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Chapter 476: The ultimate magic potion powder (please subscribe)

 Chapter 476: The ultimate magic potion powder (please subscribe)

After looking around and seeing no one around, Xu Wanying said to Shun Yi: "Shun Yi, what do you think the operation will be like tonight? Will it be successful?"

Shunyi smiled slightly and said: "It will definitely succeed. With Cai'er's help and the addition of those undead creatures, there is a reason why it can't succeed. By the way, the young master said that as long as all the needed medicinal materials are grown recently, they can be given to us.

By raising the level, we will be level eight experts by then."

Xu Wanying chuckled and said: "Just stay with the young master. It doesn't matter what level of power you have. Even if we reach the eighth level, we won't be of much help to the young master unless we can reach the ninth level."

Shunyi sighed and said: "It's so easy to reach level nine. If it could be easy to reach level nine, Manager Green, Grandma Merlin, and Grandpa Kunzheng would have become level nine experts long ago." As he said,

Suddenly Shunyi's expression changed, and then he lowered his voice and said to Xu Wanying: "Wanying, be careful. If there is a situation, I feel murderous intent."

Xu Wanying nodded and said: "I feel it too, please inform the young master immediately." After saying this, Xu Wanying's thoughts moved, and one of his clones immediately appeared in the carriage, and then knocked on the carriage three times.

This is a secret signal. As long as Xu Wanying knocks on the car trunk three times, Cai'er will know that something is happening outside and she will immediately notify Zhao Hai.

Cai'er also discovered that Xu Wanying's clone was knocking on the car. She immediately appeared in the living room and said to Zhao Hai, "Master, Wan Ying is knocking on the car outside. Something may have happened."

Zhao Hai, who was joking with Green and the others, was slightly startled, and immediately said: "What's going on? Turn the monitor out quickly." Cai'er responded and turned the monitor picture out.

Now the monitor screen can monitor farther than before. Fang Yuan ten miles is within the scope of the monitor. As Zhao Hai held the monitor, there were indeed many red dots on it.

These red dots are people. Of course, they are not them, but people ambushing on both sides of the road. Now the ox cart has moved forward quickly to the middle of the ambush circle. Zhao Hai counted the number of people and found that the number of the other party was almost five.

About a hundred, and they are all masters, usually six or seven level masters, and there are dozens of eight level masters. These people are all wearing armor and holding various weapons in their hands. The most important thing is,

These people actually controlled more than 20 bed slaves.

Bed slaves are impossible to use without being installed and fixed. It seems that these people have been equipped for a long time and have been lying in wait here for at least several hours.

Zhao Hai moved and appeared in the carriage. He told Shunyi and Xu Wanying what he saw and asked them to get ready. After a while, he said "dodge" and the two people immediately lay down on the ground and did not move. The remaining

The matter was left to him.

Naturally, the two of them didn't say anything. They knew very well how powerful Zhao Hai was, so they immediately responded and concentrated their attention at the same time.

Zhao Hai did not return to space, but sat in the carriage and looked at the people on the screen on the monitor. He found that among these people, there was a bearded man who was the conductor. He was sitting in front of a bed slave.

, raised his hands high, staring at his bullock cart without blinking, and the arrow on his bed was a loud arrow.

As soon as he saw this loud arrow, Zhao Hai knew that he was the boss. At the same time, he also paid attention to the other bed slaves. When he saw those bed slaves, Zhao Hai immediately discovered the problem. The arrow shafts of those bed slaves were all tied with arrows.

A small black jar, I don't know what it is for.

If this were ancient times on earth, Zhao Hai would be the first to guess that there might be explosives there. Unfortunately, this is Ark Continent and there are no explosives here. Zhao Hai really couldn't figure out what was in the jar.

However, Zhao Hai was sure that it was definitely not a good thing, and he found that the bearded man was about to give an order. Zhao Hai immediately shouted: "Flash!" Almost at the same time as his words, the bearded man's order came out.

The bearded man waved his hand down and said loudly: "Let go!" The more than 20 slaves on the bed fired it, and Zhao Hai had already entered the space in a flash, and Shun Yi and Xu Wanying also lay on the ground.

At this time, Zhao Hai's car had also been smashed by those bed slaves.

Zhao Hai didn't care so much. He immediately released a large number of undead creatures, forming a larger encirclement around those people. At the same time, a large number of undead creatures were also released on the carriage.

However, Zhao Hai sat in the space and kept looking at the bearded man. He knew that the bearded man was the commander, so he must know which force asked them to ambush here and prepare to deal with him.

As soon as he noticed the bearded man, Zhao Hai realized that when those undead creatures appeared, the bearded man seemed to be stupid and murmured: "Impossible, this is impossible, that is obviously the magic powder.

, why can he still use magic? Why?"

Zhao Hai was stunned for a moment, and then his expression changed, because the magic powder in the bearded man's mouth was really famous on the mainland. Because of this powder, a large-scale mage rebellion took place here in Ark Continent.

The magic powder, as the name suggests, is a powder that can isolate magic. This powder has no effect on ordinary people and has no impact on martial arts. They only target magicians.

Sprinkle this magic potion powder around a magician, and the magician's magic consumption will increase exponentially. Normally, he can release ten magics. If he is surrounded by the magic potion powder, it is good to be able to use only one magic.

In the past, it was a major weapon used by people to deal with magicians.

This kind of medicinal powder was made by a genius alchemist. Most alchemists are magicians. This alchemist holds the titles of two masters of alchemy and alchemy but is not a magician. Not only is he not a magician,

He also has a huge hatred for magicians.

When this alchemy genius was young, he wanted to learn magic, but after testing, he had no talent for magic and could not learn magic. Not to mention, one night, the magician who tested him ran to his house and asked him

Everyone in the family was killed. He hid in a secret passage in his house and evaded the pursuit.

Later, after many years of investigation, this genius found out that he was not without magic talent. On the contrary, his magic talent was quite high. However, a family that was hostile to his family spent a lot of money to bribe the magician who gave him the test.

, he was betrayed as having no magic talent, and then the magician took a fancy to their family's money and came to kill and rob him. At that time, their family was just a businessman family with some fame but no background.

Without any masters in the battle, how could they possibly block the magician's attack? The whole family was killed.

In order to take revenge, this genius did not learn magic. On the contrary, he believed that magicians were a dangerous profession that should not exist. He wanted to eliminate all magicians, so he became an alchemist and later learned how to make alchemists.


After more than thirty years of unremitting efforts, he finally succeeded in producing a medicinal powder that can isolate the magician from the surrounding magical elements, forming a small and extremely magical environment, so that the magician can't

There is no way to use magic multiple times, and there is no way to use powerful magic together.

Everyone on the mainland knows that magicians major in spiritual power. Through the practice of spiritual power, they communicate with the magic elements around them, and then use these magic elements to cast powerful magic, just like a general.

, just like commanding soldiers to fight, but this kind of powder just cuts off the way for the magician to communicate with the magic elements, turning the magician into a bare general who only has mental power but cannot command the magic elements. In this case

, except for the small amount of magic elements that exist in the body when practicing, the magician has no way to command other magic elements, and the magician who has lost his magic can only wait for death.

The invention of this medicine has attracted the attention of all magicians on the continent, and major visionaries on the continent have also begun to pay attention to this matter. Some families have even begun to use this powder to deal with magicians. Suddenly, the entire continent

All the magicians felt panic.

For this medicine powder, all the magicians on the continent united for the first time and began to hunt down the genius. In the end, the genius was killed by the magician. Then all the magicians united to put pressure on all the nobles and forces on the continent.

In the end, this kind of medicinal powder became a banned drug and was absolutely banned, and all magicians also reached an agreement. If anyone is found using this magic potion, they will be hunted down to the end.

Zhao Hai read about this incident in a mainland history book. This incident happened three thousand years ago. Since then, no one has ever heard of anyone using or making this kind of medicinal powder, because it was simply a matter of death.


But he didn't expect that here today, Zhao Hai would actually hear the name Absolute Magic Potion Powder. This would definitely be a big event that would change the situation of the entire continent.

The person who wanted to deal with Zhao Hai did not expect that Zhao Hai's magic was different. His magic was used through space and was not affected by these powders at all.

How could those who came to attack Zhao Hai have imagined that Zhao Hai's magic was not affected by the magic powder? Moreover, Zhao Hai had discovered them long ago, so it was too late for them to run away. A large number of people rushed up from behind them.

The undead creatures immediately surrounded them, and within half an hour, all of them were killed.

Zhao Hai used wind magic to collect the magic potion powder scattered around his oxcart, and planned to tell Lando and others about the matter after returning and let them deal with it.

Zhao Hai is very clear that the emergence of this matter is definitely a big event. It is not only related to the black magicians, but also related to all the magicians on the mainland. And his influence is far from being able to handle this matter.

It's up to Lando and the others alone. With the influence of the Kalchi family, it shouldn't be a problem to deal with this matter.

After dealing with the magic potion powder, Zhao Hai immediately turned those who came to attack him into undead creatures. The leader among them turned into a high-level undead creature. Zhao Hai also knew from that person's mouth that today

The people who came to deal with him were members of the Robert family. As for the magic powder from Robert's family, he didn't know.

Now that Zhao Hai's bullock cart has been destroyed and there is no way to sit on it, Zhao Hai released the alien and walked towards the Dark Soldier Fortress. The alien's speed was much faster than the giant-horned bull, and soon they arrived at the Dark Soldier.

Under the fort, in order not to cause misunderstanding, Zhao Hai and the others got out of Yi Biao's body when they were still some distance away from Anbing Mountain, and slowly walked to the intersection at the corner of Anbing Mountain.

After explaining to the servant guarding the intersection, Zhao Hai and the others took the Alien up to the Dark Soldier Mountain, and soon arrived in front of the Dark Soldier Fortress. After Zhao Hai came out of the Alien's body and put away the Alien, they discovered that,

Lando and Smith were all outside the castle.

Zhao Hai and the others immediately went up to salute them. Lando nodded and said to Zhao Hai: "Who is there? Are you okay?"

Zhao Hai nodded and said: "It's okay, let grandpa worry, let's go into the castle and talk." As soon as Lando saw Zhao Hai's look, he knew that Zhao Hai must have something important to say, and immediately nodded,

He led Zhao Hai and the others into the castle and sat down in the main living room of the main castle. In addition to Smith, all the prominent figures in the Kalchi family were present, except Zhu Wan.

After everyone was seated, Lando said to Zhao Hai: "Okay Xiao Hai, let's talk about who is going to deal with you."

Zhao Hai nodded and said: "It's grandpa. The people who came to deal with me today are from the Robert family. They sent more than 500 people to ambush me halfway to deal with me. My car was hit by that when they attacked.


When Lando heard that it was the Robert family, he couldn't help but snorted. When Zhao Hai saw his appearance, he took out an animal skin bag, put it on the ground and said to Lando: "Grandpa, the Robert family is dealing with me.

In the process, I used magic potion powder, and this bag contains some of the magic potion powder I collected."

Sure enough, as Zhao Hai thought, when Zhao Hai said that the bag contained magic potion powder, everyone in the room was thrown into confusion. Everyone unconsciously took two steps back, like

He looked at the bag like a savage beast.

The Kalchi family is called a family of black magicians. Almost all the people in their family are magicians and all learn magic. Even if they do not learn black magic, they will learn other magics. Therefore, the magic powder is very useful to the people in the house.

It is definitely the most deadly threat.

Lando's expression also changed, but after all, he was the head of the family and was used to big scenes. He did not move, but his expression changed a little. Then he looked at the bag and said: "This bag contains the ultimate magic potion powder."


Zhao Hai nodded and said: "Yes, this bag contains magic potion powder, and I turned the leader who attacked me into a high-level undead creature. I learned from his mouth that the person who attacked me

He is a member of the Robert family, so he must be right."

This chapter has been completed!
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