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Chapter 618: Blood boiling

 Li Wanshan sat quietly in his study, holding a jade slip in his hand. It has been ten days since Zhao Hai left the Jianwu branch. He has been busy these ten days.

, busy sending away some former disciples and elders of the Sword Dance Sect, busy welcoming some new disciples, busy understanding the operating mode of the Exploring Sea Sect, busy understanding how to reform the Sword Dance Sect...,

At first, Li Wanshan really didn't take this matter seriously. He thought that the reforms Zhao Hai mentioned were nothing more than some means of evading him, and nothing more than a way to let others share his power. In the entire Sword Spirit

In the world, all sects are like this. He doesn't believe that Tanhai Sect will be any different.

But when he really understood the operation mode of Tanhai Sect, he was shocked. He never thought that the operation mode of Tanhai Sect would be like that. It was completely different from their operation mode and so rigorous.

, but so free.

After understanding the operation mode of the Sea Exploration Sect, Li Wanshan suddenly understood why the Sea Exploration Sect could suddenly emerge in the Sword Spirit World. Before the Sword Spirit World was in chaos, they could develop and grow. Even many established large sects,

They are no match for them, just because their operating mode is too advanced.

Li Wanshan really didn't know what to say. Now Zhao Hai still gives him a lot of power. The decentralization of power that he was worried about has not happened. He is indeed responsible for the entire Sword Dance branch, including reform.

He is responsible for everything. It can be said that he is now the most powerful person in the Sword Dance branch.

But after he understood the operation mode of the Haitan Sect, he was no longer happy at all. He didn't need to test it to know that the management method of the Haitan Sect was much more advanced than the management method here in the Sword Spirit World.

, he is very clear that if it is really managed like this, then the strength of Tanhai Sect will definitely become very powerful.

But he was worried that he could not do well, he was worried that he could not manage well. If he could not manage well, then he would be embarrassed. Moreover, he would miss the opportunity to explore Haizong.

Fortunately, Zhao Hai sent a lot of helpers to help him. These people had no intention of competing with him for power. They just wanted to do the things they were doing well. It was only when Li Wanshan chatted with them that he learned that these people

They were transferred from other branches. After he gets on the right track, these people will still be transferred back. It can be said that these masters are here to help temporarily. In the future, the Sword Dance Sect will still be handed over to him.

To be honest, Li Wanshan was a little touched. He really didn't expect that Zhao Hai would be so relieved to leave all these matters to him. Strictly speaking, they were enemies before, but now Zhao Hai

But such a large place was handed over to him, a man who had just surrendered. How could he not be surprised?

Thinking of this, Li Wanshan couldn't help but smile bitterly. He had not had much contact with Zhao Hai before. He only heard people say that Zhao Hai's methods were powerful, but he had never really experienced them. After all, even when they were fighting, he was

He never went to the front line, so he never had a personal experience of how powerful Zhao Hai was.

But now he realized that Zhao Hai was so powerful. If nothing else, just trusting him made him work for Haizong with all his heart.

But not everyone can make such a decision. He is a person who has just surrendered. The other party can trust him so much. This is my biggest pressure. Such a person is really amazing.

Some people say that if you have a mind as big as the sea, you can do the same things as the sea. If he were replaced with Zhao Hai, he would never be able to make the same decision as Zhao Hai.

At this moment, a voice came from outside the door and said: "Master, are you there? I have something to discuss with you."

As soon as Li Wanshan heard this voice, he knew that this was one of the people sent by Zhao Hai to help him. He quickly said: "Elder Gao, please come in quickly." Following his voice, the person outside the door responded,

Then he opened the door and walked in.

This elder Gao is called Gao Yunfeng, an elder of the Tanhai Sect. He was born in a small sect in the Tanhai Sect, and later became an elder in the Tanhai Sect. His strength is not very strong, but

But his ability to do things is very strong. The most important thing is that he works very seriously and is very valued by Zhao Hai. This time he was sent by Zhao Hai to help Li Wanshan reform the sword dance branch. After a while, he was still

Will be transferred.

After Gao Yunfeng entered the room, he saluted Li Wanshan and said, "Master."

Li Wanshan smiled and said: "Elder Gao, there's no need to be so polite. Come and sit down quickly. What's the matter with this visit?"

Gao Yunfeng saluted Li Wanshan and said: "Thank you, Hall Master." Then he sat down and said, "Hall Master, the main thing is the improvement of the magic circle and the establishment of files in our Sword Dance branch.

The improvement of the magic circle will be carried out soon. This requires your personal cooperation, Hall Master. As for the establishment of the file, you also need your intervention, because there are many disciples of the original Sword Dance Sect who are interested in the establishment of this file.

There is a lot of resentment. They feel that if their cultivation is known to others, and they know it so well, it will be a huge threat to them in the future. This requires you, the hall master, to come forward and explain it to everyone. You are here today.

Those two things.”

Li Wanshan nodded and said: "I understand. You can rest assured about these two matters. Leave them to me. I will take care of them. I have already prepared the improvement of the magic circle. The drawings of the magic circle are waiting for you.

When the people from the Dharma Formation Hall come, give it to them. As for the establishment of files, I will tell those disciples specifically about this. I will also ask other disciples to talk to them. I believe this will not be a big problem.


Gao Yunfeng nodded, and then said in a deep voice: "Hall Master, there is one more thing. The sect leader wants you to help find out what the opinions of the other sects in the Sword Cultivator Alliance are, and whether they want to maintain the status quo.

, they still want to merge into our sea exploration sect. If they also want to half-incorporate into our sea exploration sect, that would be a great thing for us."

Li Wanshan thought for a while and said in a deep voice: "Looking at their appearance, I'm afraid it will be difficult for them to agree to merge into our Exploration Sect. Otherwise, they would have taken action long ago, but I will ask."

Gao Yunfeng nodded and said: "This is the intention of the sect leader. The sect leader just asked you to help ask, and did not mean to force them. The sect leader made it very clear. If they want to join the sea exploration sect, we welcome them.

If they don't want to join the Tanhai Sect, then we won't do anything to them. How can we cooperate with Tongzai and how we will cooperate in the future? So he just wants to test it out and don't persuade them too much, which will make them think that we are

You have to force them to make a choice.”

Li Wanshan smiled and said: "Don't worry, I know this well. Elder Gao, are you really going to leave after a while? Now I have just gotten started with the rules of our sect. If you leave, what will happen to me here?"


Gao Yunfeng smiled and said: "Don't worry, Hall Master Li. The sect will definitely help you solve this problem. Don't we each bring a few deputies? We just want them to learn from us how to deal with this matter, so

You don’t have to think too much, even if we leave, there will be someone to help you.”

Li Wanshan smiled bitterly and said: "They just told you, but I'm still a little worried. I've watched it for a while, and I'd better tell the sect leader. If it doesn't work, I can transfer them and keep you here. In this way, our sword dance

Only here in the branch hall can we get on the right track quickly."

Gao Yunfeng said with a smile: "If you really decide this, you can make a report to the sect. If the sect leader thinks this is okay, I think he will agree to you, but you also know that in recent times, our investigation

Haizong is expanding very fast, and many places are short of people, so the sect leader may not necessarily let us stay. After all, this time the sect took down the sects of the Sword Cultivator Alliance, but not many people were left in those territories.

It also needs someone to manage it. People like us will be sent there if something goes wrong."

Li Wanshan sighed and said: "I have to give it a try no matter what. By the way, when will the people from the sect's magic formation hall come? The current magic formation here in the Sword Dance branch is still our previous magic formation. If it really

If something happens, this magic circle may not be enough, right?"

"It's not quite enough, but I think the people from the Fantastic Formation Hall are about to arrive. After the sites were taken down, they were very busy, and they are almost as busy now. It's a pity that the sites in these branch halls are not available.

If they are all connected together, then our Haizong no longer has to worry about anyone."

"Take your time, I believe we will connect all these territories sooner or later. Neither the Ten Thousand Buddhas Temple nor the Tiandao Sect can stop us, but the Demon Sword Sect is a scourge, and the Holy Sect is also very powerful.

, I’m afraid it won’t be that easy to deal with them.”

"There is no need to worry about the Demon Sword Guard and the Evil Ghost Sect. The sect wants to deal with them and has already dealt with them. However, they cannot be destroyed now. It is still useful for the sect leader to keep them. As for the matter of the Holy Sect

, is the most difficult to deal with, because we have very little information about the sect, so this is the most troublesome."

"The matter of the Holy Sect is indeed troublesome, but is the sect leader really sure of dealing with the Demon Sword Sect and the Evil Ghost Sect? The Demon Sword Sect's home base is not here in the Sword Spirit World. I heard it is in a secret realm. We want to deal with it.

The Demon Sword Sect should be the most difficult, right? It’s even more troublesome than dealing with the Holy Sect. After all, we all know the secret realm where the Holy Sect is located, but we don’t know where the main hall of the Demon Sword Sect is.”

"The Demon Sword Sect is indeed a trouble, but they made a mistake. They came out of the secret realm. They have now transferred most of the power in the sect outside the sect. For them,

This is a good thing and a bad thing. The good thing is that they can develop better in the Sword Spirit World, but the bad thing is that as long as their people in the Sword Spirit World are dealt with, their vitality will be severely damaged.

I'm afraid they won't be able to make waves in the Sword Spirit World, so they don't need to worry too much."

"So that's it. It seems that the sect master has already thought of dealing with them, so I'm relieved. But why has the sect master kept them? Don't they have a big grudge against our sea-exploring sect?"

Gao Yunfeng glanced at Li Wanshan, smiled slightly and said: "They have a big hatred against us, but at the same time, they also have ambitions. If they want to get the entire Sword Spirit World, then the enemies they need to deal with are not just us, but also

There are others, do you understand?"

Li Wanshan was originally the leader of a sect, and he was not a fool, so when he heard what Gao Yunfeng said, he was stunned for a moment, and then he immediately understood what Gao Yunfeng meant. Gao Yunfeng's meaning was very clear. The Demon Sword Sect and the Evil Ghost Sect,

If they want to unify the Sword Spirit World, they have to face not only the Tanhai Sect, but also the Tiandao Sect of the Ten Thousand Buddhas Temple. The Tanhai Sect is an ally of the Ten Thousand Buddhas Temple and the Tiandao Sect, but their three sect leaders,

Now it is also a competitive relationship. If Tanhai Sect wants to overwhelm Wanfo Temple or Tiandao Sect, they need to deal with them. However, because they are allies, Tanhai Sect cannot take action, so they can only let them

Someone else has come to take action, and there is no one more suitable than the Demon Sword Sect and the Evil Ghost Sect.

The best thing is that whether it is the Demon Sword Sect or the Evil Ghost Sect, they all took action for their own purposes. It was not the Tanhai Sect who asked them to do it. It can be said that this matter has nothing to do with the Tanhai Sect.

Relationship, what the Exploration Sect has to do is just wait, wait for the Demon Sword Sect and the Evil Ghost Sect to take action. They don't want to take any action at all.

When he thought of this, Li Wanshan couldn't help but let out a sigh of relief. He looked at Gao Yunfeng and said in a deep voice: "Elder Gao, is this what the sect master meant? Then can I know? What is the sect master's ultimate goal?"

Gao Yunfeng looked at Li Wanshan and smiled slightly: "What is the purpose of the sect master? This is actually very simple. It is the same as the purpose of the Demon Sword Sect. Do you understand?"

Understood, Li Wanshan understood completely. He felt that the blood in his whole body seemed to heat up all of a sudden, and it was getting hotter and hotter. It was already unbearable for him. He never thought that Zhao Hai's ambition would actually

So big, he looked at Gao Yunfeng and said: "Elder Gao, do you think this idea of ​​the sect leader can be realized?"

Gao Yunfeng's face straightened up and he said in a deep voice: "Yes, of course he can. He is the master of our sea-exploring sect. Their idea can definitely be realized. He can turn a small Sword Yu sect into a powerful one in a few years."

He has become one of the giants who now dominate the Sword Spirit world. There is nothing else he can't do, so I believe he will be able to realize his wish. We just need to follow him, as long as we follow him unswervingly.

If he leaves, sooner or later, we can reach the top of the sword spirit world!"

Li Wanshan looked at Gao Yunfeng, and he already felt his blood boiling. He didn't know how many years he had not felt like this, but today he really felt that the blood all over his body was burning. But unlike him, Gao Yunfeng

He seemed very calm, but in this calmness, there was also determination, an incomparable determination. He firmly believed that they could follow Zhao Hai to the top, and his attitude really made Li Wanshan's blood boil! (To be completed.)


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