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Chapter 504: The Majidel family changes ownership (please subscribe)

 Chapter 504: The Majidel family changes hands (please subscribe)

Zhao Hai's wedding is over, but the sensation he caused has not. This time, too many new things appeared and too many things happened at Zhao Hai's wedding, which is enough for people on the mainland to digest for a while.

At the same time, as soon as Zhao Hai's wedding was over, the Rosen Empire immediately announced that the Church of Light was an illegal organization in the Rosen Empire, and any discovery or report would be heavily rewarded. The Aksu Empire wants to do something unruly to the Rosen Empire, and from now on

Since then, they have severed diplomatic relations with the Aksu Empire. The Majidel family wants to do evil to the nobles of the Aksu Empire. From now on, the Majidel family will be declared as wanted criminals!

Zhao Hai was also very surprised by the Rosen Empire's reaction. However, he had been immersed in the land of gentleness for the past few days and had not yet paid attention to matters on the mainland.

For a week on one side, Zhao Haiyou has been living in the Flower Castle. Originally, Zhao Hai wanted Cai'er to keep the Flower Castle, but Laura and the others refused to agree, and in the end the Flower Castle was retained.

Come down.

Zhao Hai and Laura were sitting in the living room. Laura and the others were a little more like young women, and they were also sitting in the living room with Zhao Hai. Green, Merlin, Kunzheng and Karen were also sitting in the living room.


Zhao Hai glanced at Laura and Karen, and said in a deep voice: "Laura, father-in-law, this time the Majidel family came to make trouble at my wedding, which made our Buda family very embarrassed. I want to deal with them.


Neither Green nor Merlin spoke. The decision on this matter rests with Karen and Laura. In any case, they are also members of the Majidel family. If they say they want to deal with the Majidel family, Zhao Hai will not

To be polite, if they let Zhao Hai let go of the Markidel family, Zhao Hai will not deal with the Markidel family. This can be regarded as an explanation to Laura and Karen.

Karen snorted coldly and said: "What's there to say? Deal with him. Do you think we are still members of the Machidele family? From the moment we entered the Principality of Versailles, we are no longer from the Machidele family.

Damn it, they actually want to ruin Laura’s wedding, I won’t spare them in my life.”

Laura also said with a cold face: "Brother Hai, don't be polite. Don't worry about us. Deal with them. If you don't deal with them, people on the mainland will think that our Buda family is easy to bully."

Zhao Hai looked at Laura and Karen, smiled slightly and said: "Laura, father-in-law, if you say that, then I won't be polite."

Kelun said coldly: "Why are you so polite? I don't have the strength. If I had the strength, I would have avenged my mother's revenge long ago. It's better for you to do it now."

Zhao Hai smiled slightly and said: "Then I know what to do. Father-in-law, do you think we snatch everything from the Majidel family and let Laura be the head of the family?"

Karen was stunned for a moment, then suddenly smiled and said: "Okay, this is a great idea. The reason why the Markidel family is what it is today is all because of my mother. Now she has handed the Markidel family into Laura's hands.

That’s too good to be true, okay, let’s do it.”

Zhao Hai laughed loudly, turned to Laura and said: "Laura, my female family leader, from now on the Makidel family will depend on you. The Makidel family can be a large business family spanning half of the continent. From now on,

How you manage it is up to you."

Laura smiled slightly and said: "What? Are you still worried that I can't manage it well? I have the support of the Buda family. I don't believe there is any family on this continent who dares to mess with me."

When Zhao Hai heard what Laura said, he couldn't help but laugh, and several people immediately entered the space. Zhao Hai asked Laura and Kelen to tell Zhao Hai the location of the Majidel family, and then they were ready to take action.

However, there is currently no map of the entire continent in the space, so Zhao Hai immediately released the flying eagle, and asked the flying eagle to bring the evil spirit staff to receive the map of the entire continent into the space.

Now Li Ji already knows about the existence of space. On their wedding night, Zhao Hai brought Li Ji to the space and told her about the space. Then the two of them slept in the same room, so Li Ji was not surprised when she came to the space.

It took Feiying another five days to put the map of the entire continent into space. Of course, this entire continent refers to the continent where humans live, where dwarves live, where elves live, and where the orc grasslands are.

They haven't fully absorbed the space, and they don't have that much time.

After receiving all the maps of the human race into the space, Zhao Hai immediately asked Laura and Karen to mark out the shops belonging to the Markidel family and the shops related to the Markidel family in the space, and then prepared


But at this time, Zhao Hai also discovered a benefit of space. As long as Laura and Kelen tell Cai'er the badges of the Markidel family's shops and the badges of the noble shops related to the Markidel family, Cai'er can give them to Cai'er.

Those shops are directly marked on the map. This is also an ability of Cai'er after upgrading. Zhao Hai really appreciates Cai'er's ability. With this ability, they can save a lot of things.

Karen finally told Zhao Hai that because the Majidel family has offended too many people over the years, the location of their family headquarters has been changed several times, and some of them are fake, but only one is real, and this real one

Only a few people know about this place, and unfortunately, Karen is one of them.

The reason why Karen knew that place was because of a coincidence. One time his father talked to his stepmother and revealed the place. And that place was none other than the headquarters of Karen's mother's family.

Naturally, after Karen's mother's home was occupied by the Majidel family, the Majidel family secretly built a new headquarters at the headquarters of Karen's mother's family.

This headquarters was built secretly. Not many people knew about it. It was not said to the outside world that it was the headquarters of the Majidel clan. Instead, it was said that it was the headquarters of a small noble family. No one would notice that it was actually the headquarters of the Majidel family.

The real headquarters of the Del family.

Karen told the location of the family, and Cai'er immediately marked it on the map. After monitoring by the monitor, they discovered that the secret headquarters of the Majidel family was not just a headquarters.

Still a yellow house!

A house made of gold. The wall tiles and floor tiles are made of gold covered with mud. This is so that if one day the Majidel family is killed, future generations can use the money to make a fortune. But unfortunately,

This situation could not be hidden from the monitor.

Soon, Zhao Hai and the others formulated an attack plan for this time, just like they did against the Robert family, so no one of the owners of the Markidel family would be spared, and no one of the Markidel family's shops would be spared.

Of course, Zhao Hai, the man in the shop, did not want to kill them, but just controlled them. After Laura took over the entire Majidel family, if those shop owners surrendered, it would be easy to say, but if they don't surrender, they will die!

On the third day after Zhao Hai and the others formulated this plan, Zhao Hai and the others took action. This time Zhao Hai and the others were not polite at all. The Majidel family had been causing trouble for them for more than a day or two. Laura and

Karen only hates and has no feelings for the Majidel family. Will Zhao Hai still be polite?

One night, all the direct and collateral relatives of the Machidele family were eliminated on the mainland. Now there is only one heir of the Machidele family, Karen.

The thunderous blow of the Buda family surprised all the big families on the mainland. At the same time that Zhao Hai destroyed the Majidel family, Karen stepped forward and took over the chief of the Majidel family and announced his opposition.

Takeover of all the property of the Majidel family.

And just as Zhao Hai had thought before, some of the shop owners of the Majidel family surrendered directly, while some had other plans. Zhao Hai was not polite. Those who had other plans, Zhao Hai simply dismissed them.

After destroying them, there is no longer any objection.

This was not a reaction. After eliminating all objections, Karen immediately announced that he would resign as the patriarch of the Majidel family and pass the position of patriarch of the family to Laura.

People on the mainland had long expected that such a day would come, but they did not expect that it would come so quickly, and that the Majidel family would fall into the hands of the Buda family in such a short period of time.

But no one on the mainland dared to say anything, firstly because Laura and Karen were indeed the heirs of the Majidel family, and secondly because of the strength of the Buda family.

Now no big family in the mainland dares to underestimate the Buda family, because the strength displayed by the Buda family is really strong.

After Laura took over the Majidel family, she immediately announced that the Majidel family would give up about 20% of its stores. The locations of these stores are all within the Aksu Empire. This has greatly affected the economy of the Aksu Empire.

was severely hit.

Laura then gave up 10% of the stores. These 10% of the stores were stores in several major countries besides the Rosen Empire, causing certain losses to the economies of those two countries.

Although the Markidel family has now given up 30% of their stores, they still have 70% of their stores in operation. At the same time, Laura also used this opportunity to gain some control and bring down the store managers of the Markidel family.

heart, received into his own hands, truly turning the Majidel family into a fist.

After Zhao Hai dealt with the Majidel family, the Rosen Empire publicized that it had lifted the wanted order against the Majidel family, but their attack on the Aksu Empire did not relax.

The Rosen Kingdom has spent a lot of money this time, so all the passages to the Aksu Empire are blocked, whether they are on land or in the water, whether they are honest or smuggled, all are blocked.

The nobles of the Rosen Empire are also united as never before, because they know very well that this time the goals of the Machidel family and the Aksu Empire include almost 80% of the nobles of the Rosen Empire. How can those nobles let go?

Aksu Empire.

Now in the Life Passage Canyon, the armies of the Aksu Empire and the Rosen Empire have had a small-scale conflict, and the navy on the Golden Island on the sea has all been dispatched, not allowing any ship to enter the territorial waters of the Aksu Empire.

The Aksu Empire has been plunged into an unprecedented crisis.

The Rosen Empire, the continent's most powerful country, is no joke. When he really gets serious and everyone works together, the power he unleashes is astonishing. Although doing so will give Rosen the

The nobles of the empire brought some losses, but they were willing to do so. They wanted to teach the Aksu Empire a lesson they would never forget.

In comparison, the business on Golden Island is very good. There are many pirates who take this opportunity to rob in the waters of Aksu Empire, and the things they robbed are sold on Golden Island.

This time, business on Golden Island is naturally better.

In fact, Zhao Hai also understood that it was impossible to make the Aksu Empire completely unable to buy anything. Some of those pirates really stole things from the Aksu Empire, and some of them simply cooperated with the merchants of the Aksu Empire.

After the transaction, it was taken to the Golden Island for trading.

However, Zhao Hai turned a blind eye to this situation. As long as those who did not go too far, Zhao Hai would let them go. However, Zhao Hai had also thought about it. If someone really talked to Aksu

If there were large-scale transactions in the empire, he would send his own troops to sink those people's ships and seize their things. After several times, those merchants finally became honest.

Now in the waters of Aksu Emperor and Rosen Empire, there are really not many things that can be hidden from Zhao Hai. He has released a lot of marine monsters into the sea. These monsters have no other purpose than to monitor those ships, so Zhao Hai only

Dare to deal with those ships that go too far, because he fully understands the details of those guys.

The Aksu Empire regrets now. They regret how they treated the Buda family. They regret getting involved in the matter of the Church of Light. They regret even more that they got involved in dealing with the Buda family.

The Southern King Boric, after being hit by these events, has become much more honest. Many nobles who have been with him have left him, because in the eyes of those nobles, Boric has no hope.

Well, he actually offended such a powerful family as the Buda family. It would be a matter of time before he was destroyed, and they didn't want to be buried with him.

Now everyone on the entire continent knows about the strength of the Buda family, and no one wants to offend the Buda family, because the strength of the Buda family is really too strong. They can actually destroy nine people with their own strength.

A ninth-level expert, if anyone dares to underestimate the Buda family under such circumstances, they are seeking death.

There are more and more people going to do business on Golden Island, but the order there is getting better and better. No one dares to make trouble on Golden Island. People who do business on Golden Island are just for money. They can

I don't want to lose my head because I offended the Buda family.

It took nearly a month, and both the Machidel family and the Golden Island were completely on track. Zhao Hai's trip to the orc grassland was also mentioned on the agenda.

This chapter has been completed!
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