was questioning, in fact, he already recognized Smith's words in his heart. People in the family would really do this.

Maybe he will deal with Zhao Hai for this reason.

Phil has served the Kalchi family all his life. He knows the people in the family very well. Although the Kalchi family is now considered low-key, they have not gotten rid of the aristocratic problems in their hearts, such as greed and greed.

Greed of wealth, greed for power.

A few years ago, due to the suppression of the Church of Light, the Kalchi family was in a weak position. They had to establish the Black Magician Alliance to unite all the black magicians, so they were very good to those black magicians. But before that, Carlci

The Qi family looks down on those black magicians, and there are even some small families that started as black magicians. They were not destroyed by the Church of Light, but by the Kalqi family, in order to keep the Kalqi family.

position in the hearts of black magicians.

This chapter has been completed!
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